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Old 03-21-2004, 02:53 PM   #1  
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Default Feisty & Sexy 50-60 yr olds #11

Wow time for a new thread. Lots of conversation going on here.

Glenda you have found a lifestyle plan and you are working it. 1lb a week is good. You keep up the good work.

Lily - Happy Anniversary. How was the dinner. Would love to have the Morrocan chicken recipe.

Was a busy weekend. My friends dd got married. We decorated the hall Friday. I had to help out in church and fluff the dresses as they went down the isle. The mom walked her last dd down. The dad died last year. Even the kids performed well. The cake was outstanding. It was layered and plain. Decorated with fresh flowers and their initials in icing. They had chocolate covered strawberries too. The bride wanted ice cream (local specialty-Graeters black raspberry chip. Yummy.

Be back later,
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Old 03-21-2004, 03:51 PM   #2  
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G'day all,

What a memorable weekend! Our ds's cricket team won the grand final and after a very ordinairy season for him, he was named 'man of the match'. We were very proud
We attended the 60th celebrations of a friend on Sunday but left early to see the final stages of ds's cricket match.
After the match all the supporters were asked to come into the change rooms and celebrate with the boys. Speeches galore, the highlight for us was that our ds thanked us very publicly for all our support over the years, dh got all teary!! Being my birthday yesterday as well, he also got everyone to sing happy birthday. I wasn't quite that thrilled about that!
Our daughter-in-law is returning to Australia on Thursday after a very successful netball tour, won all the tests in South Africa and so far won 2 of the 3 tests in London. She plays her last match tomorrow.
What a house full of champions, I am the only 'normal' one

DH bought me a birthday present in Sydney, probably the only person who will understand my excitement is Lily, I got a 120 GIG external hard drive! I am very happy with it and it will enable me to very easily store my many photographs, last count I had some 9000 images on my laptop

Hope you all had a great weekend.........

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Old 03-21-2004, 07:26 PM   #3  
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Lily Happy Anniversary. Hope you had a wonderful day. Never had morrocan chicken before. Was it good?

Maria you sure had an exciting weekend. Congrat. to both your son and DIL And a party to boot. Happy Birthday by the way. You sound veery excited about your new hard drive. Wsh I understood more about computers

Ann been waiting for some information on your park. beginning to think they don't want us there. But more than likely ther is nothing available right now. I did find you on the map so plan on seeking you out anyway . We have been in contact with some people but they don't want to sell until next year. Too late need a house this year. Some of the ones we have seen on the net are just the ticket for use. Hope some are still there when we are able to travel down to have a look

Bee back later
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:40 PM   #4  
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Well we had a great day today. Went to Daffodill Hill. So many pretty daffodills. Spring has sprung! So many different varities to. Was very nice!

Maria: wow! I am impressed! And jealous to boot Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a great one!

Karen Suprised its taking so long for them to get back to you. Hopefully you will hear something soon so you can start making plans to visit and have a look see.

Peggy: wedding sounded wonderful. I want some of that Ice Cream!

Last nights dinner was Yummmmmmmmmm. I had a Steak that had Peppercorn Sauce on it and a Ceasar Salad. Brought Half of it home was huge! Aslo had a Very nice Dessert. Pecan Chocolate Cheese cake. Yummm. Only ate half was to full from dinner. Was very good. And Im back on track today

Ok here is the recipe Must Add all the spices and then the chicken and refrig overnight. I will tell you it does smell when you take it out Was kinda worried the first time but its Very good. Its all the spices mixed together. DH likes his with some Mozz or any kind of White cheese melted on top
Grill it until cooked through

Moroccan Chicken

Recipe By :
Serving Size : 2 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories :

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
2 Each Boneless chicken Breasts
1 Tablespoon Minced Garlic
1 Tablespoon Minced Parsley
1 Tablespoon minced cilantro
1/2 Teaspoon Minced Cumin
1/2 Teaspoon Turmeric -- Minced
1/2 Teaspoon Minced Ginger
1/2 Teaspoon Tarragon -- Minced
Ground Pepper -- To taste
1 Tablespoon Red Chili Flakes
Lemon Zest -- Of 2 lemons

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per serving: 269 Calories (kcal); 4g Total Fat; (13% calories from
fat); 53g Protein; 2g Carbohydrate; 132mg Cholesterol; 157mg Sodium
Food Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 7 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 0
Fruit; 0 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates

Last edited by LilyG; 03-21-2004 at 10:52 PM.
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:58 PM   #5  
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Back again,

My son dropped in so needed to take some time with him. He was up with a friend using the rifle range. He and the friend are into guns i don't get it but thats just me.

