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Old 09-10-2003, 08:01 PM   #106  
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Hi all!!!! I am op for today. You guys are probally going to think I am really wimpy but I did 26 minutes on the treadmill today! Thats a really long time for me. Chris I am like you I just hate to get all sweaty, but I guess that is how you lose all the pounds! I am also 5 foot 5 inches. Hey Kempy and Noelle I would love to get my hubby muscular like that! Any tips?? Haha Jackie it is really interesting the line of work that you are in. Does everyone come to you for advice on problems in their life? You must be a really understanding person to do what you do. Well Hello to everyone. Angie I would love the recipe for your pumpkin parfaits if you want to share it. Dips glad to see your doing great! Have a great evening everyone!!!! Julie
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Old 09-10-2003, 08:13 PM   #107  
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Angie, yes I get my malasadas from Leonard Jrs. --this is the store in Waimalu (closer to where I live now), although the main bakery "Leonard's" is in an area right outside of Waikiki called Kapahulu. We lived there for about 4 years and frequented the place. Now that I live on the west side of the island we have to get them from the mobile Leonard's malasada wagons that park in the K-mart or Sam's Club parking lots. In fact, just a few days ago Rick and I were at K-mart and I had to make a conscious effort to bypass that red and white wagon--it was tough let me tell you! Malasadas are great, but not while you're trying to lose weight . I'm gonna watch the travel channel when I get home now.
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Old 09-11-2003, 07:35 AM   #108  
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Ciao Ladies

Today has been a good day fod wise. I just have to get some exercise in and I can go to bed with a clear conscience.

Kempy- What's up girly. I can only tell you that I plan to have fun when I get home I leave the rest to your wild imagination. Honestly though, I try not think about it too much because it only makes my time here seem longer. By the way, I still don't know what you see in Arnold even with that picture.

Noelle- You and your pictures. You sure know how to shake things up. I'm not into arnold but I still thank you for providing the eye service. Yeah, I have a whole lot of man in my Jamie. He towers over me by a whole foot and a half but he's in great shape! He's a sports freak so he can eat what he wants and still lose weight. (I could just kill him)

Julie- 26 minutes on the treadmill is a good effort! I don't think anyone would consider you a wimp for that. I can tell you however that effort is measured in sweat, you HAVE to get all sweaty or else you're not working hard enough! I love to sweat...makes me feel like I've accomplished something! But work up to it, build yourself up to more time on the treadmill slowly. By the way, it's really hard work to keep of the weight that the pill can bring on. I heard the patch is good for weight but i don't know for sure.

Red- How's it hanging, girly! Hope all is well in the south pacific! Did Typhoon season pass?

Jackie- Hey, Chica! I must tell you that both weight/strength training and cardio are essential for signifigant weight loss according to many experts! It's good that you are incorporating more weights into your workout but don't sleep on cardio!

To all that I missed, I hope you all are enjoying your thursday. I know I am
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Old 09-11-2003, 01:44 PM   #109  
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Finally I am here for my confessional. I ate McDonald's last night. (spanking my hand) We had a commitee meeting at the hosue last night and by the time they left Joe wanted that for dinner. It sounded good at the time but let me tell you, I was bloated this morning. I have learned my lesson and am doing great today. I am making sure that I am drinking enough water to get rid of this bloat.

Dips it isn't so much his face as his BOD!!! I just really like muscley guys.

Julie my hubby and I used to workout together b4 he got this job he has now. He had gotten really big at that point. Maybe you can get yours to workout with you.

Jackie how is it going in the Cresent City?

Noelle are you still staying OP?

Angie how is Canndi?

Chris what is the word with the baby?

Holly is the foot healing nicely?

Tonya what's up girl?

Red are you in lurker mode right now?

I think we have lost Sandy.

Chat with you guys later.
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Old 09-11-2003, 04:31 PM   #110  
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Talking I do not like them, Sam I am...

Hello everyone. Working our way toward the weekend and I just bought 3 tickets for a local stage production of "Green Eggs & Ham" for next Sunday . That should be fun! We had some heavy showers here last night and today it is muggy. Dips if it's sweating you like you'd love it here, and you wouldn't even have to put too much effort into it.

