3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Amarantha2 02-12-2003 10:10 PM

Yo, Arabella: Definetely recognize the preemptive strike. Often, too, I THINK I'm going to be upset about something or have a bad day TOMORROW or whatever and so the id (or something) takes the opportunity to have lots of fun food experiences today (in case no opportunity presents itself during the bad day that's expected tomorrow).

In reality, this binge (even mini-binge) behavior is what is stopping me from losing weight. I sabotage, do preemptive strikes, celebrate, companion myself, treat myself, medicate myself, etc., etc., with these overeating sessions over and over and they get worse when I go down a few pounds.

Diets do work ... I think I've just got to realize that to lose weight, I really need to go on one (a diet, that is)!!!

On the St. Patricia's thread, I really would like us to attack this behavior thing with an "earn-a-leprechaun" game ... anteing up whatever fitness (dare I say, "diet") "rules" (I hate that word) we personally want to set up and for each successful day, posting another :lucky: icon. If the system won't take all those icons, we could just type LEPRECHAUNS and a number. If this is too kindergartenish for anyone (and I'd totally understand!!!), those folks could just count days ... as we already do ... actually, though, I've been more successful with the Elfie Banishing Game than in just counting days ... and in collecting the leprechauns, there'd be no real need to make the days consecutive ... why do we think the days always need to be consecutive, anyhooo!!! :) Every good day is a good day, regardless of whether it's followed by a bad day, n'est pas?

We could all post a weight goal also and report on progress as in this challenge, although Amarantha herself be making little to no progress.

From February 16 to March 17, there are 30 days, so that would give us the potential to collect THIRTY LOVELY L'IL GREEN :lucky:s!!! Think of that!

Think of the potential of THIRTY DAYS of good, er, diet behavior and how far that could carry us ... a smaller size Easter dress? A healthier body? A better attitude as we slide into spring as slick and renovated Easter chicks!

Sure and begorra, I AM SO THERE!!!! Woo-hoo!

Rambling again, time to prepare for THE MOLE!!

Sorry in advance for the complicated games ... I really need to stop watching TV ... I never used to do so and was the better for it mentally, I believe!!!!

P.S. Punkin, they've opened yet another Curves here and it's only a mile from my house! I think I'm going to try it. Woo-hoo!

Sure and begorra!

anagram 02-12-2003 11:51 PM

I'll be dreaming of peanut butter fudge - my all time fave. If dh really wants to know what I'd like for VD .......But only home made, I've found I can easily pass up the commercial kinds lately. Well, not EASILY but it can be done. How did any fudge survive since Christmas?

And Erin Go Bragh!

Kaylets 02-13-2003 06:00 AM

Terrific Thursday!
Hello All!

About 30 minutes after I posted yesterday, things got very crazy.
Upshot was breakfast was just a few bites, 2 yogurts w/ fiber cereal became lunch and then at supper, nervous energy had me making a double batch of lentil soup, a cauliflower based soup, quick soaked 2 bags of kidney beans and hardboiled a dozen eggs. But then.......at about 3 am when the dogs needed to go out, .........appetite was SCREAMING.........Apple worked but I will have to be very watchful today.

Speaking of presoaking beans- -- somewhere I read that you can soften beans and then freeze them -- Anyone have any luck freezing soaked beans??

Anagram-- About 25 years ago ( was it that long??? :D ) I had lost almost 50lbs and would dream of eating chocolate at night. Very intense dreams.

I tell you, I am convinced the fat cells are trying to protect themselves and fight to survive. OR at least my fat cells are Warriors!!:p :p - Things go much better for me if I can keep the "triggers" out of my system. Keeps the screaming fat cells down to a dull roar.

Well, Empress, perhaps a code as you mentioned, one smilie and the number next to it. I admit I read your post quickly and might have missed it but when you say " behavior" are you meaning that specifically ? ? For instance, for myself, I can easily skip breakfast but then am too hungry later... Or are you using "behavior" in a more general sense??

Arabella-- The cold/flu seems to be a long one. A number of coworkers have been miserable since b/4 the holidays. Many of them are not resting or eating right and then get bronchitis, sinus infections, ear infections, etc. I've noticed that especially the smokers ( who go out 1/2 dozen times a day to smoke in the bitter cold :?: ) are really miserable.
I smoked for years and remember very well the insanity of taking decongestants and cough syrup to find enough airspace to smoke.

