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annputation 10-03-2010 09:44 PM

Having all my skinny, tall, and beautiful friends compliment me on my weight loss!! WTH? Didn't I look fine before?

stargzr 10-03-2010 10:32 PM

I am all over your #4... I sometimes feel happy and thin because I've lost like 50, but other times I am a little icky because I still have 30 more to go!
BUT, those 50 are always gone!! lol The other 30 will be worked off soon enough!!

SpoonSockSpork12 10-03-2010 10:50 PM

Omg JenMusic your #1 and #2 go together for me. People will comment on my splurge and then assume that means I can go eat whatever they want me to eat and get angry if I turn them down in a "So you can eat a brownie but you won't go eat pizza with me?" One splurge does not mean I get to eat whatever all the time, or that I've "blown" the day--that's not how I operate! So much outside pressure once you initially turn people's food offers down, they keep waiting to see you fail so they can jump and get you to go out again.

ielena 10-04-2010 06:05 AM


I relate with:


Originally Posted by Bac0s (Post 3505675)
2. Being "between" sizes. One size is baggy, the next size down I can't even get my pants zipped. I feel like it makes me look dumpy.

3. Not having a lot of clothes that fit, and not wanting to spend the money on some that do b/c I'm hoping to not be at this size for too long. See above, I feel dumpy.

4. Feeling thin and hot b/c I've lost 34 pounds, but then seeing myself in the mirror and realizing that I'm still fat at 232.


Originally Posted by FreeSpirit (Post 3506377)
1. Feeling larger than I actually am.


Originally Posted by fatgirlhealthyself (Post 3506438)
4. Explaining to friends why you're no longer playing beer pong - I've cut back on alcohol for obvious reasons, and being in my 20's, I constantly get asked why I'm drinking less at parties, bars, etc. Surprisingly, most people actually try and egg me into drinking, instead of supporting me.

I´m in my 20´s too. The first time i asked for a non alcoholic beer my friends gave me the evil eye. Let´s face it, non alcoholic beer is the worst but my heart aches when i drink alcohol and realized how many empty calories i´m taking.

Rochester 10-04-2010 06:47 AM

1. The realization that one of the things you really had in common with your fat friends was food. They still think "let's get together" means "let's go to our favorite restaurant" or "let's chat" means "let's sit at the kitchen table and eat a whole cheesecake and *****." This has been really hard for me. :(

2. Fat people who (a) comment on your weight loss and then quickly explain why they can never do the same or (b) act like this is a competition and announce (on a daily basis) how much they've lost (which they are obviously lying about).

3. People with advice. Shut up! Seriously. :mad:

4. Buying clothes that you hope will fit "someday"...and then discovering you slipped right past the stage where it did fit and now it's too big.

5. Fat Days. Those days when no matter what you wear or what you do, you feel like you haven't lost an ounce and are convinced that you look like a bloated whale.

6. Those moments when it seems like you are never ever never going to reach goal.

7. How the scale can change in just a matter of seconds. Weigh-in #1 is one weight, weigh-in #2 is a different weight. Cut it out! I did not gain .07 pounds in a nanosecond.

8. Being told I will never be as thin as my sister. She has had 6 kids and still has a smokin' hot size 6 body. I can't compete with that and I'm not trying to, but I don't need to be reminded for the thousandth time that I'm fat and she's not and it's always been that way.

Shmead 10-04-2010 07:32 AM

I forgot the biggie--being COLD all the time. I remember when I was fat and skinny little things would complain about being cold, and it was like they were an alien species--intellectually, I understood that they felt cold in what I thought was a normal or even warm place, but I couldn't really imagine it. Now, I get chilly at the grocery store, and if I end up spending all day in an industrial AC type place--like an office building--I am miserable if I forgot a jacket.

SouthLake 10-04-2010 10:49 AM

Fat redistribution!

