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Old 07-30-2015, 02:03 PM   #226  
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Good morning GG!! Its a beautiful sunny day and supposed to get about 102 I think. Whew, thats hot! But you'd never know it inside my air conditioned house. I am so fortunate...what about all those people who can't be or don't have AC. My dh is not home...I think he probably went fishing but I was asleep when he got up. He probably told me but I don't remember.

I made it down to 166 this morning!! Now if I can only retain it til next Wed or go down more. I'm kinda getting the hang of this plan finally and when I eat this often I don't really need to cheat. Last night I did cheat in a way. I had a snack that was too large (for a snack) and too soon after dinner, then an hour later I had a cup of milk. Both I should not have had, but my reasoning was that because I was on such a late schedule I would miss my evening snack if I didn't have it then. Wrong thinking for this plan but my bs was only 109 before bed and my weight was down this morning.

Yesterday we both went out to buy a microwave but I got a mani/pedi before.
DH was tired so just sat and waited for me. I didn't think it would be so long and he usually is ok when sitting, however it ended up taking longer than usual (about an hour) and the bench had no back support...something I didn't think about and he was in pain. I felt so bad. I offered to just go home but he wanted to get the microwave so we went to Lowes and got one. It is a Frigidaire and is white. No it is not an over the range kind...I honestly didn't think of that...but we had one in our RV and I never liked removing hot foods from it and I'm even shorter now. Also what do you do about your range hood? I wanted a smaller one but to get the features I want (high wattage and sensor) I had to go for one that is about the same as our previous one. Not quite so tall but otherwise about the same. I was planning on getting another Panasonic but dh said he wanted to change brands and this store didn't have any Panasonics anyway. I set the clock but haven't tried it yet. Love how clean it looks, LOL, that won't last long. ETA: Now and then I buy gift cards online that people are selling, so get more value for my cost and we were able to pay for the microwave out of two of those! I was really surprised, I didn't think there was that much on them. We had $100 one (gift from son) that we thought we'd need to go into but didn't. Praise God, so it was not even taken out of our budget.

On the ice cream...we do stop now and then for a cone at Baskin Robbins. And dh often has his Filipino ice cream in the garage fridge. Mostly I don't care for it that much so it's pretty easy for me to ignore it. During the summer I sometimes buy fruit bars or the 40 cal fudgsicles but I'm still not able to discipline myself to eating them only within my plan. Tend to eat them all and then I am glad they are gone.

No gym today so hope to spend 19 min on my bike and also lift light weights a bit. Haven't done the weights in a long time and feel like I'm losing strength.

Take care and keep cool...

Last edited by maryea; 07-30-2015 at 02:07 PM.
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Old 07-30-2015, 10:40 PM   #227  
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Mary, the over the range microwave has the exhaust built in. I don't understand all that. DH handles it.

Our weather cooled down a bit and the humidity went down. We sat out on the porch for a while in the evening. Our dog, Rusty, that we adopted a couple months ago LOVES to sit out on the porch with us. We just pick up his tie-out and he runs to the door. I don't know how he's going to feel during the winter when we won't be sitting out there. He will be cooped up in the house. He can go out if he wants to, buy Mommy is staying in where it's warm. LOL
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Old 07-31-2015, 01:59 PM   #228  
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Family came to dinner last night and I fixed turkey chili sloppy joes but with beans. Served it with corn on cob, and salad. Dessert was fudgsicles and fruit bars. Then our gs stayed the night. He was very good but didn't get to sleep until I went to bed. I told him everyone (even Halo) was going to sleep so now he had to too. When I told him that he immediately fell asleep. It was his first sleepover so tried to be gentle with him about it but I would never have let my own kids stay up that late...that's the privilege of being a grandparent I guess. I was thankful that he wasn't fussy. He slept in until 10, mama should be here to pick him up soon. We were just talking about ice cream and last night I ate way too many fruit bars and fudgsicles. I kept mostly to the fruit bars though and they were only 25 cal each (no sugar). Only reason I didn't get much into the fudgsicles is because I figured our gd would be here today and she loves them so wanted to be sure I saved them for her. That thought saved me a few calories! , but I ate plenty. My weight just went up one pound (where I usually am), so hopefully if I'm careful today I'll be ok. My bs was actually lower.