My own DH ( who hasnt smoked in 3yrs) is still on medication for the initial Urinary Tracty Infection and the Bronchitis we dealt w/ last week so its just hitting everyone. And DH had the flu shot-
I believe, ( as usual) what's going around is a different strain than the flu shot.

Frogger -- I did silk flowers as well-- The price is very similiar to fresh but you do have them forever. Is there an AC Moore near you? They have a free arranging service if you bring in a vase or container -- I'm sure they'd give you tips on bouquets, baskets or whatever you're thinking for your attendants and the tables. Not sure how they do t hings your way but around here, folks sitting at the table expect to take home the centerpieces themselves. Unless you have a friend pick them up for you b/4 folks begin to leave. Its just a "custom" - - but when I first witnessed it here, caught me off guard.--- Michael's may offer a similiar service. Perhaps you have a crafty friend or relative??
I do have a word to the wise: I have found that if you try to go for less flowers, greenery ,etc in the arrangement/bouquet to save money, it just does not look right. It looks "cheap". I am a "to the bone Yankee" at heart and this was a hard lesson for me to learn. That's how the craft store can help you see the differnece in adding a few more pieces.

Almost the weekend!

Today's thought is:

"Most people see what is and never can see what can be"-- Albert Einstein

Kettle is still on-- LOTS AND LOTS OF NO GUILT CARDS HERE_--Nice and warm from off the press.

To today's best choices!!

frogger 02-13-2003 07:13 AM

G'morning all. I'm rather bummed. Stayed late at work yesterday and come to find out everything I did while staying late cannot be used because the big wigs have changed their minds. Back to the drawing board. Everything has to be done by friday though. Guess I'll be staying late today and on Valentine's day as well. :mad:


Kaylets-Thanks for the tips on the silks. I'll try it. But if I can't do it I'm taking it to Michaels or I'm ording them!!! I don't need another stressor.

I've been reaching for the reeses here this week too because of this job. I've gotta stop

Amarantha-All I have to say is You WILL and you SHALL do very well on the st. Patricia challenge. Now get to it!!! LOL

Well all, I've gotta scram and work so maybe I can get out of here sometime today.

Back by popular demand quote of the day:
"If you don't like your job, you don't strike. You just go in everyday and do it really half-a**ed. That's the American Way." -Homer Simpson on Jobs

ceara 02-13-2003 08:17 AM

Have been lurking....this week has been a dead loss...I agree guys...stress. Our brains know how to deal with it, but our stomachs and emotions don't.
That being said, I got back onto the treadmill and did a 15.15 mile.:drill: :drill: Couldn't go the full 25 mins, but some is better than none.
I have to go to a grievance meeting this morning and my heart isn't in it....I have a few fundamental problems with the employee and I don't morally and ethically stand behind her...but as rep I have to...stress!
So, that is my sad tale.
Off to try and accomplish something useful!

anagram 02-13-2003 09:12 AM

I think, Ceara, that's a motto I shall use today. "Off and try to accomplish something useful." Sometimes that's the best goal and one that brings the only satisfaction out of an otherwise yuk situation.

Frogger, thou seemest dogged this week. Empathy to you!

I agree on the disquieting fat cells. Mine are at me already today and I do have plans for a nice lunch. I keep telling them that but they are so annoying.

My tea awaits - and the rest of the day.

Punkinseed 02-13-2003 12:29 PM

Happy Friday eve!

Well, yesterday I went home, had a mini-cry (stressful day), poured myself a glass of wine (which became 2), made a dinner of a salad with a Boca sausage n' bun and felt incredibly better by morning.... I actually felt hunger pangs this morning!!!!!

Amarantha - I love your :lucky: idea. I'm all for the visuals personally. I already have in mind what my behavior will be, but I may make it something that I add to every week... :chin:
Go check out that Curves!!!!!!! :cb:

Kaylets - Keep that kettle warm. As soon as I get done with some work, I'll be there.

Frogger - Again, love the :doh:!

