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love2b150 08-14-2010 10:31 PM

Thanks :hug: Diana, I'll check out the link and definitely give the 1600 calories a go for two weeks to see what happens. :crossed: I'm sorry in my whinning I forgot to say I'm glad your experiment worked for you. :)

Diana3271 08-14-2010 10:36 PM

Love2B Thanks! Ha! It worked this time. ;) Who knows what next month will bring. :D I will try it again though. I didn't hear/see any whining. ;) You should hear/see my yaking when things don't work for me. Oh yeah, I'm sure you have heard/seen it. :o That's what we are all here for, to support each other. :hug:

jendiet 08-15-2010 12:20 AM

hey all. Overall crappy day, my body is being a pain. hormone issues. Plus, my abdomen has felt like crap all day. I didn't make the best eating decisions, but i ate under 1600 cs--so hopefully tomorrow will be a healthier day. I think i need to post my food again. i will have to MAKE time to dissect the ipod and post everything.

good night all.

love2b150 08-15-2010 12:29 AM

Hi Jen, Good Night Jen Hope you feel better today :)

Diana I just finished my menu for tomorrow (today) :) I am at 1602 calories. I can pretty much deal with this meal through the week. Dinner may be the only thing I change. Let's hope there is an improvement. :)

Good Night ALL and Happy Early Sunday Morning to you ALL.

KeepLookinFwd 08-15-2010 02:31 AM

Well I am posting for my accountability today! Unfortunately I had kind of an off day. My family and I went for a drive up in the woods (beautiful scenery), but needless to say being in the car most of the day tends to make you feel "snacky" hungry. I had a bit more trail mix than planned, but could have been worse I guess too. I did not drink enough water, but I had a giant diet citrus green tea. I did some walking, but not enough to check off my "exercise" tonight. I went over my allowed points for the day as far as food goes, but not by alot. The wonderful thing about weight watchers is that you don't "fall off the wagon", so I was over my points today, tomorrow I'm going to be staying around the house and help work on my parents deck so I know I will have a great point day tomorrow! I did not take my journal with me everywhere I went, which did not help with my limitations..The day could have been better, but it could have been a lot worse! I'm so tired.. but I DID my accountability post, and I'm off to write in my blog! Yay for doing this post tonight! Hope everyone had a great day, if not, make it one tomorrow! =)

patchworkpenguin 08-15-2010 10:24 AM

August 14,

2 iced coffee 100
Tuna salad 180
= 280

apple cider 100
apple 75
PB 285
coffee 50
= 510

pea pesto 230
hummus 100
triscuits 240
= 570

pita 150
meatloaf 150
cheese 100
veggies 100
pizza sauce 20
= 520

Total = 1,880

Ped = 3,361

213.4 ~ new low!

Andy, I have a friend who works in a nursing home. She says older people lose there 'filter' of 'what is an appropriate thing to say'. They speak their mind more than they should. She was probably trying to be helpful, not embarress you.

running late, back later to catch up...

love2b150 08-15-2010 11:06 AM

Good Morning Everyone, Happy Sunday to you ALL

Andy I can sympathize with you for sure. The good thing is this someone that you don't have to see again and like Penguin said the Grandma was probably trying to be helpful. :hug: My Mom is about 100lbs if that and she has always been thin. She use to look at me sometimes especially when I refused to buy a bigger size but needed to and just say ump, ump, um or shake her head and start laughing or look at me laugh and say Lord have mercy. I wouldn't say anything I would just keep going. But my oldest daughter said to her one day, Grandma that is just mean. Why do you do that, my Mom doesn't look bad and she's not fat. I turned into a star that shined. My daughter is thin also but she has never called me fat. She will say I'm cushiony <-- spelling :) but never fat. I do believe that seniors tend to speak their minds but there is definitely a such thing as tact and people need to be mindful of others feelings. I'm sorry you had to go through that :hug:

My scale was good to me this morning down .6 at 175.0. I got up early like I use to and ate a real breakfast before church instead of the Slim Fast and I must admit it was good to sit down, eat and not rush. I just finished my morning snack and 24oz of water. So I'm doing good. Gonna do my 7,10,1,4,7 like I did when I first started with my new 1600 calorie intake and hopefully get things moving. Have a great day all. I'll be back to post my meal that I plan to eat for the next 6 days :):smug:

Diana3271 08-15-2010 11:35 AM

MisterMisfit I agree with the comments from Penguin and Love2B and I'm sorry you went through that. :hug:

Love2B I always get nervous suggesting new things for people, in case something doesn't work out. :o :( I'm rooting for you! I hope the change works for you. :carrot:

jendiet I hope you have a healthier eating day today. :hug:

ParadiseFalls Yes, I would say all that moving burned some calories. I actually think that type of stuff burns more calories than working out.

