3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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rschroed 09-24-2010 03:42 PM

Yeah, I agree with Stephanie and Shasha; weight loss is still on my mind, I'm just not carrying through well, just lately. I think that if I generally maintain my eating habits AND get on the scale every morning that I'm home--no denial--then I can wait it out another week or so when hopefully I'll get a new wind.

I was 157.1 this morning, but also was just starting TOM, so maybe it's not a disaster.

Side note: I just ate some fruit snacks, made only from juice concentrates and pectin, which I thought would be an OK snack, decent levels of vitamins and fiber, pretty low-cal. But: HELLOOOOoooo, glycemic index. I could *feel* my blood sugar lurch so hard I thought I was going to throw up. I can't remember the last time that happened, but I think it was probably in a dark day with a half gallon of ice cream a long time ago--and I probably didn't even notice my blood sugar, in those days.

These were the Archer Farms (good ol' Target brand) Blueberry Pomegranate real fruit twists, if anyone's curious... Next time I'll just grab a banana.

boots 09-24-2010 08:48 PM

hmmm....same issue with me. scale isn't really changing much, and I'm "cheating" about every other day. Or I went on a trip over Monday and Tuesday and ate like an entire bag of caramels in the car. Then last night I think I had like 8 or 9 cheesesticks for dinner. I made them myself in the oven, but I'm fairly certain that was like 6-700 calorie dinner.

Today I feel back on track. I found these day old Pepperridge Farm deli wheat flatbreads for a dollar at the small local grocery and they're 100 calories each. They fit my tuna perfect and they were SO GOOD! so I think it was just a 250 calorie sandwich overall (I need to check the tuna calories, I haven't done that in awhile) that was new and different and very filling. I haven't messed up yet today and I hope I can pull this off again for the next week or so and see if I can get the scale moving down again.

tuende 09-25-2010 12:12 PM

I've been reading back a couple of pages and I seem to be in EXACTLY the same place as many of you. I want to lose weight and I know how to do it, I just can't seem to follow through. I think I've been in a funk after I finally got on the scale and saw that I'm back up to 156. Now I'm more like 30 lbs from goal instead of around 20 and that feels like a LOT. I'm frustrated with myself that I haven't seemed to be able to get back on track. I'm reaizing that I either need to decide do it or not do it because I'm driving myself crazy half-assing it!

jenn33082 09-27-2010 09:10 AM

Hi Girls! Had my second weigh-in in the 150's today so I'll be joining you now! I'm at 158.2 today. My current goal is 140 but I'll re-evaluate when I get there.

skinnyby25 09-27-2010 09:51 AM

151.6 this morning...oh my gosh i can't wait to see the 140s. I'm going to try and get there by next monday, which would mean atleast a 1.7lb loss for the week.

loquaciousjogger 09-27-2010 04:42 PM

tuende, I am in EXACTLY the same place as you right now.

I need to stop cheating. I had this delicious (probably fattening) pork + rice japanese dish. It wasn't fried, but I know it wasn't good for me.... I gained weight this summer due to all the delicious food when I was traveling in Asia :) I got 10lbs to go before I reach normal BMI (and my pre-asian food baby weight).

I'm trying to make this more of a lifestyle thing, since I find when I calorie count, I cheat by having unhealthy calories (granola bar v. candy bar). I'm proud to say two weeks ago, I bought a bar of chocolate and managed to make it last 3 days. I'm trying to lose via healthier options, smaller portions, some running **without depriving myself of the things I love.**

rschroed 09-27-2010 11:08 PM


I'm proud to say two weeks ago, I bought a bar of chocolate and managed to make it last 3 days.
That is totally a goal of mine. One of my housemates keeps a few bars of chocolate sitting in the pantry at any given time. I used to have to go out and buy one or two 40-calorie truffles from Whole Foods at a time to get my fix. Now I'm easing in with dark baker's chocolate, and that seems to be working--I can break off half a square, and I only have one every couple of days. But I think I only manage it because, psychologically, it's not a candy bar, it's for baking (even though I didn't buy it for baking). Next step: real chocolate bar.

Haven't weighed myself in days--just have been at my boyfriend's, who doesn't have a scale. And while I feel ready to fight off the "diet doldrums" that I and lots of folks around here seem to have been having lately, it's going to have to be mostly with diet, this week; I have crazy amounts of work/reading to get done before Thursday, and then Friday/Saturday, I'm overseeing a big project in my department. No gym time for me. :(

abcunnin 09-28-2010 12:38 AM

Back on track week
Hi everyone,

The last several weeks, I've been letting it go. I have read so many posts in this thread that echo what I've been doing and how I've been feeling.

