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Bac0s 10-02-2010 06:54 PM

Things that bug me while losing weight.
I'm thrilled to be losing weight. Beyond belief. But some things are SO annoying about the whole process.

1. I spent a bunch of money buying a bunch of new bras about 3 months ago. They're all too big. Both cup size, and band size. I hate that!

2. Being "between" sizes. One size is baggy, the next size down I can't even get my pants zipped. I feel like it makes me look dumpy.

3. Not having a lot of clothes that fit, and not wanting to spend the money on some that do b/c I'm hoping to not be at this size for too long. See above, I feel dumpy.

4. Feeling thin and hot b/c I've lost 34 pounds, but then seeing myself in the mirror and realizing that I'm still fat at 232.

What bugs you?

dudesmom 10-02-2010 07:18 PM

Oh, 2 and 4 are definitely biggies for me! Glad to know it's not just me. Congrats on your 34 lbs, BTW, great job!

AZ Sunrises 10-02-2010 07:19 PM

1) Thinking that the previously too small clothes in the closet still don't fit, even though they really do.

2) Getting rid of the small clothes in the closet because I don't like them instead of because they don't fit--at my largest, if it fit, it was game on.

3) I'll second being between sizes.

4) People you want to notice the loss being oblivious, but people you don't want to notice being the first to see it.

5) Becoming an even bigger klutz because I haven't adjusted to being a smaller size and don't know where my hips/thighs/arms *really* are.

6) Water weight. Okay, I know a 4 lb loss overnight isn't possible, but do I have to gain 6 over the next few days?

Bac0s 10-02-2010 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by AZ Sunrises (Post 3505694)
1) Thinking that the previously too small clothes in the closet still don't fit, even though they really do.

2) Getting rid of the small clothes in the closet because I don't like them instead of because they don't fit--at my largest, if it fit, it was game on.

3) I'll second being between sizes.

4) People you want to notice the loss being oblivious, but people you don't want to notice being the first to see it.

5) Becoming an even bigger klutz because I haven't adjusted to being a smaller size and don't know where my hips/thighs/arms *really* are.

6) Water weight. Okay, I know a 4 lb loss overnight isn't possible, but do I have to gain 6 over the next few days?

Oh, yes! to #2. I have so many things that I'm happy to be able to fit into again, but think, "WTH was I thinking?" I was thinking it fit, lol.

InControl2Day 10-02-2010 07:53 PM

I can relate to 3 and 4. I want to shop but I want to lose more weight before buy more clothes.

1. Losing weight in the wrong places. I went down one cup. I miss my boobs. I've decided in the future after kids I am going to look into fake boobs :P

2. People who want to lose weight with me but then I hear/see them eating at fast food restaurants.

3. Celebrities on magazines who make it sound SO EASY to lose baby weight or fat. Celebrity endorsements of weightloss products who make it seem like there is an easy fix. The media/public who label celebs as fat when they are not.

4. The feeling that I'm not doing enough even when I'm OP and exercising daily. I feel like I should be running another mile or doing something.

spixiet 10-02-2010 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by InControl2Day (Post 3505722)
2. People who want to lose weight with me but then I hear/see them eating at fast food restaurants.

...and then finding out they've still lost more weight than me =(

andyp 10-02-2010 08:39 PM

I can relate. I am worried about loosing the weight but still feeling fatter than ever. Will people treat me different? How will that make me feel.

Cookc04 10-02-2010 08:39 PM

the water weight Arrgghh!
people who loose lots of weight simply by cutting alcohol, switching to skim milk, or not using butter.

BigDaddy 10-02-2010 08:42 PM

#1 thing I love and hate is I am now hooked on clothes shopping cuz I don't have to shop the big and tall anymore. I'm so hooked, I drag my wife clothes shopping... :)

Shmead 10-02-2010 08:47 PM

People who see you've lost weight and feel guilty that they haven't, and so have to explain to you why they can't.

I don't care what weight someone is, but if you take me aside and explain that you're "an emotional eater" or "don't have time to exercise" or "just don't have the discipline" or "have PCOS/thyroid problems", I'm going to see that as a bull**** excuse---everyone who has lost weight has faced and overcome those challenges.

Again, I don't care what someone weighs. I just always feel awkward when they make excuses--what am I supposed to say? "Wow, emotional eating. Glad I don't have to fight that" or "No time to exercise, huh? I am lucky I have those 25 hour days."? I think they want me to forgive them, or reassure them that I am somehow different than them, so that they don't have to change.

Joplin 10-02-2010 08:50 PM

1. Oh ya! Buying clothes that don't fit shortly after the purchase. Now my plan is to buy my clothes second hand at Value Village.

