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Old 11-01-2007, 06:15 AM   #31  
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Just a very short post as dh set my alarm (I should complain, I know, because he was being nice and set it for me) a 1/2 hour later than when I normally get up for class!

Linda- I think I am going to hop on the Core band wagon with you for a week or so. I have been reflecting back to my food choices this past weekend, and wondering how in the world could I NOT of gained weight, and have even had a loss??? I could only come up with three things...#1-We WERE walking a lot. #2-I didn't do any snacking between meals. Even though my actual food choices were not good, I never finished the meal and always left plenty on the plate. And #3, and the one that I'm really "hmmmmm"ing about-I had almost NO sugar. The only things I had sugar in were my coffee and the low fat blueberry muffin I grabbed from Starbucks on Sunday. Oh, and the sweet potatoes that were catered into my bil's house tasted really sweet, but I didn't have a lot of them. Even when I'm being good and menu planning and really tracking, I always make room for sweets. I'm really wondering if there is some connection????

So I'm going to dig back out my week 1 book (let's hope I can find it here somewhere!!!) and stock up actually works out well since today is grocery shopping day.

Anyway, I really need to be off and running. Today is bread class...let's hope that being on Core will help me stay focused??

Have a great day all!!!!

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Old 11-01-2007, 07:32 AM   #32  
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Good morning ladies.

Paige, that is an awesome picture on your avatar. Congratulations on your phone interview. Sometimes people are slow to warm up so maybe your DH just needs time to work through new things. I am the type that when something new happens I embrace the change (usually). My DH on the other hand seems to need warning change is coming. Once he gets use to the idea then he embraces it. This drove me crazy until I realized that is just his nature. I think it is best to talk to your DH and find a way to make it work.
You have huge dreams and you deserve to be happy not stuck in the mud. I know you will find a way to make it work. I too will pray for you and your family. Good luck with Core.

Linda, wow health insurance must be expensive there. Our provincial health care covers medically required tests and things like that. I couldn't imagine having to worry about going to see a doctor. I even saw a dietician/nutritionist without having to pay anything. I realize how fortunate I am not to have to worry about this. I didn't eat any candy and at 9:00 I dumped the bowl of candy into the last tricker treaters bag. My DS has his candy and I won't have any of it. The only time I would have a problem is if I am really hungry and mindless eating happens. I fill my lunch bag each day of my food for the day and I just take out of my lunch bag then I don't have to look in cupboards and decide what I will have.

Lynn, I am closer to Ottawa. How was Halloween night? do you get many kids? We had over 150 trick or treaters. It was a beautiful night and then about 9:30 it got really windy. What type of exercise are you doing?

Janelle, that is good getting in all those steps, I think 20,000 is difficult to get. It is fun to have it as a goal for me though. Have an awesome day.

Good morning, Barb, Erica, Laura, Donna, Kim, Kim2, Sandra, RnR and everyone else I may have not named personally,
Hello to all of you and I hope you all have an awesome day.

Last edited by Newlifestyle; 11-01-2007 at 07:36 AM.
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Old 11-01-2007, 09:39 AM   #33  
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Linda your CORE meals look good. It's just so much easier, isn't it, then counting EVERY pt that goes in your mouth. You CAN do this, Linda, and have the losses you want. You always seem to do better when you do Core anyway...Don't fight it!! Go for it instead!!
I'm doing great...down to 116.0 and thrilled about it. Can't afford to lose too much more though.

Paige...hang in there....also, I can't help but notice your collarbones!!! You look great!!
One of my "winning outcomes" as I journied (sp?) these past 23 weeks, was IN SEARCH OF COLLARBONES!!
Your picture is awesome!

Will write more later....gotta get back to work....

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Old 11-01-2007, 09:47 AM   #34  
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Good morning ladies!

I hope everyone is doing well and survived Halloween without eating too much candy. I will admit I snuck a few pieces...

I made it to the gym again this morning-I have been going strong for a few weeks now-I am impressed with myself. 5am is really early though!

