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Old 11-04-2003, 09:01 PM   #46  
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Summer I'm sure your visit with the state inspectors will go fine, and you'll end up with a glowing report in your file! You're too professional to let something slip past you, and the time they spend in your room will show them what a caring teacher they have on thier team.

Our decorations don't have to be too politically correct--yet. We can still have Santas, but no angels, which chaps my broad butt. In the library we try to keep out books about all the holidays, cover all the bases as it were. I agree with you, I'm ready for January too. The kids act like they've had Halloween candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner since last week! Discipline problems are multiplying as fast as rabbits and they are bouncing off the walls-literally.

My daughter is watching the "8 Simple Rules" episode without John Ritter, it's so sad. I can't watch it. It really hit me when he died, like someone I knew personally. Crazy I know but I couldn't help it. I hope the show can make it without him, but I can't watch it, not yet.

It's been a week of fights and groundings here, DS and DD fighting and mouthing off. I'm trying hard to hang onto my progress and not stress eat, so far I'm doing okay, not great, but not falling all the way down either. I keep telling myself that it will not help, to eat whatever it is I think I want. I will only hate myself later. So far, so-so.

At least tomorrow is humpday, halfway to the weekend!
take care-
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Old 11-05-2003, 08:26 AM   #47  
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Hello everyone,

I guess I've been AWOL for awhile. I have been sooo busy with lessons and grading papers. It's quite a challenge having 122 students and teaching Language Arts. So many papers
The weather has finally cooled off. Yesterday's high was 75. Finally it feels like Fall. Just like the rest of you, my students are bouncing off the walls. Of course with 7th graders there's a lot more noise
Don't worry about any inspections in your classroom. You just do what you do best. I agree with a previous post: they will see what an excellent, caring, and professional teacher they have. They will be counting their blessings.
We have regular observations coming up in the next 4 weeks. I never arrange days ahead of time. I told the principal to come in anytime, it doesn't matter to me. For me, it's much less stressful than knowing exactly when he is coming in. Plus, whenever he says he's coming in, he doesn't.
We've had problems this week, but I'll elaborate more on that later. I want to see what happens when it's all said and done. We may lose a teacher because of it. Really sad and unfair
My daughter went out for trick or treat. She's 6 years old and this is only the second time she's gone out. The first time was through the military housing in Korea when she was 1. This time she had sooo much fun and she was so cute. She dressed as a Korean princess. Of course, she kept telling everyone she was Mulan. Her dress was a Korean Hanbok; a traditional Korean dress. I'd include a picture if I could figure out how to do it.
It is Hump Day. Hope the rest of the week is outstanding for everyone.
I'll try not to go AWOL again.

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Old 11-05-2003, 08:04 PM   #48  
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Welcome back Cal, I missed you. My almost 6 year old (on 11/11) also had a wonderful time trick or treating. She enjoyed Halloween more this year than ever. We also took her to the circus this past weekend, and she kept saying, "Oh my God!" It was so fun. And then the school week began...

Story, I was also devastated by John Ritter's death. I wept over it the week it happened. I couldn't watch the show last night either. I was all cried out over him dying. The commercial was enough to upset me. I loved him the way I love Lucille Ball. People who make me laugh really touch my soul. They have a special talent for healing others by making them laugh.

Well ladies, I had one heck of a time trying to sleep last night. I woke up to pee at 3:17am, and my brain turned on...that was it for the night. I kept thinking about everything I have to do for inspection. We only have a nurse in our building on Tuesdays & Thursdays. The teacher who handles giving meds, injuries, and sick kids on Mon., Wed., & Fri., isn't certified to give meds or in first aid like she is supposed to be. Just wait till the state sees that! I will get certified in first aid on 11/21, but I refuse to get med certified. I was for 13 years when I worked in a group home, and it is a lot of hard work to get med certified. I will let the school take the fall for this because I'm already teacher, social worker, mother, custodian, psychologist, family therapist, etc... I refuse to be the nurse too!

At least I have a home/school coordinator who is super helpful and cooperative.

Thanks for the votes of confidence ladies!!!

