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Old 10-02-2003, 09:47 PM   #76  
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Thanks Audrey - today at work, the phone guy told me he'd been meaning to tell me that he can't get over how totally different I look these days - like I'm my own younger sister! How great is it to hear that, just one month before my 40th!
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Old 10-02-2003, 10:06 PM   #77  
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I'm hoping you gals can give me some input - I'm working on planning some menu options for my new Challenge, which starts Monday. I like to make meals that I can put all together on the weekends, and then have in the fridge or freezer, ready for eating when I get home. I prefer things like casseroles, or pasta-dishes - all the ingredients cooked together...

So, if I'm going to try to avoid processed carbs, I'm wondering if these would be ok: white potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans - pinto, white northern, black..., and winter squashes. I know that I can eat all kinds of green vegetables, but am wondering if these starchy once are ok.
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Old 10-03-2003, 12:52 AM   #78  
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Hola everyone! Like Audrey, I'm slipping out of lurkdom to say hello and comment on some things!

~Robin: I don't use weights at all for lunges. Rather, I do them in the parking lot at the gym. When I first started, I would go across the parking lot, which equated to about 12 lunges to get across, and 12 back. Then I moved to the length, and could do about 50 consecutive ones. Now I do the parking lot up and back, at last count, it was 150 lunges. If you do that many...you definitely don't need weights, and I'm still mildly sore after almost every workout. I also do a lot of step-ups on a box that is about 14 inches off of the ground. Make sure to lift your knee very high as you bring it up.

I also wanted to comment on eating disorders and the discussion you all were having. I think that while I wouldn't consider myself as having an eating disorder, I do know that I don't eat "normally". For a very long time, I ate for comfort, to fight boredom, sadness, happiness, when I wasn't hungry, etc.....

Anyways, I guess that my point is that I have realized that for some reason, I am not one of those people who don't use food for a multitude of reasons, and for the rest of my life, I'm going to have to be vigalent in both the areas of exercise and eating. I think that if that works for me, that's really what's important. I know that those of us here who are experiencing success have found that there are certain things that are a necessity for us, and I'm not sure that I would consider those things as an eating disorder, so to speak.

Gosh, I don't remember what else I wanted to comment on. I will attempt to get caught up more over the weekend. It's been an insane week, and the only thing that I've managed to do is to keep my exercise commitments. My eating hasn't been too bad, but not as good as it should be. I am seeing huge improvements in my body, almost daily, it seems, and am fielding a lot of compliments right now, which is really cool!

You all are awesome! Keep it up! See you soon!

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Old 10-03-2003, 05:25 AM   #79  
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Default TGIF!

Good morning LWL! It’s below freezing here this AM despite it only being the beginning of October. Wonder if it means we’ll have a early and cold winter? If so, I’ll have to go buy one of those Hummers that I drove last summer (like I could afford one!). Everything in Pittsburgh is hills and bridges and rivers, so driving can be quite challenging in the wintertime.

I did legs on Tuesday and today is the first day that they’re not sore, so it’s time to do legs again! (I’m trying to hit them twice a week to get them back up to speed.) I have a love-hate relationship with squats and lunges — hate doing them, love the results. I did squats from the beginning and only added lunges later, but lunges are what has reshaped my butt more than anything. At my gym a lot of women stick exclusively to leg machines and are totally missing the boat, I think.

On Wednesday I went back to see my plastic surgeon and things are looking much better at this point than he anticipated. I always tell him it’s because of all the protein I eat and I think he’s starting to believe me. I’m still swollen and will be for some time. The bad news is that there will have to be some more work done next year (he referred to it as “elegant touchups and finishing touches”! ) He explained that there are limitations on how much skin you can remove in one surgery due to fluid and tissue loss and there’s a bit more that needs to go. But I’m sure we’re getting near the end and I’m so pleased with the results. I don’t have to go back for two more months and there's no limitations on what I can do, so I’m concentrating on getting all my strength back in the gym and just letting my body heal.

Karen, the picture of you and your sisters is adorable! I can imagine you all now, piled in the back of a Chevy station wagon … the kind with the rear facing seat … You HAD to have had a station wagon, right? To take to DQ and the drive-in?

JC — great explanation on tracking food. Makes perfect sense!

Ilene — my sistah —- hear you on not getting enough sleep. It makes a huge difference in me being able to control my eating. When I’m tired, I find myself wanting to eat simply for energy and it’s SO hard to fight off the cravings.

