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Old 10-20-2009, 10:08 AM   #31  
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Well last night went ok until.....the wine LOL I did make a mexi cassorole that was 6 pt per serving but then had to have some wine...stayed pretty close to my points though

btw Reno -- what can I say they make it fun to give them your money. I did try to run the second day I was there but it was pouring I only went about 30min. So the next day it was suggested by DH why not go up the stairs at the hotel and back I went up 20 stories, cut across the 23 third floor, back down the other side 4 to have died needless to say I only did that once. The last day I was there one of the pit bosses asked me why I did not use the exercise room well I would have if I knew it exsisted! apparently they don't advertise it even some of the dealers had know idea the hotel had it..go figure?

ok will check in later
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Old 10-21-2009, 04:19 PM   #32  
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going to do some cursing here.......mad at myself and that halloween candy so #### at myself
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Old 10-23-2009, 03:03 PM   #33  
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Well chickies I am having those internal conversations with know the ones I am talking about right?

The ones you argue and plead with yourself to quit making those bad food I say to myself I really want pizza tonight for dinner and my DH suggests I have some veggie stir fry--these tough decisions not sure which way I am going to sway by the end of the day
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Old 10-23-2009, 10:45 PM   #34  
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nancy- your hubby sounds nice and helpful! I love mine, but he struggles with weight as I do. I think that we can each be food pushers in a way. I was doing fairly well today, planned backed chicken and roasted potatoes for dinner, then hubby brings home a pizza! Of course I can't eat just one slice. Tomorrow is weigh-in. I have a feeling it won't be pretty...

My one accomplishment this week is that I have tracked everything in my journal. The good and the bad.

Has anyone on here ever done daily journals for exercise and food? Maybe that would be helpful for some?
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Old 10-23-2009, 11:03 PM   #35  
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lol andi I wish my husband could struggle to lose weight, he just does not understand he even thinks about droping a pound and two go away. But he is very supportive of my efforts and encourges me every day, he even teases me if I make poor food choices---God bless his tiny as---

Good job on the tracking! I do track both my exercise and food although lately I have been lax so the gain I have had is totally my own doing.

I try to balance out my exercise and flex pts so they are almost like a trade off. It does seem to work for me since I am (hmm) more of the older crowd it is said we don't need a many pts to get by even if we exercise like crazy folks...I have found this to be true. I can earn 35-40 exercise pts eat less than 1/2 my flex and still remain the same for weeks on frustrating is that????

these past weeks I have been lax and gain some back but I am ok with that I will jump back on the exercise wagon again...just waiting for the weather to even out? (what a crock of s##t)
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Old 10-25-2009, 10:39 PM   #36  
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Hey! It has been a super long week. I weigh in tomorrow but I haven't been a saint. I haven't barely tracked anything. I was sick with H1N1 all week last week. But finally woke up yesterday super hungry! I am going to excercise 30 minutes every day even if I march in place. Everyday I seem to see someone or something that makes me wonder why I don't eat healthier? I can never come up with a good enough answer. One of the things I am struggling with is I use to like to have broiled salmon and rice. With my medical condition in the past year I became allergic to shell fish. Does anyone have other ideas to get fish into my diet I am not sure what fish that includes necessarily?
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Old 10-26-2009, 11:36 PM   #37  
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stengel150 I am sorry to hear you were sick and can't eat shellfish double whammy! But for fish ideas I have found a few that have been quite tasty. I will dig up the recipes...talipia that is put in a small custard cup then stuffed with celery, onion a tad of breading and pharm cheese for one (it really is good) Broiled Cod or Halibut with almost FF tarter sauce give me some time I have more LOL

As for me these days it is still the same can't seem to get back into journaling or exercise....I was so faithful for 5 months straight and then poof don't know what happend to my motivation. I keep thinking it will get back

Anyone have suggestions for me????? well I am going to scoot tonight have an early day tomorrow
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Old 10-27-2009, 10:34 PM   #38  
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Ok, so I'm still journaling, but this week I have been super snacky! I'm blaming it on TOM! lol. Dh and I did take a walk this evening and it felt really good. I've got to remember that "good" feeling tomorrow when I'm lazy and would rather take a nap than walk.