So far I like the new microwave, but have only tried it to heat up water. So it's still clean.

I hope to get a haircut today and do some housework. Dh went fishing again...poor guy he just keeps going but never brings home's been several years now. I think he's just not so fast anymore but hard for him to accept and he loves being out there trying. He could have a worse past time and he's getting exercise.

Seems like the weeks are flying by can't believe it's the weekend already again. Our oldest dd is planning on coming up for a visit mid Aug. Before I know it she'll be here. I haven't done much housework for two weeks and my house is showing it. No one seems to care but me but it does bother me.

Bye for now...hope you all have a good weekend.

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Old 07-31-2015, 02:14 PM   #229  
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Mary Nice to hear about your grandson. by the way, what is Filipino ice cream? How is it different.

Funny you just got a new microwave and tried it, we've had ours for weeks and I could only boil water in it till yesterday. DH showed me how to add more time than the minute it is scheduled for. Like Carol Sue, I wanted the button release and got it.

Carol Sue Don't know why, but our weather was better this morning so DH and I walked over a mile. Wasn't sure I'd make it back home, but no place to sit while he went for the car so I kept on walking and made it! Sweat pouring in my eyes and down my back even tho it was early. Was it the effort that it took, or just the weather?

DH and I going to nearby city for Dinner. My shower after walking has me feeling so good now.

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Old 07-31-2015, 09:23 PM   #230  
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I tried to charge my cell phone today and it won't charge. I tried several different charging cords, in the wall, and also on the USB port on my computer. DH tried it on the car charger. We were in Target, and DH has become friendly with a guy who works in their phone department. We asked him if if knew of a reason it wouldn't charge. We thought maybe I damaged the prongs in the place where you put the charger. The guy plugged the phone into a charger he had and it started to charge right away. I don't understand this at all. I was holding off until December to get a new phone, but I might have to get one sooner. This is just a puzzle to me. Maybe we should have just bought one of the charging cords like the guy was using, but we have so many here it's ridiculous to buy another one. We tried my cord on DH's phone and it charges his fine. Just won't charge mine. Right now it's on 40% so it's not going to last much longer if we don't figure this out.
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Old 08-01-2015, 11:22 AM   #231  
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carol Sue Understand your frustration with your cell phone. Hope you work out a solution. We just threw away lots of cords that charged past phones, but not any we 3 have now.

Great gift our Son gives to us is really good I phones and all the perks. I have DH's old one that is supposed to be indestructible and he has the newest one with larger screen. As often as I drop things, I'm lucky to have such a sturdy one. I used to have a flip phone that I loved, but went thru 2 in one year. DS was great to keep buying and I sure appreciate not having that expense.

Gardening a bit this morning before the heat got bad. August garden is one that is beginning to wind down. 3 kinds of day lily are blooming, Black Eyed Susans in huge batch, cone flowers, blue Geranium and Hostas in the partial shade. Rest are 25 pots of annuals. Actually 5 pots are Perennials. The rains this summer meant far less watering. Back to daily watering now.

Enjoyed Dinner with DH and DD#3. She was recently promoted and excited to tell of the differences now with so much more responsibility. Actually she was doing much of it without the pay that goes with it till now.

Other DD is reacquainted with former classmate who lives near by and is also helping his elderly parents. They have so much in common as they often walk together in the evenings. Good company for each of them.
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Old 08-01-2015, 02:29 PM   #232  
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Had a rough painful night last night...feel much better now though. Dh is working on a kitchen plumbing problem and I'm trying to stay out of his way. Tonight he is going somewhere to watch a fight but I'm staying home. I'm not much for boxing and there will probably be lots of food. I don't need the temptations. Tomorrow is our church picnic, still trying to decide about that. It will be in the high 80s and we have to take our own meal plus a dessert to share. We are not comfortable sitting on a blanket so we usually drag along a couple's a lot to carry esp in the heat.

