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jendiet 08-20-2010 08:32 AM

OH Diana, i am so glad you posted that, my dad's b-day is the 23rd. And I am feeling it. my dad loved to eat too. He had a great metabolism as well. I share the sentiments.

I think I am going to order pizza on his b-day. He loved pizza, and I just don't want cake. I might get the snowballs too for dessert. Especially for DS since we continued the tradition of snowball eating.

when I was younger, whenever we would travel and stop at a convenience store dad got snowballs a lot. I loved enjoying one with him.

last christmas,when I made the trip to OK to be with my family, we had meatloaf. I couldn't eat meatloaf before that, because my dad loved it, and the day he died. He told my Aunt, he was coming home , and he expected meatloaf on the table. For the longest time, just the smell of meatloaf made me cry.

I still feel so sad from his passing. And it's been 4 years. Maybe because it was so sudden and unexpected. I hope you don't mind me sharing.

I remember me and SO went on a trip to the mountains. We got back on Sunday night. The whole trip back I COULDN'T stop thinking about my dad, i cried about songs about him "Roll On 18 wheeler, Roll on". And I even mentioned to SO there is one thing in life, i could never deal with, and that was seeing my daddy in a casket. We got back from NC.

and I just couldn't stand it. I called my dad at 3 am in the morning. I was so thankful he answered, he could have been asleep, but he was up. I got to talk to him and tell him about the Mountains. I told him I was DEFINITELY coming home this summer. He was sad I couldn't make it that past Christmas, my work screwed me on that one, but i was definitely coming home to see him. He always joked around. He asked me when I was coming. I said I don't know probably around your birthday again. He said "oh ok, well, i won't be here". I laughed. I said "quit playing around daddy!" He laughed too and said he was just kidding. I told him i loved him and missed him. He said he loved me too. we said good-bye.

He died 3 days later. I think God prepared my heart for it, because a profound sadness overtook me from Sunday until the day he died. I walked into work that morning, not knowing he had just died, and I began crying. I cried all day. I explained to my coworkers there was nothing wrong with me, I was just depressed. I got home and just knew something was wrong by the number of messages on my answering machine. The first one was "Jen you need to call home". Before I could, my brother called me, and told me the tragic news.

In a blur, i got to NC and boarded a plane the next day, when we arrived in OK, i was whisked away to the funeral home still in shock. I was told by my family i needed to walk down the aisle. All I could think about was He was supposed to be walking down the aisle with me one day, AND I JUST TALKED TO him and he was fine! I didn't want to have my last memory of him like that. My friend helped me walk, and when i saw him, my legs gave out. I only experienced emotional pain like that once before. i hit the floor wailing. I didn't care what anybody thought. I was pissed someone told me i was making a scene too. This was at the visiting. there was the wake and the funeral.

I regret not going home that Christmas, and I was MAD the first time in a year i got to see my dad was in a casket. But i was thankful for the phonecall, of my last I love you and goodbye.

patchworkpenguin 08-20-2010 08:52 AM

August 19,

iced coffee 100
tuna sandwich 210
tomato salad 60

dry Cheerios 110

pork loin 250
squash 30
½ sweet potato 75

Almond Peach cake 350
coffee 50

milk 150

Total = 1,385

Ped = 3,061

214.4 ~ for the third day in a row!

Diana, Yes, on the slow loading!!! I thought it was just my old computer acting up again. :dizzy:

Jen, Very sorry to hear about all the losses in your family.

Love, I've enjoyed watching a lot of cooking shows recently {and getting ideas, LOL} the downside is I can't find a lot of these ingredients at my local Walmart, but I dislike making a second trip to the specialty stores.