I could really use the accountability in here...and solidarity. Ever since I hit the 170s, I've been going up/down in each set of 10 until I finally got past it. So, of course, I'm doing the same thing here in the 150s!! I have gotten down to 151 but I find my way back up to middle and upper 150s on bad days...which extended to a bad week last week. My boyfriend thinks I somehow self sabotage when I get to the hump right before the next set of 10.

Here's to committing to that not happening this time "back." Today was a good day. I ate well all day, although I didn't work out. I have a really early morning and didn't find the time to fit it in. I wrote a post in the Exercise forum about doing quick workouts at home. I'm thinking of adding that in on these days where I can't find the way to the gym. Ok, sorry for the rambling.

See you tomorrow. I'm going to stick around in the thread.

Jessica88 09-29-2010 12:22 PM

The scale is finally moving in the direction I want it to go, slowly, but its still moving :)
down to 156.4 today

Alli- I was the same way when I was in the 160s I would get down and then go back up and down...It sucked but if you stay accountable and youll be down in no time :)

highcidity 09-29-2010 09:39 PM

Jessica: Congrats on the weight loss..it sure is nice to see the scale move DOWN

Abcunnin: I feel your pain...sometimes I feel like I sabotage my own progress. But we cant do that! I'm with you on staying accountable.

rschroed: How are the WF truffles?? I might have to get a few this week :)

pinkflower 09-30-2010 01:10 AM

I"m going on a week long vacation tomorrow and have been stuck at 147 for a couple weeks even after hitting 146 for a few days. It's very frustrating because I haven't done anything to deserve a gain or stall :( it sucks, but it is what it is. My goal is to come back from vaca under 150, or even with a loss. I WILL make good choices darn it!!! I just got back from a last chance work out this late, and will use that to start it off right

Good luck ladies. I think sometimes it's just so much work, so knowing you can take a week off and be lax is fine. Just get back on the horse and don't gain it all back. That would really suck!!! (how poetic of me lol). It gets kinda boring eating the same foods and I'm at risk too. I've been dying to have a crappy McDonald's Big mac for a while. I'm over due for a re haul on my foods. Maybe changing it up is what we all need :hugs:

edit--sorry, didn't notice this was in the 20 somethings. I'm 30, hope yo don't mind!

rschroed 09-30-2010 01:35 AM

I never care how old someone is, posting here; I sort of think the 20s thing is as much a lifestyle, as an age--you're very welcome, pinkflower!

The WF truffles are tasty, highcidity!--here, anyway, you can find them for individual sale in little bins on top of the chocolate stand. I like the "trail mix" flavor.

Back on track, this week, it feels like; no scale again, but I've been eating well even though my bf's parents are in town and we keep going out to eat with them. Ready to get back in gear! My schedule is full from waking up to sleeping tomorrow and Friday, but Saturday and Sunday, I'm back in the gym with a vengeance!

StephanieM 09-30-2010 08:22 AM

Wow, I guess I'm not alone in the motivation department eh!

So I guess some of you may have noticed my frequent posting has gone down, and I see some others aren't posting as frequently as well. Bouncing around the same weight for a month straight is just depressing and after awhile you don't feel like updating people.

It was getting out of control, and due to birthday potlucks and other business my weight started creeping up towards the 160's again.

I decided I need to rein it in and get back on track, and there's no better way to get myself on track then to follow an eating plan. After much research on various ones, I've decided to give Atkins another shot (only did induction for two or three weeks about three years ago)

I eat gluten free so I basically follow something similar too it, but the gluten free breads were adding a ton of unnecessary carbs making it hard for me to get the right ratio of protein, fat, and carbs.

Today is day two of induction and I'm already back down to 157.0. After two weeks I get to move onto OWL and add 5 grams of carbs every once in awhile.

I think this is what I need, and because I'm not allowed any sugar or alcohol right now I'm thinking it will help break some bad habits I have been developing.

StephanieM 10-01-2010 08:49 AM

Man, it's dead in our thread!

156.8 today :)

StephanieM 10-02-2010 08:53 AM

And no one here again! Am I the only one left in the 150's/140's? Haha

155.6 today, doing really well on Atkins, I actually want to lift weights again and I am refocussed.

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