2. Also, loosing weight where I don't want to. I'd like to keep a little junk in my trunk. So far, it can stand to shrink a little bit, I just hope it knows when to stop. :)

3. And finally, that whole celebrity & weight thing is really disturbing. The whole societal idea of what body type is "acceptable" is extremely skewed (and sc*ewed).


LiannaKole 10-02-2010 09:14 PM

People who get angry/jealous/weird because you're losing weight (Whether or not they themselves need to).

Being basically unable to see the changes in my body even when others can.

Being afraid that some day it will just...STOP, and I'll be stuck even though I'm doing everything right (this is kind of a fear of mine - it's weird but it's there).

Shmead's item that says, "People who see you've lost weight and feel guilty that they haven't, and so have to explain to you why they can't" was really interesting to me. I haven't had it happen, but it sounds odd. That must be really awkward. Like, WHY would someone do that?

I love/hate when I need new clothes, because I don't have the money. Right now I'm wearing baggy jeans that I have to strap to my body with a belt that's almost too big for me (I'm on the last notch before I can no longer tighten it). But at the same time, I love that the clothes don't fit anymore!

spixiet 10-02-2010 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by LiannaKole (Post 3505793)
Being afraid that some day it will just...STOP, and I'll be stuck even though I'm doing everything right (this is kind of a fear of mine - it's weird but it's there).

I have this same fear, and I don't think this is weird at all...so many of us have lost weight before only to put it back on with the slightest deviation from plan. Or we've stayed on plan, plateaued, and lost faith before the plateau would break. I'm determined to stay on plan this time, even when the scale stalls, and keep going until I reach a weight I'm happy with - and I think these forums are a wonderful place to find the motivation to do that...

as well as a wonderful place to vent in the meantime :)

JoJoJo2 10-02-2010 09:50 PM

When I lost weight I also lost some friends. Maybe they weren't really my friends? I thought they were. But when I lost the weight, and they didn't, it put a distance between us. The friendship is no longer as close as it was, and this makes me sad. :no:

ringmaster 10-02-2010 10:28 PM

definitely #2. Right now my pants are too tight and I'm wearing a shirt that's too big to cover it up :o been dieting and exercising hard to try and get back into my pants so they fit right again and I can wear my normal shirts again. and of course I'd rather walk around frumpy than buy bigger sizes.

milmin2043 10-02-2010 11:32 PM

What bugs me? Quite a few people ask me how I've lost the weight. As soon as I say anything about eating properly and exercising, they zone out and talk about something else. Everyone is looking for the quick fix I suppose. :(

popspry 10-03-2010 03:47 AM

1. Losing slower than seemingly everyone else

2. Having family who can eat large portions and never gain a pound

Robsia 10-03-2010 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by LiannaKole (Post 3505793)
Shmead's item that says, "People who see you've lost weight and feel guilty that they haven't, and so have to explain to you why they can't" was really interesting to me. I haven't had it happen, but it sounds odd. That must be really awkward. Like, WHY would someone do that?

I've had that one - although normally they preface it with a remark about how well I was doing, and HOW was I doing it? Then, when I told them I was just eating less and exercising more, THEN I got the whole spiel about why they can't do it.

I think they wanted some magic formula that would mean they could lose weight without actually having to do anything different.

I felt like saying "Listen, I don't care if you're fat. I don't care if you're thin. You could do it too but it's damned hard work. It isn't that you can't - it's just that you're too lazy. If you don't want to do it - fine. But don't be jealous of me because I did!"

My Michelle 10-03-2010 06:44 AM

As soon as I say the words "eat more vegetables" I see the interest go out of their eyes.

Bac0s 10-03-2010 08:09 AM

Oh my goodness, yes! Everyone wants to know what trick or special fast-working diet you did. They totally don't want to hear "move more and eat less."

Eliana 10-03-2010 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Robsia (Post 3506017)
I've had that one - although normally they preface it with a remark about how well I was doing, and HOW was I doing it? Then, when I told them I was just eating less and exercising more, THEN I got the whole spiel about why they can't do it.

I think they wanted some magic formula that would mean they could lose weight without actually having to do anything different.

I felt like saying "Listen, I don't care if you're fat. I don't care if you're thin. You could do it too but it's damned hard work. It isn't that you can't - it's just that you're too lazy. If you don't want to do it - fine. But don't be jealous of me because I did!"

I get what you and Shmead are saying, but these people who have excuses may truly just be ignorant of their own bodies...they haven't yet found what works for THEM and don't think they can. They honestly believe they are somehow broken. WE know that isn't true, but unfortunately, that's something everyone has to learn for themselves. I know I did. I was convinced I was broken due to PCOS after years of failed attempts during which I worked just as hard (harder really!) as I'm working now.

