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highcidity 09-21-2010 01:15 PM

Fell off the eating clean bandwagon last week....
too much wine, mojitos, bloody mary's and Rogue Steaks.
It doesn't help either that I started a new BC method--that is messing with my hormones. :(
I've been good today and have decided to not go out until at least half of this weight is gone.

Alicia87 09-21-2010 02:18 PM

155.5 this morning. Oh I am so excited!! Gonna do Zumba n pilates again tonight!!!

rschroed 09-21-2010 05:59 PM

That is GREAT, Alicia--I can't wait until I see the number "155"--I don't even care what's after the decimal point. I was 156.5 AGAIN this morning. But I'm on your heels (I hope!).

highcidity, I think we underestimate how much BC can mess up our lives. I was on a low-estrogen kind--one of those ones where you get your "period" every three months--but just switched to a higher dose/monthly pack and ever since, I've been really sluggish despite plenty of food and the fact that I'm definitely not over-exercising. Not to mention what it does to my libido--I'm all over the place. But fight the good fight, I guess--and it's better than getting pregnant! Good luck adjusting!

WELCOME, caseygail! The more here, the merrier! Like you, my current plan is to settle into the 140s for life. Looking forward to it, right?

StephanieM 09-21-2010 07:04 PM

And rschroed, I would like to see 156! I was 157.2 today, I am shocked as I had a lovely anniversary dinner last night. We decided to splurge and get zoo sticks as appetizers and I had a daquiri.

I feel like I'm losing the war with my fitness and food lately. I am starting to PMS so it may just be tied to that. Worst case scenario I'm maintaining my weight until I can kick my butt back into gear. No matter how much I struggle with motivation to be good, I will NOT let myself gain. I've worked far too hard to come this far and if I need a break it will be while I keep the same weight I've achieved.

At least I still have that eh?

As I type this, Dylan and I are watching The Office :) We got up this morning and made breakfast together, went to go buy The Office, had a salad for lunch and right now I'm drinking wine with some fruit in it.

It's a nice relaxing day :) When he's at work tomorrow I'll need to do some weight lifting!

ape85 09-21-2010 11:39 PM

140.6 today. Im almost out of here (probably not tomorow because i had a cheeseburger and fries for dinner). Is there an active 130's thread? I saw an old one that no one posts on anymore.

Alicia87 09-22-2010 09:03 AM

ape - Good for you!! That's soo awesome!! I'm not sure if there's a 130's thread, I think possibly there is one in the featherweights? :) You could always just stay with us if you want tho, we will keep cheering you on too :)

rschroed - You will get there! You will see 155 very soon, keep going :)

stephanie - I had that problem too, I've been maintaining at 156ish for the past month or so, but I finally found my motivation again...I think that we all need to take breaks sometimes (well, at least I do), it's hard to constantly be thinking about it. I haven't gotten to the place where it's second nature yet, lol.

Ok, so this morning's weigh in was 154.5!! I don't get that one, b/c I didn't get to workout last night, I had a friend over and we were working on craft projects (I made my Indianapolis Colts blanket)...then it was late and I just wanted to crash. But I will get my booty moving again tonight!

shasha12 09-22-2010 12:48 PM

highctiy, :hug: i HATE bc pills sometimes!!!! they screwed me up sooo badly for months about a yr ago, it was awful! i was only on bc for birth control, so we switched to condoms pretty quickly. sorry hun!

stephaniem, tell me about it! i've been strict since july to try to lose more, but it sort of back fired, and I only lost 3 pounds in 3 months. It sucks! but I am going to keep going, the alternative is staying in the place where I'm not in love with my bod. Not excellent.

ape, that is freaking awesome! I WANT TO SEE 140!!!! stay in here and inspire us ;)

alicia, yay for 154!! must have been the rest u gave yourself :)

i've been doing lots of moving my body the last 2 days, much more than I normally move throughout the day, and I am so sore! My back is especially sore and tired, but it feels great! today I work out with my PT, and the rest of the day will be spent stretching and resting. Oh, and TOM is nearing (doesn't it seem like that b**** is ALWAYS nearing??), but the scale only says 151... which makes me think a drop is in my future :) have a good day ladies!

jahjah1223 09-22-2010 02:29 PM

149.0!! sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

StephanieM 09-22-2010 04:18 PM

157.4 today, not bad considering all the wine and fruit I had last night!

I think I might be content with my weight right now and that's why I'm not trying as hard. I still have a belly, but I'm as small as I was in high school so maybe my body just wants to enjoy this.