I have been reading the book Skinny B**** in bit and pieces...not sure if anyone else has read it. I am really thinking of trying out a organic vegan lifestyle...I am a vegetarian so switching to vegan shouldn't be too difficult. Has anyone else tried organic foods and if so can you offer any suggestions?
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Old 11-01-2007, 10:34 AM   #35  
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UUGGGHHHH - there that says it all about yesterday - I was doing so well up till the birthday.

I should go to weigh in today but I really need the class so off I'll go. I'll keep on working on it
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Old 11-01-2007, 11:31 AM   #36  
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Hi everyone hope you all got through Halloween without much damage. I only had sm bag of Cheeto's crunchy, can you believe the guy gives it to my dd for me. I'm standing on the st. minding my own business and he tells her to give this to your mom. Couldn't have been something else, nooooo has to be my favourite.
Ann-We only had 7 children come to the house, we live on a quiet small st. as for exercise I'm just starting to day. Any suggestions would be great. I signed up for the WEED challenge and am aiming for 3-4 times a week. To day I'm going for a walk.
Briza- My ww leader loves those soups, we don't have them here, so I can't even try one. Throw one this way will you.
Linda- Oh ya I have an ex We have been divorced for 7 years and I have had to do a lot of grinning and bearing, His gf is really the problem, they had an affair for about a year before I found out and left ( long sad, and happy story) She actually looked me in the eyes and said all she ever wanted was what I had. Boy she didn't know what she was getting, I tried to tell her ,but she didn't believe me. I'm very happy that she has him, but when it comes to my children (back off) You may be able to steal someone's husband,but never their children. She's just unbelievable,you can't even imagine the things she pulls. I'm not a person to hate,there's not a hateful bone in my body,so that was the hardest thing for me to overcome. I even pray for them now, because really it's them that needs it. Ok, sorry enough on that I swear I'll write a book one day.
Well I hope everyone has a great, healthy day
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Old 11-01-2007, 01:24 PM   #37  
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Wasn't as bad as it could have been. Up .5 - I pulled a meeting time schedule so if I run into the "can't stop" syndrome again, I have ammo. Starting a clean slate and tracker this week. I did SO GREAT up through Sunday - arrrgggh. But to look at it positively, That was 4 days OP and much better than the week before. Onward and downward (weight wise).
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Old 11-01-2007, 07:29 PM   #38  
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Good evening everyone.
Paige, good for you if you try CORE again. I'm really trying to plan ahead for even snacks, as if I were still on FLEX, but I'm not figuring points into the equation, just eating well and it is really nice to have a whole banana for a change without thinking, OMG it's 2 points! It was also nice to accompany a meal with a glass of skim milk and not worry that it would throw me over into flex points for the day. Having a glass of milk with a meal, even skim milk, seems like such a luxury.
Your new photo looks great! I see big changes, excellent!
One thing, also, I was just reading what Ann had so say and she has some very good points. It is something your DH would have to work through... it's a HUGE change. I know you have your dreams, but if he is really resistant, maybe you can realize those dreams right in your own area if he is uncomfortable.
I moved from NH to NY years ago due to my husband's job and he always felt guilty about taking me away from my family, the place/area I loved and all that stuff. It didn't help when he would come home from work and find me in tears, missing my family and being really lonely. If he is not totally on board, think carefully about the stress a move to a new area would put on him and figure if it's worth it or not. You would have the stress of moving, selling a home in a slow market, your DDs (moving causes kids to regress), everything. Moving, once it's done is VERY permanent and it (I know from experience) is isolating when you are new, and it takes time to make friends and build relationships. It's starting over and puts distance between you and your loved ones. I wish I had never, ever, gone to NY, but I guess I learned many things there, and I took what I learned back to me. We were so lucky that his company transferred us back here, in the end. Then, they laid him off a year later, by the way. We've had topsy turvy job situations ever since. By the way, I don't know what I would have done if we had still be living in NY when dad and mom died.
Just remember that you are a team and marriage is a give and take situation, no one is right or wrong - all decisions affect you both and both of your kids. Be willing to see his side, but make him see that he must also see your side. I hope and pray for your happiness, no matter where that is - truly no job and no place can make you happy.
Ann, we pay $950.00 a month for private health insurance that basically isn't covering much of anything. The scary part is that if someone were hospitalized, we have a deductible and only get 80% coverage. I worry all the time, literally losing sleep over it. But, as he is self employed, we are stuck. Our mortgage is $1700.00 a month and the premium I was quoted yesterday for better insurance was MORE than our mortgage, very scary indeed.
LJ, I remember that in search of collarbones things... that was cute! Paige has lovely collar bones and I'll bet you do too!