Also say dd today she was looking for her dd. And needed a base so her dd could call as soon as she got the word. Anyway visited a bit. Her new job is going well. There are a lot of bugs to work out because the business is new. They figure by August all should be up and running smooth. They have a contract with the hospital for a 72 hour turn around. (Transcribing) she was full of a lot of talk about computers and DSL hook ups and downloading stuff. She seems to like the new job and is learning a lot.

I am working this week for a friend. She is having to move her Mother into a nursing home. She has been in assisted living but is not remembering to do the important stuff. Bathe change clothes and stuff. It has been very hard on my friend and her brother The Mother is only 67 and is also deaf. So finding a nursing home was not easy for them. Anyway this is the week they are making the move. I feel sorry for all involved. So i start out workng tomorrow and will be on the road til Thursday again. Between her meetings and mine.

Things are going pretty good around here between SIL and DH and me. We get along pretty well. Wish SIL wouldn't worry about her health so much and just live. I think most of what is wrong is in her head. But I think I told you all that before.Good thing she has good insurance.

Glenda so glad your life changes are working out for you. Taking meds is the pits that is for sure.

Marnie whats going on with you? Did you say you were reading DR.Phil's book?I have a copy and picked it up the other day and read pages 75,76,and 77. Positive self talking. (Sounds like a page out of my WW manual) What he says is so true. What i have read of his book I agree with. And he has a way of saying what needs to be said and making you understand it.

Well now i'm going to get ready for bed.

Talk to you all later this week .

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Old 03-22-2004, 08:08 AM   #6  
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Happy Birthday Maria!!! What an exciting day you had. And I am happy you love your new thingy even though I am not sure exactly what it is.

Lily thanks for the recipe. Going to try it soon when it is warm enough to grill. Love daffodils and wish it was blooming time for them here.

Karen you will see yourself coming and going this week. Sounds very busy.

Where is Ann? Did I miss something?
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Old 03-22-2004, 11:32 PM   #7  
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Hi Everybody
I didn't think it was that long ago that I was here but I can't believe all that has been going on.

Maria Happy Birthday to you! It's nice that you were so pleased with your birthday gift from your husband. I can't believe that you have over 9000 images stored in your computer. LOL no wonder you were so excited with your new little "toy".

Lily a very Happy Anniversary to you and your DH. Sounds like you guys had a wonder dinner celebration.

Karen so much for working less, but I guess it's just for a short period of time. You sure are a busy gal. How do you go about receiving information on places to buy in all the different senior parks?? Is there one particular place you can contact and get a list of all the parks and the places for sale?

Peggy the wedding you were at sounds like it was lovely. That's the wedding you did the little project for isn't it?

I will see Trudy tomorrow for tea time, so I am looking forward to that. Glenda I'm happy you are feeling good and off the meds that were giving you problems. Hi to Marnie and Ann what have you gals been up to?

I bought new lamp shades, and returned them...then bought different ones, and returned them too, now I have three more and they are looking good, so I will keep them. I have ordered some sheer curtains and will see how they will look on my windows. I may have to "make" my own curtain rod from a large wood dowel. Maybe I could talk Peggy into coming here and giving me hand. I am thinking I will paint the rod the same colour as my walls and then screw on finials in a brushed brass that will match my lamp bases. This is still just in my head but I am thinking that's what I will do as I can't find a curtain rod long enough.
Good night to you soon.

Last edited by slavika; 03-22-2004 at 11:35 PM.
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Old 03-23-2004, 08:38 AM   #8  
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Default Happy Spring, All!

Slavika I agree, so much happens if you don't check in every day!

Maria and Lily Sorry I missed your special days. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!

Karen I'm almost finished with Dr. Phil's book. It is really worth reading: Common sense and no gimmicky plans or outrageous eating menus. BTW, when you move to Florida is your SIL going, too? I was wondering about that the other day.

For those of you who asked, yes, I'm getting the no-line bifocals. I went to the optician on Friday and along with our insurance and my AARP discount, my glasses are a lot less than if I did not have those "helps."

Glenda and Maria, great going on the weight loss. The last 2 weeks I've been down -.4 and -.6. It's kind of frustrating to lose in such small increments, but I'm determined to do it even if it takes another year!

I'll check back sooner!

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Old 03-23-2004, 06:04 PM   #9  
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G'day all,

Thank you all for your good wishes for my birthday

Marnie a loss, is a loss, is a loss I understand (believe me!) it can be somewhat frustrating loosing in little increments but it stillo a lot better than gaining in little increments!
I am sure Dr. Phill's book would be very worth while reading, he certainly makes you look at things a little different.

