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Old 02-13-2007, 05:21 PM   #1336  
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Hi girls

Gah! I haven't been to the gym! I think I need a big kick in the bum. It's not from lacking of trying - but I feel like I'm shortchanging bf if I go without him. So I just don't go. You don't need to tell me that that is stupid - I know.

Oh, mum pointed something out to me the other day. If the scales look back at you and say that you've 'only' lost 500g - go have a look in the fridge at your margarine tub! That's actually a lot! So I'm going to keep that in mind. Those 1kg tubs are huge too, and heavy! I don't know - it's another perspective.

I have no idea about what scales I want to buy - something that says good things! I would spend upto $50 I suppose, so I will see what I can get for that. As long as it tells me how much I am, that'll work!

Yay - I successfully convinced bf to not buy me chocolates for Valentines Day. I got roses instead. *blush*

Ok, hope everyone has a great day

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Old 02-13-2007, 05:28 PM   #1337  
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Thanks for the spatone info Cite. I'll ask my chemist about it when I do my shopping this morning. I agree with the adding up of food you need. Not just the ridiculous amounts, but the cost. If my whole family all ate our recommended 2 pieces of fruit a day for instance 2 apples@$4.00 a kilo it would cost me around $50 a week on that alone. Sheesh

Rattle away Augigi. Do you know if there is a multivitamin that has lower amounts of vit A though? Apparently I am getting my daily quota or close to it, and I do know that if you overdo it it can be harmful. SO I am reluctant to get the multis into me even though I know I need the other stuff.

Gotta run.
Have a great day all

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Old 02-13-2007, 05:46 PM   #1338  
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Cite I wouldn't get too concerned about a dietician - most seem to have been infected with a dose of moral superiority. I was having a chat to one at a recent Expo here in Perth, and in spite of having told her I'd already lost 10kg, she started every sentence with: "You need to change… ". On a good day I don't respond well to being told what to do, so I mostly ignored what she said. As I was leaving she gave me a very attractive brochure that had pretty pictures of lettuce and carrots on the front - now that's helpful. Not!

Vonni, you make me laugh. I don't go to a gym, but the swimming pool I occasionally go to has a mixture of super-fit and people like us, and nobody cares either way. There are 'health clubs' in Perth that are just for the bold and the beautiful, and they charge the kind of fees that reflect their clientele - more money than sense

Kylie good on you for getting those scales. Don't beat yourself up about not getting your exercise done - maybe once you've weighed yourself you can set goals and you'll have more incentive.

Onya Lindor. Now don't be surprised if your new scales weigh you a tiny bit differently - remember that all scales are a bit unique. A friend of mine bought the world's most pretentious scales recently, and they measure body fat, water etc - and they also have a cartoon image. When she gains weight, this little figure appears on the readout, and expands before her eyes. Now in my opinion that's perverse… if my scales showed an image of me expanding they'd be under the wheels of a bloody roadtrain in a second

I'm still on track and feeling good this week. I walked yesterday, wrote down what I ate, drank plenty of water… and I feel very determined. I really, really want to get below 90kg by mid-April.

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Old 02-13-2007, 08:25 PM   #1339  
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Here's a dozen roses for you all!

I've managed to lose another 300g this week and I have no idea how! I've still been to the gym so thats probably helping things. Ani at the moment I don't think I really have a goal in mind all I know is that I want this weight gone. I think I'll just keep plodding along and see what happens. As long as I don't put any back on I'll be happy. I think that thing in my head that tells me when enough is enough is on holidays

Vonni, I think back there somewhere you were asking about low impact exercise. I have a yoga video that I do occasionally and you'd be surprised at how much effort it takes to do that stuff! It looks easy but its not! Should be ok for your knees. Also get yourself a fit ball, they're great too. Excellent for core strengthening, and just take it easy, do what you can at a pace that suits you.

I've got a set of those super dooper scales that tell you everything too. So far its only happy with my muscle mass, its in the healthy zone!

Hope everyone has a lovely day today.

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Old 02-13-2007, 08:36 PM   #1340  
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My scales are supposed to tell me the muscle/fat ratio, but I don't know how to work them!

My vitamins have 2000IU of Vitamin A, if there's a Chemist Warehouse (waaay cheaper) go and check some out, there are tons.
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Old 02-13-2007, 11:57 PM   #1341  
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Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!

Hope the day has been good...and the night will be better!

Ani, am so glad to hear things are moving in the right direction for you again! After such a long plateau, you bloody deserve to see some movement!

Cite, I agree that getting your mum on board will help a lot! I have "trained" Jonno (hubby) not to allow ANY junk food in this house that Im not allowed and if he does, he has to lock it up in his bedside cabinet! Makes ME sound like I have issues with food...oh wait, yeah I do! Anyway, I know this about myself and have made sure that those around me are aware of it as well. It so helps....

