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frogger 02-10-2003 07:38 AM

Good Morning Ladies!!

Sorry I didn't check in on friday but I had to work from home because of the snow and let me tell you, I WORKED. It was so busy! I think I was the only one working to tell you the truth though.:mad:

Anyway, Saturday my mom and I went and rented tables and chairs for the wedding. Much cheaper than I though it was going to be including delivery. So that's one more thing I can scratch off the list.

My goal is to maintain my valentine loss until we start the next challenge. (What's this one? St. Patty's Day?) When do we start?

:wave: Hello and gooday to all who have posted and I have not acknowledged as I continue to live in my own little world in this post!! LOL

Quote for the day: There's no shame in being a pariah. -Marge Simpson

deleted2 02-10-2003 08:28 AM

Congrats on the loss, Kaylets! Thats wonderful and it may be due to the "miracle of fiber". I heard that if you double your fiber intake from 13 grams [the american average] to 26 grams your body will absorb about 90 fewer calories--enough for an effortless 10 lb. loss in a year. And if you go up to 35 grams a day you'll lose 16 pounds in a year. Gotta love that!

:( Wahhh! For the first time this year I didn't get a sticker on my calendar. I don't know what happened, but things kind of fell apart for me last night and I ended the day with no exercise and lots of empty calories. However today is a new day and I WANT THAT STICKER!

It snowed last night so I'm out of work and I have no excuse not to have a great day! :D

Arabella 02-10-2003 09:25 AM

Just popping in. Still feeling cruddy, and trying to find a balance between getting enough work done and taking it easy. Beautiful sunny day here today, so I want to get out and get some of that sunshine.

I'm recommitting today to keeping my journal going, and to the list of rules that I'm trying to follow. Looking forward to getting a good string of days behind me again -- it makes it SO much easier. As for today, I'm going to focus on using the tools that I know help me so much -- eating only at the table when I'm alone, avoiding wheat flours, getting all my water, fruits and veggies, some exercise. Plus just trying to have a positive day, anyway.

Struck me recently that (I apologize in advance for the upcoming psychtalk - I was a psych. major :rolleyes: ) one of my major problems is that my id (inner child) and superego (inner authoritarian parent) are always battling and my ego (integrated self) is not jumping in to set things straight. I think that I don't give my ego enough power, take strength away from my authentic self through either letting my id take over (binge, waste time) or my superego (work too much, do everything for everyone else instead of taking care of my own needs -- which makes my id rebel and act up worse than ever :s: ) So I'm trying to take some time to look after myself, try and find out what will really satisfy my needs rather than respond to someone else's idea of what I should be doing. I'm starting a workshop-type self-recovery program called "The Artist's Way." I've worked with it before and found it really helpful.

My apologies for the mememememe post - I may get a chance to pop in again later.

Love that quote, Frogger! Words to live by!

Let's make it a good one, folks!

Amarantha2 02-10-2003 10:02 AM

No apologies for me posts allowed, Arabella! I think we all want to know how we are all doing!!! :wave: Interesting thou be working on thy authentic self ... that be part of my transformation (of which the 135 pounds will be but one manifestation, though an important one)!

Journaled at length today about my Funfest before St. Patricia's Pledge. Suffice it to say there are only SIX LITTLE ELFIES LEFT!!! Woo-hoo!

Eydie: Thou be doing great even without a sticker, but Amarantha knoweth one will arrive in the Universal Mail (not Universal Male) today!!! I do so concureth on fiber. It be a key to weight loss!!!

Frogger: I have been sort of polling the group wondering if anyone will be offended if Amarantha posts a St. Patricia's Pledge from Feb. 16 to March 16. She plans on a personal initiative starting that day but Amarantha worrieth that she is too pushy and starts too many threads when others may feel they wisheth to start the thread or have a better idea for a name , etc., so A will not feel hurt or impaired in any sense if someone else posts a St. Pat's challenge anytime and A will also join in that. I explained about St. Patricia further back in the thread and hope it offends no one ... I tend to need imagery to develop before I can accomplish goals ... just my weirdness!!!

:yikes: I can't see any earlier posts from this screen but see that Kaylets had a loss ... WOO-HOO, CONGRATULATIONS TO KAYLETS!! I shall review all the earlier posts anon, but wanted to hand thee a :cb: oh Quotatious :queen:!!!

The yard man cometh and I have to work tonight, so's better endeth!!

My roses are nice. I think it was Otto Frank who wrote something like: "Even if I knew the end was certain, I would still plant a tree."

