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Old 10-08-2006, 02:41 AM   #1  
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Default Winning Losers Week of Oct 8th - Newcomers Welcome!

Hello hello! and Welcome to a new week!! We've got several challenges going on:
Fall leaf challenge
Water challenge
21-day challenge
Tour de Highway challenge
(I think thats all of them!)

Jump in and join us! We'd love to have you!
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Old 10-08-2006, 02:44 AM   #2  
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Sorry I havent been around this weekend! I've literally been doing homework since I got up. I'm exhausted, going to catch a few hours before i gotta meet at the library to do some more homework!! Eating today was AWFUL!!! I need to get started on my 21 day challenge or I fear there wont be any leaves falling this week!!!

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!!

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Old 10-08-2006, 09:09 AM   #3  
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Hello on this sunday. I love the books. The cook book has so many wonderful looking things that I want to try. The calorie counter is great to. Tells me everything that I would like to know about certains foods. They are having a Biggest Loser workout 2 Comming out in Dec. It is susposed to be a step up from the last one. I cant wait. I better be going Children wants breakfast. Catch you all later.
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Old 10-08-2006, 01:33 PM   #4  
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Hello All!!

Just a fast hello. You all have got to see FOL today. It's a recap show. The extra scenes from NY's mom are so great. You don't want to miss them. And there's a scene from the date Flav had with Krazy and Delishes that is priceless. Krazy sang and then Flav asked Delishes if she could sing. What happens after that is priceless.

I'll be back a little later. Have a great day everyone.
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Old 10-08-2006, 02:45 PM   #5  
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Bonnie, glad you like the cookbooks and such. You'll have to try out a few recipes and let us know how you like them. Ooooo a new BL workout! I will definitely be buying it. The only thing I hope is different is that its a bit more put together in terms of the people actually being in sync. Is that too much to ask? LOL

Amanda, saw that FOL was on this morning but skipped it when I saw it was a recap. Now I'm bummed I did. lol I'm sure it'll come on a zillion times more so I'll have to catch it then. Ny's mom is about the only thing super entertaining, she is brilliant with some of the things she says..... her and NY act the same at times.

Hope the day is going well for everyone. Quiet day at home here, with football of course! Then a little play off baseball later.... good days! Of course I did have to watch the movie Legends Of The Falls. I don't know why I like this movie so much, but I do.

Be good!
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Old 10-08-2006, 05:29 PM   #6  
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hi everyone im not going to be able to see fol tonight we will be on the road i just wanted to say hi to everyone oh yeah something my sister in law told me made sense she lost weight not with diet plans but by working out increasing water and cutting down on her calories, so i think im going to ditch all the eating plans and do this my own way
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Old 10-08-2006, 11:32 PM   #7  
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Good evening everyone! Okay I'm ready for the weekend! LOL!! sheesh too much homework this weekend not enough relaxing and enjoying the weekend! But it was kinda a last hurrah for me, not thinking about exercise or eating. Tomorrow that all ends. Every decision I make is going to be about getting healthy and getting this weight off. The pain might kill me if I dont. If I dont end up dying from something else!

I've decided to cancel my docs appt on wednesday, I'm not giving them another dime. I'm gonna lose some weight and if I'm still in pain I've got a referral from a friend to a good chiropractor. we go! 40 lbs be gone! LOL!!

I watched FOL tonight...oye! Seems to me he really likes Delicious.

Bonnie...I'm glad you like your books, I really would like to check out the BL plan I just havent had the time to visit the library or a book store but I will! You'll just have to share those yummy recipes and great information with us!

Amanda...Hello I thought it was so great when Delicious sang, now that girl can sing...crazy...uh not so much! LOL!!

Danielle...I hope you had a great day!

Mia...eating less and moving more is the best route to take! The more diets we go on the more diets we fail. You are so smart in saying enough is enough and just eating right and working out! You can do it!!

Well I'm off to bed! Have a wonderful Monday everyone!! If it gets much more quiet around here we may have to just go to monthly threads! If you are reading this...come out and play!!

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Old 10-09-2006, 10:29 AM   #8  
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Good morning ladies! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I wasnt on this weekend, I was out of town and will be again this next weekend. woo! I was at my parents house, helping them have a garage sale, I took a few things up there and made a few bucks! YAY! We went out to dinner for Dh's bday and I passed on dessert! AND.. the night before my mom made some dessert and I told her not to put a lot of whip cream on mine and she brought it to me covered. um okay. So I took it all off! I went to the store last night and bought stuff to make dinner this week. Ususally we wait till that day to go to the store or eat out. I need to get a walk in today, I didnt get any excercise in this weekend.

I got a fitness mag last night and it had something in there that stuck with me, but I am sure you ladies all know this, but I thought I would say it again.

You cant gain weight from one slip up day, but if you make slipping up a habbit then you will.