Please don't call such people lazy. :^:

As for me, the only two things I can pinpoint that bug me about losing weight are:
1. Being between sizes. I sympathize.
2. Boobs with nothing substantial inside. :rofl: What is that about?

katy trail 10-03-2010 09:50 AM

everything bac0s said! i could've written that post word for word. and it seems like theres such a big space between 14 and 16. but going down from a very snug 20 to 18 happened pretty fast. sometimes i still had to wear my 18 shorts this summer(which look so baggy). i never was a big fan of shorts. i have hardly any summer clothes, i really dont see the point in buying more when maybe next yr i'll be waaay smaller. (crosses fingers)
so i got some goodwill capris instead in a 12.

when i talk to family i hadnt seen in a few months about wt loss, emphasis on exercising, they were pretty positive and at least pretended to be interested in my fav. instructor (cathe friedrich) as i talked their ear off. but i guess they think its too hard. if i can do it, you can!

Shmead 10-03-2010 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Eliana (Post 3506144)
Please don't call such people lazy. :^:

I don't think they are lazy, I just hate it because anything I say makes me an a**hole. If I say "You know, I used to think they same thing, but there's always a way to make it work", I am being condescending and arrogant and a jerk. But if I say "Wow, that's a challenge. I guess I am just lucky", I am really selling short one of the most remarkable things I've ever done, and I hate doing that.

It's like if you are a SAHP and other people are like "wow, I wish I could afford to do that"--they mean well, but it minimizes the sacrifices and hard work it takes to be able to afford to do that.

Eliana 10-03-2010 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Shmead (Post 3506169)
I don't think they are lazy, I just hate it because anything I say makes me an a**hole. If I say "You know, I used to think they same thing, but there's always a way to make it work", I am being condescending and arrogant and a jerk. But if I say "Wow, that's a challenge. I guess I am just lucky", I am really selling short one of the most remarkable things I've ever done, and I hate doing that.

It's like if you are a SAHP and other people are like "wow, I wish I could afford to do that"--they mean well, but it minimizes the sacrifices and hard work it takes to be able to afford to do that.

Yes, that makes sense. I don't know what to say when I encounter that either. With exercise (and no time) that's easy...I say I get up at 5:00 AM. They usually have no response to that. If it's about not being able to stay within a calorie restriction I usually just keep silent.

Shmead 10-03-2010 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Eliana (Post 3506176)
Yes, that makes sense. I don't know what to say when I encounter that either. With exercise (and no time) that's easy...I say I get up at 5:00 AM. They usually have no response to that. If it's about not being able to stay within a calorie restriction I usually just keep silent.

See, I don't even want to say "I get up at 4:30" because that sounds like bragging, or if I do, they say "I just couldn't do that", and then I don't know what to say.

LindseyLou 10-03-2010 10:48 AM

1. Doing AWESOME on your diet and exercise...hoping to see a big loss...and you lose like 1 pound. :/

2. Like Bac0s said, feeling thin and hot and looking in the mirror realizing you aren't as thin and you think.

3. Living with a husband that can eat whatever he wants and doesn't gain a pound, and I look a doughnut and gain 5 pounds, lol.

4. Losing weight in places you don't want to...i.e. BOOBS! Why can't my belly and butt just get smaller?!

5. When my friends say they will be on a diet with me, and they tell me they just hit up McDonald's for lunch and ate a big mac...I know a lot of you said the same thing! ESPECIALLY urks me when it's like day 2 of our diet...really?!

jackiemomto3 10-03-2010 11:06 AM

Wow I so could have typed the same thing! (except number 1) IT SUCKS!!! But feels soooo good at the same time!

fatmad 10-03-2010 12:34 PM

I find the clothes not fitting to drive me crazy too, was so happy to finally change dress sizes. And the higher the weight, the more pounds you have to lose to change a size. It was almost 20 for me, and I have seen posts from larger ladies stating they had to lose 30-40 to go from a 24 to a 22 for instance.
I also lose VERY slowly, slower than the rest of the world, (or so it seems) but there is a general downward trend, and switching woe doesn't seem to work for me, as I also have to watch the blood sugars.
As to the people who zone out when we say, I lost weight through healthy diet and exercise, and then give excuses why they can't, my answer is:
"when it becomes important to you, you will find the ability to do it. Until then, you will find it impossible, after that you will find it only difficult." or as yoda says "there is no try, only do"
We have all been there, remember how it felt when you just "couldn't" seem to do it. it was that attitude that got us here in the first place. We have overcome it, they haven't..... yet.

