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bellona 09-14-2010 09:46 PM

Hey everyone - haven't posted in a LONG time, but I'm out of the 150's now!! Hope everyone else is doing well!

highcidity- welcome to the forum!

rschroed 09-15-2010 10:07 AM

Wahoo, StephanieM--deep into the 150s and FAST!

Congrats to bellona--50 pounds is freaking insane! Today's weigh-in puts me at 40 or so, and I can't wait to catch up with you.

And welcome, highcidity.

OK, so I haven't been posting here because I haven't been able to weigh myself at a normal time of day--so I thought I was going down, but this was the first morning in a while I'd been home to see it. 156.4! Every pound is a revelation, lately. I can remember seeing that number--156--when I was in maybe 10th grade and thinking it was awful and probably going back to not getting on a scale for months, if not years. Now, I feel so happy with my body at this weight--not completely satisfied, but if I *had* to stop here, I could be happy. My 11th grade self hated it and was relentlessly self-conscious. Then again, probably less of it was muscle and more of it was fat, in 10th grade, sadly. And of course the women around me were much skinnier, skewing my sense of myself by (constant, awful, teenage) comparison.

All in all, glad to be out of high school, happy to be at a high school weight!

StephanieM 09-15-2010 10:39 AM

Congrats rschroed! High school weight... those were the days! I was 125-130 in high school, but shot up to 150 near the end due to stress and life.

I'm close to high school weight which is amazing, but my goal is more than that. I feel I would look best at 140 but that may change when I get there. I'm at 157.2 again this morning despite my over doing it with carbs yesterday (I was sick the day before and overcompensating with feel good foods)

Today I'm seeing a psychic, I haven't seen her in two and a half years and pretty much everything she said would happen has happened. I wanna see what's next ;) My mom has been seeing her for years, you have to book appointments with her 3 months in advance and there is only one day every 3 months that you can even call to book.

Jessica88 09-15-2010 11:56 AM

Finally in the 150's for the past couple days!! I'm soo happy! I can't ever remember being this weight!!
159.6 today

shasha12 09-15-2010 12:18 PM

omg girls, 150.0 today. annoying. i'll be back later... OH and still sick!

Alicia87 09-15-2010 12:36 PM

156 again this morning...good :-) I want to lose more still but at least I'm maintaining.

I need to do Zumba tonight...I'm telling you guys so tomorrow ill post my weight and that I exercised lol. Hoping it will help me to do it

skinnyby25 09-15-2010 12:55 PM

the 150s have by far been the biggest struggle for me. i'm happy to be on the lower end of it, but i'm working so hard to get into the 140s.
here is my plan for the rest of the week:
wed- cardio 30 min/ body pump class
thurs- morning cardio-abs
friday- evening cardio- weights
sat- 1 hour cardio-abs
sunday- body pump class or weights- cardio 30 min

girlinwaterglobe 09-15-2010 01:44 PM

Hey ladies
Hey ladies, when I last posted, I was around 151.8. I dropped 7 lbs in 2 weeks because I was stressed and making myself sick. I was probably eating like 500-700 calories a day. This was followed by a week of stress eating where I did gain some back quickly, but mostly made myself really sick/constipated and was weighing in at 155+.

After 3 days of eating on track, I'm back down to 153 today. I'm happy at 153, I guess, but I really want to be out of the 50's by the end of the month!

Have any of you ever created date-based goals (on X date, I will weigh Y pounds)? Mine are way off. I can't believe how slow weight loss has become.

Bright side: I'm a size 10 for the first time I can remember!

cataclysmic 09-15-2010 05:32 PM

rschroed- Congrats for hitting that weight, the years forward and wisdom gained definitely help!
I'm in a bit of a different boat, my weight did go up even a bit higher then i currently am at the end of high school-but i had more muscle and was in better shape. A couple of years ago i actually gained a lot and reached about a pound under where i hit today, and i looked far better then then i do now. Sad. I also put a INSANE amount on this year, so i have to accept it and deal w/working that much harder to get myself back. It's frustrating and scares me a bit to realize that i have quite a bigger stomach at this weight then i did prior-eek.

Keep hanging in there everyone!! A lot of you are kicking serious a$$.

155.0 I know this rate of loss wont last at all, so i might try to curtain daily weigh ins.
I did however have a non scale victory and had a pretty decent run. I get really down on myself for how hard it is to run, i didn't make it 3 miles straight which i had hoped, but the last time i was really running i was lugging around 35+ lbs less.

StephanieM 09-15-2010 08:26 PM

girlinwaterglobe, I don't really do those anymore because I can never hit them. I've started now marking the dates in my signature I get to a certian amount lost instead.

I seem to be losing about 5 pounds a month right now, maybe less haha.

