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Old 04-07-2003, 07:34 AM   #1  
she who must be obeyed
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Smile Daily Chat.....Week of April 7th

Thought I would give this a go for a week. Hope everyone will at least pop in and say hey!


Well, Monday morning and spring break for my daughter. Alarm went off at 5:30, I had plans to shove hubby out of bed and go back to sleep.........well he fooled me.........at some point during the middle of the night his insomnia kicked in and he went downstairs and got on the couch. Had to get up, go down and wake him up, coffee was done and calling my name, so here I am.

It's going to be rainy here almost all week. I wanted to get a few annuals in the ground this week, but it will need to wait for better weather.

I was a SLUG most of the weekend, but I did manage to get most of my baseboards downstairs cleaned. Today if the spirit moves me I plan to clean my kitchen cabinets. My cabinets are white, which I love, but need a good cleaning every once in a while. I'm ashamed to say the last time they were cleaned well is when my Mom was staying with me after I came home from the hospital last April, Mom did it. I have spot cleaned, but not cleaned over all.

My daughter, my baby...the youngest, will be 17 on Saturday. Any ideas of a great gift for her? She has plans to go to an R rated movie with a friend.......just because she can I came home from the hospital last year on her birthday and bacause of the shape I was in we really didn't do much for her birthday..........wanted to make it up to her this year.........I just don't know what to do.

Off to check in with the low-carbers.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Last edited by debkay; 04-07-2003 at 08:26 AM.
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Old 04-07-2003, 10:30 AM   #2  
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good morning and HEY!!!

I guess it is the time for spring cleaning despite the rumors that we are going to get 9 to 12 inches of snow. As a matter of fact it is starting RIGHT NOW as I look out my front window. Gee that bites!

Dh and I spent the weekend reorganizing the boys rooms. What used to be dh's den (read...let me throw all my crap and every article on money saving tips room) is now the little guy's room. It really is very cute and he is happy. BUT dh says his back hurts so he is home today and taking it easy.

My knee and leg is aching...maybe I need more postassium?

All my pre op stuff is done for wls....can anyone tell me why I keep putting it off?

Hazel! concrats on the weight loss and feeling spry enough to take your little ones to the park.

Debkay, your cabinets done yet? I'm trying to think of something special for your "baby" but all I keep coming up with is a car!!!!

(pick your dh up off the floor, ok?)

later...I have got a TON of laundry in the dryer....(read jammed in so as to surely wrinkle!)

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Old 04-07-2003, 12:45 PM   #3  
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peachie....................a car......... Pick him up from the floor!!..........I would have to bury him.........he would drop dead!!

Heard that "your" baseball team had to cancel todays game due to snow YUCK!

Cabinets are half done looks so much better!

A date!! a date!! We want a date!! But, only when YOUR ready! A date and all that comes after, might just get rid of that knee pain........it did mine!

Off to finish the cabinets
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Old 04-07-2003, 02:42 PM   #4  
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Rainy as heck but it is NOT snowing! Maybe Peachie will have a date by the time I get home on Friday.
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Old 04-07-2003, 05:32 PM   #5  
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Hey gang! I've been reading but not posting ... I guess I just don't have much to say! Yeah, right!

Deb - how about a promise ring for your daughter. I'd attach a special note from mom and dad. It could be all the things you promise her as she begins to spread her wings and make her own choices and/or also could be a promise from her to both of you that whenever her choices land her in some kind of trouble she promises to always come to you without reservation.

I guess I must be in a 'mushy' mood today.

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Old 04-09-2003, 08:49 AM   #6  
she who must be obeyed
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Good Wednesday morning all!! Have coffee will travel

I managed to sleep in today, hubby woke me up turning off the alarm, but didn't take long for me to go right back to sleep.

My kitchen cabinets sparkle........they look so much better.

Leanna, we gave daughter a diamond ring for Christmas this past year, but I think a little diamond necklace might be good. Of course she wants a car, but not gonna happen

It's rainy and icky here again today.......some spring break

doggie is needing an outside trip.......gotta go. Have a good day all
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Old 04-09-2003, 09:26 AM   #7  
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Good Morning everybody!!! I am doing great, still staying away from that scale. I found out last night that I can NOT do pasta I had a pasta salad with shrimp (ok it was a tossed salad with shrimp that I threw in some pasta) and it made me sooooo sick. So one more reason to stay away from carbs.

Debbie I think you need to get her a car. I got one when I was 16!! Paul hates this because he feels that his parents never gave him a car so we should not give our children a car, well my parents did. A pink Volkswagon beetle! I loved my car.