Augigi, another vitamin and supplement whore here! I take fish oil (in high doses), zinc, calcium, vit D, prenatal, magnesium, chromium picolinate, sugar balance pills, iron, vit B6, and cinnamon for insulin sensitivity. I thinks thats all from my memory..I, like you, take about 20 pills a day.

Haha...Lindor, Im certainly glad I DONT have atrial fibrilation! Sounds like your scales are pretty amazing! Can you send it MY way for a couple of hours everyday?? Mine are collecting dust (altho I DO use them!) and are just getting worn down...must be from putting 115kg on them so often!

Elerine, thats a good viewpoint about the tub of margarine. I dont keep any at my house anymore, but I know what you mean...I certainly remember those tubs as I took them out of the fridge frequently!

Hi to everyone else!! Good to hear you are all doing well and keeping on track!

First day of LitenEasy apprehensive, but if the program can help someone with insulin resistance lose weight, I wont complain. Food is pretty many carbs tho! After having a long while with no wheat and dairy, this is almost foreign to me. But, Im eating my dinners for lunch since I would rather have the majority of my food earlier in the day when my metabolism isnt so slow. I will keep you all posted on progress (hopefully there will be!)...

Have a good night girls!!

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Old 02-14-2007, 03:37 AM   #1342  
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Duh - it's Wednesday, -not- Thursday, which means no late night shopping tonight, which means scales tomorrow! Yay!

All those pills - I don't know if I could do it! I always see on the labels to look out for too much selenium? That warning seems to be on all the bottles, so I hope there isn't some in all of those Britt! Just a thought.

I wish bf would come home from work - it is Valentine's after all

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Old 02-14-2007, 05:19 AM   #1343  
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Happy Valentine's everyone! I spent the day shopping for new clothes, and I actually hate shopping so it wasnt anything romantic or even fun . I almost wish uni had a uniform - it made school so much easier. I've settled on wearing t-shirts and denim/white/black skirts for the next 6 years, which makes it bearable. It was wonderful exercise though - about five hours of me wandering around the city carrying bags which probably weighed a few kilos in the end.

I'm jealous of all these high-tech scales! Mine are getting old, and I have to keep standing on the corner of the scale until it decides to turn on. Which lately has been about 10 times. Although I would probably get upet when all my stats were in the 'unhealthy' range.

Ani - I cancelled my appointment with the dietician today. It wasnt worth another $90 [not to mention that when I went the first time she assured me it would all go on to medicare because I had a referral from the Dr. - but I still had to pay it in the end ]. I'd rather buy more vitamins although I'm not to consistent about taking the ones I already own .

Glad to hear things are moving in the right direction for most of us!
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Old 02-14-2007, 05:51 AM   #1344  
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Thanks Barb I'll be sure to check out the yoga. Might be good for my mind to - As long as I don't have to stand on my head with my legs bent at inconceivable angles behind me.

Hey Cite at least you got digital scales. I still have the old needle point things. But they are pretty accurate. I stand several kilos of sugar / flour etc on them every couple of weeks to check. Though I agree with Britt that Lindor could lend em around. I only want them to do my washing once they've finished with her dishes.

Cite how can you hate shopping? I love shopping. Am a self confessed shopaholic. Even if I'm just looking I can be out for hours.

I was naughty today. The first time in over a week I had junk. I had a toasted ham, tomato and cheese sandwich in the mall. BUT I drank water not latte and the sandwich had minimal butter. Thats one thing I refuse to give up as I only have tiny amounts anyhow - butter, and sugar in my coffee.

I didn't go for a walk either But figured 4 hours walking around the shopping centre with a stroller was pretty much ok. Just a stroll but moving nonetheless.

Going to walk Bree to school tomorrow morn to make up for it.

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Old 02-14-2007, 05:17 PM   #1345  
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Morning all!!!

I'm running late again!! Arrgghhh!

Just wanted to stick to my daily report though. So, despite last evening/night being somewhat of an emotional one for me, I did manage to stay (well) within my calories and I drank 1.5L of water. No step-ups again!!!

You all sound like you survived Valentines day! It is a day that is of no threat to me just now But if it was, I think I'd prefer the chocolate over the roses...for all the wrong reasons of course!!!

Kylie, did bf get home in time to spend a few hours of the day with you???

Britt good luck with the Lite'n'Easy - are they like frozen dinners or do you actually have to go out buy the ingredients and cook them up?

On the subject of shopping, I'd like to throw in my opinion about it! I absolutely hate it!!! Be it for clothes, appliances, food or anything!!! Just HATE shopping!!!

Barb, well done on the 300g drop! It can be surprising what we manage sometimes can't it? I can't belive after two weeks of not caring about what I eat, when I ate it or how much of it I ate, I managed to stay the same weight!!