LiannaKole 09-15-2010 08:31 PM

Out of the 40s? OMG, that's such an amazing thought! But no, I've got quite a haul before then. Only halfway through the 70s. :(

But I do hope to be breaking into the 40s by Christmas! Once that happens, I'll officially have a normal weight! That's be an awesome accomplishment.

shasha12 09-16-2010 08:11 PM

hiiiii everyone :D

i've been pretty MIA lately, i can't seem to shrug this cold! i'm feeling a little better today, and i'm going to attempt the gym tomorrow. wish me luck! saw 149.8 on the scale this morning, but it's not my WI day so i can't count it! but, it's encouraging and makes me want to do a really good job this week so i can woooooooosh into the 140s :carrot: man that'd be amazing.

boots, how ya doin after your binge?? back on track i hope! it's totally normal to fluctuate a few pounds day to day, let alone during the day. next time u are thirsty, poor a glass of water and feel how much it weighs. as soon as u drink it, that "weight" is in your body. everything u eat weighs something, so u can get major fluctuations if u weigh several times throughout the day! go easy on yourself, lady!

highcidity, welcome to the thread!! glad to have ya :D

bellona, congrats woman!! i can't wait till i'm in the 140s!

rschroed, so exciting to see low numbers!! and i'm super impressed with your excellent frame of mind, it's so self-loving and accepting. that's awesome! won't it be great when you shed another few pounds! high school you would die to have 20-something you's body ;) haha

stephanie, OMG!! i want to see a psychic!!!!! how cool, how'd it go?! i also seem to be losing weight really slowly right now. gah, so annoying.

jessica, welcome to the 150s!!! exciting!!!

alicia, did u zumba?! :D

skinny, tell me about it! i've been in the lower 150s waaaaay too long. i saw the 140s a few times in may, but i fell off and my weight crept back up. your plan looks good though, we just have to stay on track and we'll get there!

globe, i have tried to do that a million times. i hardly ever make them. glad you're feeling better and weighing less! and yay for your size 10s!!!

cataclysmic, how exciting to run! it's been soo long haha. aren't non-scale victories great?!

liannakole, you'll be there in no time!

StephanieM 09-16-2010 09:51 PM

shasha, it was fun! She said it was great that I was working out and trying to be more healthy. She said if I didn't start paying attention to it I would develop diabetes in my 40's. She knew my mom had diabetes too without me telling her. Most of what I said is common sense, but there was a lot of stuff she told me about me without me telling her.

I've been eating bad the last three days with my sinus infection and general laziness on my days off (Tuesday and Wednesday are my Saturday and Sunday)
So I wasn't suprised to see a 2 lb increas on the scale at 159.2. I'm not shocked, I ate a lot of salty and carb laden food the last two days (but within my calorie limits)

I have been drinking a ton of water all day and saw a pound decrease after work so I'm hoping tomorrow I'm back to 157 or lower.

Of course, I type this as I'm sucking on some salty olives mmm hehe. Once the jar is gone I know I can't buy these anymore!

rschroed 09-17-2010 12:55 AM

WTG, Shasha--there's *nothing* like the feeling of getting a new "second number" on the scale. I'm only just starting to settle into being in the 150s, for real--I hope you slide easily into the 140s!

And StephanieM: olives! Oh, man, olives. They're definitely one of those "love 'em or hate 'em" foods and I *loathe* them. Like, can't even swallow them, can't believe other people see them as food. My housemates are addicted and eat 'em like candy. So, so strange.

Weighed in the same today as yesterday, 156.4, which I was actually happy to see--it legitimized the number, made me sure it's not a fluke.

I was going to go for a run tomorrow morning before my classes, but I think I'm up too late now to make it work. The whole weekend is a little rough because my boyfriend's fasting for 24 hours for Yom Kippur, and on either end of it intends for us to feast--which is fine for him, but unfortunately I'm not Jewish, and hence not fasting. I know holidays are a part of Real Life and that my way of eating is supposed to be comfortable with curveballs, but man. Sometimes I wish there weren't so *many* celebrations, parties, holidays, occasions, outings, you know?

StephanieM 09-17-2010 08:40 AM

rschroed, I used to hate them too! Then one day I had some in my food and ate it and it didn't seem so bad anymore. I used to be the same way with tomatoes and mushrooms. I then bought a jar one day and something switched on in me and I went nuts and ate the whole thing. I haven't boughten a jar since then, until now. Now I'm remembering why I had to stay away. It's too much salt for me, haha.

158.8 today, I dropped some of the water weight. Most likely due to the fact I had a ton of water last night and worked out. But getting back into the olives I'm still holding onto some of it. I'll have to be stronger tonight!

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