Nancy, I wish I had some good advice. I wish I could figure the motivation factor out too. Sometimes visualizing the results I want helps remind me why I'm doing this. Maybe there's some interesting articles on the WW website that would be helpful. If I see anything I'll let you know!

Right now between my achey knees and (now) high blood pressure that should be enough motivation for me, but sometimes it isn't. I'm too young to be on BP meds. Not only am I fat, but I tend to be pretty tightly-wound/high strung. Not a good combo

stengel150- Sorry about the flu! Glad you're feeling better though! As for fish ideas, the most fish I eat is tuna. So, I'm not much help to you either! Sorry!

Hope you all have a good day tomorrow!
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Old 10-27-2009, 10:54 PM   #39  
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well I think I may have touched on a offical ww journal was done a few weeks ago and I tried to reproduce one on my own...that was not working sooo...back to ebay to buy one I think that small thing will get me on track again. I know it sounds silly but I was so relgious bout that journal and tracking pts food and exercise both.

Oh and btw I was chatting with bus partner - he is only in town 1 a month and stays for about a ...I told him it was his fault I was not back in my exercise routine since he was last now I am committed to running durning the day with him..grrr me and my big mouth

ok I am off for the night
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Old 10-28-2009, 12:22 PM   #40  
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Good for you Nancy that will help you get started again. Just keep doing it and it will get back into routine again! I know how hard it is but just take one day at a time and if you miss a day don't beat yourself up or decide to blow the rest of the week! Pick it back up and keep going!

As for me I lost one pound last week so I am back under 200 LOOKING FOR 195! I KNOW I CAN DO THIS! (sorry had to do a motivational speech to myself)
Thanks for the fish recipes. I am going to try some new stuff and hope I don't go into any seizures!
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Old 10-28-2009, 10:48 PM   #41  
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stengel150 thanks for the words of encourgement and to you under 200 that is so cool for me it is to get under 150 it is such an uphell battle. But I did lose 1.0 this past week my ticker still shows my other loss but I keep it there to remind me.

Well like I said my business part gets here in the am...then I have to run. I even took my clothes to the office today and was going to run at lunch and didn't do it

aw well tomorrow
he will make me lol
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Old 10-29-2009, 11:00 PM   #42  
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hehe and whoo hoo the weather was so nasty we did not run this afternoon as planned which kinda bumbed me out I was psyiced up to go but I am a little scared...I am fairly new runner (3months) and really just got the hang of going without dying in the first 2 min. So my stride is slooooow and when I do run with my bussiness partner - him being male and much taller than me -- I am worried I will try and keep up with his strides, be out of breath and have to stop and walk...any advice???
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Old 10-30-2009, 09:38 AM   #43  
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Ladies I feel for each of you.
I keep freaking out that I will just be "fat" forever.
I was doing so well but then being sidelined with the hospitalization floored me. I wasn't feeling bad or anything and bam!
I am trying to focus the fact that I can keep going and not look back, but it's hard not to have a pity party.
I need to get a new journal tomorrow and just start over.

I think I am pretty blessed however that we don't do Halloween, so I don't really have to worry about candy per say and then this year since we're poising to move, I won't have to worry about Holiday foods much either. I think we've decided we're going to the Chow hall for Thanksgiving (they have pretty good food on post) and I am thinking we'll do something small for Christmas since we won't have any furniture or anything in our house then. Guess I could look at this as a weird
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Old 10-31-2009, 10:51 PM   #44  
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OK ASH the burning question is LOL why won't you have furniture in your house at Christmas????

And you always need to focus on looking forward. you are just like I think a lot of us...we look at the past but can't allow ourselves to dwell on it and then move forward...I really have to concentrate on that since my weight loss just crawls along.

Oh btw wierd wierd...lost a pound last week and did not exercise and for three months solid I was exercising like a fiend and rarely lost an ounce... what is up??anyway I am still trying to get into the groove and tomorrow is the first of November so I need to make a new commitment.

night all-- have spooky dreams
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