FreeSpirit 10-03-2010 12:55 PM

1. Feeling larger than I actually am.
2. At higher weights I had all of these ideas of what I was going to wear when I got to goal, and now that I'm getting close and none of my clothes fit anymore... I have no idea what to buy! What size am I? What's going to look good? What kind of style do I have?
3. I feel so guilty spending money on new clothes.

Wild Vulpix 10-03-2010 01:09 PM

Ugh, I hate catching myself in the mirror too. It almost always disappoints my expectations.

I, too, fear that I'll reach an impossible-to-break platue before I make it to my goal. I've never been under the weight I am now, so my goal weight might not be physically possible for me.

What also bugs me is how long it takes :D Maybe it doesn't bother me ever day, but some days you wake up wondering if you'll ever get there. I can't speak for anyone else on the board, but my progress hasn't been linear, and it's been pretty slow, but I am progressing...

leeshalulu 10-03-2010 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Bac0s (Post 3505675)
I'm thrilled to be losing weight. Beyond belief. But some things are SO annoying about the whole process.

1. I spent a bunch of money buying a bunch of new bras about 3 months ago. They're all too big. Both cup size, and band size. I hate that!

2. Being "between" sizes. One size is baggy, the next size down I can't even get my pants zipped. I feel like it makes me look dumpy.

3. Not having a lot of clothes that fit, and not wanting to spend the money on some that do b/c I'm hoping to not be at this size for too long. See above, I feel dumpy.

4. Feeling thin and hot b/c I've lost 34 pounds, but then seeing myself in the mirror and realizing that I'm still fat at 232.

What bugs you?

I can so relate to # 2. I tried on 11 pairs of jeans yesterday and size 20 were too baggy and size 18 were too tight. I have 1 pair of ratty and worn jeans in my closet that fit. It is so frustrating :mad:

I also cant stand friends and family who tell me that even though I look better it will be just a matter of time before I fall off the wagon again! WOW! Thanks for the support guys! :dizzy:

I also can relate to #4 - I will take it one step further. I hate it when I dress up nice to go out-feeling really good about how far I have come only to have some stranger tell me how fat and disgusting I look! I really hate mean people! :mad:

Pint Sized Terror 10-03-2010 01:25 PM

1. I concur, the in-between sizes are killing me right now. I'm in a tight size 10, but the next size up, 12, sags off of me.

2. Rock-in-sock boobs. Also known as fried egg on a doornail boobs. They're getting better the more weight I lose. I'm between a b and c now, and they're waaaay more perky than they were when I was a D-DD.

3. Sagging skin. I feel like my skin is too big for my body, especially on my love handle area and thighs. I haven't even lost a bunch of weight! Will it eventually "recede" and fit me again?

saef 10-03-2010 01:41 PM

- People who complimented me on my weight loss, then gave me their own personal dieting advice (as if I weren't doing fine on my own), some of which was a little bizarre.

- People who have a friend or sister or someone close to them who lost a lot of weight, doing something else, which I ought to switch over & do instead of what I'm doing. They're very proud of that person. Because, obviously, if you can't lose weight yourself, but you have a friend who did, then that removes any obligation you might have in the eyes of the world & to your own health. (I call this "my husband" and "my child" surrogate excuse. For some women, if their husband or child has accomplished or experienced something, they did this as a surrogate for the woman, & in the woman's eyes it's as good as if she did it herself.)

- People who announce that they hate **all** vegetables and fruit, which is a permanent & unchangeable state of mind, apparently, and so they can't do what I'm doing, ever, because they just couldn't bring themselves to eat that stuff all the time.

fatgirlhealthyself 10-03-2010 01:55 PM

1. Looking like a permanent hobo - as some of you have said, the between sizes thing. I'm a couple of pounds away from 40 lost, and I'm right between sizes. It's annoying and makes me look like a sloppy scrub.

2. The fickle nature of the scale - It's natural, some weeks you don't lose or lose as much, but it's still aggravating.

3. Preachy former and current fat people - I pretty much hate any preachiness, and this ranks right up there. It's one thing if you ask for help, it's another when people condescendingly try and tell you what you should be doing.

4. Explaining to friends why you're no longer playing beer pong - I've cut back on alcohol for obvious reasons, and being in my 20's, I constantly get asked why I'm drinking less at parties, bars, etc. Surprisingly, most people actually try and egg me into drinking, instead of supporting me.

5. Occupying 30% of your thoughts with food and exercise planning - I find I do best when I'm thinking and planning in advance and throughout the day. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to. But not enough to ever stop.