Do as Ani suggests Barb, set yourself a goal or two. I'm still thinking of what to reward myself with when I get into the 70's - that will just be something small. But I am seriously thinking of packing up a backpack, putting on a good quality pair of joggers and doing a bush walk down south for a week or two when I reach my final goal! But that is just a thought for now - it might change before I reach goal

Ani! Keep going! I think I am looking forward to you reaching goal more than I am myself! Despite all your efforts, you have been stuck for so see you moving again is fantastic!!!

I'd be happy to rent out my scales when I am done with them...put your names down and I'll do up a roster for it!! But I must have them back once a month so they can do a massive spring clean of this unit!!!

I have read all, sorry if I haven't responded to you all. I am not ignoring you all!

When I learn how to manage my time better these replies will be less rushed!!

Gotta go!

Have a good day all!!!
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Old 02-14-2007, 05:26 PM   #1346  
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Hey Barb, 300g is still a loss - i think that's great news. It's good that you're still going to the gym, even when your head isn't in the right place - because you're still doing something positive for yourself. Are you feeling resistant to the idea of setting goals at the moment? Is other stuff going on with you?

Onya Cite! Do dieticians cost $90? I can think of much better ways to spend my money than that.

What is the seeming obsession with vitamins and various other supplements? I seem to be the only one who hasn't caught the bug here. I take magnesium & calcium every day, but that's for my back as I don't use anti-inflammatory drugs. I can understand taking supplements when you've been diagnosed with a deficiency (eg iron), or in Britt's case when you have other things going on - but when you're healthy, what is the point?

All is going well for me this week. In the past I have sometimes sabotaged a good weigh-in by having too much food the next week, or doing something stupid, but this week I've been pretty disciplined with myself. I'm planning to walk and do my other exercises today, and I feel fairly confident I'll be able to behave myself with food - even if I have a work meeting in a restaurant at lunch time .

Good luck with today everyone!

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Old 02-14-2007, 05:41 PM   #1347  
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Lindor I didn't see your post (must have been busy writing my own waffle at the time).

I loathe shopping! When I go to the stupidmarket I rarely even grab a trolley (it doesn't hurt that I live very close to a Coles, so I can shop every day) - and the only reason I go to a big shopping centre is to use it for its airconditioning, when I want to walk on those 40ºC+ days.

Thanks for the encouragement - and you KNOW that I want to see you hit the 70s at the same time as I hit the 80s.

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Old 02-14-2007, 06:02 PM   #1348  
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By the way, Lindor if you want to watch The Biggest Loser you can download it from Just use the search function at the top of the page - and you'll find the episodes are up there around 4 or 5 hours after they've been on TV.

Just thought that since you don't get it on TV up there it might be a good way for you to keep up with the show if you're interested.
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Old 02-14-2007, 07:38 PM   #1349  
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Hey everyone

Lindor, no, bf got home at 3.30am. After going out with mates after work. (just for food, he doesn't drink.) When I asked him if he was coming to bed, it turned out he had another appointment. with his computer game. *sigh*

Just so you all know, my mum's side of the family is quite close, and her cousin passed away this morning. Simon had motor neurone (sp?) disease, and he was only 40. He was put into palliative care 2 days ago, mum saw him yesterday, and gave him all our love, esp. from his family in NZ. We knew he wasn't well, but I didn't think it would be so soon. I'm sad for Rose (his sister in NZ), and his sons. I guess funerals are going around.

On the diet note - i havent been. I'm not eating properly again - it is too easy to fall into old habits. Will have to focus on this much more this week.

Love to everyone

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Old 02-14-2007, 08:02 PM   #1350  
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Good morning all.

How come everyone hates shopping? I feel like a polar bear in haiwaii - all alone .

Sorry to hear about Simon Kylie. Its hard to lose someone your close to. They say the grief gets less in time, but I feel it gets no less, you just don't think about it as much is all. It gets maybe just a little less painful . And when you do think about it, you more remember the good things with sadness. I hope your BF comes home this evening and gives you lots of hugs.

I went shopping last night and thought I'd buy a pkt of snack right choch sultana bikkies, only 206kj per 3 bikky serve (Is that ok?) But I'm too scared to eat 1 for fear of my sweet tooth coming back and then just devouring any and all I that I see. I'm a sucker for biscuits, chips and choc. Before I started this I ate a choc bar, 5 or 6 biscuits (or 9 or 10) and a bowl of chips everyday. No wonder I was getting bigger. (and poorer)

Well I went for my walk to the school this morning and nearly died when I got home. I guess that shows how much damage can be done when I skip a day. I will say though, perhaps its the pushing of stroller up that damn hill that makes it a little harder, I haven't got my arms free to swing it.

I hadn't eaten brekky before I left and when I got home I had a hot cross bun. Man I feel yuk . I havent had anything sweet for ages and now my tastebuds have protested. Which I guess can't be a bad thing. Does anyone else have that problem?

Enough prattling for me. Going to try and get some housework done while bubs in bed and before I go to work tonight.

I'm off to the Doc tomorrow for a weigh and blood tests so will post back tomorrow eve.

Buh BYe
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