I think jewelry is always a perfect choice!!! A nice charm bracelet that she can add to. Diamond anything, a ring with her birth stone. Ok I confess I am a jewelry whore..... But I have boys... Oh and my oldest will be 16 on May 1st. So any ideas other than the car that he wants but is not getting would be helpful!!

I hope everyone is having a great day!!!!
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Old 04-09-2003, 11:36 AM   #8  
she who must be obeyed
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Hazel.........I just KNOW Matt would LOVE to have a pink Volkswagon beetle I'll call May 1st to see if it is in the driveway

Hazel, I like the idea of the charm braclet, for my daughter. She also wants a second set of holes in her ears, she actually talked hubby into it last night. She has him twisted so tight around her little finger it isn't funny........but he would swear on a stack of bibles it wasn't so. Yea right dear!!

Last edited by debkay; 04-09-2003 at 02:35 PM.
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Old 04-09-2003, 01:32 PM   #9  
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just a quickie... and we can all be happy!!!!

i've lost 5 pounds in the last two weeks... and went to the surgeon this morning for the now-annual checkup..

<Drum roll please!> total loss: 267; loss from the surgery: 170. only 40 pounds to go!!! do ya think i can do it?????
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Old 04-09-2003, 02:38 PM   #10  
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Good afternoon from PA!

It's 48 degrees and a peek of sun here and there, but there is hope yet--it is supposed to warm up by the weekend. YAYYYYYY!!! I am in a fashion show on Saturday at Fashion Bug here in town--my second show in less than a month, only this time I am going to be even lighter! Once it warms up, I hope it stays that way, especially for Easter, when I am attending a brunch and egg hunt at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh (a benefit for Easter Seals).

I did my kitchen cupboards last weekend--they looked like a tornado hit them. I also made sure the 'dangerous' stuff is put up in the higher cupboards where the cats can't get at them when I open the doors--the tabby likes trying to go in the bottom cabinets when I go to get out pots and pans to cook (try doing that and keeping out a 13 pound tubby tabby at the same time )

I still need to get my walk in, but I did do my 30 minutes of general exercises earlier.....and crossing my fingers that Medicare approves the WLS for me!
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Old 04-09-2003, 07:52 PM   #11  
she who must be obeyed
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Jiff this is for you Your almost there!!!! Keep up the good work!!

Hi Lori, nice to see you posting with us. I did see where you posted your initial consult is in August. It is just amazing to me how busy the wls docs are!! August will be here before you know it. Hope you hang around with us, we're a pretty friendly bunch.
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Old 04-10-2003, 12:14 AM   #12  
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Hi Debbie, thanks for the welcome

I went on the ObesityHelp.com website and was able to do some additional reading on WLS to prepare myself. Turns out the doc that my PCP recommended me was listed there, and the testimonials of her patients are nothing short of inspiring. We are already coming into mid-April, so no doubt I will wake up one day and it will be August 25!

I also found another good WLS website:www.compasswls.com . Let's just say I want to learn all I can!
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Old 04-10-2003, 06:51 AM   #13  
she who must be obeyed
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Lori, your doing the right thing. Read, ask questions, learn as much as you can. Does the doc you plan to use have a support group? If she does not, try to find one in your area and start attending as a pre-op. I started attending a great support group in my area (not affiliated with any doctor) when I was pre-op, it helped me bunches. That's where I met Hazel!

Obesity help is a great site. You could also try www.spotlighthealth.com the message boards are very busy, but they get VERY snippy with each other almost on a weekly basis.

Weeellll............it's too early to be up!! Hubby couldn't find the "one" belt he wanted this morning, usually he is very good about not waking me up. This morning in his search, he flipped the big light on..........HELLO...........that was it for me. I had cleaned up his piles of clothes and his belt was, shock upon shock, hanging in the closet. Love that man, but he makes "piles" of things.

It is still rainly and chilly in the deep south, so not typical for this time of year. The rain is normal, but the temps are not.

coffee cup is empty........off for more.
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Old 04-10-2003, 02:08 PM   #14  
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I got the info packet in the mail today from Dr. Corcoulous' office, and I was pleased with it. The packet showed the types of WLS and how they are done, the risks, as well as pre- and post-op support groups, as well as directions to the office!

Dr. Courcoulous is also an assistant professor of medicine at UPMC Presbyterian in Pittsburgh, and I got yet more favorable comments on her when I mentioned her to an RN friend of mine when we were discussing the WLS procedure. And to think I never heard of this doctor until I saw my PCP last week, then looked her up on ObesityHelp! (Best thing I ever did outside of going on my current weight loss plan)
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Old 04-11-2003, 01:04 AM   #15  
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aaaHAAAAAA!!!! lori!!! i just found you on the 100 pound board as well! a nice bunch of ladies also... but you belong here too., as do we all.

you are really doing your homework, and that's what's important..
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