Slavika I somewhat exaggerated about how many images I have stored on my computer, it is not 9000 but a mere 7983
I have them now all stored on my new external hard drive
Say 'hi' to Trudy, I miss her posts.

Lily sounds like you had a great anniversary with a visit to 'Daffodil Hill'.
How many years have you been married? We are coming up 34 years in May seems like only yesterday we got married but in other ways when we think about all the things we have done and that have happened over that time, it has been a long time!

Karen you do have a very busy life! I hope your move will work out and you are able to move to the park where you would like to be. Pleased also that things are settling down with your s-i-l. It was a pretty courageous and kind on you and your dh's part to offer a home to his sister.
I am a little lost about your dd, is she setting up her own business
I am with you on guns and I am very pleased that we have very strict gun laws. I find the views of Charlton Heston in regards to guns totally incomprehensible.

Peggy I have also been wondering where Ann is. She is usually a regular poster, hope all is well.

It is a glorious day here once again, 30 degrees.
Our daughter in law is coming home tomorrow and I have planned a big family dinner as a welcome. She is arriving at 6 am so will sleep most of the day.
She is looking forward to a home cooked meal so I have decided to do a roast. Her mother is bringing dessert which is very yummy, lots of fresh mixed berries with a sauce that consist of equal amounts of melted white chocolate and cream mixed together.

Have a great day all,
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Old 03-24-2004, 08:47 AM   #10  
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Default Hi everyone:

Glenda, I fogot to tell you yesterday that I have Oklahoma State in the Final Four. I have UCONN winning, but I hope OK State makes it.

Lily, I read through the Moroccan Chicken recipe; thank you. I think I could do that one. I don't use cilantro, cumin or tumeric, but I might just get them to try this.

Slavika, I admire your tenancity in finding the right lamp shades. I hope you're getting your decor matched up the way you want it. How about if you and Peggy come and help me with my house?

Maria, I bet your roast was scrumptious. And what about your dil's mother's berry recipe. Sounds quite decadent! Let us know.

Better go work on my spreadsheets.

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Old 03-24-2004, 02:17 PM   #11  
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Marnie: It all counts no matter what the loss. Your doing great! No Cilantro? I love the stuff! The real recipe called for Saffron. Which I will not buty as it is so expensive. Someone told me to use Tumeric instead for anything that called for saffron.

Slavika: Your still busy redorcoating I see. Are you just about done?

Maria: on the images you have. I probably have just as many plus 2 cds full We have only been married 17 years.

Karen: Sounds like you are doing lots of meetings this week. Glad things are still going well with SIL.

Peggy: Dont no where Ann is. Do miss her posts.

Best get back to work.
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Old 03-25-2004, 11:02 AM   #12  
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Hi everyone: I have just been reading and reading trying to catch up with everyone. Belated best wishes for Birthday and Anniversary. I have just been generally relaxing since I am no longer the chairperson. Then we traveled to South Florida to visit DH brother and SIL. We had a nice visit with them but would never want to ive in that area. Traffic, traffic, traffic. We are very happy here in Central Florida.

Karen: Sorry you haven't heard anything from our office. I'll go down and see what has happened.

Everyone sounds so busy and also doing well in the weight loss department. Not so with me. Since I have started taking a BP medicine, my metabolism has slowed down, i think, and it seems impossible for the weight to go down even a little. But I am not giving up. At least most of the time.

The Morrocan Chicken sounds good, but I can't do red pepper flakes. Would it matter if you left that out? Also liked the sound of the chicken rice soup. How would fat free half and half work for the recipe?

My remedy for cracked fingers is good old Vicks Vaporub. Every night I slather it on my hands and then put on the gloves. Also keeps my sinuses clear Just kidding, but it really does work on the cracks. Better than any other cream I've ever tried. I use it as long as I need to, to get the cracks healed.

Maria: Our house is what is refered to as Manufactured housing. It is small, two bedrooms, two baths, living room and dining area combined sort of in an L shape and then a small kitchen. Also have a screen porch. Just right for me, since I hate to clean house, and this doesn't take too much time. They are building alot of those 'monster' houses around here. I'd feel like I needed a maid to keep everythink tidy.

It is interesting that we all had to work our way up in our quests for homes, etc. but I think that since we were then able to give much to our children, they just think that they have to start where we are finishing. And they sacrifice so much with both working, and not very much time for their children. I often wonder if the sacrifices are worth it, when the kids begin to have so many problems. I wonder about those children who have their own T.V. room and living room. What sort of influences will they be getting from their parents and what from their viewing habits?

