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Punkinseed 02-11-2003 11:23 AM

I am *SO* ready for the weekend!!!

I know it's only Tuesday, but I'm whooped... I just wanna sleep in, do nothing and enjoy some peace. I visited a friend on Sunday and she lent me oodles of DVDs and her husband loaned me a few discs of his Monty Python collection to watch. Commence popping popcorn! :D

Kaylets - Nooooo.... no balls to check. Imagine my dismay when I arrived and found out I was monitoring the WOMEN'S league!!!! :eek: So, if there were any to check, God knows I didn't wanna!
~OH! And thank you for the Dave Matthews quote - besides loving his music and thinking he's a cutie, there's something about him that reminds me a lot of when I was little (maybe his accent). My babysitter was from South Africa and had that wonderful unique accent. I also remember their house was filled with African things, masks, art, statuettes.... great memories.
~About ephedra and stomach stapling (btw, my mouth dropped open when you said she had 15 pounds to loose). Yes, ephedra should've been taken off the market - or at least controlled by *someone* years ago. One of these days people will realize "all natural" can still kill you!
~I agree with Arabella that 15 can be as hard to loose as 50 but to have surgery to loose it is *insane*. I have 90 to loose and I wouldn't dream of doing something like that! I think the surgery has saved lives and definately is a needed procedure for some. But unless you're obese, you shouldn't even consider it! So many are lookin' for the quick fix, wanting the responsibility taken out of their hands - someone to MAKE them do it. Did you tell her that there are a select few, those that are ****-bent, that can continue to gain weight after gastric bypass surgery????? It happens... ok offa da :soap:

Anagram - Ooooh, someone's noticed! How fun and terrifying all at once!

Frogger - You crafty girl you! I think making the flowers is a great idea!!! Michael's is the best - and if you need help I bet someone at your local store can give some pointers too. And with silk you'll be able to keep them - great idea!

Arabella - Ewwwww.... I had that "hanger on cold" last year - lasted almost 4 months by the time I finally got it completely gone (one thing kept leading to another). I hope you're feel better soon!
I will definately break out that workbook - I bought it almost 2 years ago, but at that time I don't think I was even close to being ready to do any looking within. Now I think looking within is going to be the *biggest* part of changing how I look "without". I love your model idea too. Semi-related, I've been working on my posture - amazing how much different you look when you're sitting and standing correctly! Getting rid of the slouchies takes the appearance of pounds off your frame in seconds.

Well, I feel a "click" coming.... I'm starting to get sick n' tired of feeling poopy. It'll be nice to get off the fence I've been on for weeks. I was actually starting to talk myself into just being happy with what I weigh now - and I'm NOT happy here! I'm not happy wheezing, I'm not happy being out of breath after tying my shoes, I'm not happy that certain floor boards squeak when *I* step on them - but not when my Mom does, and I'm not happy that my first thought upon meeting someone is "I bet they think I'm huge". I want to experience again in this lifetime meeting someone - even the guy who pumps the gas at the gas station - and NOT having "I bet they think I'm fat" go through my mind....

'nuff said for now. I shall continue my one-person pep rally later or when the mood inspires.


Kaylets 02-11-2003 07:37 PM

Tuesday evening
Hello all!

Yes, Punkin, I agree, is it the weekend yet??

Frogger, I know this might be big "duh" but am I right that you are a big Simpson fan?? I am impressed that Marge knows who Emily Dickinson is. From the little I know, Marge seems the brighest one of the group.

Empress, Sure, you're disappearing Elves sound interesting. Think you'll have to explain the rules to me again-- The goal is to eliminate them all-- 7 days good behavior one elf elminated..?? Did I get that right? I hope so, I love it when I've figured something out...

