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Old 10-09-2006, 04:32 PM   #16  
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Stacia, I'm so sorry you guys are all not feeling well!!! That really stinks. Hopefully with some rest and lots of fluids you guys will all be back to tip-top shape in not time. Hey, I just noticed where you're from! I grew up inland in Escondido. I worked for years in Encinitas though and lived in La Costa when I moved out on my own. Beautiful country out there!! Lucky girl. Take care and let us know how you're doing. Exercise will be there when you're well, for now take care of you and yours.

Mia, glad you guys got in safely. Wow, a turn around trip back to NO? You guys have a place to live already? You guys move fast, don't you? LOL I hope everything goes smoothly for you and DH. Change can be scary, but sometimes the surprises can be worth it! Stay safe!
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Old 10-09-2006, 04:37 PM   #17  
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Good afternoon everyone!! Another day full of homework for me, just when I think I'm done...nope I'm not!! That project was enough to kill me! I think I'm done with it though so I can move on to studying for my exam.

My goal was to get some exercise in today but I havent done it yet. Might just have to hop on that ol elliptical while I watcht the bronco game tonight. Food wise I've been great but a little slow on the water because I'm so cold!! Didnt start my 21 day challenge yet, I need to figure that out I just didnt have the time to sit down and look at it this weekend. Excuses huh?

Stacia...I'm sorry you are sick!! Ugh! And all 3 of you too, not good! You really do need to get that rest when you can so that you can have some energy to take care of Carter. Be good to you!! I hope you all feel better very soon!

Mia...thats a big move, you are bound to feel all kinds of emotions over it. You just have to find a better outlet than eating for working through those emotions. A very hard thing to do I know but we can do it!!

Bonnie...I saw you were the BL!! Way to go!! I really gotta find the time to check out that book! You are just doing so great! Keep it up!

Sara...aww I wanna look cute too! You should keep that up, plus new clothes always make me feel really good, even a cheapy tshirt does.

Danielle...we were chalk full of teen moments here this weekend! Ugh I dont envy you dealing with almost 3 of em!! You deserve a medal and a vacation! LOL!! keep waving that magic wand woman I've got more than 40 that need to go! LOL!

Amanda...I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Journalling is such a huge key to weight loss you find out so much about your self. Some of those things...well most of em just gotta figure them out for yourself. Hopefully your friend can find journalling.

Errands time!! My fave! NOT!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful afternoon!! Think about your goals when making your choices! You deserve the payoffs!

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Old 10-09-2006, 11:45 PM   #18  
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well this doesnt look very good, hope everything is okay with everyone. We lost our support group it seems.
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Old 10-10-2006, 09:26 AM   #19  
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Originally Posted by Hun.e.B View Post
well this doesnt look very good, hope everything is okay with everyone. We lost our support group it seems.

Mel never i know everyone is probably busy i hope to never lose you guys
im packing to get back on the road so ill check in tomorrow morning because we wont be back in new orleans until after 12am now all i have to do is get my mil to get high speed
how is everyone? i got the new turbo jam tapes it looks great i cant wait to do them they gave me some coupon codes i think they can be used on the videos ill have to check but if anyone wants to get a turbo jam video they have 2 packages that is for like 26.00 its not the whole package i cant afford those they are like 120.00 but the 26.00 comes with 2 videos i can email the code for 15% off
the tapes i just recieved i got for 10.80 because i had a 25.00 off coupon so i paid 4.00 for the video and 6 in shipping
anyway see you guys tomorrow wed will be my first day on the 21 challenge
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Old 10-10-2006, 09:54 AM   #20  
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Jest shooot me right now Please! I have eaten almost a whole box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I blame it all on tom why do women have to suffer this way? I have been feeling crappy and off the wall the last few days and it is all his fault. I wish they had a better way for women to not have to suffer at this time of the month. I will recover and I know I will have to loose a few more pounds because of him but I am goingto come up with a defense against him somehow.

Danielle here is a sample of what I eat.