Oh yesterday I made a big mess to clean up! I was fixing dinner and went to get something out of the fridge and along with it came a large can of tomato sauce. The other day when I made the turkey chili I thought I might use tomato sauce and opened it. Ended up not using it and just put in the fridge thinking I'd cover it later, then forgot. Oh my gosh, there was tomato sauce all over my kitchen in places you'd never think it would go, all over every appliance, all over me...really just about everywhere. Dh comes in from grilling steaks and wants to eat. I was about ready too but now I have this huge mess to clean up! I thought I'd never get it cleaned up. Cleaned up the floor enough to stand it temporarily, changed my clothes, and ate dinner then got back to cleaning more thoroughly, mopping the floor, baseboards, walls, down all the appliances and lower cupboards, took me quite a while. I hope I never do anything like that again!! Even Halo stayed away...she knew grandma was not a happy camper.. Even splattered on my new microwave clear up on the counter! After I cleaned up everything I thought, I forgot the I've had things splatter up there before, but looked and there was none on the ceiling, thank God. I'd had enough cleaning.

Carol Sue - I had trouble with my phone not charging a few months ago, tried everything I could think of, but turned out the problem was the charging adaptor, the little white cube like thingy that fits into the outlet. Tried another one and it charges fine now. Just a thought. If you phone worked at the store, I doubt it's the phone.

Sandy - What I call Filipino ice cream is simply a brand of ice cream manufactured in the Philippines that many state-side Filipinos remember and miss. My dh used to wish he could eat it again. The brand is Magnolia and you can buy it in some Asian stores. We now have an Asian store just about 1 1/2 miles from us and dh often buys it on his way home. It is very good quality ice cream but is high fat and carbs compared to many on the US market. It is made from real cream and contains pieces of Asian type fruit. I like it now and then but still prefer the American stuff. Actually despite the high fat, carbs and calories, it is probably healthier than most ice cream if one is disciplined about eating it.

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Old 08-01-2015, 05:24 PM   #233  
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We tried all day with different charging cords, but the phone would still not charge. The charging cords worked fine on DH's phone. We went back to Target, because I figured if their charging cord worked, I would buy one of them. Well, the same guy was there and when he plugged it in, it wouldn't charge. We decided that something is wrong with the charging port and he just got lucky yesterday when he plugged it in. So I've ordered a new phone and that's the end of it. I was going to get one in December anyway, so I'm just a few months early. Next month our taxes and car/house insurance are both due so that's not a good month to have an extra charge on the credit card, but, too bad. I want a new phone. I don't use it much as we have a landline, but I like it for texting and when I'm away from home. An iphone is way beyond my budget!!!!

DH doesn't throw away any of our old charging cords. He keeps them in a little box in the closet. He says he never knows when he needs one and many of them are interchangeable. When we pass away, the kids will have a lot of boxes of "stuff" to get rid of.

Mary, what a mess to have that tomato sauce all over the kitchen!! One time I had made a big pot of soup and put it in the refrigerator in a big container. My step daughter went to get it out and it slipped out of her hand and soup went everywhere. She looked at me and said "Are you going to yell?" I said, "No, it was an accident, but clean it up." Our dog helped her. LOL
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Old 08-02-2015, 07:37 PM   #234  
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Had a freaky thing happen last night....our garage door opened twice, not sure what did it. After the second time I set our house alarm both the main one and the little one I call the ding ding. After I set the ding ding it dings and whoever is outside can hear it, and then I looked at the monitor and saw what looked like a flashlight shining out into our yard. I got our gun and stayed alert but nothing more happened. Probably just a freaky malfunction of some sort ...I heard even someone's cell phone can make a garage door open...but you never know...our neighborhood isn't as safe as it used to be.

Thats all the excitement ...nothing much else going on..maintaining my weight not sure how since I haven't been eating according to my plan..sorta half on/at least half off. .. I suspect the incr of med has helped me more than anything. Despite my bad eating last night and my bedtime test was very am bs was the best it's been in a long time and 2 hours after breakfast it was great. I don't think I will ever figure out this bs thing! I always wonder what it is in the middle of the night...sometime I'm going to test it then I'm so curious.

I didn't sleep well last legs were aching and I was up with Halo once although dh did dog duty later on. Still achy this morning so didn't go to church but dh went. There was a church picnic too today but we didn't go. It's hard on dh lugging everything over to the picnic area even though I help and I didn't feel up to it myself. More for younger people and/or families I think anyway, and if our kids would have gone we probably would have too. Wasn't that I didn't have picnic food...Our son came home last night with two large packages of chicken legs and unopened potato salad and I spent most of my evening baking the chicken in three batches in olive oil...first batch I sprinkled generously with garlic seasoning. the rest was some garlic but also a soy sauce, brown sugar sauce. I've only tasted one of the soy sauce ones and it was ok...I don't care for chicken legs much though. When I eat chicken I prefer breasts or wings. I will freeze most of what's left tonight for a quick meal later on. The guys will like it.