Chana dal is an Indian "bean" or "Lentil" that we found on a list of low glycemic foods. The recipes I 've seen use hot spices which I can't tolerate- I guess I can experiment but was hoping someone might know a recipe for a soup, sidedish, etc that wasnt very spicy.
While I'm discussing food- Anyone use ginger? We've tried using it a few times but I always get a taste of "soap" and can't eat it.
Is ginger to be used sparingly? Is that what we're doing wrong?
I tried ginger tea and I like that the taste in the tea-- I give up--

Guess the barley mushroom soup was a hit, DH asked if I'd make another batch when he realized I'd forgotten the first on the stove all night. I believe someone asked for it;


Barley Mushroom Wild Rice Soup


1 cup water
1/4 cup uncooked barley
2 tsp olive oil
1/2 cup carrot(s), grated
1/2 tsp minced garlic
3 cup mushroom(s), sliced
5 1/2 cup vegetable broth
3/4 cup instant long grain and wild rice mix, omit the seasoning packet
1 cup frozen corn kernels
1 Tbsp fresh sage


in a small saucepan, combine water and barley. Bring mixture to a boil, reduce heat and simmer covered, for time specified on barley package directions.

Meanwhile, in a large saucepan, heat oil; add carrots and garlic and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in mushrooms and cook just until mushrooms are tender, about 5 minutes more.

Add cooked barley, broth, rice, corn and sage to vegetable mixture. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, until rice is cooked and mixture is thoroughly heated, about 10 minutes. Yields about 1 cup per serving.


Serves | 8
POINTS per serving | 2

I skipped the rice and the corn as I wanted lower points and I didnt miss them. I used fresh "button" mushrooms and reconstituted some Shitake mushrooms the 2nd go round. The other thing I added because its a favorite of mine is just a small teaspoon of celery seed. DH and I are thinking we might put small cubes of tofu just before serving too.

Speaking of tofu-- anyone buy dried tofu? Hoping the co-op has it but we'll have to wait till the weekend on that.

Empress - thanks for the site info on the smoothie machine.

I also saw a "shake" recipe on MSN.com made w/ FF SF choc pudding and was wondering what the smoothie would do for that!

I was sent a great big Word file of WW Muffin recipes- some use Davinci syrup !! I don't think I know how to put the attachment here on the thread-- If you leave your email address here or private mail it to me, I'll be glad to send it to you.

Also have one for Slow Cooker/Crock Pots if you're interested.

In fact, Senamay, would that help out w/ your crazy schedule any? I know picky eaters find it hard to resist a meal they can smell the minute they step into the house! There's even an apple crisp recipe.

As for me, I gain weight, in school or not, working or not, single or not, children living at home or not...---- hmmmm --- in fact,
I think its easier to gain when they grow up and move out because you don't have to worry about setting an example.
I know some folks say they have to have cookies around for their kids and I've always wondered why. But then again, I guess kids are as good an excuse as any of the thousands I've used.

All this cooking talk has motivated me to go try the Angel Food - Crushed Pineapple recipe- Hope my neighbor's still up when they come out of the oven!! ( so much easier to share than deal with a whole batch in the house)

Take care all!!

Amarantha2 02-11-2003 08:21 PM

Having a bad day at bad rock, Kemo Sabes! My cousin died and no one told me she was sick even though we grew up together. Also, a school board meeting I regularly cover at a town an hour away from here was moved from 7 p.m. to 5 p.m. ... I was just going out the door when they called me ... they said they emailed me but they did not. Now, while they really have no obligation to notify a reporter, I'd REALLY like to know if they posted this handy little change enough in advance to satisfy statutes? Grrrr.

I almost reached for more food, though I've had all my calories, but remembering that life is short and I need to take care of my body allowed me to stop.

Kaylets: Thanks for the recipe. Barley be a delicious grain! I never make soup but may try this. Also, I can't open Word attachments (I'm a Mac and Appleworks person!!!), but would like some of the muffin recipes with Da Vinci if you could pop them into the text of an email ... at any rate, I'll pm you my addy. I think the pudding sounds really interesting in a smoothie and I might try that. Today I had the Nutri Mil whey drink ... low fat at 80 cal as opposed to 60 cal for a cup of ff with frozen peaches (no sugar, 50 cal for 2/3 cup) ... didn't add any ice or water, just a dash of Da Vinci SF vanilla ... really a wonderful drink, 130 calories for what the marker on the machine calls two servings (about two cups).

I ordered some dried vegetable "crunchies" today from a site I found in Taste of Home's "Light and Tasty" magazine. I've had similar snacks before but these caught my eye and they had some interesting flavors such as roasted corn, as well as edamame, and I ordered cranberry crunchies also. I'm determined to get more veggies in; as for the cranberries, I just love them.

Kaylets: The aforementioned mag (March 24 issue) has a ton of takes on the angel food cake theme ... including a "cheesecake" thing and a mocha cake ... all very light.

