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Old 02-07-2020, 05:35 PM   #46  
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Hi Turtles/Chicklets,
Nancy, the ouncy bouncy game is not as much fun as Yatzhee. Why is the scale going up mid-week?

My friend who weighs in on Wed. with me says she eats higher point foods starting on Friday, Sat., Sun then tapers off with a fish dinner on Monday and a white chicken meat on Tuesday. I am going to try that. I am also working on a plan to include lean beef, lean pork chop, lentil or other vegetarian dish (maybe a chili or soup) for dinner for 3 nights. Then 2 chicken dinners and 2 fish dinners. That gets me thru the week without feeling like I can only eat chicken to lose weight. I am experimenting. I even bought Minute Brown Rice. I never do that, but it cooks so much faster and I had it with some chicken and peas tonight and it was a nice change.
I am working on walking in the neighborhood, but we've had rain all day so that didn't get done.

Sending : to any reading. Nancy, keep up your posts. They keep me happy and it's good to feel accountable, right??

: My scale is smiling. Do you think it's because I am snacking on mini peppers and carrots instead of cashews? Hmmmm.

Have a great weekend!
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Old 02-07-2020, 09:48 PM   #47  
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Well good evening! So late to the party
Daily WI down .2 I hope tomorrow goes better LOL

Today was another wet day and the blister on my toe is doing better but not ready for a hike yet.
I am having a craving this evening for a glass of wine and I think I will have one This will still keep me in my points, I still have 3 left

Itry--I have my meals planed out for the week and I keep the protein size small in the evenings so no heavy foods. I have tried mixing things up as far as evenings go you know lighter meal or just skip ..which is not a good idea, even with that my weight seems to follow this pattern.. I may talk to my ww lady tomorrow.

I am going to scoot
back later
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Old 02-08-2020, 02:07 PM   #48  
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Ok going to rant
official WI up .6
I talked to the leader for a brief moment and said I was beyond frustrated and she has no suggestions other than 'positive self talk' REALLY??? BullS***, I even did that for a week, recording 1 positive from the day before, putting my head in a positive space ...I have been with ww for only 8 weeks but I seem to have more gain weeks than lose weeks. I track everything! and if I go over it is by 2-4pts never super crazy, I also have a lot of activity points I don't use so these gains make no sense. I don't eat out or if I do it is rare, I stopped drinking any wine (2 weeks ago), so to have only lost 4.2lb in 8 weeks is unacceptable.

Sorry I am not in a good place right now and cranky as ****

I will be back when My head is in a more positive place, sorry to bring you down
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Old 02-08-2020, 02:21 PM   #49  
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Hi Turtles/chicklets,
Nancy, your weight loss has me puzzled. You don't bring us down. It's really important to vent and I don't blame you. Too early to be a plateau...…..too much on program to have the smallish loss you have. Not drinking wine should have helped. One thing I can think of is did you lose a lot of weight right before you joined WW's? I wish I had some good ideas. I can send you : but that's not much help. The only suggestion I have is to seek out another coach in your area because the answer you got at the scale is lovely, but not helpful. Any answer that makes you say Bulls*** isn't a good answer. Get back to us when you can. Try a day of almost all zero points foods and see if that shakes anything up. I really do wish you the best. Maybe purple isn't the best program for you. What type of eating plan have you lost weight on before?

things going okay here. Purple is the way I lose weight and I know that. Long time ago WW's had the Core program and I lost 25# that year. In another program OA I lost 60#, but regained it when there weren't any ideas on how to keep it off...………...however, they both limited grains and even fruit and emphasized vegetables...……..the green ones no one really likes...……...and very lean protein.

Okay, take care. Get thru the weekend and hopefully your weather will be great and you can get out and enjoy a hike or nature or something that will make you feel good.


Last edited by Itryharder; 02-08-2020 at 02:23 PM.
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Old 02-08-2020, 10:14 PM   #50  
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Ok I am a bit calmer now
I chatted on line with a 'coach' and they suggested I switch to the 'blue' plan. They even said that the purple is really helpful if you are on maintenance rather than losing. Whoa I opener! I actually was doing 'blue' before my official sign up piggy backing off my sisters app and lost nearly 20# only to gain back 15---hence my actually joining at the purple plan.
So now those 2pt- 1C ww rolled oat granola just jumped to 10pt....what the heck??? so now my yummy go to snack is gone gone gone. To be replaced by air popped pop corn which I cut out thinking sodium was my enemy....

