Weight and Resistance Training Boost weight loss, and look great!

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Old 08-26-2002, 03:31 PM   #1  
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Thumbs down BFL / BB #65 - 1 week countdown to C3FC!!!

Hey everyone - thought it would be a good time to start a new thread since we're a week away from starting C3FC!!!

I emailed Pam over the weekend to let her know that we're starting this...she was so thrilled - I know she'll be checking our progress - maybe she'll post once in awhile as well (although she is probably one of the busiest folks on the planet with her upcoming competitions and her business).

So...what we can do over the upcoming week is PLAN. Start planning what your daily goals are going to be and what you will be doing to achieve them!

Here are some daily goals:

Each day (except Free Day ) I will:

complete my workout
Eat clean and 'on program'
Drink at least 1 gallon of water
Think positive thoughts

And post every day here at 3FC to keep my motivation going while I eat my veggies!!!

OH one more thing. Don't know if y'all check the "Basic BFL Information" stickie that is on the top of the forum but I add links when I find some that I like... http://www.abcbodybuilding.com/ is a GREAT site for finding exercises - I like it MUCH better than the Planet RX/ERX website. Check it out - lots of info!
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Old 08-26-2002, 03:39 PM   #2  
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Default Monday- tired already!

Just finished chest,tri and ab workout. I'm beat.
I signed up for Pam's 4 week camp- filling out her info form took as long as my workout. I can't imaging how long it takes her to wade thru them all and make sense of people's answers. Some of mine were pretty crazy. Can't wait til she reads that one of my goals is to climb Mt. Everest Actually, if I could come up with $70K and didn't have a 12 yr old son, I'd do it next spring, which is the next "climbing window"! My 48 yr old neighbor did it last year and wants to go again. But she has no kids to feel responsible for.

I can't decide whether or not to take a few days off lifting before we start or just keep going. I'm starting W7 of c3 today. What do you all think? What's everyne else doing?

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Old 08-26-2002, 04:33 PM   #3  
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Jeez, Mel! Mt Everest huh? Yowsa!

Did you read "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer? GREAT book - I read the original story when it was in Outside Magazine as well. After reading that I KNOW I'll never want to climb a mountain...lack of oxygen, the cold and the fact that I'm afraid of heights would have something to do with that (not to mention the lack of $70 grand).

Personally I'm not planning on lifting on Saturday and Sunday since Jim and I will be spending all our time walking around the Big Apple then I'm going to start fresh on Monday!

Today I did bi's and tri's. I know they'll be sore tomorrow - my hams are still achy from Saturday - since two hours after my workout I had a riding lesson where we did the 2-point (forward with butt out of the saddle) position at a walk and trot for 10 minutes (kind of like holding a squat position) then we did an extended sitting trot...then posting without stirrups...ow ow ow! Probably why my hams are still a bit ouchy!
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Old 08-26-2002, 06:10 PM   #4  
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Default Frankenstein's Leg Curls

Hey gals - almost forgot to tell ya about this killer (and I do mean KILLER) leg curl...I read about it at t-mag and tried it on Saturday...
While the prone hamstring curl probably isn't the best hamstring exercise, it's probably the most common. As such, it seems all the more important that trainees do it correctly, and, while they're at it, maximize its effects.

Hence this hybrid leg curl. Like Frankenstein creating his monster, we've combined several tips from different strength coaches and made one mother of a leg-curl exercise.

The Exercise

Okay, this one requires a bit of coordination, so those of you who have trouble patting your head and scratching your belly while whistling Dixie might want to sit this one out.

Assume the usual position on the prone leg-curl machine, but instead of doing both legs at once, we'd like you to train one leg at a time, starting with the weakest one.

These one-legged leg curls are also to be done using the 1-1/3 technique. (Hamstrings respond especially well to eccentric work, so we might as well take advantage of that fact.)

As you raise the lower half of your leg, you'll touch the heel to your butt over the course of 2 seconds, pause for 1 second, lower the heel 1/3 of the way down, and again pause for another second. Then, you'll return the heel to the butt taking another second, and then lower the weight all the way down to the starting position over the course of 3 seconds.