KeepLookinFwd It sounds like your drive was really nice.

love2b150 08-15-2010 11:55 AM

:hug: Diana please don't be nervous. No frowns :hug: Since we met (in our 3FC world) you have never steered me wrong. I trust you. :hug: The link is back up :). I read it through, it makes plenty of sense :). And I thank you and it will work I'm sure. :hug:

GettinFit 08-15-2010 01:29 PM

Hello all,

I hope everyone's having a good day.

Mister: I'm sorry you had to deal with those negative comments. Try not to let it get you down but just keep focusing on your positive goals.

Keeplookinfwd: If you do really good over the next few days, I'm sure you'll make up for yesterday. Don't forget you have the weekly 35 extra pts and your activity pts to use.

Love2be150: Congrats on losing this week. It sounds like your day is going good.

Happy Sunday Diana, Jen & Patchwork.

I'm having a good day so far. I did my workout early this morning or I know it wouldn't get done later.

Today's Food Log:
B: string cheese(before workout), oatmeal, skim milk, coffee w/flav creamer
L: Baked salsa fish, green beans, roasted potatoes, Jello Mousse Sensations
S: banana, Pop Chips, WW 1pt bar
D: shrimp, coffee w/SF General Foods International
Exercise: FIRM Cardio Express Dance

love2b150 08-15-2010 01:42 PM

LOL Thanks GettinFit I went back to last Sunday and I lost .4 for the week. I've been back and forth (my usual) :) But a lost is still a loss. I hope it stays down for my BL weigh in tomorrow. Yes I am having a good day, Happy to see you are also :)

abidabbi 08-15-2010 03:59 PM

Hi all, havn't posted in a day as I've been run off my feet...need to get back on track tomorrow as I have been ok with restricting my portions but not eating things that I need....went to Mums and she took us out to Pizza Hut. I had less that I would have a few months back, but I had too much...and got into a bad habit again that I thought I had left behind. I threw up. I don't want to go back there again, I've been really good and I'm quite disappointed. Anyway, I didnt eat again yesterday (Dont know how much stayed in)...today I had 2xwheatabix for B, popcorn for L and a grilled cheese sandwich for D...I wont eat again. Weigh in in the morning (eeeeek) but on hols from work (not that you'd know it as I am working)...so major gym session and a real effort to get back to where I was eating wise. Shouldnt be too bad, Im craving veggies and fruit.

Hope evryone's ok x x x x

love2b150 08-15-2010 09:09 PM

OK did a lot of food juggling around today trying to get to 1600 calories. I had my wonderful menu all planned out then switched things up

Breakfast (420)
boiled egg w/ margarine, 4 strips of bacon, Nutrigrain whole wheat waffle, skim, 1/2 grapefruit

Snack (230)
Activia vanilla light, 100 calorie snack pack, 6 baked lays

Lunch (389)
12 saltines, veg soup with V8, pastrami and grapes

Snack (280)
2 servings of cheddar pretzels, snack pack probiotic pudding

Dinner (288)
grilled lemon pepper fillet, steamer broccoli and cheddar, apple, 6 croutons, 2 serving diet cranberry

Total calories 1607
Water 76ozs
Exercise 3 miles track (it finally stopped raining)

Scale be nice to me in the a.m. please :crossed:

Diana3271 08-15-2010 10:38 PM

Hi Everyone! Well it's the start of a new week. I'll be working for the weekend! :carrot:

Total Approx 1455 Calories

Breakfast (365 Calories + coffee)
spritz olive oil in pan
egg 70 cal
egg whites from carton 60 cal
Handful of spinach
2% Reduced Fat Cheese 40 cal
high fiber english muffin 100 cal
1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream
juice 75 calories

Lunch (980 Calories) I ate around 6 PM - very late
Napa Almond Chicken Salad Sandwich on Whole Grain White Bread 510 Calories
Cup broccoli cheddar soup 190 calories
fruit cup 100 calories
French Baguette 180 Calories

Dinner (110 Calories) Even later 10:30
Chocolate yogurt 110 calories

~The Firm Dangerous Curves Ahead (35 Minute All Cardio Workout w/Fitstix)
~TF Fire 30

KeepLookinFwd 08-15-2010 11:58 PM

Good evening everyone! I had a great day, today! Drank plenty of water, did some light exercise helping build a deck roof, and ate within my allowed points! I am at 25 points today, much much better than yesterday! I did step on the scale this morning.. started back on the wagon at 301.8lbs, and today I am 298.0lbs! woohooo.. I'm feeling great. I also read a "fast food fact" book I have and it had over 1000 different food items and nutrition facts for each.. very interesting. I have skimmed over this book before, but I read it word to word today and I am just so blown away how many "points" I used to eat before weight watchers. It's ridiculous the portions I used to eat! YAY for not doing that anymore for sure! I also am really proud of myself because I wanted something sweet after dinner, and I measured out exactly 1 cup of honey nut cherrios and a 1/2 cup of milk. Great point dessert- and it was enough to satisfy my craving! Lots of sun today, I'm feeling pretty tired. Off to do my blog!

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