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Old 10-17-2003, 11:31 PM   #16  
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I just found this site. I was especially interested to find this one with other teachers. I teach 7th grade Language Arts and I am the grade level literacy coach so I also teach the teachers. I am very familiar with the problem of trying to be a mom, teacher, counselor, psychologist, wife, etc at home and at school. I feel so exhausted every day that I feel even worse about myself when I'm unable to exercise or to take a short walk. I hope to find a lot of support here.
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Old 10-18-2003, 07:09 AM   #17  
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Hi everyone, welcome Calnative! I happen to have a 7th grader myself so I don't envy you the job you have! He's an old man in little body, quirky and sweet but an outsider at school, at least that's what he says. And if doesn't bother him, why do I let it bother me?

We can all relate to feeling bad about ourselves when we aren't able to do it all and do it perfectly. Exhaustion seems to be the issue of the day. There is just too much to do and not enough hours to get it all done. Exercise has not been my problem lately, I get up at 5 or so and ride my exercise bike and ride again after school. I only ride 20 minutes at a time but I figure it's better than nothing. If I'm feeling really energetic I'll get on for an extra ride and make it a full hour for the day, but that's rare! Lately I haven't been making the best choices when I'm tired, or let myself talk myself into having "just one" that turns into "just the whole thing"! I've had 3 bad food days this week and I feel bad this morning as a result, sluggish and bloated. And I know it's from what I ate, poor choices and poor planning. I have to get my head out of my rear end and get back on program before I undo all the hard work I've done.

Everyone at my school seems stressed. We are heading into the months when it seems every committee meets at least once a week after school. There are carnivals, programs, parent meetings, you name it. The days seem so long and the time away so short. It's like from now until Christmas it's a hectic push to get through. And then the weather changes, a bonus, to wet and cold so no recess and the kids are kept indoors watching too many videos and their behavior becomes another issue. I dread it. At least this year I know what to expect. Last year I didn't and ate my way through it, thus the 30 extra pounds! I'm trying to plan some make and freeze meals and some crockpot meals I can put together for those long days.

I hope everyone is having a great restful weekend.
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Old 10-18-2003, 10:31 PM   #18  
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Calnative, WELCOME!!! I promise you will get support here. We are a very helpful group of people.

Story, you are my hero!!! WOW!!! Waking up at 5am, getting out of bed, and exercising...I am sooooo impressed. I complain about getting up at 6am to exercise. I guess I need to shut up!

I have to teach Sunday School in the morning. I had to rewrite the lesson plans because the ones that we get are awful. I would just like to know who these publishers get to write the plans. Luckily, I only teach two Sundays a month. Last year I directed the Cherub Choir, but my DD begged me to teach her Sunday School class. So, I will be doing my duty tomorrow.

My family has a bad habit of eating in front of tv a lot...most of the time. Dr. Phil says that is really bad because you don't pay attention to what you are eating...blah blah blah. I know he is right. I'm just so friggin tired at the end of the day, I want to eat and be mesmerized by the tv. I know that is REALLY BAD especially for my child. Yes, I know better. Am I lazy? Yup! So, one of my assignments for this weekend is to clear off the dining room table (that is where my DD does her homework) and set it for dinner. From now on, we will be eating our meals there. My household will probably revolt, but it is for the best.

Robyn, how's it hangin' girl?

3mom, yoo hoo! Miss ya!

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Old 10-18-2003, 11:44 PM   #19  
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Thank you for your welcomes. I have not said, yet, what I am aiming for. I currently weigh 292. I have had all the checkups and everything is normal; except the weight. I did find out however that my lean weight (I was tested twice) is 175. My doctor said I can weigh as much as 220 and be within my ideal weight. That really felt good to hear. Instead of using the old height and weight charts that say I should weigh 140 for my height (and I'd have to lose 150 to reach it I have a goal of that 220 and I only need to lose 72 to reach it. That sounds so much more achievable. Of course after I reach 220, I will work to get under 200. My doctor said my ideal weight should be about 195. Those height and weight charts can really drag you down. I do remember being 200 and I wore a size 16. I look forward to it again. Sorry this is so long, but I actually feel relieved to know that I don't have so much to lose.
Thank you for being here, it means a lot to me.
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Old 10-19-2003, 08:48 AM   #20  
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Calnative, long post? Where? Did I miss it?! If you go back and read some of ours you'll see we sometimes post a novel!