Ok back later

However today in a rebellious mood for lunch I drank 2 beers, and ate some roasted brussel sprouts, dinner a glass - maybe two of wine and skip the food. I know this is not healthy or even close to being smart but today is a psst....its one day and I am going to do it just to piss myself off more or ....not

I do however have my yogurt percolating in my IP so I have my FF yogurt for breakfast....

so why when I look up frozen blackberries the app says 0, then when I scan the bag of frozen blackberries (after checking the ingred and only lists the fruit) it scans 4 pts per cup??? another problem for me
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Old 02-09-2020, 10:05 AM   #51  
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Hi Turtles/Chicklets,
Nancy, great idea to chat with an online coach. I am surprised she said Purple is more for maintenance but because so many foods are zero points, etc. I can see why. Good luck with the blue program especially since you did so well with it before "officially" joining WW's. I think you'll see the progress you want to see now. Hmmmm, something to think about because my coach at my meeting saw I was having trouble with the program and she said I might want to switch too. I bet WW is getting lots of feedback from loads of people about Purple. The weird thing is I know that kind of food and that kind of restriction on the points foods will serve me best.

So, very good luck!!!! I actually love your celebration day of little food and lots of liquids!!!! Good for you and now onward and downward.

Things going well here. Now I have to make sure I don't sabotage myself on Mon and Tues (which I have often done ) and I'll see a loss at my WI on Wed. :

Have a great day.

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Old 02-09-2020, 01:52 PM   #52  
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Good afternoon
Well the liquid diet did not harm me yesterday so yeah for that, I actually saw a loss LOL, but I don't recommend it for the long haul

I am going through my old journal and looking at my foods I ate on the 'blue' plan back int he day, this transition is going to be a challenge for sure, I need to find something crunchy for an eve snack that does not involve salt...suggestions????

Itry I think you are on the road to doing great at your WI on wednesday, I am considering changing days too, I am not really impressed with the ww leader at the saturday studio. There is another leader who is at this location on Monday nights and I am thinking of doing that and check him out.

Is it a large group for you on Wednesday? Just curious on weekdays vs weekends
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Old 02-09-2020, 07:47 PM   #53  
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Hi Turtles,
Our Wed. morning group is very unusual. We have a dynamite coach and about 80 people attend. Many of us have been there forever. We have at least 20 lifetime members who attend every Wed. morning. They are encouraging. My favorite friend lost over 245# with WW. She goaled at 199#, stayed there for years, and then decided she wanted to be thinner and went on to lose another 45#. She is amazing. Eats loads of salad and veggies, small amts. of protein. Doesn't like sweets. Of course for as long as I have been going to WW's I should be at goal. I got halfway there and haven't made progress (actually I backtracked by reaching 60# down and then regaining 30#.of those pounds. Now I am on a new roll and have lost 6# and plan on reaching goal this year.) some of my friends have asked their doctor to give them a note of approval of a healthy weight for them instead of WW's suggested weight. I plan on doing that as I get closer. I have been paying forever!

I do eat air popped popcorn without butter for a night snack.
Obviously carrots with a ff yogurt dip and some herbs. I also find the mini peppers mild and good to eat. Edaname beans roasted are crunch. Have you tried roast garbanzo beans? I think I have bought some without added salt. Also I don't know if you need salt-free, but even canned beans rinsed for a long time and drained might work. Can you tolerate thin rice cakes? Not exactly a crunch, but not smooth either. I have used the lite whipped cream cheese spread on a thin rice cake and that seems okay to me.

So, to Nancy and Gail and anyone else who reads here, good luck. Do your best. Chime in with encouragement and helpful suggestions. All the best to all of you!