DH and I are going to NYC for a few days next week and I did some clothes shopping yesterday so that I don’t look like a total hick from Petticoat Junction (which is what Pittsburgh is to NYC ) Though I’ll never be able to approach NY chic … Anyway, I found some great skirts and pants but, as always, they’re too long (I need those extra 4” of legs also!). So I’ll be getting out the sewing machine today and hemming. After working out legs, of course!

TGIF and have great weekends, all!

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Old 10-03-2003, 06:51 AM   #80  
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Hey gang, just a quick hello before I hop in the shower...

I didn't go to the gym this morning because Hubby was called out at 3AM and wasn't back at 5AM (or so I thought) when I was ready to leave. I don't like to leave the kids alone, asleep, when they don't realise that no one is home and I hate to wake them up at 5AM... Sooooo therefore I didn't go...BUT at 5:30AM I hear something, I thought it was the TV, and almost jumped out of my skin when it was Hubby talking to me, he was on the couch sleeping!!! Geez he scared me!! I have promised myself to go to the gym after work this afternoon at 1:30 or so....I MUST... I want a good leg workout...

Lois - I LOVE step ups!! I do them 10 each leg up and down, for a straight 15 minutes.... whew, it's a great cardio!!

Well later all... Think of me at 1pm so I can get my butt to the gym, K?? Because as you all know I rarely can get myself to go to the gym after the morning is gone....Thanks....

Later all
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Old 10-03-2003, 07:00 AM   #81  
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Ick - I overslept this morning and didn't make it to the gym until 6:30, and all of the ellipticals were taken - grrrr. SO, I was forced to the stairclimber (*never* use the stairclimber...), and had to do 20MAS instead of my usual routine. Well, LET ME TELL YOU... I had the best cardio workout in probably 6 months. I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. I think I've foune my new routine! I guess the cardio gods were trying to tell me something :P

Meg - ooh, "elegant touch-ups"? Sounds fabulous

Ok, off to shower! Have a fantabulous friday everyone!
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Old 10-03-2003, 10:06 AM   #82  
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First, thanks for all the salad dressing suggestions, everyone! They really helped. I must say it's been tough and amusing to try to get used to having CC as a staple of life, but I am managing to use it a few times a week.

I've been trying to find a few really good, 'real life' recipes I can use from now on, and the recipe thread on this board has helped enormously! I have to say that for myself, when I'm dealing with a real Craving I have to have the real thing. If I'm desperately craving chocolate I try to have just one Hershey's Kiss, instead of eating a whole box of Snack Well cookies. This took me a few years to figure out, but it's pivotal to me for being able to stay on track. I don't do well when I think that there's something I absolutely CAN'T have. If you told me today that I could be healthy and in shape by avoiding celery I guarantee you that by this afternoon my mouth would be watering and I'd eat a whole bag by dinnertime.

The great thread this week made me do a lot of thinking about food, and personal choices, and eating disorders this week. I agree with whoever it was that said she wasn't sure if counting every calorie and planning meals days and even weeks in advance was 'healthy'. I'm not sure it is, either, and sometimes I can make myself good and bitter by thinking "why can't I just eat what I want, when I want like a normal person?" and then I stop and remind myself that the problem is WHAT I want and WHEN I want it isn't normal. Sure, I could probably do that if I only ate when I was legitimately hungry, and if I would reach for an apple as a snack, but the sad heart of the truth is that I don't do that. I never have. I will reach for a cupcake over an apple EVERY TIME. I will drive through Wendy's for a chicken sandwich and fries before I'd go home and eat a nice Greek salad. My version of what it must be like to be 'normal' (never having to think about food choices) would leave me the unhealthiest person in America in a year, I'm just sure.

I was talking this over with my friend the other day and she said something that really helped me. She said, you know, if you think about it what you're doing now isn't that different than what your ancestors did. The ancestors that wandered around in their fur robes and lived in caves lived hand-to-mouth. They were always thinking about the next meal, and where their nutrition was going to come from. Your great-grandmother spent hours a day planning meals for the men out in the fields. As soon as breakfast was over they started plucking the chicken for supper.

And you know, she was right. Sure, my lot in life is a little different. I'm faced not with too few choices, but too many. I think if I was forced to pick one I'd stick with having to make the call about not pulling through the drive-thru than having to trap or grow my own food to keep body and soul together, but they're all still decisions about food, in the long run.

Anyway, that's my little ramble for the day. I had a lousy food day yesterday and woke up this morning feeling down about myself and my lack of will power, but I'm right back at it today. I guess that's all I can do!