This summer I'll be changing my sig to my favorite quote (may not be exact, will have to check it) :

"No pleasure, no rapture, no sin greater....than central air"
~ Azriel :devil: (from the movie Dogma)


Kaylets 02-14-2003 06:05 AM

Finally Friday!
Hello all!!

I did it to myself again! I stayed up watching ER and now I'm miserable. Will have to tough it out w/o extra coffee as last time I had extra coffee I was jittery till 2pm and don't want a repeat performance. Amazing how sensitive you can become to something once you wean yourself away from it!
Maybe if I run the stairs a couple times and get my heart pumping.

The day has arrived!!

(With tea cup aloft) "Here's to us, we kept trying !!!" .....this is where you all say... " Yes, we're fantastic!" :D :D :D

I never set a weight goal as I was on that plateau but I am pleased that I got thru my "Traffic delay". Although, not very patiently!! A Non Scale Victory ! A real lesson in :IT DOES NOT MATTER IF TODAY'S RESULTS DO NOT SHOW, THEY WILL IN TIME.

Speaking of NSV's-- someone noticed yesterday that my wrist watch is very loose. In fact, they thought the band was broken.
I like it loose as its a constant visual reminding me of when the band fit almost too well.

I also meant everyday to share something I liked about myself and just never got around to it-- Its a shame because I'd love to see that become a "feature" of our thread- Must sound funny coming from me who couldnt remember to do one for myself any day but today. I think its important that we each support ourselves as much as we support each other.

What I like about myself is that I have posted/mailed the "thought of the day" for almost 4 mos and except for the Cable/Router issues, only repeated a thought once.

Empress, I tried to PM ( I pasted them to a post) you the muffin recipes but once I hit submit, I got an error message. Not sure I understood the message but I think it told me all PM's were disabled. I could try again if you like. I wondered if the message meant 3FC or that you had disabled your PM.

Just realizing we have one day inbtween today and Sunday -- Or is this thread ending tomorrow??

Today's thought is:
"Surely the earth can be saved by all those who insist on love."-----Alice Walker

To today's best choices!!

Kaylets 02-14-2003 06:14 AM

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did- Maybe my timing isnt best but its all meant in good fun!
A woman arrived at the Gates of Heaven. While she was waiting for Saint Peter to greet her, she peeked through the gates. She saw a beautiful banquet table.

Sitting all around were her parents and all the other people she had loved and who had died before her. They saw her and began calling greetings to her "Hello - How are you! We've been waiting for you! Good to see you."

When Saint Peter came by, the woman said to him, "This is such a
wonderful place! How do I get in?"

"You have to spell a word," Saint Peter told her."

"Which word?" the woman asked." "Love," said Saint Peter.

The woman correctly spelled "Love" and Saint Peter welcomed her into

About a year later, Saint Peter came to the woman and asked her
to watch the Gates of Heaven for him that day.

While the woman was guarding the Gates of Heaven, her husband arrived.

"I'm surprised to see you," the woman said. "How have you been?"

"Oh, I've been doing pretty well since you died," her husband told her.

"I married the beautiful young nurse who took care of you while you were ill. And then I won the multi-state lottery. I sold the little house you and I lived in and bought a huge mansion.

And my wife and I traveled all around the world. We were on vacation in Cancun and I went water skiing today. I fell and hit my head, and here I am. What a bummer! How do I get in?"

"You have to spell a word," the woman told him.

Which word?" her husband asked.


Moral of the story: Never make a woman angry.... there'll be **** to

:D :D :D

Arabella 02-14-2003 07:27 AM

'Fessing up.
Oh, Valentine's Day! Here we are. And throughout the challenge I've been gaining and losing the same 6 or 7 pounds, so that WI this morning actually finds me UP 5 pounds from my signature weight. BUT. I refuse to be discouraged, because on Monday I mapped out my plan to lose 30-40 pounds by mid-July (my birthday) which will get me quite close to goal. I haven't been that slim in 13 years and it is going to be so fabulous!

Amarantha, I love the idea of the leprechans, but for some reason find the idea of banishing them works better for me. I guess I'll do that - set up 7 of 'em for a week and try to beat one per day. At which point I can send one of the little green guys packing, along with some of my poundage.