MrsD, good job on the weighins!

jendiet 08-20-2010 09:12 AM

well on a happy note. I actually ate MORE yesterday, and I am a lb down today. Today is going to be alot of running. I have to make sure i get small snacks so i don't come home and overkill eat due to hunger.

i don't feel like posting the nutrient breakdown right now.

wed Aug 18 wt: 180.8 cal 1727
thur Aug 19 wt: 180.8 cal 1935
Fird Aug 20 wt: 179.6

L R K 08-20-2010 09:20 AM

*sings* It's Friday, It's Friday, It's Friday :dance: :dance: :dance:

Diana, MrsD & Fashin - Thanks! Kammi was feeling better and her nose is starting to heal:)

Fashin - Great job on almost getting down to your ticker weight. You've been doing great!

kcx - What a busy day. Well done staying in your points! :)

KeepLookin - Keep Looking Forward! hehe :)

Jen - Wow, I had tears in my eyes. I can only imagine what the feels like :( But i'm glad you could share that because I really think it's important to keep the memory of the people we love alive

Is everyone ready for the weekend?? I definitely am. I've had to prepare myself because it is going to be so busy! Tomorrow we are going to a Football (soccer) game Toronto FC Vs New York and then a wedding that night. On Sunday we have a birthday lunch with Rob's family for his sister's birthday and then doing all our grocery shopping on Sunday evening.

Busy Busy

Here is my plan for the day 8/20/2010

B - 1 whole wheat bun w/ natural peanut butter + 1 homemade smoothie w/ banana, soy milk, cocoa and little bit of sweetener

S -1 cup green beans sprinkled w/ a little salt

L - Sandwich w/ cheese, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and honey mustard on multi-grain bread + salad with mixed greens and tomato

S - 1 Peach

D - Going out, not sure yet

Drinking: At least 2 cups green tea + 2L water throughout the day + 1 diet pepsi

Exercise: 30min brisk walk with the dog

Have a happy, healthy and OP day and WEEKEND! :wave:

love2b150 08-20-2010 09:27 AM

Happy Friday Everyone

Fashin, LOL yes I do know where to look and since traffic is so horrid most of the time. I will go there for sure. :D

kcx, wow busy day, I think you did good, you have a positive attitude, you're doing well. Enjoy swimming :)

Sara, hoping your thighs feel better and today is a great day for you. :hug:

Diana, you're right I am doing an up down zig zag. It seems to be working but last night I had that awful salt taste in my mouth. I really need to figure out what to do that will keep it away. :) Only up .4 back to Tuesday's weight of 174.0

Jen congrats on the pound :)

Lauren glad Kammi is feeling better, busy busy weekend for you, Enjoy :)

Jen and Diana BIG :hug:

Hoping you all have a great day :hug:

love2b150 08-20-2010 10:06 AM

kcx Superdawg is on Rachel Ray for a hot dog contest. I want to go there :D

Diana3271 08-20-2010 10:08 AM

Jen Thanks for sharing. :hug:

Lauren I'm so glad Kammi is doing better.

Love2B The oriental food probably was higher in sodium than you are used to.

Penguin Thanks for the confirmation about this site being slow and the issue. :D

Vixsin 08-20-2010 10:08 AM

Good Morning My friends!!!!! :wave: :grouphug: Happy Friday :carrot:

I had SOO much fun last night with my girls and their kids. We had 2 Kashi pizzas. Did you guys know that Kashi made pizza? I didn't!!!! :yikes: Talk about yummy!! No clue what it was called but it was whole wheat thin crust with cheese and tomatos. It was so good. We also had cut up cukes and hummus that I brought. We had a great healthy eating time! :woohoo:

So, tonight!!! Tonight I have a DATE!!!!!!! :whoo: :cofdate: There will be drinks involved so I am already drinking PLENTY of water. :lol: I have looked up the restaurant online and have already picked what I want to eat. I feel ready. Rock on for planning again! :high:

Scale victory this morning too! Down .4! :lifter: Really getting close to getting that first 10lbs!

Hope eveyone has a great Friday and an even greater weekend!!!

blueridgegirl 08-20-2010 10:22 AM

Good morning friends,

Wow, we are a chatty bunch! It is a lot to keep up with!

