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Old 05-20-2002, 04:58 AM   #1  
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Default Monday

OK Ladies, The weekend is over and time for us to try to make up for our weekend. It seems we all tend to slip over the weekend.
I am so glad I don't have to weigh in til Thursday. Gotta go to work.Have a great day
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Old 05-20-2002, 07:14 AM   #2  
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Hi eleni,

You are right about the start overs. Eventually by starting over we will get to your goal. But we will never get there if we give up all together.
You have a great day. Get back on track and exercise your buns off woman and you should be okay. Keep up the great work. How are you feeling today? Were you just overtired yesterday?

I did great again yesterday. My scale didn't move but that is okay. I know I did great. I stuck to my plan for another day. I did 160 reps on the power rider. It really hurts my legs and I can feel it in my hips. Eleni I don't know it will do anything for me either but I am trying. I will have to let you know. I get measured again on the 15th of june to see if I have lost any inches. They measure me at Curves every month on the same day.
The weekend is over so it is back to curves for me to workout again. I am so glad I really like going there and love the workout. I have been drinking 96 oz. of water a day also. I hope that is helping and it isn't too much.

Have a great day everyone.

Nita did you manage to get back on plan yesterday.

Coco, Summer, Penny, Christie, Wendy and the others how are you ladies doing?


How was SRD can't wait to hear.

I will be here this afternoon.

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Old 05-20-2002, 09:30 AM   #3  
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Default Guilty

Good Morning Ladies
I just checked the threads this morn. I know I havent been on here for a couple of days. But I have been feeling guilty and having a pity party. I know I need to be on the boards to get the help I need. But then when I ate out of control. It makes me feel guilty. And I think why should I give advice to someone else when I cant do it myself. So that is why I havent been here. But I just made up my mind I am going to do this. No matter what. Yesterday I didn't do too bad. Better than what I had been. My sister invited us to her place for homemade pizza. Well I fixed me a Weight Watchers on to take. And I ate that. But before we left I had got into the cheese. That has been a problem for me lately. It is just like I am craving it. I got some 2% cheese. But then I also got some regular swiss. We all like it. And I ate that. But then after we came home a few hours later. It was like ok I am hungry now. Sis sent some pizza home. So I ate 1/2 slice of that. And then fixed a cheese sandwhich. But after that I didnt eat anything else. For breakfast I had toast with peanut butter and jelly. This was yesterday. But that was a better day than I have been having. I got a couple of new books over the weekend. I need to start reading them. I forget the names of them. Will post them later. Not sure what I will have for breakfast today. Hubby has a Dr's appt this afternoon. So not sure what time we will get back from there. So not sure what we will have for supper. May just have some salad. Well I better let you ladies go. And I am sorry that I havent been doing better controling my eating. I feel I have let you ladies down. But I think I am back on track now. I want to lose this weight. I want to get some NEW CLOTHES. And I want to get healthy. But I want to Thank you ladies for being here for me. I know without you. I would have been worse off with the eating than I was. So thanks for all the support. You ladies have a great day.
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Old 05-20-2002, 10:03 AM   #4  
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Good morning to all of you. Eleni is right, some of us (me in particular) don't post when we are doing badly. I have been doing very badly for the past 4 days, and, though i have been reading the posts, I have been reluctant to write. But, again, she is right, we need to keep in touch, even when doing badly, maybe more so when we are doing badly. /we've all been there, so know how it is. CoCo, Hang in there. You can do this. No, WE can do this. I think reading about all of us having a hard time has been encouraging to me, because it lets me know I am not a failure or a bad person because I gave in to my feelings and had my own pity party this week. Now it must be over. I WILL stay on plan today, if only for today, because I can only do one day at a time. I was so diacouraged because i exercised last week, watched what I ate last week, and had a gain. So I blew it for the next 4 days.
Sherri, you are doing great! I envy you the ability to exercise. With my arthritis, I can only do water exercise, and last week, over did it and have been in much pain all weekend. But feel some better today, and may go back this afternoon. I think it is so great that you are exercising so much...and drinking all that water! I don't drink enough, but when I do, It also helps the exercise because I keep running to the bathroom!!
Hi WEndy, haven't heard from you in awhile, Hope Brandon is ok. And you, too. Well, dryer just stopped, so I will go fold clothes. See you all lighter!! Mary ann
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Old 05-20-2002, 11:52 AM   #5  
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Ok, srd was ok. We didn't stay for the whole thing. Some wanted to leave early early on sat. Like right after the before and after parade. At our lunch, and not come back. Next year I am planning at least doing that, me and another girl. I may not be a kop (cuz I still have about 70), but I will be closer. My eating wasn't the worst that it could of been, but again, it could of been better. I couldn't hang with those ladies all the time. For the most part none of them showed control. On sunday on the way home I lost some of it. But I have shaken it off, and back on track. You ladies, do the same. Dad isn't doing good. We will probably have a meeting tomorrow. Either possible placement, or full time help for mom. Then mom talk weird stuff to me today. Anyway, my eating wasn't great yesterday. I did win some money on the casino (50). Making my trip only costing me 40, which some of that went to brandon for gifts. The runner up for queen lost 188 pounds. I also think that I should of had the chapter royality. (does anyone have all the information on who, what, where when, and why on the srd, ird information.
any we can do this ladies. Needless to say, I do weigh in tonight,
later. me.
ps. Lets get motivated.
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Old 05-20-2002, 01:36 PM   #6  
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Don't know if you remember me but I figured I would check back in. I have a goal by the end of the year. I am going to be on stage next year at SRD. I am going to be the division winner. I have lost 24 pounds this year so far and figure I have around another 20 to go. It's still not even half way through the year. I will do it. Well I have to weigh in tomorrow. I had to do some yard work yesterday and may need to do some today also. I hope everyone is doing OK. Take care all. See you slimmer in a couple days.
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Old 05-20-2002, 02:08 PM   #7  
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Hi All,