Arabella 02-10-2003 11:19 AM

Hmmm... maybe I can get in the replies I want to make to everyone in snippets thru the day... there's an idear!

Amarantha saith:
"Yep, self-sabotage is the name of the game for me, especially right before my weekly weigh-in ... I wonder if I weighed in on a different day each week if that would foil the Binge Demons!! Something to consider!"

I know all about that self-sabotage stuff (thought I invented it, actually! :p ) I was just thinking that every time something draws my attention to the fact that I've lost any significant weight (DH comments, I notice men looking at me more, my clothes are very loose, I catch sight of reflection unexpectedly), that seems to mark the spot where I start to gain it back. Some part of me doesn't think that it's safe to lose weight, to be slim. I don't know exactly why that is, but I'm trying to combat it. This is just me, and maybe a bit off-the-wall: every day, either in the shower or when I'm applying much-needed moisturizer (which I sometimes neglect in the interests of time-savings -- but how long can it take?) I thank my extra flesh for protecting me and insulating me from the world, and tell it gently that I am all grown up now and am strong enough to look after myself.

Re: WI -- I used to weigh myself at any point in the week where I felt it would be a good one, with the stipulation that I HAD to WI once in the week. It worked great. I think I'll reinstitute.

Punkinseed 02-10-2003 04:08 PM

Wow!!! I checked the thread this morning and there were 2 1/2 pages to read!!!! Love it! (now I have my own mini-novella to type in response to your posts!)

Well, let's get this outta the way - I'm down 1 pound. I'm pretty sure it's the same pound I gained last week - it looked familiar to me and when it left it gave me the finger... oh well, let it be mad at me - I don't care, I just want it GONE!

The bowling tournament was fun - but tiring. For two days I had to watch 4 lanes, 16 people and keep track of the electronic pin-setters (one was ****-bent on knocking over the pins when it lifted after setting the pins down). But, food-wise it was a smashing success. I drank a TON of water and ate very, very smart (snacks, light breakfasts, etc.). I could've justified eating 4 meals there over the two days but worked it so I only had 2 - one was a pleasure meal (grilled cheese n' fries - and I made a point of leaving some on my plate) and the other a responsible meal (salad, 1/2 of which I took home for dinner).

Wildfire - Nope, no playing in between games or series. I did run into my old bowling partner whom I haven't seen in a couple years. Everyone was asking if I was coming back - we'll see how finances go.... I was shocked to find out that she'd lost her husband in a motorcycle accident last year - I'm always so speechless when stuff like that comes up. I must've said "I'm so sorry" like 5 times. They have 6 kids - just broke my heart.

Anagram - Ok, since we can't shake on it, we'll :high:. That would make it 41 pounds for me by July 4th... :chin: I can do that!!!!

Scooby - Hon, I hear ya on the Valentine's Day blues. I've been single since my divorce almost 3 years ago. My advice - buy yourself flowers, a book you've been dying to read and a nice dinner (to go, who wants to sit alone in a restraunt??). Same goes for jewelry - I used to think that was a "man's job" - now, I just buy it myself... :cool:

Kaylets - Congrats on the loss!! :cb:
Thanks for reminding me! (about the bird feeder). I put out a block of suet for the birds this weekend and some deer came by and ate it in like 2 minutes! :mad: I need to buy a suet feeder to keep the darned Bambi's from it.
The 4th of July referrences are about Anagram saying she wanted to be below 200 by July 4th. Since she and I weigh about the same, I decided to join her in her goal (in addition to our short term ones).
I did hear about the trial in Texas. It was also in last week's People magazine. My only problem with her either pleading insanity or manslaughter (or murder two - crime committed in the heat of passion with no malice aforethough) is this: she _knew_ he was having an affair, no shock there, and, HOW do you "accidently" drive over someone 3 times????? I mean do you go "ooops (reverse, drive) ooops (reverse, drive) oooops????? :rolleyes: Oh, to be a member on that jury and hear the whole thing...

Ceara - Your dinner theater sounds like so much FUN!! :bravo: on the loss - hope your thinner legs can hold that Derringer up!

Senamay - Our very own Rhodes scholar (ok, not quite, but still...). I'm impressed by your stick-to-it'iveness. I wish I had stayed in college.

Frogger - Doesn't it feel good to check things off the list?? When is the big day again??