So dont worry if you slip up here and there!! Its okay!

Melissa, I hope you are able to push through the pain! Have you talked to another dr yet? I hope they are able to figure out what is going on.

Bonnie, you got the books so fast! That is great! Make some food up and tell us if its yummers!!

Amanda, not much of a FOL watcher here. He scares me! But I have seen clips of it and it looks funny!

Danielle, Hope you had fun this weekend! So many sports were on, how does one pick? I have not seen Legends.. but two words: Brad Pitt.

Mia, that is my new plan of attack too! Did your SIL loose a lot by doing that as well?

Okay.. I need to get some things done before little man wakes up! Have a great day!!!!
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Old 10-09-2006, 11:35 AM   #9  
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Originally Posted by Sugar-N-Spice View Post
Amanda, saw that FOL was on this morning but skipped it when I saw it was a recap. Now I'm bummed I did. lol I'm sure it'll come on a zillion times more so I'll have to catch it then. Ny's mom is about the only thing super entertaining, she is brilliant with some of the things she says..... her and NY act the same at times.... Of course I did have to watch the movie Legends Of The Falls. I don't know why I like this movie so much, but I do.
Hi Danielle. I hope you got chance to see FOL. It was worth a gander.
I've heard of Legends of the Fall. What's it about?

Originally Posted by miafluker View Post
hi everyone im not going to be able to see fol tonight we will be on the road i just wanted to say hi to everyone oh yeah something my sister in law told me made sense she lost weight not with diet plans but by working out increasing water and cutting down on her calories, so i think im going to ditch all the eating plans and do this my own way
By the time you see this you'll be home. I hope the trip was enjoyable.
I think you should definitely ditch the plans and do your own thing. Make it as livable as possible for yourself. Incorporate whatever good and doable things the plans offered and ditch the rest. Good for you for ditching the plans!

Originally Posted by Hun.e.B View Post
Okay I'm ready for the weekend! LOL!! sheesh too much homework this weekend not enough relaxing and enjoying the weekend! But it was kinda a last hurrah for me, not thinking about exercise or eating. Tomorrow that all ends. Every decision I make is going to be about getting healthy and getting this weight off. The pain might kill me if I dont. If I dont end up dying from something else!

I've decided to cancel my docs appt on wednesday, I'm not giving them another dime. I'm gonna lose some weight and if I'm still in pain I've got a referral from a friend to a good chiropractor. we go! 40 lbs be gone! LOL!!... Amanda...Hello I thought it was so great when Delicious sang, now that girl can sing...crazy...uh not so much! LOL!!
Hey, at least you sacrified the weekend for a good cause .
Yeah, this weight things is serious. All this diabetes, hypertension and heart disease isn't necessary. Oftentimes those diseases are controllable. Even preventable. But we must do what's necessary.
I love the way you're taking responsibility for your health. More people should. I think posting here is helping all of us in that area.
That moment when Delicious (I won't attempt the FOL spelling anymore ) sang was great!! Did you see that little smirk Krazy gave her before she stood up to sing? And then the look on her face after she sang?? Priceless!!!

Originally Posted by CartersMama View Post
We went out to dinner for Dh's bday and I passed on dessert! AND.. the night before my mom made some dessert and I told her not to put a lot of whip cream on mine and she brought it to me covered. um okay. So I took it all off!
Amanda, not much of a FOL watcher here. He scares me! But I have seen clips of it and it looks funny!
WTG with the desserts. You did good girlie!
I guess I could see how Flav would seem a bit frigtening I have to admit, though, that he's the type I'd love to have at a party. It just seems like he'd be so much fun.

I spoke to a friend of mine from MS yesterday. Back in July she told me that she'd been diagnosed with Diabetes and that she was having problems with her kidneys. So we were discussing our progress last night and could tell by what she didn't say that she hadn't really made any. BUT she was telling me about these ice cream fudge bars made with Splenda that are 60 cals a piece. So she can eat the whole box and not feel guilty. She also mentioned that her medication makes her vomit.
I told her that through journaling and paying attention while I'm eating, I've learned that this weight loss thing is two part: 1. Making a decision to exercise and eat the right things. 2. Consciously deciding not to give in to the the compulsion to overeat. Even the healthier stuff. I explained to her how I really have to reign myself in and how difficult it can be. I figured maybe telling her about my weaknesses would be softer than just saying, "You are not dealing with your compulsive eating!!" She blew it off as upbringing.
I'm not judging her. I just understand what she's dealing with. Between posting here and journaling, I've been able to do a lot of the mental work. I've made a lot of discoveries and was trying to share those things with her. I have a bad, bad feeling she's going to keep that weight on and never get off her meds. Her doctor told her she could safely go off them when she loses weight. I really hope I'm wrong.