Wendy......Glad you had a good time at SRD and did win some money at the casino. You said that the runner up for queen lost 188 lbs. How much did the queen lose? Must have been a lot.
Sorry to hear that your dad is not doing well. I know a lot of what you are going thru. My mother-in-law was ill for a long time and it was very hard to decide what was best to do for her.
I don't know all the info on SRD, but the chapter royalty is the queen/king of each chapter. Hope the scale is good to you tonight.

Coco......I think we all have pity parties sometimes. I think that it has a lot to do with how we are feeling. I know that I have been having one the last few days. I've been tired and a little down but, I have been trying to keep busy and get out of the house.
Have you tried the veggie cheeses? It is in the produce dept. of the grocery store. Some of them are good and lower in calories and fat than regular cheese.

Sherri.....Sounds like you really are doing great with your food and exercise.
I got back on plan today. I wasn't very good yesterday, but I know that I have to do this. So, I'm going to start back keeping a food journal. That has always helped be before.
My brother lives in Boonesmill, a little town near Roanoke, VA. I really enjoyed their visit. We ate out a lot and they like to eat at buffets and that is the worst place for me to eat. I eat too much!

Mary Ann.....Hope you are feeling better soon. What are you taking for the arthritis? I recently started taking Bextra and it is helping me.

Hope you are all having a good OP day.

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Old 05-20-2002, 08:52 PM   #8  
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Glad to hear you are back on track also. Sounds like we have all been having a pity party for ourselves. It happens when we do bad I know. I am glad that you had a good time with your brother. Just get back on that plan and you will do great at the scales next week for sure. The buffets are my downfall also. I eat wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much there. I eat enough for a whole week when I go.LOL
I am doing great with the exercise and the eating finally. Today I didn't take a dexatrim and I did good. Not great. But I exercised twice at curves this afternoon and did 60 reps of my power rider I got this weekend. Plus we had cake tonight and I didn't have any so I was happy for that. I actually passed it up. Can you believe it.
You hang in there nita and you are doing great. Never give up. We will keep starting over until we reach our goals.