Amarantha - Roses?? I want roses.... I want the kind the deer won't eat though. One of these days, when I'm rich (ha) I'm going to fence my property.... Oh, and do you think your yard guy will do acreage??? :lol:
I'm behind ya on the St. Patricia's thread - great idea! I'm one that believes one can never have too many means of support. Start the thread when you want and I'll be there with bells on!

Eydie - So tell me how you're working this sticker thing - I have a ton of them and made myself a little bookmark (a al WW). I like the visual aspect of it - some tangible proof of my efforts (cuz God knows, looking at my body doesn't always work).

Arabella - Your workshop idea sounds great to me. I actually have a book called "Authentic Self" - it's a workbook. Perhaps I should dust it off and use it?!? You've also described my past behavior with weight loss - it's almost like an "oh crap, I look normal, can't have that!" kind of response. There's *got* to be a reason behind that...
I also love the idea of weighing in on the day that "feels right". I just may have to do that too and see where it gets me.

Ok, I think I've covered everything. I know that now I've killed almost an hour of work time :D so I should probably do something productive in the time I've got left!

Valentine's Challenge start: 146.5
Current: 141.5
Goal: 135 (not gonna make it, but I'm happy with 5 pounds lost so far!) :cb:

Amarantha2 02-10-2003 04:42 PM

YoWza!!! I'm giving Amarantha an 80-calorie exemption to banish the elfie today!!! I absolutely need it what with a broken glass door to deal with (yard guy accidentally broke it, we bought a new one and he replaced it in a few minutes and cleaned up all the glass and now is worried that I am overpaying him ... I insist on paying for the door as it was just a rock from the weedeater and that could happen to anyone in Arizona (lots of rocks about)!!! :)

He does fences, Punkin and is going to fence the front yard for me, hopefully before he gets called back to work at the mine, whose layoff policy is how I came by this guy's handy services!!!

At least I don't need to worry about deer eating the roses.

Punkin: Thanks for the vote on St. Patricia's thread!!! I wonder if we could do an annoying St. Patricia's elf :lucky: vanquishing such as I'm doing on my Funfest this week ... for every day within "the rules," an annoying elf :jig: vanishes overnight ... kind of like The Mole game, the elf has to pack his or her bag and depart in the night without speaking to the other players. Due to my exemption, Elfie WILL be banished (instead of me) tonight, though I be 80 calories over (after I eat my little treatie)!!

Arabella: I absolutely think thou hast something there with the "some part of me doesn't think it's safe to lose weight, to be slim." This is true for most of us, methinks ... I believe weight is a powerful insulator and protector from the world ... from a lot of things. When I lost a lot of weight, I know I personally became much more anxious (though I'd do it again).

There's another payoff of having weight to lose, and that's the kind of buffer zone it creates when we say, "Well, just let me get some of this weight off and I'll deal with that other stuff!" or "I'll look for another job when I get some of this weight off!" or "I'll worry about that when I get some of this weight off!" or "Everything will be okay when I get some of this weight off!"

I could go on, but I'll spare you![/COLOR][/SIZE]

Amarantha2 02-10-2003 04:46 PM

Punkin: Congrats on the :dance: thou banished from thy :queen:dom!

How dare that :dance: give thee the finger!!! Indeed! These :dance:s are getting a bit too pushy, if thou asketh me!

Kaylets 02-10-2003 08:25 PM

Monday evening!

What a long week that was!! Good thing we didnt have any auctions up --everything would send to his emails and etc- would have been very awkward for me to deal with while he was sick.
If there ever was a good time for the system to go down, this past week was it.

Punkin and Arabella- I took a quick look at your stats- and if I'm right it looks as though its roughly 35 lbs or so to lose by July 4--

Hmmmm-- I will join the challenge ladies as that's about what I think I need to lose to meet goal. Hopefully, another plateau won't last as long as this past one but then again-- I don't expect cookies and etc to be everywhere I look !!

and Punkin- did you check any balls??
:^: :^:

This evening's national news was about any product w/ Ephedra being reviewed by the FDA with an eye to take it off the market.
I find it amazing its on the market in the first place.

Empress- St Patrick thread is all yours!! Did I see that you're be starting it on the 16th??
I still can't find the Smoothie Maker- even looked in Kmart. Did you tell me the maker's name?

Arabella- Hope you feel better soon- seems like you've been sick a long time. And as for mememe-- that's what we're here for lady, where else should you go to vent!! :^:

As for bingeing after a loss, does seem as though the minute the motivation is met the fat cells see daylight and start screaming.
Even today on the way home from work, I was so starved feeling, I dug out my raw veggies left over from work and was chewing broccoli on the way home. Good thing I didnt get pulled over, the officer would've wondered why I greeted him w/ teeth full of green!