Kempy, you're forgiven for your McD's transgression. For your penance you will drink no less than 64 ozs of water today, amen . Yes I'm working on my 4th day OP. I had some "bumps" along the way but I'm hanging tough. BTW, as for Ahhh-nold's looks, I think I much prefer his face "older" than I do younger, much more refined looking. And I like a muscle-bound man too, just not the "toady" no-neck type.

Angie has Candi gone to the vet yet? Hope it's nothing serious, poor girl. I caught the Travel channel's donut show you mentioned. I want to go to LA and check out that giant donut place, or maybe the one on that street corner across from the Hollywood theater . I was getting a sugar rush just watching!

Julie for 26 minutes on the treadmill. That's a great start. I remember dying for the first 15 min. or so wishing to get off. But once I kept at it, I eventually built up to 30 min, than 45, than 1 hr. It can be done. Of course I mainly walk outside now and my treadmill has just recently moved to my other sisters' house.

Holly how are you today? I was lurking on the exercise board and saw you on the walking thread. I need to get back there and say hi to the gals.

Dips, I do not disappoint. Here's something for you~~I remember you saying you had a liking for this fine fella
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Old 09-11-2003, 05:12 PM   #111  
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Am I in lurker mode? If that was your ploy to get a rise out of me, Kemp, it worked. But it's not that I haven't felt like writing. I have been and am still so bogged down with work it's not funny. I'm here at the computer because I have translations to get down and then off to work where we are so short people because the paper is going under and on top of that I have another page that I have to do during the day. It's horrible. But thanks for asking and I am enjoying all the bods. Kemp, I love the young Arnold too. I am so glad to hear other people liking muscular guys. Here it seems l ike no one does. Gotta run!
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Old 09-11-2003, 07:29 PM   #112  
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Hi guys i did not get a chance to post earlier today. I feel so guilty right now I just ate three pieces of Pizza I cant get down though because we all know how the thinking process works-you overeat so just throw it all away! Well I should say I use to think that way. I have come way to far to let myself go back to thinking that.
Kempy I am trying to talk my husband into lowfat eating though he likes work out. Not weight lifting though. More of walking and running. He likes to excercise but he likes to cook also. He is a great cook. But he still likes high fat sour cream vs the low fat or fat free. And all the other things high in fat.
Tonya how are you? Where ya been?
Angie I hope your dog is okay.
Noelle that guy is beautiful. He was the one on Young and the Restless right?
Holly get better soon !
Hi to Red Chris, Jackie and everyone else! Bye check in later Julie
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Old 09-11-2003, 09:14 PM   #113  
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WOOHOO everybody I just did almost 30 mins on the treadmill. Bye Bye pizza fat and cals!!!! Have a great night everyone!!!!
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Old 09-11-2003, 09:22 PM   #114  
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darn caps lock was on...sorry
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Old 09-12-2003, 02:16 AM   #115  
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OH MY GOD !!!!

NOELLLE- You are AWESOME You made my morning, girl. Now tell me that is not a beautiful piece of man OOHH BABY!!
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

Julie- You go girl!! The treadmill is sure to get rid of that pizza. Not that pizza is a bad food. It's actually nutritious when you eat it in moderation. Good for you on your will to exercise! BTW Yes, Shemar Moore was on the Young and the Restless, He was my reason for watching the show!

Kempy- As you can see I'm into the muscle men too, so I kinda see where you're coming from with Arnold.

Okay I can't take it...I have to go to the previous page and stare at Shamar. NOELLE FOR PRESIDENT
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Old 09-12-2003, 08:09 AM   #116  
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Candi has an old leg fracture that healed and is giving her trouble now and for the rest of her life. YIKES! She is only 1 1/2 now. The only time we can figure it could have happened was after we got Cappie, they played rough every night and one night she yelped and wouldnt use her leg all night. The next morning she was fine acting again so we assumed that she just twisted it or something. I Guess Not! I have her on glucosamine to try to build some cartilage around the knee. He said to keep walking her because if she doesnt use the knee then the new bone will fuse into the joint and cause problems. My poor baby is an old lady now.