Yes I remember you. Welcome back. Sounds like you have a plan. I am sure you will be on that stage next year for sure. You go girl. You are almost there. Keep up the great work.


Sorry you had to leave the SRD early. It is terrible when you ride with others and have to leave when they do when they leave early. But sounds like you got something out of it. I am proud of you for not losing control the whole weekend. Sounds like you made some great decisions some of the time. I know it is hard to stay on track when everyone else is out of control. That is what happened to me on vacation. You try but you can't hang on to what you know you should do when you have no support around you. You are back on track now and you will have a loss next week. Congratulations on your big win at the casino also.


I know what you are talking about when you say you did great then gained and blew it. I have done that so many times. I depend so much on the scale that even though I do great and the scale says I didn't I believe the scale then really blow it and gain more. It is a vicious cycle we are in. I know my eating has been out of control for about 3 1/2 weeks. It is finally under control. Even with all the exercise I still gained. Imagine what I would have gained if I didn't exercise? A lot I am sure. You know when people are doing bad when the boards are slow. Eleni is right when we are doing bad that is the time to come here not only in the good times. But it is so hard to come here when you are down. I have been down for a week or so. Because I knew I gained and I so wanted to have a loss over vacation and I gave in . It is my fault only I can't blame it on anyone. I am the one that shoved all the food in my mouth. Then raised my sugar level so that I felt so bad on top of all that.
The important thing is that we don't look behind us. Look forward to the new start of another day and you will reach your goal. Keep moving forward. We all mess up. Lets just forget it and start fresh again.


You have not let anyone down. I feel that way also when I am doing really bad. I just came out of a real bad stretch myself. Sounds like a lot of us did. I just got back on track on saturday myself. Don't beat yourself up girl. We all mess up. Just know that in your heart you want and can do this and you will in your own time. You will have slidebacks along the way but that is okay. It happens. You will reach your goal. And don't apologize for going off track. We all do it.
Like I told the others. Just let the past go. (that is what I am doing also) and move on. We won't be able to move forward if we are stuck in the past beating ourselves up. Everyday is a fresh day with no mistakes in it. That is why it is called the present. It is our present to ourselves daily. We can do with it as we please. So if you want to start over then it is yours to make all the right decisions in. You can do this. I don't know what is up with the cheese thing. Does craving cheese all the time mean you are lacking in a certain vitamin or something? I don't know. Hopefully you can curb that craving some it will help. Keep moving forward. Just think of all the weight you have lost so far. A loser wouldn't be able to accomplish that. You are a winner and you WILL reach your goal girl. We are all here backing you up. Hold your chin up high and say I am going to do this and you will.

I exercised twice today at curves this afternoon and I did 60 reps on my powerrider today also. My eating was okay. According to the curves scale I have lost 2 lbs since friday. With the healthy way I have been eating the past few days I am finally starting to feel a difference. I am still tired but not as exhausted and wiped out. So my sugar level must be starting to come down finally. I can't wait until it is normal again and I have my energy back. But I am making headway and I will have a loss for tops this week. I won the traveling gift this week. Which means if I want to be able to open it I have to have a loss for 4 weeks in a row. I can do this and I will.

Have a great day on plan tomorrow everyone. Glad to see that we are returning to our home here online. This is a great support system. My only support like others here online.

Penny congratulations on your great loss tonight. Keep going girl you are doing great.

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Old 05-20-2002, 09:32 PM   #9  
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Been a little over two weeks since I last posted. Had a great time at my cousin's wedding last Saturday. Now to tonight's weigh-in. I gained 1 1/2 pounds. There will be no weight report from me next week. My chapter won't be meeting because of the holiday.
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