Re the crockpot, I don't use mine much, as it's so hot here. I really agree that it is a big help for crazy schedules ... also Senamay might find it useful to set a few crockpots up with food for her kids and dh as well as herself if she's on the go to classes ... everyone could eat as they come in and go out and things would stay hot and fresh and everyone could eat the same meal but at different times? :)

I haven't tried the dried tofu but have had the flavored kind ... not really a winner with me. BTW, tofu makes awesome milkshakes and smoothies!!!

I don't know why ginger tastes like soap to thee. I have never heard anyone say that before! :) I love candied ginger, BTW, but it must be eaten very sparingly!

Re the Elfie rules, methinks Amarantha be not sure of them herself!!! :jig: In my journal, I'm doing one irritating elfie has to leave for each day of sticking to my calorie level (except for exemptions ... of which I am the sole deciding vote in the matter of giving out)!! Mayhap we should have a more positive version for the St. Patricia's challenge ... perhaps we could state our desired program and then GAIN a lovely leprechaun :lucky: (you have to just imagine this is guy is lovely) for each day of the good behavior plan we collect ... no requirement that they be consecutive days or that we have to start counting over if we slip off the wagon or anything ... just type one more leprechaun on our individual posts for each day! The one with the most leprechauns wins!

I perceive Amarantha be rambling and shall go forthwith and read a book, since I don't have to go to a meeting! Grrr![/COLOR][/SIZE]

Kaylets 02-12-2003 06:04 AM

Wed am
Hello all!

Aramantha- So sorry to hear about your loss- Sorry about the circumstances surrounding too. I can relate to not being informed.

And the bored meeting reschedule is fishy too-- if they were so sure they sent it, why'd they call??

But BIG BRAVO for realizing you were being stressed. Too often, my mouth is already full before I understand why I'm stuffing something in it.

Anagram and Frogger- Did you have a tiny dusting of snow your way?? Now that's the kind of accumulation I don't mind!!

To everyone- kettle is on-- if you don't have time to sit for a minute, know that we are toasting you. We are quite the group!!

Today's thought is:
"To many people are ready to carry the stool when the piano needs to be moved" Annonymous

frogger 02-12-2003 07:35 AM

Hello All!!:wave:

Kaylets-Actually, no dusting overnight. I was sad
:( I love the snow. They are calling for it in DC today, but I doubt that we will get any down by me. Also nope, not a big Simpson's fan. I used to watch, but I'm not fanatic about it. Just great quotes =)

I had a battle beyond belief last night. Mom called me at work and said that the washtub in the laundryroom overflowed and that everything got wet. Apparently she was doing laundry and so was the lady upstairs (we live in the basement of a house that they have made into a 2 bedroom apartment). Anyway, I thought ok pipes are clogged again (this happens about once a month) Got home and EVERYTHING is soaked. All the clothes on the floor in the laundry room, lady upstairs was using bleach so some of my clothes are ruined. Carpet was soaked clear into Mom's room. Had to call my fiance's mother to come bring her steam cleaner so we could suck up the water. Mom had been battling this all day with only towels!! The lady upstairs barely speaks english and didn't understand STOP RUNNING WATER. Mom was upset she thought it was her fault. She's had an earache now for 3 days. I think she has an ear infection so I'm sending her to the doctor today. So she was sick, trying to do a load of wash, and this happens. She just cried and cried when I got home. I told her it wasn't her fault. The lady upstairs shoves crap down the drain (they have no garbage desposal) and it gets clogged like every month. It's so bad, I can't wait until we get our house.
So the rugs are still kinda damp this morning (had fans on the all night, we about froze!) but I think while I have the steam cleaner, I may go ahead and clean the rugs. Goodness knows they need them!! Haven't done it and we've been there 3 years!

And for dinner, instead of what I was going to fix because it was way to late to cook, we ordered out :( I got a club hoagie. I was bad, but oh so hungry. I'll do better today.

OK enough rambling on

Amarantha-I'm so sorry for your loss. Big :grouphug: to you. No one told me when my grandmother passed. I didn't even know she was sick either. It's very hard. We're all here for ya!