This is a great board. Sorry to prattle on so much!
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Old 10-03-2003, 12:33 PM   #83  
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Thumbs down TGIF!

Meg! Actually we *did* have a station wagon, but it was a Ford, not a Chevy then in 1974 when us girls were getting too big to pile in the back (for all you KIDS out there...station wagons weren't always Volvo-sized) Dad traded it in for a Dodge Sportsman Van, which Mom HATED driving - she's always preferred smaller cars - right now she has one of those little BMW convertibles I remember one time...my baby sister's boyfriend was visiting and he STUPIDLY parked his little Alfa Romeo right behind the van (blocking our driveway...) WELL! Mom didn't see that tiny sportscar parked directly behind the van...and what kind of blockhead parks like that anyway - there was plenty of curb space where he wouldn't have to block our driveway...so of course guess wha'happened...yup - Mom ran right over his Alfa... there was hardly a scratch on the Dodge...the boyfriend (who was about 16-17 at the time I believe) came out all flustered and Mom pretty much tore him a new one verbally about parking! Of course, in retrospect, he probably could have filed a claim with our insurance company, but he never did - his family had plenty of money, and he REALLY liked my sister In fact they're still friends! Gotta love it.

Touch-ups huh? Is your PS going to charge for them or is this a freebee (of course, I'm sure you'll be paying for the operating room time... that's the way my doctor does touch-ups - no charge for the procedure, but if the OR is used, I would have to pay). In fact, I have a followup appt with her next week - she'll let me know if she feels it necessary to re-do anything.

Colleen - another hand goes up here for detesting the Stairclimber...of course our gym has like 15 of them, usually most of them are empty!

Revely: Did you by chance catch the PBS series "Frontier House"? Now THAT was interesting. Homesteaders spent every waking moment growing food, hunting food, preparing food, and getting ready for the winter - it was a question of survival. The Laura Ingalls Wilder books touch on that as well. Unfortunately the "Little House" series didn't do NEARLY as good a job conveying that fact...I guess that if they made it look too hard, no one would have watched for more than a season or two!

Gotta run gals!
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Old 10-03-2003, 04:24 PM   #84  
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Its official! Im back on track! (about damn time too!)

I got my LBWO in, and my weights didnt fall much even after 2 weeks of no "gymtime" and rather sketchy eating.

For those of you looking for a tasty Protien Powder, I heartily recommend Cappuchino flavor Simply Protien from EAS. I actually sip on it instead of gulping it down without breathing and swigging water lol!

Food has been about 80% today (had some muesli instead of a better carb, and some sauce that even if it WAS made from a "good" fat really was not needed).

I also bought my membership at the gym I'll be going to, which is about 5-10mins walk from my house and is SUPER nice. Very clean and nicely decorated. I think Im gonna like it there

It was leg day so Im starving again lol. Best go and get cookin!
Btw, Revely, LOVED the celery comment!


(personally, I think we all need a little dancing banana now and then )
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Old 10-03-2003, 05:15 PM   #85  
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Hi Everyone! TGIF fer sure.

Even though I recently subscribed to ENERGY, I still pick up MUSCLEMEDIA mag at the grocery store, and I'm sooo glad I got October's. It's full of great info this month, including 2 weeks of 6 meal menus. Also the latest on supplements - why and when, and best uses of home gym. I am stoked and can't wait to sit down and make out a gocery list based on the week 1 menus.

Food has been on track this week, well since Tuesday anyway, but I haven't worked out other than cardio, and have climbed the ladder to one hour. I have felt yukky all week, but will go to the gym tomorrow come **** or high water.

We grow our own vegetables, but this year I didn't can but froze. Canning requires too much salt. I hate it, especially when you can go to the farmer's market and buy them cheap. Picking green beans in 90 degrees and 98% humidity just doesn't cut it. But! I may try an attitude adjustment, and help plan for the garden next year and try to grow more low-gly carbs, and more variety. I know it sounds weird, but I grew up on frozen vegetables from the grocery store, and that's what I like. DH on the other hand was a farm boy and likes them canned in mason jars. And he likes to garden in a big way - makes him feel he's "providing" as if working 60 hours and being on call 24/7 isn't enough. Men, go figure.

Thanks for the nana, Tidey. (smile) It's cold, rainy and dreary here and when it gets like this, I get a hankering to bake. I think I'll read instead.

Have a great weekend!

Edited for - Meg, I hope you have a great time in NYC. I will be anxious to hear about it. I've only recently had a desire to see NYC, having been a native Chicagoan I always thought no other city in the USA could ever beat Chicago.