Take care all.

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Old 11-06-2003, 01:44 AM   #49  
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hey ya'll....

it is nearly 2 a.m.... I'm brain dead...and yet can't sleep....can't see straight to read the posts here or to type either...but I still can't sleep.... HOW do you get your brain to turn off and relax?

So much garBaggge (say that with a French accent and you will hear how I meant it!) going on at school this week...I'm so darn
tired.... and I've NOT touched most of what needs to be done...

I'm gonna go try to get BACK in the bed and get to sleep.... I may
be back...with my full forced ranting.....who knows...

hope all are having a good week....tomorrow is Thursday! yahoo!
1 day closer to Friday... (I hate being like THAT!)

take care,
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Old 11-06-2003, 11:09 PM   #50  
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It sounds like something is in the air, everyone I know is having a rough week. My DH at work, my kids at school, although DS managed a nearly perfect report card while DD slipped from an A to C in science .

I think our school building is making us sick. Mold in the air ducts maybe or something, but so many of us are only sick, headachy, tired, dizzy, can't concentrate, upset stomach, when we are THERE, and fine we are not . I see a correlation, can anybody else? Not yet. Maybe when we all keel over. Robyn I guess I decided it was my turn to vent!

Our district also seems to perpetually have it's collective hand out wanting the money they're paying us back for one thing or another. Daily requests for donations to scholarship funds, grant organizations, fundraisers for every flippin organization you can imagine and United Way. I mean if I gave to every one they ask us to help support, I'd have to go on welfare cause I couldn't support myself!

A lunar eclipse is supposed to be visible here on Saturday from about 5 until 9 p.m. DS and I will set up the telescope and see what we can see. Will any of you be able to see it?

Two weeks until Thanksgiving break--halleujah!! A rough two weeks no doubt about it but still. A full week off to sleep and rest and get ready for December. I wish I could afford to get my Christmas shopping at least started, but alas, no. The budget won't allow it just yet.

I too have had trouble sleeping lately. My mind is too full of what I need to do at school, my kids, DH's troubles, my bad eating habits that are creeping back in. I have got to get a grip. I hope all of us can get back on track and get some much needed, much deserved rest. Take care all and

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Old 11-07-2003, 12:29 AM   #51  
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Sorry to hear that this week stinks all around.....BUT, I'm sort of glad to hear that it isn't just ME!

Have I told you that someone in our neighborhood called the police at 6:30 last night to complain about our oldest child's drum playing? 6:30? 6th grade band homework...and Occupational Therapy? In our own home? We were floored. The deputy was very apologetic to the kiddo. He was also very complimentary of the drumming that he heard. My husband and I are beyond angry at the neighbors. We've lived on the street for 12 years with the kid playing the drums for 4. Will spare you further ranting about this........ but I curse my neighbors!

ohhhhh.... a family secret...gotta share this one!....
Have I told you gals that my family is going to go to Florida for the week after Thanksgiving? We will be away from Thanksgiving Day until the end of the first week of December. We have *NEVER* ever taken our vacation during the school year. The "Teacher of the Year" is taking a whole week off from school. AND "Parents of the Year" are taking the two children out of school for a whole week.... I'm terrified about how the boys' schools will react to the news. BUT...we are going. We are going to have fun. I refuse to make them spend all of their time with their grandparents with their noses in books..... (I talk real big now!) Anyway... we're excited, full of anticipation, and I am a bit worried regarding writing lesson plans for a whole week and preparing the room.... BUT...hehehehe.... 20 days from now I'll be headed with my family to relax in Florida!

Ok.... enough from me for today...I've got to try to get some sleep... last night I ended up sleeping after 3...and getting up at 5:45...which is crazy! Crazy....that brings me to my day in the classroom...oh yeah..I wasn't going to rant any more for today!

Yes, Story...we're hoping to be able to see the lunar eclipse! Our oldest will be on a camping trip with Scouts...THAT should be fun!

I turned to carbs today in a stressful moment...ARGGGHHH....but man did that bread taste yummy! I hate liking bad food! I hate craving it...and I hate not being strong and being able to be in control....

