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Old 10-07-2017, 11:24 PM   #16  
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B: two eggs fried in evoo, spinach with evoo and vinaigrette, mango slices, coffee with MCT oil and cream
L: small can of sardines, baby carrots dipped in almond butter, one slice of vegan cheese
S: two squares 90% dark chocolate
D: stir fry with grass fed ground beef, garlic, onion, carrots, collard greens, olive oil, lemon, and spices, almond flour chapati bread

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Old 10-08-2017, 08:16 PM   #17  
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Magistra! I love reading your menus & how things are going. You are rocking it-congratulations!
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Old 10-09-2017, 01:33 AM   #18  
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Hi Sundove! Thank you for the well wishes! I've missed you! I hope you are doing well!

I've been turning my phone and computers off at night. Interestingly, I am sleeping better since I started doing that. But I still have certain times during the day when I feel tired enough to go back to bed. I had my phone turned on and with me at the dining table tonight and I suddenly felt like I could just put my head down and sleep at the table. I don't know if that had anything to do with my phone. I'll have to pay better attention to how I feel when I've got it with me and when I don't. I'm waiting for a friend to send me an article that explains about the wireless radiation.

B: 2 coconut pancakes (recipe below) with a little maple syrup, coffee with MCT oil and cream
L: romaine, spinach, arugula salad with one whole avocado, green olives, a few walnuts, grated parmesan cheese, evoo and vinaigrette dressing
D: 2 tacos -- ground beef with my own taco spice mixture (I like em spicy!), guacamole, sour cream, sriracha sauce, shredded cabbage, rolled up in a cassava and coconut flour tortilla (tortillas from Whole Foods)

Coconut Flour Pancakes

Whisk together wet ingredients:
3 eggs
1/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup melted butter
1/4 cup heavy cream

In a separate bowl, stir together dry ingredients:
1/4 cup coconut flour
1 Tablespoon sugar (I used Swerve)
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt

Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and whisk. Using a tablespoon, drop 1 and 1/2 heaping spoonfuls onto a dry non-stick flat pan on medium heat. When the batter begins to bubble, flip the pancakes and cook on the other side.
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Old 10-10-2017, 12:50 AM   #19  
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Work has been overwhelming. I had one of those days in which I just felt mad at everybody. But then I took a nap and a shower and had an extra cup of coffee in the afternoon, and I felt more cheerful. I perked up and felt like I loved everybody. Ha, ha! Such a difference a little self care can make.

B: one green banana, one slice of Applegate farms black forest ham, coffee with MCT oil and cream
L: romaine, spinach, arugula salad with one whole avocado, one Hilary's root burger cooked in evoo, with evoo and vinaigrette dressing.
S: several medjool dates (just feeding my stress), coffee with coconut oil, 2 tsp Swerve sugar, and cream
D: wild caught salmon baked with butter, lemon juice, and spices, broccoli sauteed in butter
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Old 10-11-2017, 10:58 PM   #20  
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I'm feeling really great today. I seemed to have gotten over the super tired feelings that I had last week. I have been putting myself to bed earlier, so that's probably helping. Getting regular exercise is probably helping too.

B: one green banana, coffee with MCT oil and cream
L: leftovers from last night's dinner: Italian sausage, brussel sprouts, sweet potato hash
S: walnuts and pistachios, two squares 72% dark chocolate, coffee with coconut oil, cream and 2tsp coconut sugar
D: one pot meal: chicken breast, millet, mushrooms, swiss chard, garlic, onion, evoo, chicken broth, white wine, and seasonings
D: three squares 72% dark chocolate

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Old 10-11-2017, 11:19 PM   #21  
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I thought I would mention the supplements I'm taking because I think it is important to get the right supplements. Even though I am doing my best to eat a wide variety of foods, I still can't get all of the vitamins and minerals that I need from my food because the soil here in the U.S. is not producing those vital things. That's one of the reasons why food companies put so many vitamins into processed foods. Since I'm not eating processed foods anymore, I have had to figure what vitamins I'm lacking and take the appropriate supplements.

Here are what I'm taking daily and I may have to add some others. But for now I feel pretty good.

Vital Reds (probiotic which also contains -- thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, folate, B6, B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, selenium, chromium )
Prebiothrive (prebiotic)
1200mg Omega 3 Fish Oil (small fish -- Nature Made)
Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc (Trader Joe's)
K2-D3 (Melaleuca)
5000 IU Vitamin D3 (Trader Joe's)
Ester C -- 1000mg Vitamin C (Solgar)

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Old 10-13-2017, 12:42 AM   #22  
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Tonight I ate at Sharkys for the first time since June. In June I went there with some friends and I woke up with a migraine the next day. It's possible that the seasoning on the food had MSG in it, which I am very sensitive to. So I took a chance tonight. Since I started the PP diet in June, I haven't had a single migraine except for the one time I ate at Sharkeys. We will see what happens.

B: smoked oysters, one green banana, coffee with MCT oil and cream
L: leftover chicken, mushrooms, millet, swiss chard
S: two squares 78% dark chocolate, 2 medjool dates, coffee with 2 tsp coconut sugar, MCT oil and cream
D: grilled wild caught salmon, roasted organic vegetables at Sharkys

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Old 10-14-2017, 12:00 AM   #23  
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Up 1.2 pounds today. Although I didn't end up with a migraine from the dinner out, I think I may have some water retention from it. Hopefully that goes away in a day or two. I also have some weird swelling in my right hand.