Last edited by diphthong; 10-04-2003 at 06:33 AM.
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Old 10-04-2003, 08:41 PM   #86  
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Default Buff Brides

Have you heard about the new series on Discovery Health Channel, called Buff Brides? Another one of those makeover shows, on Mondays at 8pm. I immediately thought of you when you when I saw the commercial!
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Old 10-04-2003, 08:47 PM   #87  
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elegant touch ups - that is such a cool way of saying it Meg!!

Been having a good long weekend but had a few too many functions to go to so my eating has been average, not perfect but not a blowout either. Besides that everything else is great!

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Old 10-04-2003, 09:53 PM   #88  
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Default back again....

Well my second week ended in disaster, I was in hospital for 3 days with an ovarian cyst..... I was a morphine addict for most of the time and eating either did not happen, it was average hospital food, or it was the chocolate that hubby snuck in to me to eat when I was not crying in pain. Sure don't want to go through that again. Good thing was when I had to have the morphine as shots in my leg, the nurse commented every time on how easy it was to find my mucles!!! They were right there for her to poke. Good to have something positive to report.

Back on track today and the week is planned. Going to be tough to get into the work mode tomorrow!! ha ha ha

I was kicked out on Friday afternoon and went to the first pilates class on Saturday. Since I did not have any more abdominal pain the doctor thought it would not hurt me.... i really liked it, so happy I signed up for 10 weeks!

I must get going... so I can post more later!!
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Old 10-04-2003, 10:25 PM   #89  
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Welcome home Nola. I'm sorry to hear you've been in the hospital of all places. I hope that your being able to take a Pilates class signifies you're on the mend.

Dip ~ Thanks for the tip on Musclemedia. I'm always looking for suggestions for a home gym (if that's what I can call my guest room!) I'll look for a copy. I don't think I've ever heard of Energy, but I'm always on the lookout for interesting magazines, so I'll check it out. There was a time when I subscribed to 10 or 12 monthlies; I've scaled waaaay back, but I can't resist the lure of a new title.

Lois ~ 150 lunges? 150!!!! You are my hero. I don't know if I could do 150 anything, but 150 lunges. ... So now I've got a goal And I really like the idea of the stepups ... I'd forgotten all about those. Did you make a box, or find one ready-made somewhere?

Cindy ~ You asked about complex carbs, and meals you can freeze. Since I'm not doing BFL 100%, I can't speak to what's allowable (although there's a complete list of foods in the book). But I DO eat the carbs you mentioned -- beans, winter squashes, brown rice. And many's the time, a baked potato has saved a restaurant meal for me. I've found it surprizingly easy to eliminate most of the white carbs -- I find I don't miss them at all. But I do like the good carbs in small doses. I make and freeze things like split pea soup, lentil soup, and turkey chili. I also want to experiment more with tofu. Lately, I've taken to cooking big batches of veggies on the weekend, and then taking them for lunch. For instance, last weekend, I steamed green beans and then tossed them with a bit of sesame oil and sesame seeds. They're good hot, cold or room-temperature. I also stir-fried zucchini, red bell pepper and garlic, thereby endearing me to everyone I work with. They all reheated great, and I had several meals with great veggies. I don't have time to cook tomorrow, and I can already see I'm going to have trouble this week.

Remember our earlier discussion about night eating? I was just congratulating myself on going almost 2 weeks without eating at night, when Julie wrote about the very topic in yesterday's Skinny Daily Post. You all might find it interesting; it's at:


DH and I are doing a home visit tomorrow on behalf of Airedale Rescue. A mom and her son want to adopt a dog, and we're off to check the height of her fences and the depth of her patience. Hope you all have a good day.

Airegrrl (aka Indiana Robin)
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Old 10-05-2003, 04:46 AM   #90  
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Hi Girls!

I have to figure out what keystroke I make that makes my page go backwards and makes me lose whatever I have written here! Ugh!

Had a great day, my mom is here visiting, and she drug me to the casino tonight. It was rather fun, except for the fact that you always come home smelling like an ashtray. Food consumption was good today, mom wanted to go out for dinner, but I made a great stir fry instead.

~Robin: You asked about the box for lunges. They actually have two at the gym, but you could easily make your own, or use a couple of aerobic steps, or even just use your own stairs.

My knees aren't bothering me, so I'm seriously considering going out for a run tomorrow. I really really really want to start running, and I'm wondering if once a week would not be too detrimental to my knees, until I get some more of this weight off.

Ok, I'm here late because I was not tired enough for bed, but that has just changed. See you all later!

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