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Old 02-16-2007, 08:06 PM   #1366  
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Hey all

Just a quickie as per usual as i never seem to have enough hours in the day for anything anymore(or still)....

Been good yesterday again although jumped on the scales this morning and i have gained 0.5 from last weigh in....yes yes i know i shouldn't and it is only mid way through my weigh in week but i am still not happy about that. The only thing i can think of is that i ate some peanut m&ms a few days ago and they decided to stick...hope not. No exercise this week(or can i count walking around the is a big one and lots of walking to various events etc). It has been raining here all week too...i have soooo much washing to catch up now. WE have a king tide tommorrow and they say with all the rain we have had it will flood in parts of the coast. I intend to go look tommorrow and maybe it will be a nice day and i could walk then...heres hoping.

Anyhow, must going to a Psychic this arvo...a girlfriend is having a party with a psychic....i don't know about it but will go anyway as it does intrigue me even though i am sceptical. I wonder what my future will bring?????Better be a good one.....

Have a good day all....xxxleeny
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Old 02-16-2007, 08:45 PM   #1367  
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Morning all!

I missed my daily post yesterday, and I have no real excuse!!!

So yesterday mornings post would have read...

Not such a good day. Was out for lunch - steak sandwich and chips. And on the way home from work I picked up a tube of Pringles!!! I only managed about 1 litre of water and again no exercise!!!

Today (on yesterdays efforts)...

Was better! Ate to plan. Drank only a litre again, and again no exercise!

I have been feeling really buggered this week! And with the events of the last few weeks I guess that is to be expected.

I plan on resting well this weekend, and then trying to get some exercise into my life again next week!

I am hoping on some sort of loss to show on the scales on Monday, other than Thursday I have done well this week (so far) with my intake! Even if I failed in the exercise and water department.

Ani, I am wonder why it is people feel they have to binge proir to dieting? To me that is only going to make it more difficult. They are just making their bellies feel constantly full now and once they start dieting they are going to feel the hunger more!

Hope the birthday party is fun and the chips aren't too tempting for you. I am bad for party foods too! Just as well I don't get to many of them

Gen good luck on the personal changes you are making, just be careful not to totally isolate yourself from other people while concentrating on yourself. Loneliness is not fun.

40C - beautiful!!! Well it might be to some, if you are looking out the window from a comfortably airconditioned room anyway!

I have issues at work with temperature control! It is so damn cold in my office I am rugged up in a thick jumper and it is not uncommon to find a small electric heater running under my desk. Seems so stupid at this time of the year when it is constantly something like 38C - 43C here! By lunch time I am hanging out for the walk to my car and to get into the steaming thing to thaw out!!!

I hope it cools down for you Kylie...extreme temperatures can be very limiting.

And I reckon your bf owes you a Valentines day considering his poor efforts this week!!!

Vonni! Fantastic on your 3kg drop!! That must be inspiring for you! Did the doc make any suggestions to avoid the problem of under eating? I have the same fear of snacking too.

I don't have the control Ani appears to have when it comes to having a supply of fun-size chocs in the house. I know if I got them, or a pack of muesli bars or something, I'd sit there eating until all of them are gone! Then I'd feel proud of myself for only eating small stuff

Leeny, well done on another drop! And congrats on getting that bit closer to yet another 10kg milestone! You are doing so is great to see!!!

Cite? What appetite suppressants are you using? Sorry, I had to ask too!

I tried Multi-vitamins once when I was constantly feeling run down. I thought I was missing something so decided to give them a shot! I gave up after a few weeks because I wasn't feeling any better and I was jealous that my pee was looking brighter than I was!!!!

And now that I have resorted to toilet humour I think it might be time I signed off!

HAve a great weekend ladies
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Old 02-16-2007, 08:52 PM   #1368  
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Leeny, I must have been slowly posting my reply when you posted yours...

Don't stress about the .5kg gain. You know this happens and you know you can get back on top of it. It is not uncommon for the body to gain and lose some with no regard to your efforts. Don't let this get you down and ruin your efforts!

Can't say I am into psychics...I'd rather wait and see what my future holds than fear what someone says might happen. Just my opinion though!

Enjoy the walk at your king tide day tomorrow
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Old 02-17-2007, 05:33 AM   #1369  
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Lindor you crack me up! I can just picture you eating a bag of fun-size chocolates and feeling virtuous because they were only little . I was always the kind of person who, if I had chocolate or chips in the house, I would have to eat them - ALL of them. It was pathetic! One of the first things I disciplined myself to do, when I started losing weight, was just to have a small amount.

Now I have a smorgasbord of chocolate in my pantry - but I only eat a little bit when I feel like it. It is one of the major changes I've made in the last seven months.