Ahhhh, cathartic. :)

Pint Sized Terror 10-03-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by fatgirlhealthyself (Post 3506438)
3. Preachy former and current fat people - I pretty much hate any preachiness, and this ranks right up there. It's one thing if you ask for help, it's another when people condescendingly try and tell you what you should be doing.

This one is a big one for me. My mom and I have huge problems between us, mainly from her own bad choices, and I've recently set some huge boundaries that resulted in her not speaking to me. Part of the problem is that she has an eating disorder and drug problem, and has lost close to 80lbs since April. She is a huge reason that I suffered from binge/purge and starvation diets from the time I was 9. She would always make comments about my body, even when I was a kid, and it took forever to begin to get past all of that. She said she says those things to motivate me to look better. I don't think I look terrible now, and I KNOW I didn't look bad when I was a 98lb 14 year old! She can keep her "motivation."

JenMusic 10-03-2010 05:42 PM

First, I need to state the obvious - just for my own peace of mind - and say that any of these aggravations are nothing compared to what being 200+ pounds felt like. I don't love everything about this journey, but I wouldn't go back for a million dollars. :)

That being said . . .

1. I hate having people look at what I'm eating. I didn't tell anyone when I started changing my eating/exercise habits, but now that the weight loss is apparent I feel like so many people are constantly checking out what I'm eating, and sometimes ask me about it (not in a genuinely curious way, more like "should you be eating that?"). Double the annoyance if they actually make comments on it! I don't comment on what you're eating, people.

2. Trying to keep away the well-meaning food pushers. Not the toxic people who want you to fail (thank goodness I haven't come up against one of those yet) but good friends/family who don't understand how much planning goes into my daily food, and who really think it's ok for me to have "just one cookie, just today." Today's one cookie throws off my weekly calories and means I can't have my planned splurge later on in the month. To be fair, a lot of people do eventually take no for an answer, but as a grown woman I don't need to be convinced to eat anything.

3. I'm not going to lie, sometimes I really miss thoughtless eating. I wish I could stop planning and eat when I'm hungry, or eat whatever my friends are eating. I wish I could turn my brain off around food - but I can't, and I shouldn't, because all those things are what got me to 200+ pounds in the first place.

Aclai4067 10-03-2010 06:31 PM

Getting complacent. "I've lost 50 lbs, I can have a little splurge here and there. I'm still going to lose the weight. It's just one treat." I'm on a 5 month mental plateau here!

Eliana 10-03-2010 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by JenMusic (Post 3506641)

1. I hate having people look at what I'm eating. I didn't tell anyone when I started changing my eating/exercise habits, but now that the weight loss is apparent I feel like so many people are constantly checking out what I'm eating, and sometimes ask me about it (not in a genuinely curious way, more like "should you be eating that?"). Double the annoyance if they actually make comments on it! I don't comment on what you're eating, people.

Oh, good one! I feel just as guilty eating that half a donut on rare Fridays at work as I did at 235 pounds! Not because I should feel guilty but because I'm MADE to feel guilty! People look at me with concern, as if they are wondering if they are witnessing the beginning of my fall. :rolleyes: You want to say, "It's ok. I can afford it." I really do hate that. And yes, worse when they comment. "How are you able to eat and stay so skinny?" I just want to eat my splurge in peace!

Oboegal 10-03-2010 07:20 PM

JenMusic, I'm completely with you. I've had relatively few people comment on my eating (though it's possible that some have been watching without my noticing), but I consider those people who *have* commented to be very rude.

I've been pretty fortunate not to have run into too many "food pushers". Maybe part of that is because I live by myself, spend a lot of time by myself, and have no family to speak of. When offered food, I've done a pretty good job of either eating a little or politely declining without it being an issue.

For some reason, I don't really miss thoughtless eating, though. I find calorie counting to be very comforting, in some way. I don't think I'll ever be successful as an intuitive eater--I don't seem to know when to stop. But it's gotten so that calorie counting not only isn't a major burden, but isn't a burden at all, and it's reassuring to know that I'll be able to maintain by just adding a few calories into my daily allotment.

I guess I'm a bit annoyed by wearing baggy clothes, but I've heard that the last few pounds can change your shape, so I'm waiting until I get to goal before I invest in a new wardrobe.

stacygee 10-03-2010 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by JenMusic (Post 3506641)
2. Trying to keep away the well-meaning food pushers. Not the toxic people who want you to fail (thank goodness I haven't come up against one of those yet) .

I have a toxic person... we lived next to each other and for 6 years everytime I started a diet she came over with cheesey casseroles, baked goods and ideas to go to Cracker Barrel. Now that I don't live next to her any longer and haven't spoken to her in 4 months isn't it strange that I am finally sticking to something?

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