Quote for the day (this was really funnier when you see it on the show): "You know, Dick, when life gives you lemon, just shut up and eat the damn lemons!" Harry Solomon, 3rd Rock from the Sun

anagram 02-12-2003 08:55 AM

Amarantha, so sorry to hear of loss of your cousin. Always hard to lose someone but more so when they've been ill and you've not been told.

We had a bit of snow, Kaylets, enough to make things very slick last evening and the wind is still blowing it around this morning.

DH and I went to see "Chicago" yesterday. It was doing heavy flurries as we went to theater (less than a mile away) and much more nasty when we came out. I had to scrape ice off windows to come home. Really enjoyed the movie though. And the experience of being OUT and seeing a movie was almost SURREAL after all this time. DH also met a friend of his for lunch yesterday (without me) so that's two more forward points for the day.

I did the gyno thing yesterday and was really grumpy the rest of the afternoon. All the news was good but like most of us I really hate the experience. PLUS, as I got out of the car to go in in my MODEL MODE, somehow a large pebble was in my show. Now I don't know how a pebble gets in your show while you're driving and it wasn't there when I left the house. But instead of my nice model walk, I hobbled into the office, took my shoe off and dumped the pebble. The mood was lost by then.

I thought I was pretty much on plan yesterday but feel swollen this morning and am still postponing my weigh in. Have a feeling I won't like it but will let y'all know.

Frogger, what a disastrous situation. Is landlord any help in the situation? Or insurance? Of course, even those "helps" don't take care of the immediate mess. Hope your Mom is feeling better. In some roundabout way, it might have helped her vent some of the emotion she's been controlling re her lifestyle change, etc. I guess the lady upstairs had no damage. That's the way it usually works.

Punkin, I'm ready for the weekend too. And I don't know why since we're supposed to have more snow. DH and I might bake nut roll if we're snowed in. He can't eat it any more but I usually make it for Christmas gifts and have some people still waiting for theirs plus ingredients hanging around, etc. At least that's a plan.

He was frustrated yesterday trying to do some VD shopping after his lunch. I've given him an exemption (I usually do). And he had wanted to make some reservations for Friday evening. But he's sometimes so zonked after dialysis I think it would be best if I make a meal for him here. Instead we plan to go out to lunch tomorrow at an English Pub type place I've been wanting to hit. So if I don't make my goal today, I'll probably not make it Friday. I did see it once on an earlier weigh in but on the second try on the scale, I wasn't there. I always take the higher reading.

Well, I'll hit it soon and know for sure. Good Lincoln's Birthday to y'all. Did that date me? It's been many moons since it was celebrated today.

anagram 02-12-2003 09:39 AM

Celebratory Post
:flow2: :flow2: :flow2: :flow2:

I am all smiles and good vibes. Braved Demon Scale. Weighed twice. 215 each time. So that means I am a Victorious Valentine and have met my goal. It's 215 - last seen in about 1990.

It's 35 fluffies no longer with me. I should float all day. Bye, little fluffies.

Arabella 02-12-2003 11:12 AM

Good Morning, Valentines!

Amarantha, I'm so sorry for your loss. And I'm upset for you that you weren't given the opportunity to make contact with your cousin. That seems very thoughtless on the part of your relatives. Again, my condolences. :grouphug:

I admire your strength in dealing with this (and the bored meeting aggravation) and NOT eating the pain and frustration away. I remember reading yesterday on the Oprah site (I think this is where I saw/heard it) that you have to deal with the pain to be successful in weight loss, whatever pain it is that sends you (us) to the food. Sheesh. Does that mean that I've got to start thinking about painful subjects?

I also admire you for being a supermodel. I do not think I am quite ready to be a supermodel (the pressure! :stress: ) - I think I will just be fairly well-known, maybe have a cult following :lol:

Frogger, I LOVE those quotes. I am a big Simpson fan, although I don't watch it that often. Your quote from 3rd Rock had me laughing when I read it, laughing when I thought about it in the shower, and laughing when I told DS about it. And I can certainly see how it applied to your day yesterday.

I have successfully made it to Day 3 of my personal challenge. I was quite hungry yesterday, and ate quite a lot, but all of it healthy and accounted for in my journal. Points-wise, I was fine because of banked points from the day before. So, I'm counting it a triumph. I WILL get to goal THIS TIME.

On that note -- let's make this a fabulous day, Valentines!