I have been BAD BAD on my diet this week!!
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Old 09-12-2003, 11:23 AM   #117  
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Greetings all!!! I am happy to report that I am still on plan and have been increasing my weight training...

Angie- I hope your dog heals soon...By the way, you are very close to my goal weight. (You are my inspiration for today). Keep up the good work..

Dips- Hey girl! What's going on? What type (if any) program are you following? You seem to be doing great.

Julie- Good going on the treadmill..that's the way to torch the fat!!!

Kempy- I hope you have been able to move past the McDonald's relapse and are back to your healthy eating. Even though you probably felt crappy, it may not have been that bad for you. Sometimes if I occasionally eat unhealthy it shakes things up for me, since my body is used to eating healthy. Not like I am promoting unhealthy eating, but I agree, you must forgive yourself and move on..and drinking water helps. Hope you are back on track!!!! How is the bodyrx going???

To everyone else...have a great day. I will chat with you later!
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Old 09-12-2003, 11:37 AM   #118  
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Ciao Ladies,

Kempy- Sometimes, you just can't avoid the golden arches, but like JAckie said...forgive yourself and move on. You'll get back on track!

JAckie- I don't follow a specific "program" but I limit my calorie intake to 1200 a day, I drink 64 onces of water a day and work out 6 days a week. I also make it a point to eat what I want on sundays, It gives me will popwer during the week. I also take multivitamins everyday. Still it seems as though it's taking me forever to get where I want. I'm just focusing on getting to the 130's right now.
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Old 09-13-2003, 06:17 PM   #119  
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WOW! We were on page 2 when I found our link. Is everyone busy this weekend? We got a new car finally. We got a 2004 Dodge Stratus. The payment saves us a little each month and it is small enough to tow to Florida behind the RV this winter so it should work out good.

Diet is bad but I plan on fixing that tomorrow.

Night Night
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Old 09-13-2003, 08:02 PM   #120  
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Talking I discovered a bone!

Hi people. I'm going to try to write quickly and get something out to you all before I'm off to work. Sunday morning here and it looks like the place is quiet.

I just have to tell you up something really funny. I was in the shower. I was stretching up and sudsing down and my hand hit something really hard under my breast. I thought, 'oh jeez, what was that?!?' and run my hand over that spot again and I realized! it was the top of my ribcage!! And there was one on the other side. I thought at first it felt like something broken. Now, is that funny, or what? Bones, suddenly making themselves known in unexpected places. Now, I later got on the scale to see if possibly the numbers had budged but no luck. In fact they were up quite a bit. But, I looked in the mirror and standing at attention, bodybuilder posing on the stage kind of look, I could see, that, yeah, the tops of my ribcage were standing out. Now, if I just stand normal it disappears but still, it was awesome. I've been training real heavy at the gym, exhaustion and forced reps and lots of cardio but the numbers on the scale haven't moved and so even though I know my body is changing it was kind of a compromised victory, or that's what it felt like. Then again I'd been NOT fitting into clothes I'd fit into when I weighed a good 3 kgs more so I knew (since I hadn't been working out for a couple months) that I had just gone majorily to fat. It's really amazing how you can reshape your body and it just goes to show that the scale is pretty useless unless you figure in lean muscle mass and fat percentages. Okay, just wanted to tell you about that. I was thinking, gotta write about this. I mean, it's like I don't have anyone else to tell this to.

Dips, what's this about you flying back Stateside? Are you short or what? (See, I'm remembering my military jargon from when I was at Stripes). I may be going to N.Y. next month for a friend's wedding. Where are you going? By the way, I can't believe you exist on 1200 calories a day. How do you do that? And you work out too, right? Maybe this is what I'm going to have to aim for too, but I doubt it. My stomach is growling away when I go under 1,800 but maybe it's a timing problem. I mean you're of small stature (speaking in strictly physical terms here!!) and so am I so maybe we just can't eat that much. Maybe this is something I'm going to have to accept. . .nah!. . I'll just work out harder!

chikitababe, How's the foot. Did you stop the rise to 150? I hope so, but don't get too hung up on numbers especially when you're not able to use your foot normally. You'll be OK when you're back on two feet.