I hope you're getting that relaxing weekend. I've been running around all day today, but hopefully tomorrow - after I take one of the kittens to the vet to get him sterilised, I can have a very laid-back day. Wouldn't mind going to swap-meet and seeing if there are any bargains, and taking a stroll along the beach… I'll see how I feel.

Right now I'm trying to work up the energy to go to a birthday party - I'm not at all sure I'll go. My back's really off today, and I hardly know anyone who'll be there. Hmmm…

It's been a good day in terms of achieving my calorie/exercise goals. Just don't mention water .
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Old 02-17-2007, 06:09 AM   #1370  
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Water? I think I might ditch the bf for my water bottle tonight!!! It went over 40C today, and even standing inside all day did nothing to keep me cool! I'm well into my 3rd litre already, and we are going out to tea after this. I think I'll lay of the fizzies and have more water!!!

I read a really interesting book today, called the "No-time-to-lose" Diet. There was a review on the 3FC homepage, and I bought it. (First ever purchase online! Woo!) I guess it's nothing I really haven't heard before, but it was good to see it all in one place. It had suggestions of -really- simple meals, with an emphasis on speed and nutrition. also had tips on eating out, which I am putting into place tonight! I was planning on fried lemon chicken, but I'll see what else is there instead! Yay - positive changes! I had brekkie and lunch again today, and tea coming - wow! 3 meals in a day! I know that should be a no brainer, but its really an achievement for me!

Ani I hope your back doesn't give you too much trouble. I would go to the party - you never know who you might meet!

Lindor, I'm going to make dinner tonight my pseudo-Valentines. (read: he'll pay )

Leeny, as for the pychic, I'd go out of curiosity, and on the back of a few interesting stories from family memebers. Absolutly count walking around uni - campus can be really big if you have to cross to get to your next lecture! Are you at QUT or UQ?

Okay, thats it from me. Wow, I'm feeling really positive, even if I do have to forgo my scales this week for a long overdue scooter service!!

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Old 02-17-2007, 06:13 AM   #1371  
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Actually I'm doing the opposite Lindor - the more healthy I get, the more I am getting out and doing things I wouldn't have dreamed of - like playing soccer with workmates at lunchtimes, or going to orienteering after work. I still haven't worked up to joining the workmates swimming before work on Fridays, but I'm at my personal trainer then so I've got my excuse and I'm sticking with it!

Finished Week 4 of the C25K today - terrified as week 5 involved a TWENTY minute run!!! Thinking I might start week 5, see how I go, and add another week of W4 if I don't cope.

Got my grocery delivery today - tried which a workmate uses - you can get $30 mixed fruit and veggie box, so I've got a bunch of stuff I'd never choose to buy! This week will involve working out how to cook and eat new veggies and my god, I've got so much fruit I can't fit it in my fruit bowl!

Hoping I lose this week after trying Core, but it's TTOM for me untikl tomorrow, so we'll see what happens on Monday.
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Old 02-17-2007, 07:23 AM   #1372  
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Hi all! I'm on reductil which can only be prescribed by the Dr. and its for people who are clinically obese OR overweight and at risk of diabetes [which is me ]. I only have a 2 month prescription - it is not suppose to be a long-term thing just long enough so that you can change your eating habits. It alters the levels of some brain chemical [a bit scary] so you dont crave/binge on food. I really can tell the difference - I used to have one freddo followed by nine more, now I can just have one, if any. The big drawback is the cost - $110 a month! I cant afford this since Im unemployed at the moment and will be for a while, but my parents grudgingly paid for it this month. It is effective for me because I have a very large appetite, even without the emotional eating, so it depends on what caused the weight gain in the first place, and there are side effects [but other than a strange metallic taste when I eat popcorn I seemed to have missed most of them]. Worth asking your doctor about - mine was reluctant to give it to me other than for the reason I put on over 15kg in like 4 months! But I can see problems with it if people dont really change their habits or exercise and then go of it and have a worse diet than they did before.

No treadmilling today because I spent 10 hours cleaning/putting IKEA furniture together. So far have disposed of 10 garbage bags worth of stuff from as far back as 7/8 years ago, including clothes I havent worn since year 5. How embarassing. Feeling better now though, although Im going to feel it tomorrow. I'm wiped now, so im going to bed early [yes this is early for me, stupid teenage hormones ]. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!
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Old 02-17-2007, 04:40 PM   #1373  
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Cite I hope you won't need to take Reductil for too long - keep vigilant about how you're body's reacting to it. I know a couple of people who used it, and it really stuffed their sleeping patterns up (aside from anything else). It's also really easy to put the weight back on when you stop taking the pills.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do here - I'm not a big fan of taking a pill to fix a lifestyle problem, I will admit that. But one of the reasons Reductil is so expensive is to try and put people off using it for too long - another is that it behaves in a similar way to amphetamines in your body (not as much as Duramine does). I don't know if you're into party lollies or not, but just in case, please don't take anything like speed while you're on Reductil. That would put unbearable pressure on your body.

