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Old 07-31-2006, 06:41 AM   #1  
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Default The Winning Losers - All are welcome

Good morning everyone! This is going to be a good week for all of us.

Lynne, I hope you had a fantastic weekend. It was nice of you to check in even though you were so busy.

Aqua - I love your idea. Maybe at the end of the month I could get a pedicure or something. Something pretty I can see and enjoy for a while. Food goes so fast, doesn't it? When it's a no-no, it seems to go even faster. But an article of clothing or a beauty treatment lasts for a while.

U2 - I hope you get the little ones back on schedule soon. They're the real bosses in the house aren't they? Kiddies always are. I used to be into clothes too. I'm sure I will be again once the clothing size goes down. Remember the single digit clothing? Ah, the memories...
Good luck on your interview. I hope you get the job! If you don't I'd be more than happy to give you mine.

Hello Britt!!! Welcome to the thread. We're so happy to have you and you'll get lots of support here. Your baby is adorable.

Danielle - You hit the nail on the head. Today is a new day. We have to embrace the opportunities that each new moment brings us. We can do this ladies!!

Thank you all for your support. Especially when I was feeling down yesterday. I hate that my own reflection could be so disturbing, but I'm blessed to have the ability to exercise and use will power to control my choices. I will keep reminding myself of that. It's a long road, but we only have one day at a time, right?

Well, I'd better get ready for work. I'll see you all soon!

Last edited by Amany; 08-09-2006 at 04:05 PM. Reason: Now a permenant thread.
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Old 07-31-2006, 07:40 AM   #2  
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You are so right when you say we are blessed with the ability to get out there and exercise and empower our selves to make the right choices. I was unable to exercise for about two years due to a serious leg injury but now that it is finally healed I am thankful everyday I can get exercise in.
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Old 07-31-2006, 08:15 AM   #3  
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Good Morning!

Amany- Food does go fast! And when we see what we could have done witht that frappuccino, burger, or chocolate bar I believe the positive reinforcement will continue to be a success.
DollyR - Hi! I'm glad to see you!
u2girl - Hi! I knw what you mean about clothes. I can't say I was a fashionista when I was tiny, but I could buy a very cheap outfit and truly look like a million bucks. Now, I can't find the cheapie outfits in my size. ( Yes, I know... indeed I am a bargain hunter. Well, I try to be. I don't mind spending money on what I like either... ) Yeah, the box thing might work for me. I like looking at the money holder I made. I get all warm and fuzzy when I know the dollar store trip will be so much fun and rewarding. Good luck on your interview! I am so awful at those things. I blab my socks off on here, but in real life I am pretty quiet.
plumptobump - Welcome to the group! We are so happy to have you here.
Sugar-N-Spice - I'm glad you like the idea. I like it too, and I had so much fun painting that little wooden box. The top of it says "Fill This Box Before You Fill Your Face!!"

Last edited by AquaChick; 07-31-2006 at 08:21 AM.
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Old 07-31-2006, 09:27 AM   #4  
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Smile Elycia - 7/31

Good morning everyone. I am getting prepared for my interview, so I decided to pop in real quick. Thanx for starting the new thread Amanda and for the well wishes. I hope things work out. It's real close to home and would be a perfect schedule for me. I'll let you guys know the feeling I got when I get back. Aqua and Danielle, thank you for the good vibes and well wishes as well. Aqua, I know exactly what you are saying about being able to buy something cheap and look great! Boy do I miss those days???

Well, I decided that I am going to make mini mini goals. I know that generally 10% of initial weight loss is where many decide to reward themselves, but I am going to go with 5%. So at 250, 5% would be 12.5 pounds. I have decided that at 5%, I am going to buy myself a new pair of shoes. When I lose another 5%, a new workout that I have never tried and then another 5% I am going to buy a new blouse or sweater. For me personally, rewards are important, so as many rewards as I can get in, I'll take them.

I am so happy that we have such a good group here. But I'd like to know more about everyones goals and motivations.