Carol Sue - Its always fun to have a new phone, so enjoy it.

Sandy - Great to have a son who buys your phones! We usually get pretty good deals on ours and buy about every two's not the phones that cost us so much as the monthly fees. Never thought I'd ever be paying so much for a cell phone but then we have no landline. Mostly though the cost is for our data plan but couldn't go back to a un-smart phone anymore..dh esp seems like he is always on FB!

It was supposed to be hot today but turned out cloudy and cooler. I'm going out to check the flowers. I usually get out there on Sun, dh does most of the rest.

Enjoy what's left of your Sunday!
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Old 08-03-2015, 06:51 AM   #235  
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Mary, my phone that broke was my first smart phone and I never figured out how to use it for more than calls and texts. I am not very tech savvy. Maybe I'll figure out more with my new phone.

I have heard of other people saying that something opened their garage door but I've never had it happen. We don't have an alarm system, but I know I would get one put in if I were every living here alone. DH says he keeps his alarm system under the bed. He's actually joking, though, because his guns are never loaded, and he keeps his ammo separate from the guns. I think I know where he keeps it but I'm not even sure. He quit hunting several years ago and hasn't fired any of his guns since. Actually, a few years ago he used his shotgun to kill a groundhog that just wouldn't quit eating his tomatoes! I think it's illegal here to fire a shot gun in a residential neighborhood but none of our neighbors would turn him in.

Yesterday we went to my grandson's 7th birthday party. It was just a kids party, 6 kids, a few of their parents and the 2 sets of grandparents. They had it at the YMCA where my grandson goes for daycamp through the summer. It was nice. They went swimming for the first hour then the party was the second hour. I would imagine they are paying a lot more for that daycamp than they did for his other daycare, where all they did was sit in one room with not much to do. Here they can go swimming, they are taken on hikes through a small wooded area out behind the building. Just more to do to interest young boys. I would imagine that girls go to that daycamp as well, but the birthday party was all boys in the 7 year old range. They had a great time. They had a small luncheon, which I didn't eat because it was too many carbs, but DH and I went out to eat after the party. We went to a buffet where they was more of a selection to choose from.

We had a beautiful weekend here. Hot, but not a lot of humidity. Today rain is coming back into the forecast.

My AM blood sugar is always way too high. I'm not sure why. I have tested my blood sugar a couple times around 3AM. They say you should do that once in a while to see if you are having night time lows. I wasn't. They say a bedtime snack is supposed to help lower AM blood sugar, but it never did it for me. It's something to do with going so long without food overnight that the liver releases glucose thinking that the body needs it. Some people say to leave enough time between meals for your blood sugar to go back down, and some people say to eat small meals closer together to keep your liver from dumping glucose. Who knows who's right. When I stick to low carb my blood sugar is pretty good through the day, but it's always high in the AM. Also they say that exercise will lower AM blood sugar, but you exercise often and still have high AM blood sugar.
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Old 08-03-2015, 02:22 PM   #236  
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Yeah this bs thing is a puzzle. I think that's my problem...for some reason the liver is releasing glycogen (stored glucose) too much. It's suppose to be released to wake you up in the morning but also I guess if your bs dips too low as you mentioned. Sometime when I can't sleep I wish I could think to check mine in the night. I did notice when I stuck to this eating plan, although I sometimes have to eat when my bs is higher than it should be (esp in the beginning), it overall gets better even though I'm eating so often. Of course I've increased one of my meds and I'm still on three meds. I think this last increase is helping a lot. The other day I got 141 in the am...that is the lowest I have gotten in a very long time even though it is still high. My weight is so far staying lower too even when I've been eating kinda crazy. When I stick to the eating plan I feel better and also noticed I slept better. Lately I haven't been doing so well with my eating and I'm back to not sleeping. Went to bed little after 12 last night, woke up about 2:30 and didn't sleep again until after dh got up (around 8 I think), phone rang at 9 am, went back to sleep, phone rang at 10. So not enough sleep even though I was in bed a long time. Guess I should have taken something but for some reason I didn't even think of it.

