3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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rschroed 10-02-2010 11:56 AM

Whew. That was an awful week; I slept last night for eleven hours, and I feel like I could do the same thing tonight.

Scale this morning said 155.8--lowest that I can remember--which is also exciting since I hadn't seen 156.0 again since I got there on September 16th! Today is my first downward movement in two whole weeks.

Sorry you were feeling like this was an echo chamber, Stephanie... I hope everyone comes back, too. Meanwhile, we'll keep truckin'.

caseygail21 10-02-2010 12:31 PM

I'm here! I was back up to 159 on Thursday. But at least it didn't say 160! I started the 30 day shred yesterday and TOM will be out of the way next weigh in, so I'm hoping to see a drop next week.

shasha12 10-02-2010 12:42 PM

hi everyone! sorry i've been mia, busy busy in my world. Down to 149 for the 2nd day in a row, AND my muscles are way sore from yesterday, AND I ate out last night, so i'm calling it real!! I've buckled down since my last post and begun measuring and recording my calories again, and magically, the scale is cooperating. My bod's finally adjusting to the 1500ish calories I'm giving it, and hopefully it's only downward from here. I'm excited to see a loss, any loss, but a whole pound in week is fantastic, esp considering it had taken me 2 months to lose 3lbs!

Stephanie, congrats on getting yourself back on the losing track! such a sense of accomplishment, eh?? :hug:

Pint Sized Terror 10-02-2010 01:12 PM

Hi! I'm 28 years old and I've been stuck in the 140s and 150s for over a year. I'm REALLY looking forward to getting out of them!

I have a really hard time just jumping in and posting, but I realize that's the only way to stay active here, LOL!

I need to sit down and figure out some mini goals. :)

khat 10-03-2010 06:21 AM

Hi everyone.
I think I'll join you because I am also stuck here and I need some motivation. I've been doing this for over a year now and it really has become my lifestyle and I have no problem living like this, I actually quite like it. Sometimes I give myself treats, I try some cake my friend made so I don't hurt her feelings or I go out and get half a pizza or whatever. It happens rarely and it doesn't effect my weight loss or at least it shouldnt. I am vegetarian, also no eggs and milk, sometimes I eat cheese or yogurt, I eat A LOT of veggies and fruit, some grains, beans and soy products. I don't count calories, I eat till I'm full and when I'm hungry. In the last year I lost 20 pounds but the pills (steroids) I have to take are keeping me from getting to where I want to be. I started an aerobics program and hopefully this will kick-start my weight loss again. I exercised regulary before but maybe I need something new and with this I really feel like I worked my *** off, I am totally wiped after it.
Do any of you have things working aginst them, like medication or medical problem? It's really frustrating but I don't force myself, I just take it on day at a time and try not to overexercise or eat too little. I guess my body will find it's balance but I guess it needs more time than normal bodies.
I would love to be out of the 140's until NYE..

StephanieM 10-03-2010 09:11 AM

My whole body seems to be working against me! I stalled my weight for a month, and it's stalled before many many times. It was at the point I was losing very little.

I changed my exercise to include mostly weight lifting and it makes a HUGE difference in weight loss as well as body composition. It helped me get past a stall, and it was shaping my body in a truly positive way. The second thing I did was change my diet, I was calorie counting but was having trouble coming up with a nutritional plan with enough protein to help my weight lifting efforts. I'm on a new plan now (it can be done by vegetarians) and I'm finally losing at a normal rate! I've only been on it a week but I'm so close to goal that I'm happy just to be moving forward.

So today, I am 155.0!

Lowest EVER. At this rate I will be super close to goal when I start the OWL phase of the program. I still have a week and a half or induction left.

EDIT:Oh, I forgot to say; thanks for coming back, everyone!

MiniMo 10-03-2010 10:49 AM

I'm gonna go ahead and join you guys in this thread, because I am just about ready to say adios to my 140's!! I've been stalled in my 140-150's for the past year, it seems, and now, finally, I jumped on the scale today (after peeing a great amount :rain:) to find...