My personal goal is obviously to lose 103 lbs, become physically fit again and to get in the habit of making healthier food selections.

My motivations are my family. I just can't bear to think of my girls eating the way that I do. I want to be a good example for them and I want them to be healthy. Also, I am taking a great risk with my life and health by keeping all of this weight on. There are so many illnesses/diseases that I am susceptible to getting because of all of this excess weight. Plus the superficial reasons, I want to look good, feel good and be able to wear whatever I want and look HOT! It's going to be a journey, but I know that in the end it will be worth it. I'm just glad that I have you guys alongside me working towards the same.

Well, I am off to get dressed. Thanx again for all of the well wishes and I will update you guys a little later.

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Old 07-31-2006, 10:02 AM   #5  
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Hello Ladies-- I am new to this thread. I have about 124 more pounds that I want to shed. That is my first main goal Anyway I wanted to say hello.
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Old 07-31-2006, 10:11 AM   #6  
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Goals and motivations

From my starting weight I have 75 pounds to lose. A lot of people would agree that 110 pounds is quite small, but I weighed it as recently as 5 years ago, and I felt so fabulous. I looked just right. That is why I feel that is where I need to be.

My main motivation is my health. I have a heart condition, high blood pressure, and cervical cancer (which may or may not be under control... I exibit symptoms of cancer to date, but my tests come back clear so I don't know what this means as of yet... ) I had an minor procedure to keep my heart from going over 250 beats per minute in May, and according to the doc, it was a success. I do feel tightness in my chest and shortness of breath though. I still don't know if it is because I'm overweight or if it is a side effect of the procedure. As you can plainly see, my health is at the forefront right now.

My secondary motivation is my appearance. My husband is very unhappy with how rotund I have become, no longer the slender woman he fell in love with and married.I think he feels cheated or decieved or something. Like I got pregnant and fat because I had him where I wanted him. Truthfully though, I never meant to get so out of control. I had weight issues in my life before we ever met- he just never saw them. All the health ailments I have had since our marriage have sent me packing to the refrigerator looking for a comfort. I gained considerably after my cervical problems got worse. I feel like crying even typing about it. This just breaks my heart. I also feel very unhappy with my appearance. I feel like I let my husband down more than anything, but also myself. I wish I could learn to control myself. I can just see the pain and anger in his eyes when he sees me eating like I don't care. I am not proud of my plumpness. Even though running to food was some twisted "medicine" it has damaged my health even more, and this makes me feel even more ashamed.

I know that was probably heavier than what anyne felt like hearing, but it is honest. I'm sure I am not the only woman here who has had a multitude of problems and feels this depression and pain because of weight.

P.S., I just saw ya there rkrs6673, welcome to the group!

Last edited by AquaChick; 07-31-2006 at 10:17 AM.
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Old 07-31-2006, 10:20 AM   #7  
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Hi everyone, my name is Susie. I'm 37 and have two children 10 and 3 years old. I'm having a very hard time with weight loss- a lifetime struggle like many others! I know what i'm doing wrong, but i just can't seem to keep my motivation long enough to make a difference. So i'm going to try again!

My main motivation is health. Over the last 5 years or so i've developped some fairly serious health problems. The latest being the most frustrating- some sort of fibromayalgia, chronic fatique, lupus thing which the doctors are having a hard time diagnosing. But basically it means i'm tired all the time, my whole body hurts badly for most of the day making exercise difficult. But i'm going to try again- what is the alternative really? So here i go!
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Old 07-31-2006, 11:00 AM   #8  
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Welcome to the club susie_sunshine. I can relate to a lot of what you got going on- on a very personal level.

All I can say is coming here and meeting up with our friends in the cirlce is the best thing that has happened for me. I feel like I'm getting somewhere now.

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Old 07-31-2006, 11:16 AM   #9  
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Good Morning to everyone:

You are so amazing. Thank you for everything, your advice, your compasstion, your help, and now keeping us on track with a new thread. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I did have a wonderful weekend. I enjoyed everything about it. I hope you are feeling better today. There are many times that I cannot look in the mirror at myself and others I need to get me going. I feel your pain, and try to remember what a wonderful person you truely are. Life is a long road and we can only take each moment as it comes... that is all we have is right now...