The latest thing from our new superintendent.......we don't know how to teach minority children. (They are actually using the words black and white in these discussions.....) Our School Improvement Plan must include specific items of WHAT we are going to do in our classrooms that is different, that is visable by observers, to teach the black students. Don't misunderstand me, I know that we can do better! BUT... they haven't told us how to teach.... Do they think that I know this and am just holding back? (Which brings me to merit pay......) Okey...enough from me for the night.... any ideas or places to go to search or something????

Have a wonderful Friday!
Take care!
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Old 11-07-2003, 05:48 PM   #52  
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I'm so friggin tired of being sick. I have my fourth cold since September. I'm still taking antibiotics from the bronchitis I had over a week ago. Now I have another cold on top of it. I can't breathe out of my nose. The 12 hour medication I'm taking for congestion doesn't last 12 hours, yet I can't take anything else for two more hours. Anything I take makes me "zooey" so I can't sleep either. I have the choice of not breathing through my nose or being totally hyped up and unable to relax enough to fall asleep. One of my students said today, "Mrs. M., you are always sick, aren't you?" I said, "Yes, because you turkeys keep giving me your cooties!" The class cracked up. We reviewed sneezing & coughing into your arm, handwashing after blowing your nose, and tossing the dirty tissue into the garbage. They do great in practice, but when they are hit with the situation in real life, they continue with the bad habits.

Little by little I am collecting the documentation I need for the state inspection. I finally got my November bulletin board up, and there is only one child left for the October testing. My brain never shuts off at night either. I get some really great ideas lying in bed, I guess because that is the only time the world around me is quiet and peaceful enough for my brain to concentrate.

Story, my district is always asking for money too. In fact, I got roped into being the United Way rep for my building. I hate it. My first year I donated, but last year I declined. Guess what? They still took the money out of my paycheck! AAAAHHH!!! I prefer to give my money to my church knowing full well that the money really goes to those who need it. I'm so jealous that you have a full week off for Thanksgiving. We get two days. As far as the lunar eclipse goes, we live too close to NYC to see much in the sky. My DH stayed up for the Northern Lights, but he saw nothing between the trees and all of the "light pollution."

Robyn, I love how you rant. Sorry about your drummer. People suck. Just curious, how did you manage taking time off when you don't have a vacation from school? I would love to do something like that, but I think it is impossible where I am. As far as minority children, there are a lot of great multicultural books out there. You can develop a whole unit from them. I'll make a list for you: Abiyoyo, A Rainbow of Friends, A Carp for Kimiko...there are so many more that I have in my book center in my classroom. It is hard to remember off the top of my head. I can compile a more complete list if you would like that. My district has a very small percentage of white students. We have mostly black, Hispanic, and Asian. There are many other countries also represented, but in much smaller numbers.

This weekend is my DD birthday party. Tomorrow will be spent cleaning. On Sunday we will have a gymnastics party at the YMCA for all of her friends, and then the family party at my house afterwards. I may not have much time to check in. So if you don't see me, you will know why.

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Old 11-07-2003, 10:47 PM   #53  
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Friday at last!!
What a week this has been. I think I got the flu that has been going around. Fever around 104 for 2 days. Just went back today. My kids were holy terrors the past 2 days. They were afraid to do anything today when I came back. They were given a test. I told them if they thought they were smart enough to play around and not do their work, then they must know enough to pass the test. They weren't happy, but they did not say much. I believe they were afraid to do anything that would get them into more trouble.

The sub went through things in my room and many things are missing; including the keys to my cabinets. Told the principal and he said I'm not the only one to complain about this sub. My students told me that she was terrible. She played the radio (changed my station) and just looked things up on the computer. My room was a mess. I used to be a sub, but I sure don't like having one.

We have a student who was really creating havoc with a couple of teachers I work with. One teacher was placed on administrative leave this weak until everything was straightened out. He spoke with the super, principal, and personnel manager yesterday. (They also conducted interviews with other teachers and students). Come to find out this student was lying to get this teacher in trouble. Same student did the same to another teacher. Everything worked out, but both teachers were worried they were going to lose their jobs. Principal put his neck out to support them. The student was written up and suspended. Glad now that everything is ok. These are good teachers.