Punkinseed 02-12-2003 02:07 PM

Yesterday was *such* a joke... I polished off a massive quantity of Reese's peanut butter cups - why? Donno', something told me to - something justified it... and get this, I dug in to them after exercising! WHY????? :?:

Amarantha - I am so sorry for your loss and a bit peeved right along with you that your family didn't tell you. Have they said why?? (not that there's a good reason)

Anagram - :cb: Congrats on the loss! :cb:
Lincoln's birthday is ruining our day - my goofy brother forgot to renew his driver's license and DMV is closed in LA - so he can't work today. :mad: I wanna choke him....

Arabella - I found that workbook it's not what I thought it was - it's called "Who Are You?" - hope it's good. :crossed:

Kaylets - Oh :queen: of the crockpot... thank you for the recipes. I'm with you on the ginger, except I think it tastes like Windex - go figure. :shrug:

Frogger - Yikes about that water!!! I've only had plumbing problems once in my life (water pipe burst overhead and didn't know it until I turned on the light and the bulb in the fixture was under water). Nasty problem, everything stays damp so long!
Love your Simpsons and 3rd Rock quotes too. Harry was always my favorite on that show and I can almost hear his whiney little voice saying your last quote! :lol:

Well all, must go do some damage control for my brother's lack of driver's license :rolleyes:
On a positive note, I found someone online on another group I post to that lives in the same town in Germany where my surname originated (oh, some 1,700 years ago). We're gonna swap some info - pretty exciting stuff for this genealogy buff!!!

Ta' for now,

Arabella 02-12-2003 02:46 PM

Terri, one of these days I think we're going to have to have a Reese-off. Actually, I think that there are quite a few of us that could give you a run for your money here. Last week I bought a bag of Reese-like PB cups (President's choice brand, Canadian i think). I looked at the bag and saw that 3 of them were just over 200 calories, so I decided to have those three. Which became 6. Which became 9, and -- yes -- 12 before I finally sealed up the bag and left them alone. I was actually pretty proud to not over the next couple of days finish the bag. I didn't go back to it and eventually gave it to my son, and even told him what happened to the rest of them. Gotta be a step forward that I admitted what I had done, at least. Man, that chocolate-peanut butter thing is evil!

This probably isn't good news, but I felt fine after eating 12 of those suckers - lessee....828 calories to be exact (actually, I thought it was worse :o ). As far as "WHY???" -- for me, it's often an impulse thing. Sometimes if I get past the initial impulse I'm okay. And then other times I battle the impulse for hours and lose :shrug: But... it gets easier the longer I've gone on OP and I'm into Day 3. I wanted to dive into a bag of cookies or donuts this aft. So far so good though...

The afternoon is a difficult time for me, because I often feel tired and the cravings hit, and I'm alone here. I am forcing myself out for a walk as soon as I post this though. Put it off all aft, and it's almost 4 here. If I'd just pushed self out the door after lunch I would have had a better afternoon. But if I go now, all will not be lost.

anagram 02-12-2003 03:56 PM

I'm not a chocoholic but I am a PBoholic so a Reeseoff would be my idea of fun. Have slurped them in in my time. And it will soon be homemade Easter Egg time and those PB eggs (so nice and fresh when ordered from a club or church group) account for lots of my hips.

I went to the pool today for the first time since late Nov. the water was so nice and warm and soothing. I thought I'd really be zonked when I got home but so far not too bad.

Feeling lazy anyway. This time of day is bad for me too. I think I'll try to take a nap (not gainfully employed).

Punkin - I didn't realize anyone closed anymore for the REAL Lincoln's bd. I thought that went out when they set up the "Presidents Day" holiday. Is this a state to state thing? Do they close on the 22nd as well for Washington?

Congrats on the genealogical find. My German maiden name basically means " a resident of................" but there are about six towns in Germany with that name. My sis is the one into the genealogy stuff now. I had done a lot with my Dad when he got into it but she's taken it all a lot further.

Trading Spaces calls.

deleted2 02-12-2003 04:35 PM

Yikes! Such prolific posters--I'll try to catch up.

Anagram, big congrats on meeting your goal! You're a shining light to the rest of us!

Frogger, what can I say but ICK? Hope things are all dried out soon--how frustrating for you and your mom. By the way, keep those Simpsons quotes coming; I'm a big fan!