How are you feeling? Sending love your way....:goodvibes:

Kaylets, thanks for the reminder. We all appreciate those quotes, too! :)

Let's see... today I love about myself that once I make my mind up to do something I WILL do it.
And this is one of those times! :dance:

:queen: Punkin - Happy Friday! And I'm so glad that you're getting to go visit your girlfriends!

Senamae, do something nice for yourself! Even if it's only a little peace and quiet! I see success in your future!

Frogger, I've been feeling bummed too. These last few days have been difficult, not feeling up to par physically, which sometimes has a huge effect on my psychological state, not to mention my diet. Always think that a treat will make me feel better. What would REALLY make me feel better is to lose this weight (shut up and eat the damn lemons, fat cells -- ah, the wisdom of Solomon ;) ).

Ceara, I felt for you dealing with that situation - I always hate being in a situation where I feel that I cannot be open and honest. Which, in this world, seems to happen way too often.

Eydie, sugar seems to be singing its siren song for a lot of us right now, doesn't it. I ended up eating 3 PB-choc chip cookies yesterday aft. I could actually fit them into my points and all, but didn't feel great about eating them. I'm trying to cut out the sugar, which I sometimes do for a long time. Maybe once I get going?

Scooby, Wildfire -- how are you doing?

Anagram, I'm with you -- I always feel so much better (even if I'm in a crummy mood, even if I don't feel like it) when I accomplish something. I think it works to counter a tendency to depression, the activity breaks the passivity of a slump, and then life seems more manageable because I've gotten something done.

That said, I'll be off to work then. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day (I find that "VD" doesn't sound good to me) -- Love to all!

frogger 02-14-2003 07:33 AM

Good Valentine's Day to you all!
My official poundage down for the challenge will be 7lbs!! I now weigh 230 according to my scale. My sisters scale says 220. Her's is always 10lb less. ( I really like what her's says!!):p I think she rigged it somehow though!!!!
I can't wait to get into the 220's on my scale. That is my goal for the Saint Patricia's challenge. I'm going with a 10lb loss for the challenge. I can do it!!! It's crunch time for the wedding!
Sorry such a short post. I'm still behind at work!!!

Qoute for the day:
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
--Steven Wright

Amarantha2 02-14-2003 10:24 AM

Yowza, sun ariseth, storms abateth and my internet is back, but it's iffy. Couldn't get on yesterday at all ... had an eating binge because of it and no elfies banished. Happy Valentine's Day to all. Amarantha dareth not to hop on Big Daddy Scale, though she truly loveth him for his beauty.

Yowza, Frogger lost 7 pounds in the Valentine's Challenge!! :cp: Have a banana!!! :cb: This represents 7!!!!

Arabella, I think I'm going for the Go-Away Leprechaun thing for the 30 days also. I will post both ideas on the St. Patricia thread on Sunday for anyone who wants to do it (no one should feel they have to play this ... and EVERYONE SHOULD POST WHATEVER GAMES THEY PERSONALLY WANT TO PLAY ALSO, SO'S WE CAN STEAL, ER, ADOPT THOSE INTO OUR PERSONAL CHALLENGES ALSO!!!) We don't have to have a competition, just do our own things as is our wont!!! After all, this guy IS annoying, don't you think? :lucky: Thirty of him would be 30 TIMES as annoying, so the go-away thing would be a powerful incentive. I am declaring I will buy myself a new CD player on St. Patricia's Day if I get down to 10 leprechauns and if I get to five leprechauns, I will buy the hip-hugging jogging CD player belt. I don't expect to get to zero leprechauns, but we'll see.

I will declare a weight goal on Sunday also.

P.S. I be feeling pretty good today!! Thankee!!! :)

Kaylets: Thanks for the funnie this a.m. ... made me smile!!! :wave: Re the PM, I don't know if it's the site ... my server was disabled because of our bad storms, but I don't see that'd mess with the 3FC PMs. Very weird. I hope this site doesn't go away ... if it ever does, we should perhaps meet on Yahoo or someplace, but I love 3FC.