1 pk weight control oatmeal 160 calories
1/2 cup yogurt 100
1 apple 80
340 calories

8 oz chicken 240
18 raw baby carrots 70
1/2 cup brown rice 150

4 oz chicken breast 120
1 Apple 80

4 Oz chicken breast 120
2 Cups frozen mixed veggies 50
1/2 cup Brown rice 150

1/2 cup Cottage cheese 60
Apple 80

Total 1460 Calories
I am susposed to have 1897 that leaves me tataol of 437 calories not used But I have a 200 calories for condiments so that takes it to 237 unsed calories. I am thinking of trying difffernt fish. ??? I am not sure right now. I have chicekn breast and I usually bake it the veggies are the broccoli and cauliflower mix. In the BL book. To find how many calories you are to eat you Take your weight. If you are under 150 pounds you use 150 if you are over 300 you use 300 but as for me I took 271 pounds and then times it by 7 and you have 1897 and thats how many calories I should have daily. As you lose weight you recalculate your calories and arrage your meals and it keeps your body changing less likely to hit a plaetu . i usually exercise for 2 hrs a day. I hope this helps.
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Old 10-10-2006, 10:17 AM   #21  
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Good Morning everyone!! I was so good yesterday!! The broncos played monday night football and normally that would mean snacks galore and bad eating but I did great!! Granted we had chicken quesadillas for dinner but I only had one and then instead of chips and dip or wings or pizza rolls or all that other crap we usually have I snacked on some craisins and had my water. Then towards the end of the night I thought I was gonna cheat myself and have a pudding cup. Little did I realize that I had gotten the no sugar added no cheat afterall!! I even got a little walk in yesterday when our dog ran away. Just around the block but it was something right!! So I'm off to make better choices today again!! I just might break that 240 barrier yet! wont lose me!! Support is too important in my journey so I wont be going anywhere! Have a safe trip and good luck on your 21 days!! I havent started that yet! maybe I should!!

Bonnie..put the donuts down and move away from the box!!! I dunno who it was that invented those evil things but they should be strung up!! they arent worth it, all your hard work! Thanks for posting your daily menu. I could do that, although I'm not so sure about a lb of chicken a day! LOL I might sprout feathers!!

Well it froze last night which means I gotta scrape windows! I really should get my garage cleaned out so I can start parking in there again! Have a wonderful day everyone!! make good choices and NO EXCUSES!! We can do it!

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Old 10-10-2006, 10:26 AM   #22  
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This is what the BL book sujest that you should eat on the BL diet.

Fruit servingssize, 1 Cup or 1 medium piece,8 oz
Choose these to lose
Apple,Banana,Apricot,blackberries,blueberries,Cher ries,Cranberries,Grapefruit,Grapes,Guava, Kiwifruit,Mango, Melon All, Nectarine, Orange, Papaya, Peach,Pear, Persimmons, Pineapple,plantation,Plum, Pomegranate,Raspberries, Strawberries, Tangerines, Watermelon.

Veggie servings size 1 Cup or 8 Ounces

Choose these to lose
Artichokes, Asparagus, Bamboo shoots, Beans geen and yellow, beetgreens, Beets, Bell peppers, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts,Cabbage, Carrots, cauliflower, Celery, Collards Greens, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, LettuceAll,Wintersquash,Mushrooms, Mustard greens, okra,Onions,Palmhearts, Parsely,Peas,Peppers All, Pumpkin, radishes,shallots,spinach,sprouts,Summer squash, Sweet potatoes, swiss chard,tomatillos, tomatoes,turnipsgreens,turnips,waterchestnuts, watercress,yams, zucchini,

Protein Animal serving size 1 cup or 8 oz

Any Beef , pork,veal,labeled 95% lean
Chicken, White meat, turkey, egg whites ,fish any type, shell fish Any, salmon, sardines ,water packed, herring ,mackerel ,trout, tuna

Vegetarin Protein 1 cup or 8 oz

Beans Legumes, Black beans,broad beans , chickpeas,edamame,greatnorthen beans,kidney beans,lentils, lima, navy,pinto, split pea, whitebeans and so forth, Miso soybeans soy bacon soy or veggie burgers soy hot dogs and other natural soy products temphe tofu

Low fat Diary Protein 1 Cup or 8 oz
Buttermilk, Lowfat 1% Milk, Skim or Fat Free, Soy MIlk, Yogurt Plain no added fruit , Reduced fat cottage cheese.

Bread serving size 2 slices Preferabily light , 1 whole grain bun or roll , 2 light wasa flatbreads, 1 whole wheat flour tortilllia. Choose breads around 45 calories a slice.
Ezekil , Wasa, Wholewheat buns, whole wheat Pitas,Whole wheat tortillias, wholewheat dinner roll,
Serving Size 1 cup cooked
Barley, Brownrice,Creamof rice, Creamof wheat,Millet, Oatbran,Quinona, Rolled Oats, Whole wheat cereals whole wheat pasta, wild rice, Types of cold cereals Kashi go lean Fiber one all bran.