We have a ground hog ..well we call it a mole, is it the same thing?...and it keeps dh busy trying to get rid of it...I think he just runs it into a neighbor's yard and they run it back to us every now and then. Some of our plants haven't done so well this year...not sure whether it's the unusual weather or the mole but we've had them for years so I don't know. Dh thinks in some cases it's the mole tunneling under them. We don't seem to have as much garden this year. I didn't encourage dh to plant it but he wanted to. I haven't even gone out and checked much...checked the tomato plant and blueberries a few times...that's about it. I know we have some beans, I cooked some he brought in but they weren't very good, think we didn't harvest them soon enough. Probably because we were in Alaska. Our son forgets about the garden even though he was so excited about starting, he didn't do any of it..

So far I've cleaned the little bathroom, still need to clean our bedroom, change sheets etc plus some other things. I got so behind in my housework, I feel like my house is very dirty. Trying to decide about dinner...we still have chicken legs but guys may have them for lunch, so thinking to do something with leftover steak.

You all have a good day!
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Old 08-03-2015, 02:37 PM   #237  
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Carol Sue What fun at your grandson's birthday party. Glad to hear he also has day camp. Being active builds strong body and mind. Wish more people would help their kids do active things with kids close to their age.

DH and I and our kids all spent so much time outside and active most of our lives. With camping, biking, fishing our primary vacations, we built strong bones and bodies. DD#3 told me recently she really is glad for all those active times. Now she works out at a nearby gym. A former class mate is her "coach" and he is not easy on her. She encourages him in his social activities because he is so shy.

Don't understand how blood sugar works. I do eat something like a spoon of crunchy peanut butter and a banana most evenings around 1 to 2 hours before bedtime.

1 pound loss this week and a number I haven't seen in several years!!!

Mary I wonder if someone drove by with a garage opener in their hand to open their garage door but pushed the button too soon.

DH keeps his guns in rack up high behind computer and is ammo in a different place, too. He stopped hunting, too. Also with his hearing issue, the Doctor cautioned him about shooting a gun or being near others who are shooting could finish damaging his hearing. That did it!

The computer room is also his fly tying room on the opposite side, plus closet for my coats and our out-of-season clothing.

Success walking more days this past week. Sure that helped the weight to go down, too.

Sandy So glad you all come here to post and share your lives.
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Old 08-03-2015, 03:43 PM   #238  
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Good afternoon GG's,

It is a nice sunny day here today.

Got to visit with Sara a little on Saturday and then Jason. Love it when I get to visit with them.

Got my shingles shot today ~ so now I am counting down the weeks ~ 4 to go ~ until I can resume taking my RA meds. I will be so glad and thankful to get back to feeling better (less stiff and pain).

That is partly why I haven't been on here so much ~ everything hurts it seems, but especially my hands and wrists. Some days are worse than others.

Both Steve and I got summons for jury duty this month. I hope they won't want me ~ I worry that with my hearing, I won't hear something right and make a mistake.

School starts in 3 weeks. It is fun having Maddie, but looking forward to things slowing down too.

Sandy ~ I wish Sara could afford to have Maddie go to some kind of day camp like Carol Sue's grandson goes to. More people would probably choose something like that, but the cost is prohibitive. It would probably be good for her to be with kids her own age instead of a daily dose of us old foagies. In past years, Steve kept her on the move, but with both of our health stuff this year, it has kind of slowed him down. I am enjoying also, coming here and being able to share with you all and reading what is happening in your lives. It is a smaller group now, but that is ok ~ it is still nice to have a place to come and share.

Mary ~ I agree ~ the blood sugar thing is puzzling. I have had situations where I was up in the middle of the night and hungry ~ so ate some graham crackers or something ~ and the blood sugar in the morning was better than the fasting ones. I don't get that. I would think that the longer you went before eating, the better your blood sugar would be. Scary, that thing with your garage door opening the other night, and then that thing that looked like a flash light in your yard. Glad you are ok.