Our district does have a serious flaw: no type of alternative school or discipline plan for students. The students know they will not be punished: it's nearly impossible for a student to be suspended. We don't know how they expect us to teach when the students run the school. Have you ever heard of a middle school without a schoolwide detention, in school suspension, Saturday school, or an alternative school?? Crazy.

Stress is wreaking havoc with my weight loss. I feel depressed so I want to shop. When I shop I feel depressed because I spend money (which hubbie complains about) then I want to eat. I know I shouldn't but it's like I can't help it. I feel awful.

Only 6 more weeks until Winter break (3 weeks off!! I am counting the days!!

My daughter is doing better at school. At least she's stopped picking on the boys. I'll be glad when her teacher comes back on Nov 17 from maternity leave. The sub has let Ashley miss the bus 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Hubbie went to school the last time and really let them know about it. In fact, the bus driver complained also.

Only 6 more weeks!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Does everyone have Veteran's Day off?

Take care,

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Old 11-08-2003, 11:21 PM   #54  
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no to Veteran's Day.....
I don't remember EVER getting that day off....
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Old 11-09-2003, 08:11 AM   #55  
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Happy Sunday everyone. No, we don't have Veteran's Day off either. But we get the entire week of Thanksgiving off, which is a bit much I think, but I'll take it!

Summer could I have caught your cold via cyberspace? I kept feeling the tickle in my throat on Friday evening and by yesterday it was full-blown sore, by last night I'd lost my voice entirely, not even a squeak. DH ran to get me some hot liquid medicine but I think got the wrong kind, bless him, and it didn't help much in the wee hours when I depserately wanted to sip it and go back to sleep. It was not to be. And now for even more fun, I can feel it moving into my lungs, can't cough, can't breathe, head feels heavy and throbs, and I have a fever. Yiippee. This is my reward for washing my hands like a crazy woman and being so careful at work. It just ain't fair, is it?

Cal, the situation with the sub is horrible. I could never sub. The kids go absolutely wild, it's insane. And some of the subs they send, my gosh you have to wonder where did they dig this guy up? Last year a sub in kindergarten broke into the teacher's locked cabinet and told the kids to tell the teacher that the door broke!

I should have made myself get my work done here at home yesterday, but alas I laid around hoping I'd feel better. Now I have to face it all today feeling twice as bad. It figures. Hope we all have a better week this week than last.
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Old 11-10-2003, 09:01 PM   #56  
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Goodness...I sure hope all are feeling better soon! My husband and I are sharing a strange stomach thing....what fun! My children at home are nearly as crazy as my children at school. I want to crawl in my bed and sleep it all away...BUT... I have 26 different report cards due on Thursday...no sleep for the weary!

I'm off to say something positive, something negative and then a goal for the next 9 weeks.... nothing like being told what to say or how to say it... OHHHH well!

ya'll get some rest! 17 days until we leave for Florida....
take care
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Old 11-12-2003, 05:29 PM   #57  
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Oh man oh man oh man. I knew this was the hardest time of the year but going through it is a nightmare. This week alone there have been daily fights (3 yesterday), 2 'runners' (kids who decide to go, leave, hasta-la-vista-baby, one, today a kindergartener), and the icing on the cake, today a sub slapped a student. The kids are wild, absolutely gone. The staff is sick, all of us. Headaches, bronchitis, we sound more like a TB ward than a school. And with the weather due to turn cold tomorrow, it'll get worse. Next week, with the countdown to a week off, it will be hard. I plan on showing a nice Thanksgiving video and taking it as easy as possible! Parent nights, club meetings, fundraiser events. The kids aren't getting to bed so they are tired the next day, falling asleep in class, or short tempered and snotty. I overlook as much as I can but we all have our limits.