Ho yay!! :yay:

HaleyisLove 10-03-2010 11:35 AM

I started law school and I've lost a few pounds but its not nearly as fast as it had been... I've also eaten fast food more time than is necessary...

I've been weighing it at 152 but this weekend may have killed that... we shall see tomorrow

I just want to be in the 140's already

katylil 10-03-2010 12:49 PM

Ugh. So I stopped posting here for a bit. I had Fresher's Week at uni and all the junk food and alcohol I was putting in my body made me feel guilty and knew I couldnt post on here til I was back on track...But I kept reading so congrats to everyone who is still going down and well done to those still trying! :)

I weighed myself this morning and I've gone from 148 to 151 over the past 2 weeks. Ugh. But went food-shopping this week and have stocked up on chicken, fish, cans of tuna, TONS of veggies, tins of soup, low-cal yoghurts and porridge, and feel like I'm getting back on track.

I had a boiled egg and two pieces of toast and marmite for breakfast (300 cals), a tin of tomato soup for lunch (180 cals) and snacks have been some cheese, grapes and a yoghurt (which I think counts to about 400 cals? Not entirely sure) and I'm having chicken and veggie stirfry for dinner which will leave me more or less at my 1200 range I think.

My dance and fitness classes have started up at uni again as well so looking forward to the number going down again soon. I'm aiming to be back at ticker weight by the 15th of October which is when my mum is coming over to visit :)

Hope everyone's having a good weekend!

rschroed 10-03-2010 12:56 PM

Hooray for all the new faces and welcome!

I've been really on track with eating, although I have no time to do much of anything in the way of exercise. I probably burned a lot of calories this weekend moving furniture and painting (OMG Ikea! 'nuff said), but haven't been to the gym in almost a week. My eating has been really good, though; yesterday I roasted acorn squash and turned them into squash bowls and filled them up with whole wheat cous cous, sauteed veggies and spiced chickpeas. Mmmm... the things I get to eat on a Saturday night when the bf's out of town.

AND: got on the scale this morning to see it was down another half a pound--155.3! I'm thrilled. The lower half of the 150s is so close! And then the dream of the magical "149" will really be close at hand...

shasha12 10-03-2010 04:50 PM

holy crap 148.2 this morning! :carrot:

lexie67 10-03-2010 08:44 PM

I think I'll jump into this thread too, even though I am pretty much terrible at regularly posting. I'm weighing in at about 153 right now and I really need to get back at this 100% -- it's not really that I fell completely off the wagon, but I've diligently recording what I eat and it has been waaaay too long since I seriously worked out. I've been kind of eating intuitively for a little under two months, and even though it's nice to see I CAN eat well enough to lose without strict calorie counting... I can do better than six pounds in eight weeks, and it's time to refocus. I wanted to be solidly in the 140s by my 21st birthday (in two weeks) and that's just not going to happen. I've been tracking my eating but not restricting it since Thursday, apparently I'd been eating around 1700-2000 calories a day. Yipe, amazing how quickly everything adds up! Anyway tomorrow it's back to business as it used to be, 1400-1500 calories, everything gets tracked, and I... will figure out a way to get my butt working out again.

annputation 10-03-2010 09:22 PM

I'm almost down the the 130's! Slowly and sanely!! :)

katylil 10-04-2010 03:44 AM

Well done Shasha!! :D Congrats!

StephanieM 10-04-2010 08:49 AM

rschroed! I went to IKEA for the first time in my life yesterday! Ever since it opened up here when I was in grade 8, people have been making fun of me for never being inside of one. Whenever my friends would go I'd always be working too :( (It's kinda out there still, so I need a ride). Well, my grandma said she would give my fiance and I a ride there because he wanted to buy a new dresser and it was fun!

I found bamboo which is great, I killed my last one and wanted a new one. I also got side tables, a coffee table, a rug, a lamp... I went a little nuts.

On that note, I am at 155.0 today :) Not a change but that's fine, I've been losing rapidly this week and I knew it would slow down at some point. I did see 154.8 yesterday night, but I only recording morning weigh ins.

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