Re coffee: I just read of new studies saying coffee was extremely healthy and prevented all sorts of bad things, including things that previous thinking had that coffee contributed to ... so guess I'll start drinking it again!!! :)

Re the thread ending ... Amarantha had thought to post the sure and begorra St. Patricia type thread on Sunday ... but honestly if anyone wants to put one up earlier, that'd be cool with A ... JUST SO'S WE ALL STAY AND PLAY SO'S WE CAN MAKE THESE :dance:s GO AWAY!

Congrats on thy nonscale victory (very, very important) including the wrist watch triumph and thanks for the faithfulness on the thoughts of the day, as these be very much appreciated!!!

:queen: Punkin! It be thy day!!! Hooray! Glad thou be willing to play the!! Leprechaun Go-Away or Alternative Leprechaun Come and Play game!!!
:lucky: Thy Friday eve meal soundeth pleasing!!! Central air? Haven't had that personally for eight years and I live in Arizona? :) Think my blood be thin, but not the rest of me!!!

I'm not sure who I have congratulated for their work/victories in the Valentine's Challenge, as I can't see the whole thread nor remember what I just said at the top of this message!!! :) SUFFICE TO SAY, ALL HERE HAVE DONE EXTREMELY WELL IN THIS CHALLENGE AND WE ARE GROWING STRONGER IN WILLPOWER AND MENTAL FOCUS WITH EACH THREAD AND ALL HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THIS INCREASED POWER!!1



Amarantha shall now worketh! :wave:

anagram 02-14-2003 11:18 AM

Spent a long time posting and lost it. AARGH! Will be back later - no more time right now...................Have a good Friday, Valentine's Day and Weekend, All.

Punkinseed 02-14-2003 05:49 PM


I can't imagine a Friday without the :queen: o' Friday post!!!

Nothing much happening at work - I got a cordless optical mouse and the darn thing won't work :mad:. I'll fiddle with it next week.
Next on the list of things to do - leave work, which as soon as I press "submit reply" that's what I'm gonna do!

Kaylets - I've loved your quotes over the last few months! I appreciate them and love starting off the day with a nice thought in my head..

(side note - I just turned down my Mom TWICE for a slice of cherry pie - well done me!)

Frogger - I *adore* Steven Wright! His dead pan, sarcastic sense of humor is ME!!! Thanks, I'm gonna go find one of his tapes to watch this weekend now!

Amarantha - Coffee is good for you now??? Waahoooo! :cb: (of course in moderation). I won't feel so guilty about my weekend morning 2 cuppa's anymore.

Sorry to posty so late in the day - time for me to skeedaddle. I hope everyone has an awsome weekend and I can't wait to come back Monday to our new :lucky: challenge!!!

( :queen: Punkin o' Friday, owner/operator of Spa Chez Tair'e)

Kaylets 02-14-2003 07:43 PM

hello all!!

So...........What are we going to do about tomorrow???

We will be THREADLESS!! Cannot be!!

Shall we just hang around here and clean up?? I am out of ideas--

Crazed day started w/ a coworker giving us all a card and a handful of mini snickers and etc- The card was cute but I brought the candy back and said "PLEASE take this back" -
She understood because she's on WW"s too but I wouldnt have bought the big bag to work- Lots of teams brought treats and what have you-- Never seen V Day celebrated to such an extent at work -- but I stayed away and even when DH came home w/ Girl Scout cookies I told him to throw them in DS's room and close the door- I know there are only a few in the box but --Fudgescapade a few weeks ago took weeks to shake off and now that I am nearly craving free----

Does anyone use a water filter that you attach to your kitchen faucet?? This is the 2nd manufacturer we have tried and after a few days, the flow of water from the filter side is minescule. I intend on speaking w/ the customer service dept but am wondering if anyone else has had the same experience. I do not know if our water is "hard" but do know there are lots of minerals.

I am tired this Friday evening. Stayed up late last night, and the week in general. DH is tired as well. So we will celebrate our anniversary by being asleep by 9pm!! Too crowded out there tonight anyway. DH bought tickets for a Yanni Concert in March so we will have a night out then!

Saw an intersting "apple pie crock pot recipe" that is supposed be 4 pts per serving. I think I might try it and maybe even get the points lower. BUT not tonight.

Take care all.

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