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Old 02-10-2020, 03:18 PM   #54  
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Good morning/afternoon
Well WI, I am up but I am ok with that since yesterday was a major drop after a day of liquid diet (hmm LOL) I do hope this loss sticks until next Saturday, I think I am going to wait to switch days and times. Maybe the first week in March after giving the blue plan a few weeks to work.
WO made it to the gym after skipping last Thur and Fri with a blister on not only the outside but inside of my little toe. Today I have conculded that these are being caused by my shoes I wear at the gym. They are a few years old granted, but I only wear them to walk into the gym and workout. I always hate to see the end of shoes that still look pretty pristine yet have lost thier ooph

So dinner tonight...I am so looking foward to it. I made meatloaf bites with ground chicken and ground chicken with sausage seasoning, topped with SF BBQ sauce then pop under the broiler! blue plan 2pt each. I will have a few of those with some steamed veggies

Going to scoot for now
back again

Last edited by nancylmrn; 02-10-2020 at 03:18 PM.
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Old 02-10-2020, 05:16 PM   #55  
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dinner sounds good. keep up the good work and make this week count!
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Old 02-11-2020, 06:14 PM   #56  
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Good afternoon!
WI down a bit on my personal scale but wanted to share a bit of 'stuff'
My DS has been telling me of her ww coach in neighboring city and how wonderful he is..and he just so happens to facilitate the meetings near me on Monday nights. I was in the area last night and stopped in just 'cause I could' and met Mr. Wonderful. He really is pretty cool, I was there between meetings so the place was him and the helper folks that weigh you in. They did do a complimentary WI for me and I was down on their scale victory dance for me . I am still going to weight until the end of the month to change times. You know when it is still light out at 5:30 pm LOL

WO was my normal 30-40 min on elliptical then upper body free weights. My blisters are stil painful and I am in my office with my shoes off, they have actually been off all day and I will keep taking them off until I am healed. But new tennis shoes are in my future.

I have to make more lunch foods for the rest of the week, my stir fry cauliflower rice, mixed veggies and chicken breast are gone <sigh> but I think this batch I am going to add some godjung to spice it up.

nothing else really exciting....boring day hehe....oh did I mention I made the ww 'pigs in a blanket"? delish for sure....and hope to make no-cook peanut buttery cookie dough bites...I am even cutting back on the points on this one so it will be 2 pieces for 1 pt...can't wait

back later
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Old 02-12-2020, 03:09 PM   #57  
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Hi turtles - congrats on your weight losses and for keeping on plan.

We are heading for another snow storm tonight into the a.m. so not looking forward to that. The one last Thursday was a doozy and I stayed home.

Doing abit better on WW - I do the blue plan and when I work it, it works for me. My biggest challenges are social gatherings with food. So have to work on less food gatherings.

All - good luck at the scales.
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Old 02-12-2020, 03:58 PM   #58  
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Hi Turtles,
Gail, so glad to see you. Sorry you are getting hit with so much snow. I think it's lovely you have so many friends...………..and boy it sounds like it's hard to stomp down the foods a bit. Good luck with your choices. You did great last year and I know you'll do great again!

Nancy, keep on writing.

I had a great week. Down 3.4# on the scale. Even taking off the pound I gained last week, I still lost nicely. : This next week will be a challenge, and most weeks are. lol.

Good luck everyone.
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Old 02-13-2020, 11:41 AM   #59  
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OH MY ITRY down 3.4# only in my I look at all the wonderul choices out here
Bandit, Sorry it is so cold there but it sounds like yoiu know what needs to be done it is just the execution (isn't it always???)

I am feeling good about my switch to the blue plan, I hope this will work better for me than the purple did. I made the no cook p. butter cookie dough last night! I sub out the brown sugar and powdered sugar with Swerve 0 calorie which brought down the points to 2 'balls' for 1 pt. I may sub out the actuall pbutter with PB2 next time. I did find it was a bit too sweet so might up the PB and less of the brown sugar subsitiute. Then may leave off the powder sugar/cocoa powder off at the end too. I really like the taste of p butter vs choc p butter.

my personal WI today down .4 but until my offical WI on Saturday I will continue.
WO today was pretty non eventful, blister I kept wrapped up then removed when I took my shower and got ready for work. Now sitting in my office I have just my stockings on with my shoes under my desk. I will be so glad when this heals up. This weekend is new tennis shoes for the gym!

back later turtle chicks LOL

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Old 02-13-2020, 06:27 PM   #60  
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Good to hear from you. Hey Nancy, your weight Is going in the right direction! Yay!
Gotta run, but wanted to say hi. I have been starving today, but my friend says that means I'll drop more weight and I figure it's good for shrinking my stomach too, right?
Good luck and and and : We are doing this! I am determined to eat well daily and be at goal by December of this year. Every 5-10# off makes me look and feel better.
WEigh to go!

Let's all do this!
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