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Old 03-25-2004, 09:31 AM   #46  
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Hey! Where's everybody? Sleeping In?

I've been into a Spring cleaning/get ready for garage sale/desire to redecorate frenzy, so have been avoiding computer to get things done. I realized yesterday that my house is so '90's in decor, it's time for a change, so I'm stripping it to the bare bones. And I'm ready to move the treadmill down to the basement looking out the walk-out.

How did I miss that Mrs. Jim is eye-balling a new elliptical? Which one? lemme guess - the Pro-whatevernameescapesme jobbie Dr. Phil has been giving away? I've got a birthday coming up and DH asked what I wanted - - well, he's considering it but it will probably come from Play It Again Sports.

We went out last night, too late to eat but did anyway, for DS's 29th birthday (Sat) because we'll be gone for the weekend. I joked that I'm about 25# to my pre-pregnancy weight. One of those things you never forget - I weighed 232 the day before he was born, and my blood pressure was 180/90. Never got below 185 after that, just steadily gained until this past year. Anyway, I ate clean but alot of clean and couldn't bring myself to get on the scale this morning. But will have to face the music tomorrow.

JC - I can identitfy with being more comfortable at an affair when you *know* you took the time to get as primped as possible. Hope it turns out well for you!

As for obese babies - let's face it. Those kids aren't overeating on their own. I remember that Dr. Phil show, and the mother said she gave the kid the food because he "wanted it." Ah yeah, and if he wanted a lit stick of dynamite, you're going to give that to him too? Puleeeze, don't get me going. If there's one thing that pisses me off, it's child neglect and abuse.

Well, I better get back to my chores. Hi to all! and hope you're all having a great day! I'll try to get back later.

Hi Tiki! You were posting as I was writing. Hope your day goes well. I don't eat at Denny's anymore - it's an adversion thing. Got food poisoning there back in 1990 - and I was so sick, I prayed for death while laying in the emergency room, that's how bad it was.


Last edited by diphthong; 03-25-2004 at 09:34 AM.
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Old 03-25-2004, 10:58 AM   #47  
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OUch Dip! Even if it was 14 years ago ouch on the food poisening!

This is going to be a short one but I just wanted to say, Tiki - you sound like the most amazing mom! You're kids are probably the luckiest kids on the block

I am soooooooooooo sore today! Feel great but damn, I can barely walk up the stairs! Woo hoo! Love it!

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Old 03-25-2004, 02:18 PM   #48  
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Hello everyone,
I've been extremely busy doing nothing the past few days
My workouts have been great this week but eating is in the dumps. Not as bad as it could be, but not good the past 2 days and don't know why, although I'm trying to become more aware of why I "fall off the wagon." Being home is tough for me, even though my little boy is here with me, I miss having my career. I get bored easily, I like to be busy and so I end up filling my face to fill up time. I just end up hurting myself...but I'm going to get right back on track. One thing I've noticed since doing the BFL plan, I tend to get back on track quickly, I haven't had to drag out my bigger clothes. I'm trying to be positive.

Dip - I've had the urge to decorate lately, and you've inspired me to get rid of my hunter green (did someone say 90's decor) wallpaper and paint my room red!! I've only had a new comforter for almost a year now and its still in the plastic bag. I think its time to get movin'.

Hello to everyone else. Time to go meet the bus.

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Old 03-25-2004, 04:37 PM   #49  
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Well my day was a total write off - an afternoon meeting which was meant to take an hour maximum rolled into 3 hours. I am sooo glad that I decided to eat before I went in there! But because it was across town I didn't get home until 7pm and then with dinner etc I didn't get much shopping time in and none of the other stuff done that I needed to. Oh well at least I had a good session in the meeting. We got a lot achieved.

Therefore, no workout last night but it's ok I needed a day off after 5 days straight. Food was on track as well but now I am tired from the running around.

Hey to everyone out there!

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Old 03-25-2004, 07:18 PM   #50  
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Anne - My neighbor painted her dining room red, and has these gorgeous lace curtains and a crystal chandelier. But from my house, at night when the chandelier is turned on, it looks like a brothel. Having been a realtor for 20+ years, I am color phobic, and all my walls are off-white. I got brave and painted the master BR a shade slightly darker, and I'm going to do my bathroom in a light sage green, and DH's in an ice blue. But that's the extent I'll go. I always have it in the back of my mind that if we have to sell the house fast, I won't have to worry about getting back to neutral for marketability. And that's what I have in mind, is selling- too big, too much work, and I'm getting too old. Two rooms down, 8 to go, and we won't even talk about the basement.