Roses sound so nice- I'm tired of winter--ready for spring!

Need to move the laundry around-

Take care all!

anagram 02-10-2003 11:33 PM

Congrats Kaylets, Frogger, Arabella for carrying us to LOSS! And all others who may also have found victory over the fluffy ones. When I read so many posts, I forget by the end what I want to say and, unlike Punkin, I don't think to make notes.

I am also up for the Patricia Pledge (that being my own middle name - Patricia, that is - not Pledge). Starting whenever suits, etc. I will probably have a mini binge on V. day as it is now the 36th day of "no candy" and the temptation grows every day. I just want one little heart that says "be mine" or "you're so cool" but I know it would be an avalanche of sugar hearts if I start. The other parts of my plan are not going as well but I'm sure proud of my "no candy" part.

I'm all for banishing winter from Valentineland. Our snow today was pretty but not welcome. Fortunately, it also was not much. I did many, many little things today. Mondays are so good for me. I start out each and every one to lose weight and to "get organized". If it were not for Mondays, I don't think I'd ever accomplish anything.

Pretty impressive, Eydie, to miss your first sticker during the second week of Feb. Even the second week of Jan would have been a good time for me.

Somebody finally noticed! Down 35 lbs and nary a comment (well, dh knows and I did finally tell kids and sisters about five pounds ago). Had lunch Sunday with friend of DH whom I have not seen for perhaps six months. He commented on weight DH has lost and then mentioned I seem to have lost some as well. It was obvious he thought I lost because of the stress, etc. of dh's illness. Little does the fellow know, I'd have normally PUT ON lots during that time. I know I can credit at least 20 lbs to the period when dh had heart surgery and my DF died of cancer.

Which reminds me, a word of warning to Senamay to hold fast to her health plan. When I started back to school (at 36) I was a mere ten pounds or so overweight. When I finished at 39, I was a good 40 lbs. over. I've never been a high energy person and often would eat just to keep going and of course it was a time I needed to keep going. I wish I would have had 3FC then to keep me on the straight and narrow. Hmm, I think I just accounted for 50 quick lbs. I hope the other 50 plus came from some fun eating.

And Kaylets, so close to a 50 lbs loss now that the plateau is broken! So motivating.

Kaylets 02-11-2003 06:15 AM

Targetting Tuesday!!
Hello all!

Just noticing as I type that my nails are stained blue from last nights frozen blueberries- guess the nail brush is in order!

Anagram! Isnt it great when someone finally notices???
The group I work with says little but when we moved down the hall, my new neighbor said imeadiately " Wow, you've lost a lot of weight"- I just said " Well, I'm working on it" and it didnt go any further--
At my job, everyone is talking losing weight all day long but most of its about which "Pill" they are trying. I had a talk yesterday w/ a woman w/ admits she has 15 lb (no typo, just only 15) to lose and was discouraged becuase her doctor said she wasnt eligble for stomach stapling!!!:o
Some of her background made me understand that she has been taught to hate herself since her first diet at 8 yrs old.
I tried to share with her tht the "no" answer was really a blessing because now, she can decide what she'll be eating rather than a stomach the size of her thumb deciding.
****I realize the stomach surgery can save lives --I personally, believe too many are done and that too many people do not understand the full implications.*******

Why do I have so much to say the mornings I'm running late!?!

Before I go, just want to make sure ALL of you here have been a real influence in how I felt and acted during my plateau-- I just want each one of you to know how great it is to realize almost 8 weeks later-- I stayed the course!! I waited out the heavy traffic!
I did not abandon the car!

Oh my, is this a "MEMEMEME post?" :lol:

Today's thought is:
'The future is no place to place your better days.' -- Dave Matthews Band

frogger 02-11-2003 07:26 AM

Good Morning all! How is everyone today?
I'm all for the Saint Patricia challenge or whatever we're calling it. I'm going to weigh in Valentine's morning for the official final count for this challenge.
I haven't been able to get anyone to go walking with me outside. (The big wimps!) It was snowing yesterday but we have a wonderful 5 level garage that has great inclines!!! I guess I'll have to go by myself. Oh before I forget!

Punkinseed-The wedding is May 17! I saw that you asked.