Kaylets, thanks for the recipe--looks great! I've been meaning to tell you to check in natural food stores for boullion cubes that don't have hydrogenated oils.

Hi Senamay! :) Any new adventures at school?

Punkinseed and Arabella--ME TOO! Not PB cups for me, but leftover Xmas fudge at work yesterday. I don't know what got into me but I must've had 6 pieces and I can't for the life of me pinpoint why. I considered starving myself for the rest of the day so maybe I'd break even calorie-wise but that didn't feel very loving to myself so I just continued on with my healthy eating plan. I feel like I'm back on track today---this self-sabtage thing is an obnoxious beast, you never know when it'll attack! Made myself walk an extra mile on the treadmill.

Speaking of treadmills, Hi Ceara! :D

Later, Lovelies! Looking forward to the St Pat's hoo-hah. And thanks in advance to Amarantha for starting it!:D

Punkinseed 02-12-2003 05:37 PM

So I'm not alone in my chocolate/peanut butter-fest! I guess I knew I wasn't, but it's comforting on certain levels to know that I'm not the only one who's ever lost it like that!

I don't know what started mine either. I'm starting to get just a tad bit anxious about what's going on here n' there in the world - a few of my clients (we do a lot of military work) have shipped out and my neighbor's son, whom I baby-sat when he was 7 years old, is now a strappin' huge Marine and heading out soon too. I also just talked to "my guy" and he told me he handed in his two week notice yesterday - so he's really going to be gone... Add on top of all this the anxiety of my visit with Dad (again, not too keen on flying, *especially* now, but I won't cancel because of war alone) and well, ok, now I see how the Reese's abuse happened!

'Tis definately going to be a weekend spent at Spa Chez Terri (pronounced TairReeee)

Anagram - Leave it to California to be goofy in their holidays! They closed DMV today for Lincoln's b-day, then they're closed again on Monday for President's Day... what-EVER! :rolleyes: All I know is that my butt's warming my work chair today and Monday both... (no rest for the wicked... :devil: )

On a slightly brighter point than all of the above, ok, not so slightly, I'm *thrilled*, my girlfriends are coming to visit in April!!! :dance: One's bringing her hubby and daughter, the other's hubby is coaching the Special Olympics so he can't make it this time. I can't wait to see them!!! :cb:

Toodles for now,

Amarantha2 02-12-2003 07:49 PM

Wow! I just lurched in here and read all the messages of support for Amarantha and I be ready to cry because of all the great people in this group! You'se guys be the best! Thankee! :)

Somewhat stressful workday and the cat got (accidentally) locked in my office for four hours and is mewling pitifully around my ankles, so I have to go. I WILL NOT BREAK MY CALORIES TONIGHT! THE ELF WILL DEPART AT MIDNIGHT AS SCHEDULED!

I wrote about my new scale in the journal ... it's a big daddy analog ... old-fashioned and back-to-basics ... unfortunately, it says I weigh exactly the same as I did on the new-fangled lithium battery thingie I had before. Sigh.

Put me down in that PB cup eat-off with Punkin ... no one has a chance when Amarantha and Reese's team up on a binge!!!!

Avanti! :wave:

Arabella 02-12-2003 07:57 PM

Anagram, even supermodels have the occasional bad day, break a nail or a heel or something (oh, the humanity!). Don't give up on your career just yet -- you're a star, Baby! BTW, CONGRATS on meeting your goal, Ms. Model! I am not jealous. I could have met my goal. I just didn't. Next time for sure!

Eydie, fudge can definitely do it for me too. It really packs the sweetness in, but at least it's usually not really high fat (except, of course, for peanut butter fudge :rolleyes: ). I'm trying to do the low glycemic index thing, trying to stay away from sugar. I've gone for really long stretches before without sugar, but it seems to take a while to get going on one. I'm on Day 3 now of my current challenge.

Kaylets, I could sure relate to what you said (Too often, my mouth is already full before I understand why I'm stuffing something in it.) It was weird to realize that I wasn't even eating in response to an emotion sometimes, but actually making a preemptive strike. Something would happen, and I would eat BEFORE I had a chance to respond to it. Somehow, I know that I must stop that. Feel the pain, as Oprah says.

Yeesh. Bedtime. Sweet dreams, All.

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