Sorry you miss your career. I'm just the opposite and find it easier to stay on track at home. But that was *after* I created a safe environment and began eating 5-6 times a day. Previously, I'd eat huge twice a day, and graze in between.

Hey Melissa - glad you're enjoying that soreness. I imagine that people reading here who don't understand thnk we're all masochists.

JC - sorry your day turned out like that.

Well, I'm going to get some extra treadmill work in hoping for a lower number on the scale in the AM. Have a good night!

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Old 03-25-2004, 07:33 PM   #51  
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Ok, the decorating bug lured me out of lurking....

I'll join the debate FOR color - I love my house to be colorful! I do agree with Dip, though, in that I am not big on dark, intense colors that take two coats of primer to cover before you can paint another color over it... I just got done not too long ago having to deal with a navy blue alcove and cursing the previous owner the whole time!

Red is supposed to be the best color to stimulate the appetite, and thus is great for a dining room. However, how about something in a softer shade - a muted light red, a warm coral, a deep pink? These would be less objectionable to potential buyers as they'd be easier to cover.

Wait - did you say what room you were thinking of painting red? Just realized I might be confusing things.... You may not want to go red with the walls if it's a bedroom - red will keep your energy level up and make it hard to sleep. And, it will make you hungry! Maybe one of the other colors from the comforter, with red accents?

Sorry - I just LOVE to decorate! My next project is my den - planning on dusty apricot walls with cream/black toile accents. Going with a French theme - have many French posters and signs for the room as well. Unfortunately have to strip the navy blue plaid/fish wallpaper and border first!
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Old 03-25-2004, 09:34 PM   #52  
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Default Rain Rain go away...PUHLEEZE...

Well after our heat wave last week...we had a big ol' rainstorm this afternoon. Fortunately the news says it's already starting to clear up thank goodness! You can tell I'm spoiled now...

On decorating - I know NADA about it. My baby sister is the Big Decorator in the family - she LOVES it. Jim and I just throw up a few Ansel Adams Yosemite photos and call that 'decorating'.

Doing great on my eating and exercise these days and getting ready for summer... yay!

Dip...shopping for an elliptical...I WISH...if I only had the room for it. At the rate Jim's studio is growing, I'll have to swap our sofa and cozy chair for one of those kiddie models.

Anyone have plans for this weekend? We might go to the Arabian horse show this Saturday, unless the weather REALLY sucks.
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Old 03-25-2004, 10:02 PM   #53  
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All I am doing is going to a wedding in Melbourne for the weekend. It should be pretty low-key overall. I am staying with my sister which will be nice.

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Old 03-25-2004, 10:07 PM   #54  
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Have fun JC!
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Old 03-26-2004, 12:31 AM   #55  
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JC in Melbourne????? I was thinking that was EASTER weekend... or am I being a dork?

Plans... catching up on 3FC... getting out on the bike on Saturday along with pilates early morning. Doing NOTHING on Sunday yay!!

TGIF over here... approaching home time!

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Old 03-26-2004, 12:34 AM   #56  
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you are being a dork! I am heading down this weekend. Fly out tomorrow morning and shopping at Highpoint tomorrow for some clothes!

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Old 03-26-2004, 01:21 AM   #57  
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I have been so busy this week! I can't wait until tonight when I get to sit down and read over this weeks posts!
I need some help Ladies - some creative ideas. My husband's birthday is on Sunday and he already opened his presents (I couldn't take the begging and whining anymore -he is like a 5 year old when it comes to presents) but I still want to do something special for him as a suprise. I have almost no funds extra for this so the cheaper the better. Has anyone ever done anything sweet for you or you for them that you can share with me??
Please help!!
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Old 03-26-2004, 05:53 AM   #58  
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Default It's Friday!

TGIF everyone! I’m finally back from beautiful Florida and up to my neck in income taxes, which I vow to have done by the end of the weekend. With all the traveling I’ve done for the past month, this will be the first weekend at home in … five weeks maybe? DH has missed his Sunday waffles!