Trying to figure out if I'm crafty enough to make the bouquets. I need 3 bouquets, 5 boutinneres, and 2 corsages. Maybe I can save money and make the bouquets but order the boutinneres and corsages. I'm trying a test run this weekend. Going to see if I can make one of the bridesmaid bouquets. I'm going with silks. Maybe I'll attempt a boutiennere as well. I let you know how it turns out. I've seen some instructions on the Michael's craft store website.

Arabella-I hope today finds you feeling better about it all. Hang in there.

Kaylets-Wonderful to see you back in form with both of your computers up and running. Take a little peroxide in a bowl and soak those nails for about 5 minutes. Then scrub with your nail brush. Rinse. Should be good as new.

Anagram- CONGRATS on the weight loss. And on the subsequent noticings of your fellow humans around you. I feel you though, no one ever notices unless I make it a point to tell them or wear a great big sign. Sometimes you just need that acknowledgement to carry you through!

I was so hungry when I got home from work yesterday. I immediatly bit into a big fat cinnamon apple stuffed donut. And promptly spit it out. It didn't taste good to me. (My mom tasted it and swears it was yummy!) I had a handful of baked ranch doritoes instead. Maybe not the healthiest of choices but had to have been better than stuffing that donut down. I must admit to eatting 3 chocolates yesterday. NONE for me today. I refuse. It triggered a migraine. I'll never learn.

Everyone have a great day!!!!

Edited to add my quote!

Quote for the day: "Solitude never hurt anyone. Emily Dickinson lived alone, and she wrote some of the most beautiful poetry the world has ever known... then went crazy as a loon" Lisa Simpson (from the Simpson's)

Arabella 02-11-2003 08:16 AM

Good Morning, All Best and Most Beautiful of Valentines!
It feels so good to get one day of this new challenge in (details are in my journal, yesterday's post, for the curious).

One day closer to goal, yuppir! :cp: :cb:

Kaylets, yup, this is one of those "hang on forever" kinds of colds. I'm into .... lessee, day 11. DH is just getting over it. The last 4 or 5 days for me have been more or less alternating between feeling like I'm on the mend and feeling cruddy again. Today I feel better than yesterday. Quite the story about the foiled stomach staple-ee. Nonetheless, I know from experience that 15 pounds over can feel just about as hopeless as 50 or 60 pounds over. Weird, you know, it can seem like 10 or 15 pounds is all that stands between you and a full and happy life, but I guess it's never actually the weight. So glad you're up and running again with your computer -- you're such a constant positive presence here that it was disturbing when you disappeared :?:

Punkin, I really love this workbook. And it really goes nicely with a weight-loss effort. One of the exercises for this week was to choose 5 alternate lives that you would like to have (doctor, lawyer, Indian chief...) and then to bring some of that into your life for the week. Of my choices, I decided to be a model for this week. It was really quite fun yesterday -- I kept reminding myself I was a model all day, and walking like one, and so on. Reminded myself that my looks were my living, painted my toenails (which ALWAYS is a good sign for me that I'm paying attention to myself, it just cheers me up to see those coral-tipped toes). I bought myself a couple of new shirts, nice semi-fitted classic cotton-spandex button-downs. They were on sale -- and I reminded myself that it is my JOB to look good. :lol: Y'know, maybe next week I will be a psychologist, but I think I'll continue to model on the side...

Funny thing -- 20 years ago, I did a single modeling shoot for a local ad. Today I'm returning to the scene, because I'm interviewing one of the owners (a wonderful artist, such a beautiful, strong woman) for a column. I think that was at least a partial reason that I decided to "be" a model. But I'm glad, whatever the reason, 'cause I am definitely into it.

Anagram, my tale of woe is similar to yours. I never really thought of it as being related to going back to school (actually, i had a lot of stressful things going on back then, now that I think of it). I was about 10 pounds overweight when I went back to school at 34, and 50 or 60 over when I graduated. It's so easy to just say, I have to do whatever it takes to get through this and using food for stress release. Exercise, meditation, bubble baths are all better substitutes. Eating takes time too!

I had better run. Definitely have to get myself fixed up before I head out (paparazzi could be lurking :eek: ). Love to all, both mentioned and unmentioned. Let's make this a wonderful day!

anagram 02-11-2003 08:43 AM

Arabella, you have motivated me for the day. I'm going to be a model as well! At least today. That should get me through the long postponed gyno visit today. I also had other stressful things going on during the school return years (i.e., daughter had surgery and in a cast for ten months for scoliosis at one point). So maybe the whole gain wasn't school but a lot of it was as I remember scarfing cookies on the way out the door or late at night as I was trying to finish projects. But TODAY I'm a model! I can feel my walk even before I start.

