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carter 08-22-2012 06:55 AM

Morning folks :coffee:

Well, I broke my string of on-plan days, went somewhat over yesterday with some chocolate at the end of the day that I should have got out of the house instead of eating!

These things happen. I also saw a bounce today back up to 156, which may or may not be related to the chocolate. No matter, it is nice to be in a place where a bounce takes me up to 156!

I am also fighting off a cold, which isn't helping!

Have a good day, everyone.

Diana3271 08-22-2012 07:05 AM

Good Morning Everyone! :wave:

Today is day 11 of TTOM. :(

Calories for yesterday: 1420 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 149.4 (TTOM)
Down: .2

sluggerbean 08-22-2012 10:22 AM

Good Morning!! I had an excellent visit yesterday with the doctor. My blood work was great and even better at his office yesterday I was 230 and this morning on my scale I was 230.0!!! One more pound and I am halfway to goal!!!

:grouphug: for all who are struggling, need comfort, & those who just need a hug!

:cp: and :high: for those who are doing well or just need some positive encouragement!!

Laters!! :wave:

Thistleberry 08-22-2012 11:45 AM

I'm a bit perplexed at the moment and a little annoyed with the scale, so I bring to you good ladies a question. I got a tetanus shot on Monday. My arm felt like I was dragging a club around yesterday and still hurts today. Do you suppose a tetanus shot can cause water retention? It's the only explanation I can come up with that makes any sense aside from good old-fashioned body fat-shedding stubborness.

Steph7409 08-22-2012 12:22 PM

I weighed in at 136 today, even though I snacked for no good reason late last night. There's usually a bit of a delay, though, so I'll probably be up again tomorrow.

I keep thinking back to when I was eating only 1200-1300 calories a day and wonder how I did it. It seems impossible now, but clearly it's not. Maybe it just doesn't seem necessary to me at this point, since I'm fairly close to my goal.

On an unrelated note, I'm getting my new bathroom fixtures tonight, in the hopes the work will begin next week. It's going to be a huge hassle (no shower for a few days, I'll be using the tiny half bath for everything else, the cats are going to be a problem) but I'm hoping the end result will be worth it. Nothing in my old house ever goes smoothly, though, so...we'll see.

Rainbowgirl 08-22-2012 02:55 PM

Diana: Thanks! I'm a firm believer in what doesn't kill you either makes you stronger or teaches you a lesson (or both!).

Weigh in this morning: 258.8

Monday, August 20: 262.8
Tuesday, August 21: 261.4
Wednesday, August 22: 258.8

I stuck (mostly) to plan and I took my ALA and chromium as suggested (ALA 600 mg a day). Didn't get in any exercise yesterday, but maybe today.

Lishar 08-22-2012 07:35 PM

My weight training was hard today. I hard a very difficult walk on the treadmill after. I hard to force myself hard not to quit. I was Soo hungry after which is new for me. I made sure I had lots of protein in my salad which was so yummy. One good thing is I am tired but not exhausted like last week. So eating more calories is helping with that.

Anyone else excited that Hunger Games is on DVD? I bought my copy last night. I have read all the books about 3 times. I read the twilight books too but like these better. I like strong female lead characters not wimpy whiny ones.

42goingon20 08-22-2012 09:34 PM

august goal
Just started weight watchers on 8/20 weighing 263. Hoping to be below 260 by 9/1.

Rainbowgirl 08-22-2012 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Lishar (Post 4445480)
My weight training was hard today. I hard a very difficult walk on the treadmill after. I hard to force myself hard not to quit. I was Soo hungry after which is new for me. I made sure I had lots of protein in my salad which was so yummy. One good thing is I am tired but not exhausted like last week. So eating more calories is helping with that.

Anyone else excited that Hunger Games is on DVD? I bought my copy last night. I have read all the books about 3 times. I read the twilight books too but like these better. I like strong female lead characters not wimpy whiny ones.

I LOVE! "The Hunger Games" but I couldn't stand Katniss' character. I liked her a bit more in the movie, but I found her to be self-centered and uninterested in the books. Still lo-o-o-ve the books though.

Diana3271 08-23-2012 07:35 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

I still can't figure out what's going on with me. I am 100% on plan. I had my thyroid labs done yesterday. Maybe that will shed some light? :?: Today is day 12 of TTOM. I had my last allergic reaction one week ago. It takes time for that to clear up. I am off antihistamines because I am going to a new allergist on Monday. All I can do is what was working all along. It just seems like my body is doing something wonky and I don't have control over this. I will find another level of patience and wait it out. :lol: Hmm, do I have a choice? ;)

Calories for yesterday: 1470 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 149.8 (Day 12 TTOM)
Up: .4

sluggerbean 08-23-2012 10:43 AM

jumping for joy
Official weigh in day...drumroll please... 228.6 :woohoo::broc::cb::carrot:

I have now met my first mini goal and I am halfway to my goal!!!