Or I could be just lazy and accepting of a weight that is not yet healthy for me.

I'm going to push on until at least 150 and see how I feel then, that way I'm still working towards something that I could have in two months, and not thinking 'Oh man, 17 pounds left' (I hated losing 5 lbs a month but now I'm only losing three!)

cataclysmic 09-22-2010 05:28 PM

Bouncing btwn 151-150 for the last 2 days, grrr. I should not complain, i got down here pretty fast, but those drops get addictive and i get so dependent on them. I have felt horrible all day today, and missed my workout...i might skip in on weigh in b/c i really got way way too down on myself for a .2 gain. I however ate a bit under plan the last 2 days and busted my butt at the gym even more so. I might try to have a glass of wine tonight, i feel like i deserve it no matter what my mind tells me sometimes.

Stephanie, definitely! I used to seeminly maintain my days of old lower weights by wine nights lol. Now, not so much luck-but i know its b/c on my current diet (i'm trying to stick to maintaining ketosis, i can do so and drink a bit-but that makes it a lot harder to not allow any of my favorite carb foods) i just want things i can't have lol. If i let myself have anything i'd jump up in weight by too much, i wish i could have a yummy dinner like that. You had serious reason for celebration congrats.

ape- Yea!! I bet there is in featherweights, thats so awesome for you, goodness i cant wait to be in the 140's let alone moving out of em.

jahjah- *happy dance!*

shasha- Congrats on the hard work, i want to save up for a PT session. Actually a trainer at the gym offered to give me some free pointers, i need to take him up on that for sure. I had a run the other day that i'm so sore from i skipped today. Bad me.

highcidity- I really dont go out at all b/c (well its a lot of things really but a main reason for not this last weekend, and how i still dont) i just am worried about having set backs. Sucks at times, its possible to get in both-b/c one shouldn't cut it all out b/c it is a nice part of life, and the social temptations dont go away and as one loses weight and eventually will maintain it one has to find what works best for em. I'm just well, overly cautious.

casey- Hey hey!

rschroed, youll see it super soon!

Alicia- I miss aerobics classes, though i've never tried zumba. It's an eventual goal, spinning was my old favorite but i haven't been able to get there w/work. Hopefully next month.

caseygail21 09-22-2010 07:53 PM

I'm not weighing in again until next week. Thursday is my usual weigh in day, but I'm too scared to get on the scale. I let the scale discourage me way to easy. I had a horrendous weekend as far as eating goes, and I've only been able to run one day this week due to a migraine on Monday, and an outrageous day at work today leaving me with 0 energy. Excuses I know, but that's life. I really don't want that scale to say 160 again (for all I know, it may not).... so next week it is!

skinnyby25 09-23-2010 10:33 AM

i think i finally broke through my three week long plateu. i hit 152.6 this morning! i hope that number keeps dropping. i took my hubby's advice and gave myself a day off from the gym. i was going everyday and he told me my body needs a break. so i hope he was right because it was oh so nice to have a night off from working out. today i'm going to do cardio (probably 45 min run/walk), weights and abs. keeping my fingers crossed that this number keeps going down. i also am going to really watch what i eat.

cataclymic- i too am trying to lose weight by staying in ketosis. i did mrc to start my weight loss, but in june i stopped and now i use it as a guideline. how do you know if you are in ketosis? do you get the urine test sticks? do you count carbs? any tips?

caseygail21 09-23-2010 10:36 AM

Skinnyby25: I love your screen name. I turn 25 in January, and I never really thought about it, but that would be a GREAT 25th birthday gift :)

StephanieM 09-24-2010 09:01 AM

Know what? I just suck at this whole thing right now. I feel like I've forgotten how to lose weight. I've forgotten how to stay motivated and push myself, and how to stop myself from eating when I'm not hungry.

How the **** did this happen?

I mean, I'm maintaining my weight which is good, but I still have 17 lbs to lose! How do I get my butt back in gear?

shasha12 09-24-2010 10:35 AM

Stephanie, I kinda was feeling the same way. I KNOW how to do it, but it wasn't 'working' like it did the last time, when I was losing a steady 1-1.5 lbs a week. It's annoying that I've only lost 3lbs since July. :hug: I've kicked my efforts up a little, and made the mental decision that I will not be deterred by the scale. Even if that sucker doesn't move down for another 3 months, I am living this way because it's healthy. I want my body to be able to bend, stretch, twist and jump well into my 80s lol

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