I want the LWL to come do a “Clean Sweep” kind of thing at my house: Dip to sort through and organize everything, Cindy to redecorate (I love salmon color too), and JC to get my finances in order. You guys should hire yourselves out!

And congratulations to everyone in the Loose Pants Club! Soon it will be the Take The Pants Off Without Unbuttoning Them Club.

Krista/AAB: about DH’s birthday — how about a really special home cooked dinner? With the good china, lots of candles, flowers, wine glasses etc. And all his favorites? And a cake to die for, but only if it isn’t going to sabotage you! Congratulations on the 1.5 pounds gone!

Anne — it's all a big learning experience, isn't it? It’s good that you're giving some thought to why being at home is tough for you, food-wise, and how to get around that. Sometimes it helps me to make lists of strategies for when the difficult times hit, like just getting way from the food by leaving the house. I don’t know if that’s an option for you, but maybe you can brainstorm some other ideas to have in place for when you get bored.

Melissa — I’m with you on being so sore today that I can’t walk (and loving it, sick puppies that we are ).

How’s my hamster buddy? (I want a hamster smilie to insert here). And my ?

Hi to everyone else and I’m off for morning cardio and then …. TAXES! Did legs yesterday and doing chest today. It's great to be back at my own gym instead of working out in hotel gyms.

I hope everyone else has more fun this weekend than I will!
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Old 03-26-2004, 07:56 AM   #59  
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Oh Krista, I'm sorry that I can't think of anything off the top of my head at the moment. My DH is extremely hard to buy for, and anything I gave him that I *thought* was cool, barely got a smile out of him. He's weird like that so I just don't exert much energy or thought into gifts for him anymore.

Good Morning everybody - Happy Friday!

Well, I've been up 3 hours and haven't had a cigarette. I told you this would be "the weekend" and I'm sticking to my word and being true to myself. There are none in the house, and the ashtrays are washed and gone. Drinking my cofee, I feel like something's missing, but it's not all that bad, so far. Today will probably be the worst for withdrawl, and I am preapred to go to bed, scream, yesll, cry, and beat up the pillows until it passes.

This weekend we are going down to the lake to visit the new boat, and spend the night. Shoot, it just occurred to me that I made a reservation at the motel for a "smoking room." SEE! Bad Habits and how they are so automatic! Anyway, weather here and there is suppose to be warm, and of course, here we are with 2 sailboats and neither of them in the water. That's okay, because the road trip will be nice in itself. We will have 2 of the dogs with us so no "truck-stop buffets" this time.

I'm not into decorating mainly because I have great taste and can't/won't pay the dollars required for what I'd like to have. For example, my LR furniture is in exellent condition, but I have to keep it covered because of the dogs. I have 2 sets of slip-covers, and now need something more modern, but hesitating to put out the money. I also need new window treatments on the front of the house, and of course they have to be custom because of the size of the windows (blinds/shades). If I ever build another house, that is one thing I will try to work out. I love my big windows, but there's no buying off the shelf at Lowe's or Home Depot for them.

Cindy - I may be making some decorating decisions like in July or August when it's too hot to be working outside. May I call on you for opinions since you keep up on it?

Hiya, Meg - Glad you're back - for us. Have fun with those taxes, and you just made me glad we did ours early on. I remember the days when DH would be doing them on April 14, and then put the pressure on me to come up with all the paperwork. Then there was the year that DS and I were cleaning and sorting through my office when I sold RE here out of the house. DS inadvertently took the box of tax stuff and put it in the trash. On April 14, DH says "get the tax stuff out." And it was gone with the trash a month before, and we didn't even know it. So since then, I have taken charge in a big way.

Where's Ilene the Jelly Bean Cardio Queen?

Big Hugs and Hellos to all and if I don't gt back today, and Have a great weekend! Oh yeah, only a pound down this week, and it just aggravates me to no end what I have to do for a pound these days. The first 50 was easy compared to this. Thank you, my mentors, for laying it on the line regarding this phase.

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Old 03-26-2004, 08:19 AM   #60  
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Dip -- you can do this on the smoking! We're all behind you and you can always come here if you need some support.

Congratulations on the pound! It may not seem like a lot but those pounds add up as the weeks fly by. Keep in mind that the day's going to come when you learn to be content with the scale NEVER going down. That's a hard mind set to get into.
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