Dolly R & rkrs & Susie Welcome: you are going to love this group. They are so supportive. I agree with you Dolly about empowering ourselves... instead of degrading ourselves. We truely have the power to make our own choices.

I am sorry that you feel that DH feels that way. You have not let your DH down... you did not do this to him... this is happening to YOU.... I wish he understood, that the more he pushes you away or you feel judged by him the more you MAY run to the frig... That can't feel good. Hang in there. Share as much as you need, and remember we will not judge you at all... we all feel your pain and most of have lived some of your pain. You have alot going on right now... I hope DH comes around and sees the beauty of you INSIDE. You are the mother of his children... his wife.... If you need to cry... go for it. Crying is a form of healing... Crying is not a bad thing.
I am sorry to say I did not know about the Cervical cancer... I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Bravo, on the success of your heart procedure.... however, what do the docs say about the tightness and shortness of breath?????
I also wanted to mention.... Great idea, I love clothes, always have. But I too love a bargin even more. I do not enjoy clothes as much now, nothing looks the way I want it to. I saved all of my skinny clothes. they will probably be outdated but with all the money I have saved I can buy more.... thanks

Elycia: Good luck with the interview. you sound very positive today and I am sure it will exude thru your interview. Prays are with you
Great idea on the mini goal rewards. Good for you.... What is the WW book you are reading? I am searching for the best eating plan for me. Amanda was so generous to share some words about Atkins to help me understand that eating plan better... Any and all info is greatly appreciated. In the past I had great success with WW. Yesterday, my sister in law asked me to go back to WW meetings with her and my cousin. So we will see. I wish I could just know what is the best thing for me without having to try themmmm..... Is that asking for too much

Well, ladies, I feel good today, I began my day with my sunrise over the ocean walk... oh I love that, for 2 miles. I then did 30 minutes of weights with Gilad.... I feel good and I am ready for the day... I really do have to get back to work. I look forward to writng again soon.
Please to all of you enjoy your day, make it a beautiful one....
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Old 07-31-2006, 12:51 PM   #10  
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Hey Merrick! Thank you for such a kind reply. Yeah, it kinda went in stages with hubby. I gained weight with two pregnancies and he was pretty collected with it- as a matter of fact I would say supportive and "loved me despite the extra weight" and all that. Then after the baby was a year old I could see he was getting more uptight about it, and the pressure has slowly been mounting and mounting... In a way I can understand. It used to really %^&* me off because he has occasionally made some nasty comments, but from his point of view he has been waiting patiently and it is worn thin. He waited about a year after the second child before he got snippy over it, but it was after that child that I found out about the cervical cancer.Every year since I have had some type of sugery. I just can't expect someone with no eating disorder to understand my compulsions to run to food. He just sees the thin woman he married as a fat pig now. I can't put it any other way, that is what he sees. But hey, I'm trying. And no, he isn't perfect either- but let's face it- when you are fat you wear all your emotions on your body so you are easy to spot and accuse. People take that and run in all kinds of directions with it, and it hurts.

I'll be seeing the cardiologist in a few weeks, and this is a follow up to the procedure so he will be checking for various abnormalities...etc... Everything else I just ride out. I've been doing it for over 3 years as far as my health goes. It is a very depressing aspect of my life, but it is what it is.
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Old 07-31-2006, 01:19 PM   #11  
oh to be this graceful
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Hi Ladies and welcome to all the new ones. Sorry I need sleep just finished a 13 hour shift and really need some pillow time. As soon as i figure out how to bribe my dog back inside that is. I would really like to get more personal but i think my brain is mush.