Kempyd, I did get an answer on those acronyms on the LWL thread but it was from someone who I think hadn't even used them. Kind of strange feeling there at times but oh well, what the heck. I haven't been posting there or even reading lately. People are so prolific there and I can't seem to get a foothold. I'm also not into all the tiny details of food intake and things. It's a bit too micro for me. The other day at the gym I asked our pro there (13x national champ, Mr. Universe Masters winner last year) about calorie intake and he just said cut out the carbs in the evening, don't worry about counting calories. He said, your stomach will be growling like crazy but just do it and the fat will come off because you'll automatically be cutting down on food. Now, I thought, that's the kind of nice and simple approach that I like (not that I have taken his advice yet though because I am a total wimp when it comes to empty tummy feelings!?!?)

Heh, isn't Noelle something else with this hot shots she's putting up? Now, maybe I don't need to get that international subscription to Playgirl after all!!

jackieO, good to hear you're getting back on track. So, you're into weights too. I am so glad I found them some 20 years ago. I had just finally lost a lot of weight and I remember looking in the mirror and thinking, well, I'm just a smaller version of what I was. It wasn't until I started weight training that I started sculpting my body. Then I went way overboard with the muscle, then the fat went on again and then . . .well, this time I'm trying (going!) to get it ALL right. You keep going with it too. You will love the results.

Oh, and about Thailand, I didn't mean to scare you away. Bangkok is not the whole country and I know a lot of people who head south to the beaches and have a great time. I don't know, however, if it's the best place for a honeymoon, as there is no much prostitution and it attracts the kind of crowd from all over the world that is looking for that. It might not make for the best feeling on a honeymoon. There are other islands and so in the Pacific and probably elsewhere that I think would be much more romantic and not have this definite sex business undertone. But then again, I don't know what you're into. Maybe it'd be a cool kind of honeymoon. Oh, my friend says he was in Krabi on some island and it was very nice. Krabi is 800 km south of Bangkok, an hour by plane.

Hi Noelle, and thanks for all the great photos. You are so sweet, going in and finding photos to please these insatiable women, including me. Scrolling back, taking another peek, it's too funny!!

You sure go to Thailand a lot. I hope you'll enjoy it this time. Too bad you can't stop in Japan but yeah, it's so expensive here. Japan gets very few tourists, especially these days. There was a hurricane hit the R.P. bad I think or an earthquake. Some natural disaster. Do you have relatives there or are your long removed from the Philippines, third or fourth generation and no links? Bad typhoon in Korea just last night, some 72 dead.

Toilets in Japan. I don't know that there are that many Western style but there are more than there used to be. I also don't know about clear ones but they do tend to be cleaned often. Of course, you were probably staying in some posh places when you were here, right? Still, I now prefer the Japanese style because they're more sanitary. But I know if I'm feeling lazy I'll seek out the Western style. I remember when I first encountered a hole in the ground toilet. It was in France and I was like, what the **** am I supposed to do here? I didn't use it either. It's funny how we change to adapt to our environment. Now so much doesn't faze me because I've encountered so much more. I hate to think of how ridiculously narrow-minded I was simply because my world, my reality was so small.

Svelte, did you get your pedometer figured out? How are things for you there? You're an inspiration to everyone here I think so please try to check in more often!

AngieME, how are you? Your post earlier looking for people is what prompted me to get in and say something and I'm running at the mouth today, aren't I? It was that rib thing that got me stoked! How are your dogs? I hope OK, I've had a cat break a bone and I didn't know about it until someone I'd given it too later said an Xray showed the break. It's such a shame animals can't speak and tell us their pain. They must just silently put up with so much.

jbbm, there is nothing wimpy about 26 minutes on the treadmill so keep it up. I'm with the love to sweat crowd. But I want to be dressed for it. There are so many great hi-tech clothes out there. Maybe if you were better dressed for it you'd enjoy the sweat more. If I don't wear a wicking undershirt I absolutely HATE the clammy, sticky feeling of clothes sticking to me. Maybe give it a try. Oh, and I see in a later post you're up to 30. Rockin!

Last edited by redballoon; 09-14-2003 at 02:51 AM.
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