There are lots of safer ways to teach yourself to suppress your appetite and not eat those 9 Freddos. And I'd be happy to chat to you about that more if you wanted to - I'm just aware that I'm probably sounding like I'm already giving you a 'mother lecture'. I don't mean to do that. Did you wake up with aching muscles after your marathon furniture-building-cleaning-throwing day yesterday? I know whenever I put Ikea furniture together I swear a lot, and usually screw at least one thing in back to front and have to undo it and start again .

Kylie you're sounding really motivated - and given the heat, I am amazed. Have you ever read the book You On A Diet? It's meant to be one of the best weight loss books around, and if you're strapped for cash I'm sure you could pick it up from a second hand bookshop.

Gen your post made me laugh - not in a rude way. I just had this mental image of Lindor trying to do orienteering, or playing soccer in her lunch hour. Where she lives it's 40ºC-plus in the shade at this time of year, and they'd send a search party and ambulance if she ventured outdoors .

But good on you for getting out there - you sound really motivated too.

Right - I'm gonna be late for the vet if I don't get off this computer NOW!

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Old 02-17-2007, 08:06 PM   #1374  
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Gen, I think you kinda misunderstood what I meant - or maybe I worded it poorly. But that's ok, because your reply suggests you are happy and content with how things are going for yourself and that's great! I am pleased for you.

I was a lazy pig yesterday

Did nothing...ate everything. You know, for someone who doesn't go shopping that much, I sure have a lot of food in my cupboards when I want to find it!!!

I am not going to get upset about this! Although I have more than in recent weeks, I am still trying to find the motivation to keep doing this - something in my mind wants to do it, the rest of me doesn't care. I have done reasonably well for the week, so I am hoping I can still show a loss tomorrow.

I know absolutely nothing about appetite suppressants - I only asked about them because it seemed to be the question of the year!!!

Personally I avoid medications as much as possible too. I only use pills when I feel I have no other option, and that is when I have relented and made myself see a doctor and they've insisted I take the drugs!! And believe me, I don't go see doctors very easily nor often!!! I am with Ani in that l wouldn't use a pill to fix lifestyle problems.

But Cite, that is not saying there is anything wrong with taking them, and I hope your doctor is monitoring your progress closely.

Kylie, fantastic on the good day yesterday! And I agree you are sounding very motivated!!! Keep it going! And I hope dinner went well

I'm looking at another lazy day...last night I did briefly think I might go for a drive to the river this afternoon - if it cools down a tad!! Just to get out of the house for a bit - go for a walk along the bank, take in some fresh air.

See if I can't find a crocodile to play with! Then I might try and make some money by skinning it, bringing the skin home to make some shoes and selling them on the internet!!! Or not!!!

This morning...I am thinking it is too hot already!!!

Enjoy your Sunday ladies
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Old 02-18-2007, 03:33 AM   #1375  
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Ani - thanks for the [mini] lecture. I havent even taken the tablets for a few days, so im pretty sure im not addicted to them [I dont know where they are in my room lol]. The main thing I have learnt is that it is possible to NOT think about food all the time - if I think too much about eating, even when I am trying to lose weight, I eat more and cant concentrate on other things. When I've reached my lowest weight before, about three years ago, I would spend too much time thinking about whether I should have one piece of cake, and in one way I think my weight gain was just a rejection of that and of the pressure to be thin in general. But it backfired, obviously. It actually seems to have helped my sleeping a bit, although they were terrible to begin with. The main reason I asked for them was because I had been eating less and treadmilling for up to two hours a day [too much, I know] for about two months and still kept gaining weight and was about to give up entirely. Now that I have lost a couple of kilos I know I can stick with it when I go off the tablets, which might be soon because I really cant afford another months supply. But all your criticism was valid, so thanks . [And no I dont pop 'party lollies' ha ha - Im sure I would be one of those people who overdoses on like 1/20 of a tablet of something - besides, I have a tendency to trip over after 1 standard drink of alcohol ].

Yes my muscles kill! I still had heaps of cleaning and furniture building today so im wiped now! I love IKEA though, my room is so much cleaner, although I will have nightmares about some of the things I found . Im going now to watch Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy - not that I need another TV show to watch. Oh well. I hope everyone had a great day!
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Old 02-18-2007, 03:52 AM   #1376  
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Hey all

Lindor..did you catch your crocodile?I'll have 2 bags thanks

Cite....Not on your case either as you are doing what you feel right for you at the time. I have tried Reductil before and found in the long run i am better off "going alone" and to try and fix "other stuff" and not rely on the pills as the answer. I did put on a lot of weight when i went off them(too expensive and made my poo very runny and fatty looking..yes TMI i know). So please be careful and keep chating to us...that helps too....hey girls.