On the food front I'm proud to say I'm holding strong. Not letting the stress push me to eat. I keep telling myself it won't help, only make things worse. Ironically it's when the pressure is off and I can relax that I'll probably head for a binge, so I'll need to be even more vigilant. I hope everyone else is having a good week. I'm off to ride the bike and see what's for supper.
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Old 11-12-2003, 10:52 PM   #58  
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Hello everyone,

I am so sorry I have been AWOL again. We have progress reports due on Friday and I have to fill out 122. Our administrators were kind enough to remind us today that we have 2 days to get these ready to mail out.

Our stupidintendant is coming for our staff meeting tomorrow after school. The principal has promised us that the meeting will not go over 20 minutes. Riiiiighhhht!! I'll believe that when it happens. The stupidintendant actually subbed for a teacher a couple of weeks ago...how lucky he was to sub for our possessed 8th graders....on the day they decided to have a food fight, no less. So now he thinks we need some ideas on discipline. No duh!! If they'd back us up some more and give us some deterents we just might be able to finally do some teaching. The kids are even saying now that they know they will not be suspended no matter what because the administration doesn't want to have low attendance numbers. They have no idea what is going on in that school. When kids bring knives, a gun, shove teachers, tell teachers to "f" off, kick a pregnant teacher they have only gotten up to 3 days suspension and they are right back at school as if nothing has happened. They know that's the worst they will get. What ever happened to "zero tolerance"? They did finally put back our Saturday school; but what good will that be if there isn't any consequence to students who do not show up. We have had 7 students so far not show up and nothing has been done. AARRRRRRGGGHHH!!!

I do work with some of the greatest teachers. We have really pulled together this year and everyone is really helping each other a lot more than last year. Too bad most of them will be leaving next year. Most of the teachers I know are looking to go somewhere else. One said he'd rather dig ditches for a living than stay at the school....very sad.

I work very hard to have positive thoughts. Yesterday we were off and I took Ashley to see "Brother Bear". Cute movie. It was a nice change of pace.

Hope everyone is doing well.

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Old 11-13-2003, 07:44 AM   #59  
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Calnative, sounds as if the stress level is getting you, too. Big hug I have to say after reading your post that our discipline problems are nothing in comparison! Guess I should count my blessings and not sweat the small stuff. Our district does have a 'zero tolerance' policy and it is enforced. Alternative campus, suspensions, whatever it takes to get the point across. In my campus, an elementary school, it's just scary to see so much anger in kids so young. Lately they've been wilder than normal, like they've eaten nothing but Halloween candy for the past 2 weeks. (love the new smilies!)

I hope your week gets better, hang in there. And Robyn, I forgot to tell you how envious I am--Florida! What a treat. I would love to do that but my DS has lately become such a stickler for tradition, not that we have all that many in our little family. So Thanksgiving at home with the turkey and trimmings, putting up the tree and watching the parades on tv will be our holiday. I shouldn't complain, she'll be gone from home too soon, just a few more years.

Hoping everyone has a great Thursday, counting down to the weekend!
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Old 11-13-2003, 08:04 PM   #60  
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WOW! So we are all sick. We are all trying to cope with administrators who refuse to provide consequences for bad behavior. Subs suck, don't they? I have one that I can trust, but when I request her, she is hardly ever available. We are spread all over the country, and yet we have so many of the same issues.

TGIF...almost. Hurray! I can breathe through my nose again! I requested a personal day for the 21st so I could watch my daughter perform in a Thanksgiving show. The asst. super (I love stupidintendent!!!) didn't want to honor it because I've been out of school 5 whole days already. The principal stood up for me, told him I had doctor's notes, and was legitimately ill each time. She really backed me up, and he decided to give me the personal time. I just hate the way they are watching my sick time so closely. It is the school's fault. The germs come from the students. I bring them home and get my family sick. My immune system is shot because of my STRESSFUL job teaching those cretins, trying to impress the state, etc... So, the school gets me sick, but when I stay home to try to get well, I get penilized. AAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Sorry I've been gone so long. In between being ill, I had my DD's birthday parties. It has been the week from **** with parent/teacher conferences. It just never ends!!!

I am so glad to have you wonderful ladies who really understand what I'm going through.

Take care and get healthy!!!

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