My 2 cents worht of motivation for me though is currently other than I weighed 288 before this board and now weigh in at 276, I know i am in the right direction after many years. I don't ever remember single digit clothing except when i was maybe 6 or 7. But did lose down to about 210 approx. 5 years ago before i got married, now divorced, and had gained it all back plus more. between that and the high blood pressure, PCOS, high cholesteral, asthma, and whatever else the docs can some up with. i go back in 2 weeks to recheck some blood work that is off and they don't know why. I realize my current lifestyle was killing me. So to try and make a long story short, I am in love with a fantastic man who loves me for who i am now and supportive of me if i lose weight though doesn't seem to care if i ever lose any more. as long as i am healthy. Yes ladies I am keeping him. okayu i think this just turned into a book. Have a great day all and hope to reply better later.
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Old 07-31-2006, 01:33 PM   #12  
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flawlesscube- Hang on to that man!!!!!! For God's sake!!! Hang on!!!!

13 hour shift... aww.. hon, that's a long day. I hope all your bloodwork turns out well, and that losing weight will be the very thing that cure's what ail's ya.
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Old 07-31-2006, 02:45 PM   #13  
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Hey guys! Well, my interview was pretty lackluster. You know those kind that were all warm and fuzzy, but you leave not knowing anything. This is the 4th interview that I have been on. I just don't know. Typically, I ALWAYS get the job. I am wondering if it is the weight. This is the first time that I have interviewed this heavy. It may be a combination of things. I know that my self-confidence is much lower with the weight, so I am sure that I don't portray the same self-confidence plus I know that no one would ever admit it, but people are fat prejudice. There is a stigma that you are lazy and don't have good self-control if you are overweight, when that is not always the case. There are so many stereotypes in our society. Anyways, I am not going to lay too much on the weight thing because that will only depress me, but I do need to find something soon. We'll see what happens.

Aqua, sorry to hear about your health issues. I was hoping when I was reading your post that I would get the sense that your husband is getting impatient because of the health factors, however, I didn't get that. It seems like he is just upset because you are no longer thin. I tell ya, when are people going to realize that losing weight is not something that can be turned on or turned off. Don't they know if it was that cut and dry, we would all be thin? Well, I just hope that you are able to find the support needed through our little group. We will be there with you every step of the way.

Hello Susie and rkrs6673. Glad to see you. rkrs6673, I am in St. Louis too. Nice to have a fellow St. Louisan. Welcome to our group. Also, plumptobump, hope to see more of you as well.

Amanda, I noticed you are from Detroit. I was born and raised in Detroit. I lived on the E. Side by Outer Drive. I was there while I was pregnant because my grandmother was ill and I didn't know how much longer she had. She is still alive and kickin', but you never know.

Well, the twins are calling for me. See you guys later.

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Old 07-31-2006, 02:52 PM   #14  
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Hello everyone. We have a really fantastic support group don't we?! Already I feel as if you all have helped me to stay on track at least once or twice. I'm beyond grateful.

I can't type much right now. It's a busy day at work. I'll be able to post more when I get home. I just want to quickly say hello and welcome to the new people who have decided to join us. Don't be strangers!

Aqua, I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time. My heart goes out to you. I hope things get better really soon. If we were all with you, I'm sure we'd give you a great big group hug and cry right along with you. What you said wasn't too heavy. This is a very therapeutic thread, I think. Just express yourself any way you see fit. It's fine by us.

I'll see you all later.
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Old 07-31-2006, 03:42 PM   #15  
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Default Doing a Quickie for now.... :)

Happy Monday ladies!!!! Wow, what a group we've got going, I am beyond thrilled!!!! I am utterly convinced that support is key in this journey we've all embarked on, and look at us go!!!

I don't have any time for personals right now but just wanted to wish you all well for the day and to give a shout out to our new girls. You are gonna love it here, these ladies are amazing in so many ways!

Got final birthday stuff for DD and then grocery shopping this afternoon. So not the easy task with 3 kids in tow!

Heat is still here with the humidity but we've been having lots of rain the last two nights so woo hoo for us! Whatever it takes for that sticky icky to go away.

Ladies have a super great afternoon and I will CBL and write personals when I get in.

Remember you're all superstars!!!!!

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