I'm "in search of that little black dress", I think. I love little black dresses, that Audrey Hepburn petite look. I used to be a size 6 before I was about 28 years old and suddenly I was an 8. Then, I had kids and now I am a 10 or 12, depending on who makes the clothing and I just hate it. I view myself as that petite size 6 person inside, waiting to claw her way out and wearing this gorgeous black dress and tiny little shoes with ankle straps that show off my skinnier legs. Wonder if I could achieve that winning outcome?
I felt proud today to just eat my dinner and review the day. I modified my eating plan as the day progressed having Progresso Lentil soup as I couldn't find any of the Vegetable Beef soup that I thought I had. I also added roasted red peppers and beets to lunch rather than the original salad I had planned. By the way, I discovered that if I put red wine vinegar on (lightly sprinkled) my canned beets that they taste like pickled beets, kind of, that I love - but no added sugar!
So, I modified my original plan, but stuck with CORE and now I have had my dinner, I feel satisfied and will have my SF/FF chocolate pudding with sugar free Cool Whip in a little bit. I'm feeling happy and I am not craving junk and wondering if I have enough points to squeeze in something extra. So, today will end as a day using 0 flex points!
I shall have plenty of flex points for eating out one time over the weekend and perhaps a glass or two of wine! I can order a sirloin steak and baked potato in a restaurant with a salad, oil and vinegar and that can be a completely core meal. I can add real butter to that baked potato and just count the points. I like steak, I love baked potatoes and salads, so all is good!
Briza, I have tried many organic foods. I have a family of four, though, and find them so expensive that I cannot afford to eat like that all the time. I'm not sure if I could ever go completely vegan, but I do very much respect those who can do that. As you see, I just got through saying I was planning a steak for the weekend, so you know I'm not going that route. However, I must say that if I lived alone all the time, I would be much more inclined to be more of a semi-vegetarian person. I love legumes of all types and would use those as a substitute for the protein. If you do become a vegan, just make sure you are meeting all those healthy eating requirements that are so important. By the way, I have known many vegetarians in my day and many of them are definitely NOT skinny, so I wonder what they are eating and how they are managing? I went to my local natural food store today, in fact. I found an oatmeal like product (can't remember the name just now, but if it's good, I'll post it tomorrow) that is made from oats, barley, soy, flax and another whole grain, you cook it just like oatmeal. I bought it as I felt it might be a very good grain breakfast product for me as I tend to eat lots of oatmeal. I thinking having a variety of grains is very beneficial. I hope it tastes good. I also bought whole grain rye crisp crackers that are kind of like that product Ryveeta (sp?) and these are only 16 calories each. I hope I like them as I enjoy Swedish flatbreads with thinly sliced mozzarella on top with fresh tomato and basil leaves, it's a great combination with a tiny drizzle of olive oil on top. If I can get the cracker part down to 16 calories and use a fat free cheese, it would be CORE and 0 points for the crackers as they are so low in calories and very close to being a CORE food as they are.
Laura, I'm sorry you are having a "ugggh" day, as you put it. Tomorrow will be better, I promise! Just like that awful song from Annie that I hate so much, "The Sun will Come Up Tomorrow". Gosh, now I'll have that hateful song stuck in my head, oh no!
Smilely, sounds like you won out, then, when you left him. I wonder how some people sleep at night, to think she slept with a married guy, then had the nerve to say "I want what you had" or whatever.... pretty sad. Well, one consolation is that after 7 years, she is STILL the girlfriend and not his wife, interesting. So, she never really did get what you had, in the end.
You're better than me, as I probably would be hating her, no matter how hard I tried not to and to be the better person.
Laura, up .5 is just nothing - you'll have that off in no time, and then some! You go girl!
Well, I am glad it's almost time for DH to get home... he took the Amtrak train out of NYC and left at 3:30 this afternoon. In a few minutes, I'll be hearing the automatic garage door opener and then I will get my long awaited hug! I really get lonely when he is gone several days at a time. I wish he had a vacation coming up.
Well, everyone, off I go. Have a successful evening and an even better tomorrow!
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Old 11-01-2007, 10:16 PM   #39  
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Well this saturday I am going to walk in a 5k that about 3 miles from what I understand. I am actually pretty excited, I am going with a friend from work and we have both been trying to eat better and excercise it's nice having her at work to keep me motivated. Today I went a little overboard during dinner I had 1 and 1/2 flour tortillas, 2 nachos, a small tortilla soup and 2 bacardi w/diet coke drinks. I don't think I ate that much actually but it seems so weird to me know when I don't eat healthy things like I can't believe I ate flour tortillas oh yeah with butter I hadn't had that in a while. Good thing I walked 3 miles on the treadmill today. I need to do better about eating cheesy stuff I love cheese and sometimes eat that for a snack but I think sometimes I eat to much of it b/c I will eat some cheese for snack and then have cheese at dinner and lunch. I need to stop with the cheese.