So glad to hear your dr worked with you to set a realistic goal, one that's not so overwhelming. Taking it in small chunks helps so much. WW has us lose 10%, then go on in increments like that, personal goals of percents or pounds. Reaching those mini goals really keeps me focused. Best of luck on your journey. Did the dr give you a meal plan to work from as well?

I'm confused. A little over a week ago I got on the scale and it read 150. Terrific, I was so pumped! Two days later (don't ask me why I even got on again, it's stupid I know) I weighed and was back at 153. Hmm. Today, back at 150. I haven't eaten anything really salty that should have cause that much water retention so I don't know what's what. I guess I'll just take today's weigh in and stay OFF the scale for a whole week and go from there!

Summer, getting up at 5 is no big deal for me. For years I worked in a bakery and as you know those bakers and donut makers get an early start. I often had to be at work at 5. Sleeping in until 5 seems like a treat sometimes, especially lately when I've been waking up at 3 or 4 and can't get back to sleep. By the time 5 o'clock rolls around I'm ready to get up! You have to do what works for you. If the exhaustion is too great, then you haven't really benefited from the activity. Give yourself a break, you'll work out a way to get in some activity that doesn't drain all your energy. Have you ever used an exercise ball? Some ladies in my WW class use them and man they lose inches off their waistlines quick! And they say they only use them for about 10 minutes a day, rolling on the floor. It's more stretches than aerobic but they look and feel great.

Well I'm off to take DH to breakfast. I'm getting little tired of Denny's but at least I know how to count the points!
Happy Sunday teachers,
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Old 10-19-2003, 02:10 PM   #21  
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What a novel idea, an exercise ball. I must admit that I never even considered it. I've seen them used for rehab, but I never thought of using it for me. That is definitely worth considering. Thanks! Tomorrow morning, I'm gonna try to get up at 6 am again. Being Monday morning, I can't complain about not being rested. So, we will see what happens.

Calnative, I remember being 190 and looking pretty darn good. My goal is between 160-175. I would be thrilled just to break 200 right now. For me, this is entirely psychological, and Dr. Phil's book is helping me tremendously. I'm only halfway through it, and I haven't made any progress yet. I'm essentially taking baby steps myself, making sure that I absorb and get everything I can from every chapter. I really want to do this this time, and I know that it isn't a matter of finding the "right" diet. Weight watchers is a fabulous diet, but you have to follow it for it to work. I won't be following any diets until I deal with all of my emotional baggage.

I am happy to say that I actually enjoyed teaching Sunday School today. My class of 18 kindergartners and first graders was darling. They behaved so well and were really smart. I'm used to having to deal with serious behavior problems, so this was a picnic! The lady who heads up the Sunday School program was concerned about me having 18 with only one volunteer. I told her I was used to having 25 without any help, so 18 was no big deal. The volunteer ended up having very little to do needless to say. After today, I won't dread it so much.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

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Old 10-20-2003, 07:40 PM   #22  
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Hello all! I am happy to say that I did indeed wake up at 6am to exercise. I did Pilates again. I am still learning so I don't know how effective it was. At least I am beginning to walk on the right path. We ate dinner at the dinner table tonite. That was another positive step for me. I have vowed not to eat in front of the t.v.

I am really exhausted because I worked late doing the after school program.

Tomorrow I will be attending a meeting about promoting universal pre-k. The mayor and superintendent will be there. It goes from 415-745pm. I doubt that I will have a chance to post here tomorrow, but at least you will know why I'm not around.

Have a great week everyone!