That's one rep, but not so fast, bubba. There's one more trick to learn.

As you raise the weight, we'd like you to flex your foot "upwards" and toward the knee (toes pointed toward the knee). Then, as you begin to lower the weight, for your 1/3 of the way down rep, point your toes away from the body.

When you curl the lower leg up again, point the toes "upward" again, and when you lower the weight all the weigh down, point your toes away again.

Got that? Whenever you're raising the weight, pull your toes in toward the body, and whenever you lower the weight, point them away from the body.

Why the soft shoe routine? Well, the gastrocnemius is one of the muscles that assist the hamstrings in flexing the lower leg toward the butt. However, by pointing the toes away from the body, we're inactivating the gastrocnemius, thus making the hamstrings do all the work on the eccentric, or lowering part of the movement.

Pretty nifty, huh?

Additional Tips

Although you might hedge at training the hamstrings one at a time (it feels "weird" until you get used to it), the vast majority of people have disparities in the strength of their hamstrings. As such, when you work both together, the stronger one bears the brunt of the work and the weaker one never catches up.

You might also remember to keep the number of reps you do during hamstring exercises low. Given its muscle fiber make-up, and very generally speaking, doing more than 8 reps, or doing sets that last longer than 40 seconds, is a waste of time. Oh yeah, you'll build muscle endurance all right if you do more reps, but you'll look like one of those pieces of sinew that come stumbling over the line at the Olympic marathon and then pukes on the cameraman's shoes.

Oh, one last thing: remember that the hamstrings have a dual function. They both flex the knee (which is worked by doing the aforementioned leg curls) and extend the hips. That's why a complete hamstring workout will always include exercises like semi-stiff legged deadlifts or good mornings.

Enjoy, only don't get too freaked the day after you do this movement, because you'll be walking like Frankenstein's monster.
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Old 08-26-2002, 07:15 PM   #5  
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I found out today I might have a job after school! Yeah! This is good news for me financially (it's with the University so I'll get tuition reimbursement). It will shave time off my free time but I have 5 hours between the end of my last class and the beginning of the next one (where i'll be working). So one of my goals is to hike around the UC Berkeley campus during those off hours (no small campus and not flat either).

The other goal is to hit the gym 4 times a week (I also work out at home). I am flat broke but have not given up my gym membership so I better be using it.

I am doing one Free Meal plus dessert a week. That's it.

I will check in here each day and drink all my water.

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Old 08-27-2002, 12:07 PM   #6  
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Angry Helloooo girls!!!!!!

Hi everyone

I read everyones posts since the last time I was here, and I feel really good coming back. Not that I had left but I just didn't have time to post or even lurk in the last 2 weeks....

I've just finished C1, I stopped at W11.5 because hubby was on vacation, and we went away to a nice condo in the mountains for a few days, with the kids tho , but that's ok we intend to go away for our anniversary in October alone ... so that will be great... these few days away were the only vacation time we took this summer because we were too busy cleaning up around the house.... It was fun too.... there was a really nice water park near our condo so we swam and had fun there....

But now I'm ready to get serious again with my
BFL... sooooo can I join you all in your 6 week quest for better living... ???? I

Here are my results from C1: Start date: June 3, 2002

C1 (did'nt measure on W1 forgot)
Biceps: forgot to measure

Waist:32 (-1)
Hips:42.5 (-1.5)
Biceps: 14

Chest:38 (-1)
Waist:31.75 (-.25)
Hips:42.25 (-.25)
Thighs: 26
Biceps: 14

I'm pleased with the results AND I didn't loose a pound.... that scale is a LIAR!!!!!! BECAUSE I FEEL GREAT :d

I have no idea what my true BF is I should invest in a caliper....

I will come back later with my goals for this challenge...

DH wants to go out to lunch, and since I start work tomorrow, , and she starts school tomorrow, I'll treat her today...

Later all.... I'm soooooooo looking forward to this challenge....



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Old 08-27-2002, 05:49 PM   #7  
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Default I'm in too!