Anyway, I have to get back to work. Talk to you lovelies later.

Last edited by Amany; 10-09-2006 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 10-09-2006, 12:03 PM   #10  
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Happy day to you all!! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! I was ever so grateful to see Monday roll around, I was ready to tie my kids up! lol The arguing and bickering gets very tedious and tiresome. And just think, they're just barely headed into their teen years!! Woo hoo for me!! lol I think if I heard one more, "moooooommmmmm"!!! I woulda strangled myself!

Mia, sounds like you have made a good decision for yourself. Sometimes all we need is simple to make things work. Good luck to ya.

Melissa, I am so hopeful for you in that with weight loss will come relief for your leg. I can certainly understand you not wanting to go back to them after their treatment of you and all. Good thing about the chripractor on stand by. You can do this!!! I am waving my magic wand for you....<<< 40lbs be gone! >>>

Stacia, I'm glad you had such a great weekend. Great job on the food trials too!! You done good chicky! Yes, it does make watching Legends much more enjoyable with Brad in it! Hubba hubba. Meet Joe Black is another fave of mine with him in it.

Amanda, didnt get to see FOL yet, but I'll be watching for it. Sounds pretty crazy!
I'm sorry to hear about your friend and her health problems. Hopefully she'll have had some time to reflect and realize that her approach is not going to get her off her meds any time soon and could potentially make her sicker. You've come so far in your journey already, really thinking and being honest with yourself about your struggles and your goals. All you can be is a source of inspiration for her now, and maybe one day she'll see the light. It's great that you were there to talk to her.

Ladies have a great day!

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Old 10-09-2006, 12:52 PM   #11  
I can do it this time.
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Okay, so yesterday I was in a mood, one that I only think of being in when I'm skinny. Yesterday I felt the need to look for cute clothes for one size smaller than I am now. Why? I didn't buy anything because payday isnt til friday but I just wanted to feel cute.

I hope you girls have a wonderful day and I'll check back in later on!
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Old 10-09-2006, 01:03 PM   #12  
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Hello ladies on this monday morning. Not alot going on for me I ahve went to the BL Cookbook and wrote somethings down then I went to the store and scoped them all out to get aprice range on things. Most of it is simple. I am having trouble finding some ground pork. I would like to make some sausage but I cant find any.I could grind some myself even though I have never done it before I have the grinder. I did pick me up one of those Pani sandwiches from lean Cuisine. It was wonderful. Chicken, Spinach, Mushrooms on a taosted Bun. It grills it in your own Microwave. I threw some carrots on the side and their was lunch. Boy was it good.
I bought me some ground turkey and I weighed me out 4 ounces and made me a load of Bugers and wrapped them and threw them in the freezer. I am hoping that I can get some good things and hopefully before long get my whole family in on it.

I found this great bread today. The BL books says buy whole grain or wheat bread preferabley light . I found that Pepperidge Farms has a light 7 Grain bread it was 3 Dollars a loaf but it says serving size of 3 slices are 130 calories . or it is 45 calories a slice . I am going to give it a try. well I better be getting on the move I have lots to do before the kids get home from school. Catch you all later.
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Old 10-09-2006, 03:38 PM   #13  
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Hi Sara! I don't see anything wrong with buying something smaller as incentive. At all! That is the best progress you could show yourself, getting into smaller clothing sizes instead of using the scale as a gauge. I hope that you will get something soon and show us! We're all behind you, Sarah. You can do it!!!

Bonnie, you have been a busy bee with that BL, haven't you? I'm glad that you are finding stuff that will suit your family. The lean cuisine panini's are one of my dh's fave lunches, so glad you like! Food really doesnt have to be loaded down with all that fat does it? Hey, if you wouldn't mind? Could you post maybe a sample menu for a day and calorie count? Am super curious to see how you do it.

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Old 10-09-2006, 03:45 PM   #14  
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I spoke too soon today. Argh. I am sick. I dont know if its the flu or something I ate. Dh said he threw up today too, so I am thinking it is the food thing. And.. Carter woke up with a cold. ger. So no walk today. I did make it to the store again to get stuff I forgot. Carter and I came home and he is now napping. Something I need to be doing as well. Talk to you ladies soon. I hope you all are having a better day then I am!
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Old 10-09-2006, 04:10 PM   #15  
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hi everyone how are you im back home today so i have the high speed internet but i leave for new orleans again tomorrow so back to dial up guys im going through so many emotions i know this move is best for us but this is my husband and i first home since we got married and im so sad to leave it but we live in a military town and if your not military its not that much out there for us... my hubby says im scared of change and i know its true but when im comfortable thats how i like to stay anyways i didnt gain too much so thats a good thing
butterfly i have the sarah lee whole grain white bread and the sarah lee whole grain english muffins i cant tell the difference it taste great i have got to get that bl book
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