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Old 10-21-2003, 09:43 PM   #23  
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I'm so tired but so wound up from my meeting which ended at 8pm. I haven't been able to relax in front of tv because my DH is watching the world series. I just want to watch something that will make me laugh and forget about my day before I hit the hay. So, while I wait for my DH to go to bed, I'm hanging out here.

I met the mayor tonite. There were all sorts of bigwigs at this meeting. I'm just glad it is over, and I made it home okay.

I have some good and surprising news. I lost 3 pounds! Only, I haven't really been following any diet. I have just been following the suggestions as outlined in Dr. Phil's book. I have not denied myself anything I wanted to eat. I haven't binged or anything which I think of as being somewhat on program. Yet, I haven't been counting points or calories or anything. I figured I would get really serious when I finished his book. Well, here I am, halfway through it, and without dieting and just barely exercising, have lost 3 pounds in like a week! How cool is that?! I'm telling you ladies, you've really got to give this book a try.

Happy Hump Day tomorrow!

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Old 10-22-2003, 12:19 AM   #24  
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Hello again,
I have been so busy getting back to school. We just finished a 3 week break and I am exhausted. Got the kids back today and they are already trying to see what they can get away with I do work with some really great teachers. We are a 4 person team (I'm the only female ) They are great to me.
I do love my students, even though they really try me at times.
I also love being back in class. I find that the busier I am the less likely I am to wallow in self pity and eat things I should no be eating.
Has anyone read the book "Sugar Busters"? My doctor suggested I read it. The only thing he has told me that I really need to do is to get out and walk. Yeah right!!!!!!! I live in Phoenix where it is still over 102 degrees outside
I do love to walk, though. The first time I went to Italy I was there for 3 months and I walked everywhere. I changed nothing else that I normally do and I lost 17 pounds. I told my sister that I really like going to Europe because I lose weight everytime. Maybe it's the food, I don't know. I really want to lose before I fly anywhere again. Last March when we went to Italy, I had to have a seatbelt extension on the flight from NY to Venice. I really felt humiliated. The flight attendant was so sweet though. When I asked for it, she was very discreet when she brought it to me. It still hurts to think about it though.
We're supposed to go back to Italy and France in June, 2004 and I really want to lose the weight and I feel this support site will help keep me on track.
Take care. I have to finish my lesson plans. We have district airheads (I mean people) coming to our school this week.
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Old 10-22-2003, 06:54 PM   #25  
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Summer, congrats on the 3 lbs! I'm so proud of you, happy for you, excited for you!! Don't you hate those meetings with all the district big-wigs and local big shots? I do. I end up feeling hypocritical about things because I don't tell them how I really feel about stuff, I just smile and nod and keep on like everyone else.

calnative, I know what you mean about the heat, it's back up to the 90's here today. And this weekend another cool front so by Monday the allergies will be in force and the school will sound like a tb ward in a hospital. I really don't like fall. I have to struggle not to get depressed every year. The shorter days, trees dropping leaves and looking skeletal (we don't even have pretty colored leaves here), getting cold (anything below 70 is cold to us!). Maybe it comes from growing up poor and cold, and equating cold with being poor and hungry. Anyhow, I digress. Sugar Busters, my doctor recommended it too. He's pretty fanatical about sugar and it's effectss. He regards it almost as a poison. Realistically I know I just could not live on a strict diet that severely limited sugar and sweets. Deprivation and binge, that would be me.

I hope everyone else is doing okay. Can't believe tomorrow is only Thursday, and my hardest day of the week. I think I'll go ride my bide and try not to think about it, it'll come soon enough!
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Old 10-23-2003, 11:38 AM   #26  
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Cal, "district airheads," I love it!!! I'm stealing that comment!!! It is perfect because there they are in their "ivory towers" so very intellectual, and so very out of touch with reality...district airheads is outstanding!!! How do you like being on your schedule? I would die if I didn't have the summer off. Then again, in AZ, I guess the summers are pretty HOT ! My sister-in-law lives in Phoenix, and always visits us in CT in the summer to get a break from the severe heat. As far as Europe goes, it is the healthiest lifestyle on earth. We went to Sweden nine years ago, and everyone was gorgeous, vibrant, and oozed excellent health. The food is soooo much healthier, and these people are soooo active. It took a while to adjust to the food, but once I did, I also noticed a change in my body. We wanted soooo badly to move there (my father's family is from Malmo, Sweden) and start a new life. It is funny though, on our way home, we stopped in London for a few days, and after fish & chips and all the clotted cream, the good that was done in Sweden was undone by 3 days in London!