Carol Sue ~ your little grandson's birthday party sounds like it was fun for everyone. Are you getting the hang of your new phone? Glad you had a beautiful weekend to enjoy ~ I am picturing you and your husband and Rusty sitting on your front porch enjoying it.

How are you doing Lynn. Hope all is well with you.

Well, I'd better get off here. Maddie is wanting to bake some cookies. We made the dough the other day ~ she wanted to just eat the dough. So, today, she wants to bake it up.

Hope you all are having a nice day.

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Old 08-04-2015, 12:13 PM   #239  
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Gayle, I ordered the phone, but it hasn't come yet. Probably the end of the week.

My step-son and his wife make very good money. They can afford this day camp, but they still complain about the cost. Her parents take John a lot and that saves them a bit of money not having to pay for that day(s). They hint around for us to do the same thing, but we really don't want to. We watch him if they want to go out in the evening, but feel that he is better off being with kids his own age, and they can afford it. One time my step-son told me that his in-laws saved them so much money by taking John that he was able to buy a new set of golf clubs. LOL When they moved farther away from us they moved closer to her parents. Her parents are only here in the summer, and go to AZ in the winter. So they are the babysitters for the summer and we are the babysitters for the winter.

Mary, a groundhog looks like a big fat rat and is above ground. A mole lives underground. They burrow through the roots of your grass and you can feel the ground sinking in when you walk there. We have both. We used to get racoons, too, but DH trapped them and relocated them to a more suitable area. More wooded.

Sandy, if you do not have diabetes, when you eat, your body releases insulin to push the glucose into your cells to be used as fuel. It knows how much insulin to release according to what and how much you ate. If you have diabetes, either your body doesn't produce insulin, or not enough insulin, or it produces insulin but your body is insulin resistant and the glucose remains circulating in your blood instead of going into the cells.

Gayle, when you sleep, you are going longer without food and your liver thinks you need glucose, which raises your blood sugar as if you had eaten. By eating a small snack, you are giving your body a little bit of glucose so the liver doesn't have to release any.

These explanations I'm giving are very basic, and might not be exactly how things work, but are generally the way it has been explained to me. My AM blood sugar is high whether I eat a bedtime snack or not. When I was in the hospital, all diabetics got a bedtime snack. It was either a couple saltine crackers with a small slice of cheese, or graham crackers with peanut butter. When they gave me the graham crackers I used to trade them in for saltines, because I didn't like PB on graham crackers. Since the graham crackers lowered your blood sugar, maybe that's a good bedtime snack. I have heard that exercise lowers AM blood sugar, but Mary exercises regularly and still gets some high AM readings.

Val who used to post here always had great AM blood sugar, and she always exercised faithfully.
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Old 08-04-2015, 12:25 PM   #240  
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Gayle OUCH, jury duty!!! Please let them know how hard it is for you to hear, that is certainly problem. I read lots of John Grisham's books about trials and to miss any of the testimony would put you in a bad spot.

Glad that shingles shot is now done. count down till you can resume your RA meds. Other than feeling achy and more pain and stiffness, what other changes have you noticed while being OFF the RA meds? Any good effects?
Enjoy baking with Maddie.

I spent over 3 hours weeding and watering part of our gardens after also doing this yesterday but then it was in shade. Today I was covered with hat, long sleeves, gloves and hat and sun glasses. Hope it was enough protection from both the sun and the possibility of poison ivy.

DH has gone to get neck and shoulder massage. It is close to our DD#3 place she works so I bet he stops to visit. DD#2 has gone to orthodontist and I have quiet house to myself, then wasted it all being outside.

Carol Sue when I posted I found you did come here earlier than I did.
Thanks for the explanation about how the liver works with glucose.
Thank goodness your kids can afford the child care - Suggestion, bet they could relieve you in winter with a paid baby sitter. Consider protecting your self by at least some "no".

Tomorrow is Mass, Gym, Massage, and Prayer Chapel at Church by myself. I reserve that time each week. Last week a sweet older couple came in and joined me. Their love for each other was beautiful to see. Their kids went to school with our older kids so I know they have had a long marriage.

Carol Sue Unusual for me to post before you. Hope your day is good.

Mary How is your day?

Lynn Are you on vacation?

Last edited by love2garden; 08-04-2015 at 12:30 PM.
love2garden is offline  
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