My Thursday:

breakfast - 2 slices whole wheat toast with almond butter, small fruit salad of banana/strawberry/cantaloup (I always think I am spelling that word wrong lol...)

snack - a few pecans, a few prunes about 11 am

lunch - homemade veggie lasagna with lots of garden fresh chard. Mmm...and resisted the temptation to have something sweet afterwards.

no afternoon snack - wasn't hungry.

dinner - homemade lentils with garden garlic, onion, tomato, peppers, carrots and a bunch of Indian spices: tumeric, cumin, ginger, etc. All over a mix of millet and quinoa (trying to mix it up from brown rice). Homemade baba ghanoj with eggplant from the garden, and a bit of homemade peach chutney with peaches from our local orchard. YUMMMY! It took a lot of effort, but it was a delicious dinner and I enjoyed making it - I love the fresh produce from our gardens! I even made dessert - a homemade pudding of just 1 % milk, cornstarch, a bit of sugar, and some cinnamon and cardamom.

snack - (post-run) some natural PB and pretzels for after workout protein and carb fix.

Was a little less hungry yesterday - I have been pushing the water so maybe that is helping.

weight: 203

exercise: 45 minute run after dinner

Feeling good and on plan. Going to take a new colleague from Korea out to eat at a Korean restaurant tomorrow night, but already planning to bring snacks to eat in the afternoon so I am not too hungry. I have no idea what Korean food is like, but will find something light on the menu.

Happy weekend all!

L R K 08-20-2010 10:38 AM

Vixsin - Sounds like you had a blast :) Enjoy your date and well done planning ahead!

blueridge - You are right, very chatty :) What veggies to grow in your garden?? Rob and I are thinking about building a veggei garden for next year. We wanted to start this year but it's too late already starting to cool down. What is easy to grow?? Which veggie do you think is worth doing it on your own??

kcx 08-20-2010 02:08 PM

diana and jen what a great way to honor your dads!

love2b didn't know that Rachel Ray had them on, but they are pretty well known in the "foodie" world. They have been around since the 50s and still have car hops and all that. It's really just something I can't pass up when it comes around cause I go there maybe 2x a year.

vixsin oOoOoo a date! :D details later? ;) Congrats on the scale victory as well!

My menu today (Points goal 28)

Breakfast (3): 2 slices toast (1), Laughing Cow french onion cheese spread (1), 1 cup watermelon (1)

Lunch (9): Grilled cheese with yogurt margarine, light bread, and WW cheese (5), baked fries (3), 1tbsp ketchup (1)

Dinner (10): Lean Cuisine BBQ chicken pizza (7), 1/2 cup tomatoes, 1/4 cup cucumbers, and 8 green olives with yogurt ranch (3)

I have 6 points left for snacks, which are yet undecided but the house is filled with healthy foods and I'm not leaving today except to go to the pool, which is on the condo property, so no temptation! :carrot:

Oh and, I am down a pound from yesterday, but I'm still 1 lb up from my official weigh in monday. Chalk it up to TTOM cravings. Oh well though. There are still 3 days left until weigh in and I know I can still lose this week!

Diana3271 08-20-2010 02:18 PM

Something that I'm curious about:

TTOM has started and I'm up .6 from yesterday. I weigh 203.2. What I find interesting is earlier in the week (Monday) I weighed 203.4. Very similar weight. My pants are tight today but they did not feel tight on Monday. My pants are tight in the upper legs/belly area.

My question is this, when TTOM starts and I'm retaining fluid, does it all go to the middle area? Does it go to the same place on everyone?

kcx 08-20-2010 02:23 PM

The water retention in almost all women occurs in the breasts, abdomen, ankles, and fingers. I would think that we would feel it most in our abdomen since our pants, at the waistband, are probably the tightest clothing we wear everyday.

love2b150 08-20-2010 02:27 PM

Diana that's what I was thinking also. That was the first time I had had it in 80 days. But what is interesting to me is how much I notice it. I have a new taste relationship with food now. :D TTOM bloat goes to my middle, my hands and my feet. It's almost like being pregnant again.

Congrats Vixsin :)

kcx :) I just thought it funny I had never heard of them before and you mention it and she has a hotdog competition on her show and they were the first ones introduced. Just me being silly :) It's like when I go to Washington I love Ben's Chili Bowl. Haven't been there in years but it is so worth the calories ;)

kcx 08-20-2010 02:53 PM

Oh, yeah, I was just mentioning those facts for anyone else who hadn't heard of them :)

Just want to add that my grilled cheese was DELICIOUS! And only 205 calories, 10g fat, and a whopping 6g fiber!

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