Story, I'm sorry your fall isn't beautiful. Where I am is magnificent to look at, but I get depressed because summer is over and the very looooong winter is on its way. Last winter we got totally dumped on with lots and lots and lots of snow and ice. The ice is the bad part. It is so dangerous. Our winters last till the end of April...we've had many cold and/or snowy Easters.

Well ladies, I'm sick for the 3rd time this school year! I have a terrible cold and the beginnings of bronchitis. I saw the dr. and got all of my prescriptions. The worst part is that it affects my asthma. I have to use my inhaler around the clock every 4-6 hours. It is so scary when you have trouble breathing. Two nights ago, I woke up gasping for air. I almost sh_t a brick. Now I have to keep my inhaler next t
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Old 10-23-2003, 11:52 AM   #27  
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I guess my "novel" ran a little long!

Robyn, I miss your entertaining ranting and raving!

Take care my friends!

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Old 10-24-2003, 05:07 PM   #28  
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I guess this is a hectic week for all. I miss you ladies!

I returned to work today even though I am still really sick. You can't take a Friday as a sick day or they assume you are taking a long weekend at a bed & breakfast. Nevermind that you are miserable. The city I work for assumes the worst about its employees. Yesterday, I made sure that I got a doctor's note.

I am so glad that it is Friday...TGIF!!! I have so much to do, but I will make it a point to get plenty of rest so that I get better instead of worse. I have to buy my DD's Christmas dress because she will be getting her photo done soon. And, we should really visit a pumpkin farm and get apple cider etc...

Next week is insane. We have a field trip to a pumpkin farm with the after school program. The next night we are having a literacy night which we are all STRONGLY encouraged to attend. I have to go to the YMCA to pay for my daughter's birthday party. I have a manicure appointment on Thursday. And, of course, Halloween on Friday...a loooong day of parties at school an
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Old 10-24-2003, 05:10 PM   #29  
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Why doesn't my entire post get posted?!

I don't remember what I wrote.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Old 10-24-2003, 09:55 PM   #30  
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Happy Friday all. I thought today would never end. Today was our PTA fall carnival after school and I worked the entire time. The kids had a wonderful time and they made lots of money so I guess it was worth it. My feet are killing me and my throat hurts from yelling so much (I was outside at a moon bounce thing) but aside from that I guess I'm okay. We also had food in the lounge today, I did okay except for the cookies. Oh well tomorrow is another day.

Came home and DH wanted to go out to eat. He'd been home a few hours and was rested, ready to go. Sorry, but I just spent the last 10 on my feet and am tired also, outside in the middle of what became mosquito central, I'm all bitten up all over my arms and face. So, no thanks. He's not too happy with me right now but oh well again! DS stayed and worked the whole time too, bless her. She was really good with the little ones and she's not at all used to being around them. I owe her big. She and DH got into a fuss when we got home over the dogs having no water and she got her feelings hurt. She cried, he got mad, I had to play peacemaker and just felt like telling every body to shut the he** up!

Summer, next week will feel like a breeze for us after this week! Early release 3 days, so afternoons free. And if we work late one night we can leave at 1 on Friday--yippee!! I got all my lesson plans prepared through November, thank goodness for the holidays, it makes preparation a no-brainer, and at the best possible time 'cause my brain is fried. Speaking of fried, I think I'll go scroung up something to eat. The rest of the family is having pizza, not me.
happy weekend everyone,
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