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Old 01-30-2015, 11:59 AM   #1  
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Default How To Lose More Weight By Squatting Deeper

So is this legit? I've been considering learning to get lower into my squat and have been looking for some ideas on how to do it. Just trying doesn't seem to be helping so I was looking for some stretches or something.

I found an article that has a few tips on how to do it http://bestexerciseshoes.com/how-to-squat-deeper/ but then I find another that directly contradicts some of that advice in the warnings at the bottom of the page http://www.wikihow.com/Do-a-Squat Contradictions everywhere.

I understand that adding more muscle will help me lose more weight, but will squatting deeper help me to do that. Am I wasting my time with this?

Your opinion and experience is appreciated.
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Old 01-31-2015, 08:04 AM   #2  
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I can't find anything written out there to support the claim that squatting lower will make you lose more weight but it seems highly lightly... BUT try it and see for yourself and let us know of the outcome... I like doing low squats with light or no weights...
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Old 01-31-2015, 11:19 AM   #3  
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In theory, I can see the logic, deeper squat means you are move the weight a greater distance per rep. more distance moved needs more energy. However how much 'more' its possibly negligible, if you are squatting to right angle on your legs (like sitting on a chair) then you're better off either upping reps or weight.
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Old 02-04-2015, 04:00 PM   #4  
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I think the key here will be to increase the number of squats you are doing and increase your momentum. Not sure if squatting lower will help you lose more weight, but it will help you by reaching different muscle groups.
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Old 02-04-2015, 04:28 PM   #5  
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I have never found the need to go more than 90 degrees in a squat. It helps keep the pressure off the knees not going too deep.

I just put more on the bar.

Squats are probably the most risky exercise I do from a personal injury perspective so I try to do them right to keep them safe. If I blow a knee, I will be all-round f*cked since that would also kill my running.

But squats are so good as they activate all the major muscles. I have seen good gains in my legs but also in my chest, abs and shoulders and arms.

But none of that loses weight. It adds weight through helping to build muscle.

Strength training to lose weight is not a very good strategy. It's better for building muscle and keeping weight off.

To simply lose weight, diet and cardio are more effective purely in terms of the scale.

Last edited by IanG; 02-04-2015 at 04:34 PM.
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Old 02-20-2015, 07:35 PM   #6  
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Originally Posted by Biscuits View Post
So is this legit? I've been considering learning to get lower into my squat and have been looking for some ideas on how to do it. Just trying doesn't seem to be helping so I was looking for some stretches or something.

I found an article that has a few tips on how to do it but then I find another that directly contradicts some of that advice in the warnings at the bottom of the page Contradictions everywhere.

I understand that adding more muscle will help me lose more weight, but will squatting deeper help me to do that. Am I wasting my time with this?

Your opinion and experience is appreciated.
Squatting with a full range of motion is always superior to a partial.

With deep squats, not only do you strengthen your quadriceps, you also strengthen your hamstrings, which gives you a balanced leg development.

Best advice from me is for you to record your squat workout and show it to us. Side view AND front view is a must.

There are lots of things that could be wrong. It could be that you lack flexibility. It could be that your foot position is too "internally". I need to see a video to find out...
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Old 02-27-2015, 11:18 PM   #7  
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Deeper squats are better as you do more work, will they help you lose more weight? Maybe on the long run after you get more muscle mass. Muscle does burn fat even when resting after all.
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Old 04-13-2015, 02:32 PM   #8  
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I know this thread is a bazillion years old, but who doesn't like a zombie thread.

I don't think squatting deeper will help you lose more weight. You will probably gain weight in muscle. It's annoying to see the scale not move, then you notice your buns in a mirror and you don't mind as much.

Anywho, I am a HUGE fan of deep squatting. Like ***2grass squat (I don't crossfit) I agree and disagree with the first article. #1 shoes - yes. Get weightlifting shoes if you can. I have a pair that is white with black stripes called.. Ashley? IDK, they were gifts, but I love them, it's night and day. If you don't have keds or converse squat in socks. I wear converse daily and I once tried to squat in my running shoes and thought I was going to die. Don't squat in sneakers.
#2 your stance, I agree and disagree. Everyone has a different stance. Try out some. I have a wide stance with toes slightly out. You can't squat too wide. it will just be a sumo. If you were to squat down and poo how would you do it? That's your stance. You will get mixed opinion on squatting on 2.5 weight plates. I say do it. Just remember to drive your heels into the ground, don't let your weight go to your toes.
I will half disagree with "use a barbell" barbells weigh 45 pounds. That's a lot. Start with goblet squats when you are ready for weight. When you are ready for 45 extra pounds, absolutely a barbell. Stay off the smith machine.

Everyone should squat, and squat deep it's helped my hips not get pissy when running too. I have great mobility from working on deeper squats. I used to not get to 90 degrees. Also, my spine is wonky and I have noticed a huge difference in my posture and pain from my disk.
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Old 05-16-2023, 09:30 AM   #9  
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To increase the effect of growing muscle and burning fat, use high volume. Perform six sets of five weighted squats (back or goblet) at 50 to 60 percent of your maximum weight once or twice per week. (Select an amount of weight that feels difficult by the third rep of each set.)
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