Diana I hope your health issues get straightened out soon. :hug:

Lishar 08-23-2012 12:32 PM

Congrats Peggy on your halfway mark. :carrot::carrot:

Diana bumer having TOM so long. I hope you can get answers.

Rainbowgirl I hear you about her being self centered. I would add a bit wishy washy too. I just love that she can kick butt.

42goingon20 welcome good luck with weight watchers. I was thinking about them but I am just calorie counting for now.

Steph exciting about your new bathroom. I hope they can get done quickly.

I am a little bummed today. I am up a pound again. 245 again. I did weight training yesterday so maybe that is part of it. I have read you can retain water in your muscles after. So I will be walking hopefully for 4 miles again. I feel a bit dragging today so I am forcing myself to go. I was dragging Tuesday too but felt better after.

While I was walking on the treadmill yesterday my toes started hurting. I had to push myself to finish the last 10min. I looked at my feet when I got home. My 2nd and 3rd toes had cuts in the side from the nail of the next toe. Ouch. My youngest asked about my blisters on my heels. I said they were fine but looked anyway. Suprise I find blood on both socks :o. They both were bleeding but did not hurt as much as my toes. I hope the bandaids protect them today.

Thistleberry 08-23-2012 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Rainbowgirl (Post 4445611)
I LOVE! "The Hunger Games" but I couldn't stand Katniss' character. I liked her a bit more in the movie, but I found her to be self-centered and uninterested in the books. Still lo-o-o-ve the books though.

I think in that sort of situation self-centered is probably a good trait to possess. Granted, I've only read the first book. (And not because I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than continue like when I tried to read Twilight. It's just been a matter of money.)

I still don't know what is up with me. I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm so irrationally flustered is because I've been back in the 50s after having left them behind for a week. It just gets me. Up to this point I've been perfectly on plan. Today I had a business lunch and eating seriously made me want to cry (there's that irrationality again!) because here I was eating this probably calorically dismal (though delicious!) gyro omelet when I could have had the very tastey, very calorically happy sweet sour chicken or white chili or lasagna wonton cupcakes sitting in my fridge. Now I can't even say I've been on plan. The company we ordered from is local with no nutrition values posted and I simply have no way of knowing. :(

I'm scheduled to do the last workout in New Rules of Lifting for Women Stage 3 tonight. I'm hoping to channel my frustration into that.

Rainbowgirl 08-23-2012 02:36 PM

Diana: I hope you get some answers on what's going on. I can imagine how frustrating that would be!

Lishar: Definitely wishy-washy, but yes she can kick butt =D The first movie was good; it followed the book pretty accurately, but I would have liked to see more butt kicking from her (though I guess that comes in the later movies, like it does in the later books).

Sounds like you really abuse your feet! Poor little piggies.:P I'm sure it was just a bit of water gain from the weight lifting or maybe even a bit of inflammation (which is the same thing, I guess lol)

Sluggerbean: CONGRATS!!! on your mini-goal, Peggy! How exciting! Keep up the great work!

Thistleberry: I definitely understand being a bit self-centered in the first book. She was thrown into a really horrible situation and had to figure out how to get out of it with Peeta. But the subsequent books are where she really shines as self-absorbed and uninterested in what she's sparked. If I were her, I'd be ecstatic that I'd started something that revolutionary (I won't give more details because I don't want to spoil it for someone who hasn't read them, but is going to). I didn't read Twilight; I suffered through the first movie and vowed never, ever, to read the books or watch the other films. Puke-city.

Hey, don't fret about stepping off plan. It was one time. Don't get too down over it - get back on the wagon and keep on going. A little deviation, as long as you get back on track, isn't the end of the world :) Oh - and kick some butt tonight!

Weigh in this morning: 259.0

Monday, August 20: 262.8
Tuesday, August 21: 261.4
Wednesday, August 22: 258.8
Thursday, August 23: 259.0

So, I'm up .2 lbs but I'm not concerned. I went over my calorie and carb amount last night by having a piece of toast (Silver Hills Steady Eddie) with some natural peanut butter, a glass of milk, and a Laughing Cow light cheese wedge. I ate dinner too early for me, around 7:30/8 p.m. Since I stay up until 2 or 3 a.m., this leaves me plenty of time to get hungry again. I'm glad I chose something with protein AND carbs, rather than going for a mini-can of Coke and some popcorn, which would have been a really big step off the path.

Onwards and upwards! (or rather, downwards in our case!)

Martine 08-23-2012 07:00 PM

Sluggerbean, way to go on reaching that first goal!

Diana, so sorry to hear about your issues right now. Hopefully you will get answers soon and feel back in control.

Happy to report I weighed in at 248.4 this morning, so the scale finally moved again. Reading about your various experiences with the book New Rules for Lifting for Women, I'm really interested in picking it up. How realistic is it to do for someone in no shape at all like myself?

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