Derry: I too am curious to see what the dietician says about calories, On weight watchers I was getting 27 points

Paige: I hope things work out for the best, I hate when I get excited about something and then someone tries to hold me back, it must be so hard when it's your DH. Best of luck!!!

Ann: I agree it is hard hitting 20,000 but it's fun to try. Today I hit a little over 13,000 tomorrow I am going to take it easy since on saturday I need to convserve some energy for saturday.
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Old 11-02-2007, 05:37 AM   #40  
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Good morning everyone!
I'm excited about a fresh new day with a clean slate, every new day makes another new beginning!
I was feeling lazy and thinking that I might not go to the gym today, but after your post, Haylo, I decided that I should at least get on my treadmill before I launch into everything I want to do today. That was not the best of meals and you were lucky to have gone to the gym so you can balance that a bit. If I approach the weekend without having done some form of exercise today and end up blowing it at a restaurant, I could end up feeling really awful in the end.
I have a major task ahead of me today, cleaning my house, though. This always provides ample exercise. We are having company tomorrow and that always inspires me! But, we all know that there is exercise and there is exercise with a capital E, so the capital E treadmill exercise shall begin my day. It's going to be tricky vacuuming as DH is working at home today and he requires concentration.
Also, later this morning a quick grocery shopping trip is in order, today is grand opening of a new grocery super store in our town, what fun! A Shaws supermarket that is huge opens today, they are affiliate with Star Markets, if you all know them. There are bound to be new foods and products to try as the old Shaws was really small here in town, they are reputed to have within their walls a wine shop, a natural foods shop, and many other temptations. I hear (not for me on WW!) that from 4:00 pm on today there will be wine tastings with cheese from around the world... gosh one could go and get snockered! But, again, not for me! I'm more interested in improved variety and quality of produce, given who I am. It might be a mob scene, but I shall enjoy the sights and sounds.
So, with a shopping trip in mind, I am not planning tonight's dinner, but I know it will be CORE and DD won't be with us as she is in a play that starts at 7:00 and has to be there for makeup and costume early. DS won't arrive home until later as he is working and it will just be two of us for dinner, but clean up needs to be quick before we head out to attend the play.
So, maybe broiled fish? Maybe pork loin or chops? We shall see what looks good and I have several cool coupons they mailed to me, so dinner will be on them!
For breakfast, I will be trying the new multi-grain oatmeal-like cereal I purchased yesterday and will have pineapple along side it (not in it!)