The extra your 200 Calories Buget
Fats oils spread, olive3 oil, canola oil,flaxseed, walnut oil, reduced fat , fat free, salad dressings and mayo, Reduced fat peanut butter and but butter, Sugar free Desserts and sweets, Sugar free fat free puddings and gelatins,Rdeuced calories jams, jellies,syrups,Sugar free Popsicles and fudgsides, sugarfree, fat free whipped toppings. Reduced fat or fat free cheese, fat free sour cream
Condiments and sauces
Low calories BBQ sauce, reduced sodium broth or bouillions,Low calorie catsup, chili sauce, cocktail sauce, horseradish,mustard, picante sauce, salsa, litsoy sauce, tabasco sauce, tomato paste, t sauce, worchestershire sauce Others, Avacado, nuts and seeds, olives, pickles unsweetened varities
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Old 10-10-2006, 10:30 AM   #23  
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Melissa no problem I wont go their again. Its not worth it. Well I have decide that since tom is here this week I will not weigh in tomorrow The scale this morning said I gained 2 1/2 pounds but its hopefully tom.
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Old 10-10-2006, 11:40 AM   #24  
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Fear not Melissa! I think our group is still intact. Probably just scattered, busy and overwhelmed. I can't speak for everyone else, but I find it difficult to get my bearings this time of year. I won't be normal until sometime in mid November. Plus, losing Aqua Chick left a huge gap. We could get three new members and no one could take her place. But if there are three people lurking right now, please don't hesitate to join us!!!
Melissa, you did a great job with the eating last night. You made good choices and used moderation. In my opinion that's major. We will conquer this weight issue one small change at a time.

Bonnie - Don't let the Krispy Kreme slip get you down. As Stacia pointed out yesterday, we can easily recover from one infraction. Besides, if you're gonna cheat, at least you had the good stuff. Krispy Kremes are great. At least you didn't waste your time with that those dried out, ready to go stale super market donuts. It's ok, Hon. You're still golden.

Mia - I'm so excited for you. I hope you love life in New Orleans. This winter while I'm freezing in Michigan, you'll have to give me weather reports.

Stacia - I hope you feel better soon. Take good care of yourself.

Danielle I hate that you're 3 hours behind me! I have to wait until doggone near mid day to see your posts! I live for them. I hope have a fantastic day.

I've decided just to pray for my friend and hope for the absolute best for her. We were roommates 13 years ago when I went to school in Arkansas. After I left we lost touch for about 5 years and then kept in touch via mail and phone calls. Sometimes I'd meet her when she would attend the Baptist Conventions every year. I had been planning to meet her in St Louis next summer.
Yesterday I thought about some comments she'd made over the years and even some things that she said when we were roommates. She had said some other things during our phone conversation that I hadn't mentioned yesterday. Long story short, I think she was trying to put me on the defensive. She can be a really, really nice person, but she also tends to be an unhappy person. And she puts herself in unhappy situations. So maybe I just seemed to be too happy the other day. Who knows? At any rate, I hope she's able to improve her health. Other than that I'm wondering if I need to rethink our friendship. On the one hand she's a lot of fun. On the other hand, she seems to prefer it when other people are not too happy.
I forgot that when we'd gotten back in touch with one another that I really hadn't been involved with anyone. In fact, before I met my husband, I had only date one person in six years. That was a very brief two month thing right before I met him. She had a miserable seven year relationship with her husband and then married him last year. I happened to mention that my husband and I were going to do our ceremony over with a minister this time and she made a somewhat of snippy comment.
I also shared with her that we want to leave Detroit in a few years. If you can read a newspaper or watch television, you know that Detroit is an awful place to live. Raising children here is completely out of the question. The sad thing is that we live in one of the better parts of the city. Her response: "It's bad everywhere.". Ok...
So yesterday I remembered comments she made years ago about people who were better off than she was. If a person was able to afford something that she couldn't, she was say things like she wished God would show that person what is was like to struggle. She lives in a part of Mississippi that was heavily affected by the hurricanes last year. She said that she was glad that the wealthier people there had to see what it was like to be on the same level as poor people. It's like she resents people for doing well. The kicker is that she has an electrical engineering degree. She's never used it though. Where she lives the chances of her getting to use it are very slim.
So, like I said, I wish her the best but I'm starting to reconsider our friendship. I'm at least reconsidering if I want to spend my vacation time being punished for being happy. I think the Baptist convention is supposed to be in Detroit in 2008 or 2009. Maybe I'll see her then instead. If I'm still here.

Anyway, I guess I should get at least a tiny bit of work done today. I'll try to check in later.