I'm getting new glasses too. And I know what you mean about them being pricey. I waited until Sears came out with a coupon for two pairs of glasses for $99. Of course I had to add tint and UV protection but even at that it was a good deal. Mine are going to be rimless around the lower edge. I think it does open up a persons face a lot, and shows ones eyes more. I tried the lineless glasses several years ago, and couldn't wear them at all. They made everything look curved. The piano keys, and typewriter keyboard, all with a big curve. I tried and tried to get used to them but to no avail. The optometrist said that some people just can't wear them. That is wierd me

We had a St. Pats dinner and dance here in the clubhouse. We ate the corned beef but did not stay for the dance. My DH is a concientious objector to dancing.

I had a stroke of luck. We had a ladies lunch and fashion show, with door prizes, and I won a $25 gift certificate from the store. Now I won't be able to say that I never win anything.

Just saw on this mornings news a picture of a 16 year old with a bomb vest strapped to his chest, and they were able to get him to cut it off. It seemed he was manipulated to do this by some faction. I just don't understand that kind of hatred, like the bombing of the trains in Spain.

Guess I've rambled on long enough. But I promise not to stay away so long from now on. There was too much to catch up with. Hope I haven't forgotten
anything important. Ann
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Old 03-25-2004, 03:11 PM   #13  
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Hi Everybody congrats to you Marnie at least your weight is going in the right direction. I on the other hand don't seem to be doing much of anything. My DH is having trouble too, getting off the few pounds that he wants to. He told me this morning that if he didn't get some weight off he would have to start buying new clothes. I told him we just have to try harder and I would also make us "lighter" meals. I get the Weight Watcher News letter every Monday, and this last Monday they had a recipe called Orange Chinese Chicken. I made it and it was excellent. It was simple to make and uses a can of Mandarin orange slices.
Ann it was nice reading your post. I've missed seeing you on the board.
Manufactured you mean a mobile home (that can be moved) or do you mean actual houses that are built someplace else and then moved to the location that you want? Are there a lot of these houses in the parks in Florida? I guess this winter DH and I will have to make a decision as to where we would like to live during the winter months and start looking. Lily I am still trying to finish off the living room/dining room. I don't want to spend too much more money on this project, as we will want to buy something further south this year, but I still want it to look nice. Lamp shades are not expensive........the ones I got were around $50.00 each. Two of the shades are the same and the one that is different I thought I would glue beads around the bottom of the shade. That seems to be in right now. I also need to buy a couple of new pictures. I need pictures in our bedroom and I also would like a new one in the livingroom.
It's coming together though.
Maria earlier in the week when I was shopping I saw someone had put up a card advertising their motor home for sale on the cork board in the entrance of the store. I should have written down the details, because of course now I forget but I thought it was $17,000.00. My DH walks that way in the evening and I will get him to check it out as to year, make, model, etc and let you know. I was thinking if you had your heart set on travelling in a motor home maybe you should consider buying a USED one, travel in it, and then at the end of your holiday, sell it for the same amount you paid for it or even a bit more. When you rent a motor home you have to return it to the same place your rented it from which would mean going back the same way you had come. However, if you bought a used motor home, (there would not be any depreciation on it because it is NOT new) and would not depreciate for the short time you would have it. By buying a used one, you would eliminate the high cost of renting one for your holiday. I think though, you would have to plan on buying and selling it in the same country. I mean if you bought it in Canada, then plan your trip to end someplace Canada, so that you could sell it and then just get on a plane to take you back home. It's a bit of a hassel to buy cars and motor homes etc in Canada and then sell it in the USA.
Talk to you all later. Bye now.
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Old 03-25-2004, 04:16 PM   #14  
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Slavika: Our house came in on wheels in two halves, and then was put together. It could be moved, but it would be a big pain. There are many places like ours and in different sizes. There are also parks with the houses that come in all apart and then are put together on the lot. And then a lot of new block houses. We have all sorts.

Your remodeling project sounds like it is all coming together.

It is nice to know I was missed. I promise not to be so tardy anymore. Ann
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Old 03-25-2004, 04:49 PM   #15  
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Slavika I would love to come and help you decorate. Then you could show me how to make slipcovers and all the nice sewing stuff you do. If you have time would you post the recipe for the chicken. It sounds good. I like to put mandarin orange slices in my salads.

Ann you were missed. Now I will think of you everytime I see a half of a manufactured house going down the highway to its destination. I have seen pictures of the insides and they are really nice. That is a good deal on the glasses. They can be so expensive by the time you get everything added on.

I went to an exercise class at the senior center. I thought it would be easy-NOT! I am sore and tonight is my circuit night. Going to canasta afterwards so if I work hard I can have a few snacks.

Marnie I think I have UConn going all the way. But a lot of the teams I had are out already. Lot of upsets. It is nice to see your home teams do well.

Got to run and get ready for some more exercise.
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