Lunch might be fun as well if I get to the store and home again before lunchtime, so I might not plan ahead, but be assured that it will also be CORE! DH is home and he loves Sushi (ick, not me) and the old Shaws had a Sushi area in it with an Asian man making things all day to order, so I'm sure the new store will provide something delightful for DH with regard to that.
By the way, don't you all wish that WW would come up with a few Smart Ones that are CORE? Oh well, I shall find something fun on my own, perhaps using their salad bar (the old store had that too) and getting rotissiere chicken to eat along with a salad?
Tomorrow, do any of you have any suggestions for lunch items with company? My sister and family will arrive around 11:00 and will have lunch here with our family before we attend my daughter's 2:00 pm play. I would like to stay on plan, but it could be hard with a ton of people. I was thinking of cold cuts and rolls so people could make sandwiches, but none of that is CORE. I've only used 4 flex points all week, though.
Well, all, have a fantastic day!
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Old 11-02-2007, 06:38 AM   #41  
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Good morning all,
I hope everyone has a great day.
Linda, could you make red/green peppers, onions, mushrooms, in olive oil, and cook some chicken breast and slice it and get tortilla's and have ff sour cream and salsa and make fajita's or wraps, and for you if you didn't want the points from tortillas, just have the peppers and onions, mushrooms and chicken on your plate. You could also have steak sliced thinly. Oh yes and it you had some grated cheese and lettuce. You could make brown rice(core) so that people could put that in their fajita/wrap too.
Good luck and I hope your DD has a wonderful time in her play.

Hello to everyone, Janelle, Erica, Briza, Paige, Laura, Donna, Kim, Kim2, Sandra, Barb, Rnr, Lynn, and anyone else. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
It is cuddle time here gotta go. I will try to post later
Take Care

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Old 11-02-2007, 08:07 AM   #42  
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Ann, I do like that tortilla/fajita idea, I'll contemplate that over night.
OK, my review of the "new" cereal. I liked it, it's like oatmeal, but there are slightly different tastes and textures, it just gives one additional option. Here is a link to the company web site:

By the way, I paid 30 cent less than their web site offers it for, interesting.
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Old 11-02-2007, 09:52 AM   #43  
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Linda-Kind of funny, we are on the same page with our thinking...I was thinking yesterday as I was meandering through the grocery store, if ww has a core smart ones? And I also bought a rotissere chicken yesterday as well. Today I'm going to take off the meat and make a chicken soup.

I also woke up today with excitement of it being a new day, and a clean slate. I really want to give Core a real try, as I am thinking that the sugar that I'm consuming is really keeping me from losing more.

Check in later....
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Old 11-02-2007, 11:09 AM   #44  
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Smiley-Don't worry I am sure the soups will be there soon!

Linda-I am sure you can achieve that winning outcome of the little black dress! Just keep working towards it! Thanks for the advice on becoming a vegan. Actually, when I first became a vegetarian I did gain some weight due to the fact that I wasn't eating properly. You have to make sure you are substituting your foods out properly and not filling up on junk food. I think since I already went thought that phase once I will be ok this time around. I am really leaning towards it...last night my mom (who isn't really thrilled about it) waved a snickers bar in front of me and said you wont be able to eat these anymore!...hmmm...that could be a good thing!
Sounds like you have a great day ahead of you-have fun!

Laura-up .5 isn't a lot at all-water weight, that's all.

Good news-I had my weigh in last night and with all of the eating out (5 meals in 4 days) I was thinking I was going to have a gain. Somehow I went down 1 1/2!! I was SO happy! I guess getting out of bed at 5am and going to the gym is paying off a little!

So as I continue to read this book (not sure if you guys even want my updates) they have a chapter on artificial sweeteners and how bad they are for you. I started to really take notice to how much artificial sweetener I use on a daily basis and its a LOT. I mean just the story surrounding aspartame amazed me. This book is a big eye opener to what we actually put into our bodies.
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Old 11-02-2007, 11:58 AM   #45  
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Hi everyone,
Well to day I'm having an off day, DD has no school and she is driving me nuts. I didn't do my planning last night, so need to think of something for supper, maybe rotisserie chicken since everyone else is eating that. Oh well I'll figure it out.
Linda- you could do the cold cuts for your company and use leftover rotisserie chicken (if you buy it for to day) and create a core meal for yourself. Good luck
Briza- I don't mind the updates. I'm always up to learning new things.
Have a great day all,
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