Amarantha2 02-11-2003 11:10 AM

Yo! Let me also weigh-in (so to speak) on the side of those who "went back to school" as an adult and gained weight immediately ... a process that continued throughout my adult college career and beyond! Senamay, beware!!! Plan thy meals and snacks carefully for when they will be optimal in thy schedule and CARRY THEM WITH YOU! Never, never, never, never go near the vending machines (even if they DO have something healthy in there and you rationalize that it's ok if you make a healthy choice ... before long you'll have developed a before-class/after-class/whenever-I'm-stressed-about-this-class habit and shortly thereafter, you start getting the cookies and cheese-and-peanut-butter crackers and saying, "Just this once!" Hah!!! Sorry to preach! You know the drill!!! :nono: :)

Arabella: I think I shall be a model today, too!!!! Since I'm obsessed with Celebrity Mole (for whatever reason), I shall be Fredrique (sp?). I have always wanted to be her and she is known for a healthy lifestyle AND she is of a certain age. Actually on the Mole she is a living illustration of the difference between a supermodel with makeup and fixed-up hair and a strong, glorious (if somewhat cranky) Dutch woman who clearly shows the signs of age and a life well-spent (seemingly) on her face and body, both of which still look pretty dang good as she obviously works out with weights and probably pretty heavy ones at that. She is dollars and sense above some of the nonmuscular "fitness" models that grace so many of the fitness mags.

Envious-because-I'm-not-Fredrique rant over, anyway, I DO want to be her today and possibly for the rest of my life!!! :) I've been planning a Smoothie Spa weekend (e.g., drink a smoothie a day as if I were relaxing in an expensive spa), and I think I should start today so I can be a supermodel! I KNOW supermodels must drink a lot of smoothies!!!!

Frogger: Congratulations on the donut elimination!!! :cp: Thy crafty ideas for the wedding sound beautiful!!! It be very near! :)

For the record, Fredrique is my candidate for Mole! Well, maybe ..

Kaylets: I have the Smoothie Elite Model SE2000 from Back to Basics Products. Their website is www.backtobasicsproducts.com. Hope 3FC doesn't mind me posting this, as I don't have time to pm thee and I really, really, really have no affiliation with this (or any) product.

Good job on the little lecture to thy new workmate who wants to have stomach stapling for 15 pounds. :yikes: What sad thoughts our society plants in the heads of its women (and men) about the size of the body! Happily, no doctor would oblige her ... hope she doesn't think about liposuction, though, as there are people out there who would encourage her and do the procedure. (I am not saying anything against lipo per se when indicated after a large weight loss ... but for minor cosmetic reasons, IMO it's too dangerous and not necessary). Hope thou can steer her to a better frame of mind and if she wishes to lose the 15 she'll do so in a sensible manner.

Congratulations on having thy loss noticed ... when people see us everyday, they often don't ... just another fun thing we deal with, I guess!

Anagramatic!!! Thou be not alone in forgetting who said what or what one said oneself on this thread! :) I also congratulate anyone who had a loss that I did not acknowledge. Originally, that was the reason why I thought a roster was good, but it's hard to get the time to do this with a lot of posters. Thanks for thy vote on the St. Patricia thread ... I am planning to start that on the 16th (unless anyone objects for reasons I've stated 'cause I don't mean to be a threadstarting hog), so binge away!!!

I'd like to propose that along with weight goals (which could include maintaining or even GAINING if anyone so far forgot themselves as to want to do that), we each pledge at least one behavioral goal and do a countdown of days. I've so enjoyed my Elfie Disappearing Game in the journal, that maybe we could do a collective or personal version of that with St. Patricia's annoying leprechaun friends? Like for every seven days of good behavior on the challenge, another leprechaun icon will have to pack its bags and depart in the night without speaking to the other players (sorry, there's the Mole thing again). The player with no leprechauns at the end of the challenge is the winner of the leprechaun's virtual pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The person with the most leprechauns left is The Mole ... er, no, sorry, is still a Jolly Good Fellow and wins a virtual pot of silver and a snake-free yard ('cause it'd probably be me).

This is just a thought, we don't have to do it! I need a nap!!! I am regressing to childhood!! (Thank goodness, I hate being an adult)!

It breaks my rule about Sunday weigh-ins, but I think I'll likely hop on the scale on the 14th as a gesture of companionship for the Victorious and Valorous Valentine cronies hereabouts (though I have officially resigned from the challenge).

Bye-all! :wave:

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