See it goes a little something like this... I'm neurotic so I measure my waist in several places. I lose weight, and inches start flying off my rib cage and the top part of my stomach. Then, they slide down to the lower part of my stomach. WTH? Which means by losing ten pounds, my pants get TIGHTER! Then, of course, I lose those inches and they fit again, go down to the next size down and it repeats itself again. Plus, one boob has gotten bigger. Not a fan. I'm giving her the stink eye right now.

Amen on baggy clothes! Size limbo is the worst.

I hate people that feel the need to comment on my plan with their criticisms, etc (I follow SB). Eating a whole lot of grains, carbs, etc. (even whole grains) send the scale out of whack and cause me to crave all sorts of deliciously bad things. I understand weightloss is calories in, calories out. But, seriously limiting my carb intake is what helps me stay under calories. It's easier for me than counting calories every day (I do semiregular little checks of random days and I'm always at or below calories) and don't have to work at it. My mom telling me I need to switch to WW instead so that I can have bread, oatmeal, pasta, etc. just pisses me off.

StuffedBunny 10-04-2010 11:05 AM

The #4 from the original post...for sure. You feel all great because you've lost weight but you still look bleh.

I hate going to restaraunts, and instead of getting my favorite thing ever from there, I have to go for a healthier option. It pays off, of course. But it sucks.

I hate wanting to buy new clothes, but then deciding to wait till I lose more weight.

I strongly dislike the fact that my boyfriend will sit next to me shoving his face full of deliciousness and has the nerve to offer me some and say "a little won't hurt" when I know damn well it will...and then I must resist and give him dirty looks out of the corner of my eye.

Most of all.......I miss enjoying food. I no longer eat for pleasure. Just for fuel. I smell deliciousness in the air as I drive past restaraunts and such. But I just say to myself "Oh no, you don't get to enjoy the sense of taste anymore. That's all behind you." It's a waste of one of my senses...but I guess we must sacrifice.

Robsia 10-04-2010 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by StuffedBunny (Post 3507589)

I strongly dislike the fact that my boyfriend will sit next to me shoving his face full of deliciousness and has the nerve to offer me some and say "a little won't hurt" when I know damn well it will...and then I must resist and give him dirty looks out of the corner of my eye.

Oh yeah - I get that one too. He will even put food touching my lips so I can smell it and almost taste it. I don't always resist.

krampus 10-04-2010 10:13 PM

1.) In between sizes. I'm swimming in my clothes but not "done" yet.

2.) Not knowing when you will be "done." What if I get to goal and decide to lose 10 more? Will I ever feel like I deserve to buy myself a new wardrobe?

3.) All my best friends here (none of whom are overweight/dieting consciously) love to hit up all-you-can-eat gourmet buffets for fun on weekends. I go with them and eat, but I always feel sort of nervous/guilty and worry that I'm a party pooper.

4.) Knowing that when I move back to America, my parents who always eat out will take me with them regularly and I'll have to really exercise self-control. Right now I mostly cook for myself and only make the amount I'm planning on eating in one sitting.

5.) Having people "worry" about me and think I have an eating disorder.

ValRock 10-04-2010 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by krampus (Post 3508606)
1.) In between sizes. I'm swimming in my clothes but not "done" yet.

2.) Not knowing when you will be "done." What if I get to goal and decide to lose 10 more? Will I ever feel like I deserve to buy myself a new wardrobe?

3.) All my best friends here (none of whom are overweight/dieting consciously) love to hit up all-you-can-eat gourmet buffets for fun on weekends. I go with them and eat, but I always feel sort of nervous/guilty and worry that I'm a party pooper.

4.) Knowing that when I move back to America, my parents who always eat out will take me with them regularly and I'll have to really exercise self-control. Right now I mostly cook for myself and only make the amount I'm planning on eating in one sitting.

5.) Having people "worry" about me and think I have an eating disorder.

JUST a HUGE ditto to all of this!!!! :D

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