B: one green banana, coffee with MCT oil and cream, two squares 78% dark chocolate
L: leftover millet, chicken, mushrooms and swiss chard, two medjool dates
D: cassava flour pizza dough topped with buffalo mozzarella, prosciutto, and avocado
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Old 10-14-2017, 07:02 PM   #24  
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I think I have figured out the weight gain. I definitely have swelling in my right hand and I have been noticing pain in my wrist and first three fingers, especially my middle finger. I also have been dropping things lately as if I don't have a good grip. This leads me to believe that I am in the beginning stages of carpal tunnel. Since I have swelling, that must be what the gain is from. I wore a wrist brace to bed last night and I've been intermittently resting and exercising my hands. I'm going to wait until Monday to see if I need to go to the doctor. Ug. I do like to avoid the doctor.
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Old 10-15-2017, 01:09 AM   #25  
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B: one slice cassava flour pizza with buffalo mozzarella, smoked oysters, coffee with MCT oil and cream
L: spinach salad with avocado, evoo and vinaigrette, 2 medjool dates, 1/4 c. walnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts
S: coffee with 2 tstp coconut sugar, MCT oil, and cream
D: taco with grass fed beef, seasonings, sour cream, avocado, shredded cabbage, sriracha sauce, rolled up in a cassava flour tortilla
D: two squares 78% Lindt dark chocolate
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Old 10-18-2017, 07:46 PM   #26  
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You may have what they call trigger finger or mommy tendinitis. The brace will help, also alternating heat and cold and ibuprofen. If you do indeed have little ones and are doing a lot of lifting try to change your mechanics of your hands. Most people when picking up a child go under the kids pits with the thumb up and hand under the pit. I found what helped me was to keep the thumb down and next to the pointer z- so like a flat mitt - when I’d lift. You can also do hand stretching to open that tunnel up - online PT sites will have what to try. Good luck and hope it remedies. Mine was always worse at bedtime.
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Old 10-18-2017, 11:18 PM   #27  
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lemonthyme Thank you so much for the great information! I have been doing the hand stretching exercises several times a day. Some of the swelling has gone down and my fingers are starting to bend a little easier. I've also been doing posture exercises in addition to the hand exercises. I find that if I start to slouch at my desk, I can feel the nerve pain in both my right and my left thumb. The exercises are really helping and perhaps I will be able to avoid the doctor after all.

Today's menu:
B: one green banana, coffee with MCT oil and cream, smoked oysters
L: romaine, spinach and arugula salad with 3 slices bacon, half an apple sliced, a little cinnamon and coconut sugar, evoo and vinaigrette dressing
S: handful of pistachios, baby carrots
D: tacos -- grass fed ground beef, my own taco spice concoction, shredded cabbage, sour cream, avocado slices, sriracha sauce rolled up into 2 cassava flour tortillas
D: one square of 90% dark chocolate
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Old 10-20-2017, 02:57 PM   #28  
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I did a little more research into the swelling and pain in my right hand. I had to ask myself, what have I been doing recently that I wasn't doing before? Aha! Cooking! I wasn't cooking at all, or very rarely. Now I'm regularly chopping up vegetables several times a day. I'm bending my upper back to do this and I keep having nerve pain right under my right shoulder blade. I looked into this further and found out there is a nerve that runs from my spine--right about the place where my back is hurting--to the first three fingers in my hand. To move the pain and swelling out of my hand and back into the source, I need to first work on my posture. I found a couple of fabulous physical therapy videos that show exactly what exercises to do for this particular nerve pain. I am doing several stretching type exercises that aid posture and flexibility. I started these yesterday and already my hand is getting better. The swelling has lessened and my weight has dropped about a half pound. Hopefully, I have solved my problem. I will keep going with the posture fix and exercises and see if these continue to work.

I have been at a stand still (plateau) with my weight loss for about a month now, so I decided to experiment with another supplement. This week I purchased Dr. Gundry's TriTrim. Since it has a prebiotic in it, I'm switching this for the PreBioThrive that I was taking daily. I started taking the new supplement today.

Yesterday I ate:
B: my usual breakfast of one green banana, and coffee with MCT oil and cream. The cream was a little bitter so I put in a couple teaspoons coconut palm sugar.
L: one cassava flour tortilla with leftover taco meat, sour cream, shredded cabbage and sriracha sauce.
S: I ate a lot of snacks, mostly Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, medjool dates, smoked oysters, and cheese (comfort food!)
D: I ate dinner at Sharky's -- I had 4oz. wild caught salmon, organic roasted vegetables, steamed broccoli and a glass of red wine. (It's so good to be able to eat out and stay on plan!)
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Old 10-21-2017, 02:42 AM   #29  
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Today's menu - still eating a lot of snacks

B: two omega 3 eggs scrambled with 1oz. sheep’s milk cheese; one whole avocado sliced up with iodized sea salt; coffee with MCT oil, cream, one teaspoon of coconut palm sugar
L: half a small bag of baby carrots, one green banana, handful of pistachios
S: handful of hazlenuts, several medjool dates, one square 85% dark chocolate
D: almond, tapioca, coconut flour pizza with buffalo mozzarella, grated parmesan, prosciutto, and avocado slices

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Old 10-21-2017, 11:26 PM   #30  
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Down .4 today. Almost back to 176. Still doing posture and hand exercises. The pain has completely left my wrist now and my upper back is getting stronger. The moment I try to do something bent over, my index finger cries out loudly. As soon as I straighten the pain subsides. It's kind of amazing that correcting my posture is working to eliminate pain in my hand.

B: 1/2 green banana, muffin in a cup (almond, coconut, tapioca flour, one omega 3 egg, olive oil, coconut oil), coffee with MCT oil and cream
L: spinach and arugula salad, apple slices, green olives, chunks of swiss cheese (from Italy), evoo and vinaigrette dressing
S: handful of pistachios and hazelnuts, 2 Brazil nuts, three medjool dates
D: millet cooked in vegetable stock, roasted carrots and parsnips
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