Last edited by Amany; 10-10-2006 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 10-10-2006, 11:43 AM   #25  
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Still here, and still sick. I think I am worse today. I have the head cold thing and a tummy thing going on and I cant take the day off! That sucks about being a SAHM. You can never really call in. I might have to call DH to see if he can come home early, but I doubt he will be able to since we are supposed to be leaving on friday and he is taking time off then. argh.

Eating going well, even if it is coming back up. No energy to go to the gym. boo.

Talk to you lovelies later!
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Old 10-10-2006, 11:52 AM   #26  
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Hi Guys! Good morning to everyone! I keep thinking it's Monday, but really it's Tuesday. How odd?

I've been MIA -- I was in New York....and I had the great pleasure of running into NY while I was there! Okay, just kidding, but I thought that would be funny. I, shockingly, wasn't too bad when I was in NY and was able to squeeze in two trips to the gym with my firend. Hooray!

I didn't have time to get caught up on everything from last week, but I think I'm in the loop for this week.


Amanda: You've definitely got the right idea in terms of weight loss. I don't really even call it dieting anymore, because that suggests that it is for a finite period of time. It's really a lifestyle change. I have a friend who has several health problems related to her weight......and she does the same thing that your friend does. It makes me really sad. But change in those two has to come from within.

Danielle: Good to see you lady! You'll get the old challenges in place and figure out how to fit everything in your schedule!

Bonnie: Step away from the Crispy Cremes! Just teasing.....I think you have a great attitude about your slip up. And you are on such good pace right now that I'm sure you'll be back on track in no time.

Mia: Yeah, I can't get over how quickly you guys were able to move. Change is one of the most difficult things but certainly one of the most guys will get settled in and things will be great. Hang in there.

Melissa: Man, homework central. And why is it that I want to go back to school? Hardee har har.

Stacia: Oh! I hope you feel better! That's terrible that you are all sick.

Sara: Good for you! I think you've inspired me to look at "skinny" clothes today! I love that idea.

Alright gals, I also have piles of work to catch up on. Everyone have a good day and stay strong strong strong!

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Old 10-10-2006, 01:18 PM   #27  
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I'm not gone, I just got back from Mississippi we had the funeral to go to. Everything went okay it was a long trip.

I glad you ladies will be joining me on the 21 day challenge. I starting over now that i'm back. i will start tomorrow morning. I couldn't do it all on the trip we drove for 7 hours.

Amanda I missed FOL the other night. I'm sure that was a real riot.

All you ladies are doing good with your eating habits, calorie intake, and diets.

I tried to eat a burger while on the trip anc couldn't even eat the thing. That made me feel good.
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Old 10-10-2006, 02:32 PM   #28  
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Liz & Trish, I'm glad you both made it back safely.
Sorry to hear of the lost loved one Trish.
Liz, did you bring back the knock-off handbag and Fat Witch brownie I requested??!!! I've been waiting and waiting...
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Old 10-10-2006, 04:10 PM   #29  
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Hey, does anyone remember BodyFlex? I might give it another try in the evenings if I can find my old tapes. Well, if I can get through it without my husband laughing. I have feeling he will...
I was reading about some people doing it on another thread. They said it works for them. When I was doing it before, I didn't give it enough of a chance.
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Old 10-10-2006, 05:35 PM   #30  
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Amanda i don't remember the bodyflex tape. But it sounds like bowflex the machine. How hard is it. Everyone keeps talking about the turbo jam tape. I might just have to get that.

Hey amanda i have a sister -n-law like your friend. Its kinda like there the only ones that can have good news. when you tell them yours good news, they just kinda blow it off like it was unsaid. Or they have something slightly negative to say. there are days i'd like to just rip this girls eyeballs out.

Hi Bonnie, Melissa, and Mia it sounds like you all are ready for the 21 day challenge, come on lets get this party started tomorrow.

Stacia you get your self and your family better so you can join us on this 21 day challenge. I hate being sick.

Mia man you guys didn't waste anytime with that move. Again congratulations!! Moving is hard work and organizing all over again. I Will admit I do like fixing up the new place all over again. your getting plenty of exercise just moving. Now just make sure you eat right along with that.

Hi Liz, it sounds like you had wonderful time.

Hi Britt
You guys what to know what really bugs me when i'am working out? not being able to touch my toes. That literally drives me nuts . I take that sculpting class at the gym and the girl is always telling them to stretch and touch there toes, that is something that just urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrks me. I want to be able to do that. lol
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