Ani...did you get to your party? I went to the psychic out of curiosity. He didn't really tell me anything i didn't already know only that he asked me if i was studying this year. Thats right and i will not win Lotto. A big waste of time really but had fun with the girls and i only drank diet coke and no nibblies. I did have a muffin today though and still no exercise as it is still raining...who needs some wet stuff there way as i am sick of seeing it....soooo much washing and my house very musty smelling. It has been about 10 days on and off but it looks like clearing tonight.

My diet only so so this week. Feeling a bit blurky tonight ...i feel like i am getting a cold. I don't know whether it is my Hep B vacination or not or am unlucky enough to catch a cold just when i am starting Uni tommorrow....eekk. I can't remember who asked...i am going to University of the Sunshine Coast to do Bachelor of Nursing Science...3 years full time and probably lots of stress. I am hoping i can cope with my crazy family life so if i am MIA for a while...i will be back...just busy.

Anyhow, need to go and shave the furry legs in readiness for Uni tommorrow...DH just said why are you worrying...let em will fit in just right Hope all who weighs in tommorrow gets a big loss...
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Old 02-18-2007, 07:22 AM   #1377  
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Cite, I'm a big fan of Ikea too. Even though I hate shopping, I often pop into Ikea. As ridiculous as it might sound I have even been to Ikea in Stockholm - couldn't understand a single sign in the shop though, because there was no English sub-text. And they have a range that I drooled over .

I wasn't meaning to lecture you - so I hope you don't take it the wrong way.

Good luck with Day One of Uni leeny. I will refrain from making any comment about your hairy leg stereotyping, even though some of my closest friends don't even own a razor .

Weigh-in day tomorrow, and I'm a bit concerned about what will arrive first: TOM or Monday. Oh well, nothing I can do about it. I did 100 step-ups and 80 situps while watching The Biggest Loser tonight. I'm gonna be sore!

I have my kitten home from the vet. He's walking crab-like because clearly the anaesthetic hasn't quite worn off. But all went well, and at least now that he's home the other cats have stopped moping around and looking for him. They're pathetic little woosies, my fluffy things.

Where's Lindor? Must be still out wrestling that bloody crocodile.

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Old 02-18-2007, 08:41 AM   #1378  
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I survived...and it will still be a full bodied weigh in tomorrow as I didn't lose any limbs either!

Actually...I never went to the river!!!

Instead I sat at home shut in my bedroom for most of the day making the most of the airconditioner!!! The one in the lounge room decided to die today

And Lord knows when that will get fixed!! God I love this time of the year in this part of the world!!! NOT!!!

In the middle of a storm just now, so it has cooled down at tad.

Leeny, good luck for day one of Uni life tomorrow! Although I am sure you will do fine! And the blurk feeling could well be from the Hep B vaccine. I get a bit blurky after my annual flu shot!!!

I was going to redo my whole kitchen at the house with IKEA...but alas, I was forced to sell, so I am yet to experience IKEA. I have only ever looked at the catalogues too, never been in a store! I guess I am missing out? One day!!

Not sure what my weigh in will show tomorrow. I haven't controlled myself all that well this weekend, but the earlier part of the week was good.

I did a few calculations the other night and for me to be at a healthy weight for my height I need only lose 15kg more...I was aiming for the lower end of the ideal weight/height range initially just to be sure I would not slip back into the 'overweight' range without knowing, but for now I'd be happy just to get to it! All I need to do now is believe that 15kg is worth it and doable!!

Alright, I have two dogs and a cat demanding my attention (dogs want out, cat wants food)!! Will post with my weigh in results in the AM.

Glad your family is back together and all is well Ani!

Night all
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Old 02-18-2007, 03:48 PM   #1379  
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Leeny, good luck with your first day of uni - enjoy O week!

I weighed in at 95.3 this week = 600g loss. It's a bit frustrating, but the trainer said to expect a slower loss as we're doing a lot of toning and weights so might even gain some muscle. I made over 10kg lost, anyhow, so that's a win!

I am feeling great though! Exercised every day last week, including an hour walking on the treadmill while watching TBL last night. Trainer is killing us with lots of running, but it's getting easier after just a week.

Good luck on weigh-in everyone!
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Old 02-18-2007, 04:27 PM   #1380  
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Well done on the 600g loss Gen!

I weighed in at 82.5kg this morning - 1kg down - YAY! But 1kg on my scales could be anything between 0.5kg and 1kg. But it went down so I am happy and my new, more precise scales should arrive any day now

Going to try and do the same for this week, with a little more control on my need to make a pig of myself occasionally, and maybe try and get some exercise in too!

Ani, no pressure, but I really want to smile again this week!

Got my fingers crossed for a loss to show on your scales too.

As I hope for everyone else as well
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