Howdy, all. It's been awhile since I've been able to get on-line. Work has been a total crunch . . . Anyway - I'm in on C3CF. I'm still in my first BFL challenge, but it'll be nice to be part of a group effort. After 3 weeks (I'm in my 4th), I feel like I've been doing pretty well. I've lost some weight, toned up, and feel pretty good overall. I'm heading out of town for the Labor Day weekend, so I'm not sure how "on plan" I'll be able to be. I plan on staring the challenge on Sept. 3, since the 2nd is a travel day for me. Hope everyone has a great holiday. Mox.

P.S. Thanks to everyone for the great links -- I've been learning a lot about lifting from Mistress Krista's site, in particular.
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Old 08-27-2002, 06:09 PM   #8  
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Busy getting all of my ducks in a row for C3FC! Mrs. Jim - I've been using abcbodybuilding.com as well - it's *much* easier to navigate than Planet RX, and I've put together some killer weight training workouts using their workout guides. I put together a new LBWO last Tuesday, and I am still sore from it! (But I'm of the mindset that soreness is highly desired, as it means you've truly accomplished something).
I've been in "challenge mode" this week, in preparation for what will surely be a gluttonly weekend prior to the actual start of our challenge (going on a roadtrip this weekend - seeing old friends, labor day picnic - you know the drill...)
Off to the gym!

Highest known weight: 263 - Size 24 (and at just 22 years old *sigh*)
Currently: 197 - Size 14
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Old 08-27-2002, 06:17 PM   #9  
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Wow I am so busy at the moment trying to get homework happening, sign off on a second mortgage, prepare for my weekend away with soccer and just normal day-to-day living as well. Thank goodness I am already ready for C3FC - I got it all ready 3 weeks ago! Very excited!

Get back to you all soon!
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Old 08-27-2002, 09:17 PM   #10  
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Angry Hello Girls

Had a great day, daughter and I had lunch at Wendy's...I had the grilled chicken, yuck, and a baked potatoe which was good.....

I even went out and finally bought so whey protein...only to get home and read the label, I had read it in the store, and it has fructose in in.... ... I already opened it so I guess I have to live with it... Live and learn...I don't intend to use it alot tho...

My goals for C3fc are:

1. Drink all my water at least 12 glasses/day...
2. Exercise (of course)
3. Loose 1 inch on my hips....
4. Stay motivated and positive by logging in here daily...
5. Eat clean...
6. One free meal and One desert/week...

See you later all....

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Old 08-27-2002, 10:01 PM   #11  
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Hey everyone!!! I'm in NEW YORK CITY!!!

:bc: :bc: Of course I couldn't go to bed without checking in at 3FC. I'm so glad to see that so many of us are jumping on board for C3FC! We are gonna kick some booty!

Colleen - I don't expect that MY eating this week will be particularly 'clean' but I'm going to try my best - I actually brought my own oatmeal and protein powder (MetRx Protein Plus Vanilla Creme). So my breakfast and 'emergency rations' are set. They have a pretty nice fitness center here at the Waldorf-Astoria - of course it's the first thing I checked out upon arriving - even before looking at the meeting rooms!

Jim will be flying in on Friday morning. I already miss him and Sparky - who has been Mr. Snugglebug these days and NOT waking me up at 4 am - fortunately my internal alarm clock is working pretty well...but the Sparkmeister has been snuggling in between Jim and I at night and snoozing off. He is going to be one lonesome kitty when Jim leaves on Thursday night even with sister Jen looking after him - fortunately we'll be back on Sunday afternoon

So anyway, I splurged this morning and used some of my miles and upgraded myself to first class on my flight (it was a two-class airplane). This was so funny - when they were handing out the beverages before takeoff the flight attendant - who was a guy - asked me if I worked out at 24 Hour Fitness? Turns out he worked out there ONCE and remembered seeing me there He's based in NYC but United owns a hotel in downtown San Mateo right near my place where they house the flight crews who aren't based in the Bay Area, and it's about 2 blocks away from my gym! I must have made quite an impression. About an hour before we landed he brought me a bottle of champagne and those little airplane bottles of Bacardi ('just in case there isn't any waiting for me in the room'). After I checked in and saw the fitness center, I went for a walk through Bloomingdales' and past the Empire State Building - when I got back to my room, there was ANOTHER bottle of champagne waiting for me - I don't drink it myself so both of them are going back home with me Now I have something to give my sister for watching Sparky!

Whew! Gonna take a hot bath and get some sleep. Later gals!
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Old 08-28-2002, 05:18 PM   #12  
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Default Labor Day weekend

I envy everyone going on great weekend trips (particularly MrsJim in NYC, one of my favorite cities). I'm off to visit family in the great state of Nebraska. Although I had a wonderful childhood growing up there (and love my family who still lives there), I'm very happy to be a city gal now. BTW, I heard they changed the Nebraska football team's nickname from "Cornhuskers" to just "Huskers," supposedly so that it sounded less hick. But, as I told my cousin, what else gets "husked" except corn?!? I'm not so sure the change in nicknames is going to help the image all that much. (And I don't mean to insult anyone who lives in Nebraska -- it's actually a very nice place to live.) But, I won't have access to a computer until Tuesday -- the day I start the Challenge. So, until then, hope everyone has a great/positive week. Peace, Sharon

P.S. Although I really am trying not to obsess about the scale (like many people, I have a love/hate relationship with those little numbers), I'm happy to report I've lost 10 lbs (from 236 - 226) since starting BFL on Aug. 5. Yea! I'm going to use this weight lost to keep me motivated while in Nebraska. Bye again.
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Old 08-28-2002, 05:48 PM   #13  
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Hmm, change in travel plans. I will be back in Virginia on Sunday night, so I will start my challenge on Monday as originally planned - yea! And I'm sure after a weekend of eating out, I'll be *so* ready to go back to clean eating - funny how that happens, huh? Of course the gym will be closed, so I'll have to make other workout arrangements - maybe a walk/run for cardio, and save weights for Tuesday. Ok, off to cook chicken and rice pilaf for meal #5!

P.S. Is there a way to automatically include information in each post you submit? (I.e. "highest weight, etc. - I'm sure there has to be, as I can't imagine you guys retyping it every time!)

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Old 08-28-2002, 06:35 PM   #14  
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Hey everyone! Glad to see that we're all still on board and gearing up for d-day. I've thought and rethought why I've signed on for this particular challenge, and I'm ready to post my goals.

Everyday during C3fc, I will:

1. complete my planned exercise
2. eat my planned food
3. drink all of my water
4. use the power of positive self-talk and positive thinking to influence the course of my day.
5. post here everyday to check-in and offer my support to others participating in the challenge.
6. break out of my comfort zone each day in the gym and emotionally (complimenting someone in the gym, my family, etc or taking sensible business risks).

I've decided to take just one free meal and dessert each week. This is a first for me, I've always seen good results from still taking an entire free day, but this time I'm on board for great results. I'm going to really make this challenge count and push myself and see how far I can go.

MrsJim--you must be a knockout in RL if you made that much of an impression on that flight attendant! That's so awesome!!

Sharon--congratulations on 10 pounds in five weeks! That's right on schedule for sensible weight loss. Keep it up girl!

Colleen--you can create a signature (a little attachment that shows up each time you make a post) by going to the user control panel (usercp at top of page), then click on "edit your profile" at the top, then you can enter a signature.

And everyone who is traveling this weekend--have a safe and fun weekend!!


[Edited to add]: I am posting some of my favorite BFL recipes on the recipe thread in the next couple of days. I hope that you enjoy them! Also, I love love love the BFL rice pudding that you posted, Mrs. Jim. It was yummy!

Last edited by moxiegirl; 08-28-2002 at 06:38 PM.
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Old 08-28-2002, 07:01 PM   #15  
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I am going to go out on a limb here and say that even weight loss on the scale is still PROGRESS in my book! I know that a lot of people have an emotional attachment to the scale and it does more harm than good sometimes but I still think it is important to use as a tool in COMBINATION with other tools such as BF%.



(Sorry Karen!!)
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