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Old 01-21-2006, 12:16 PM   #106  
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Talking into the ones

Well I had my weigh in today I am down a pound that puts me squeeking into the one hundreds Bye bye twos. I was hoping for a two pound loss so I could add another little dancer man but something to aim for next week.
Have a shiney day
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Old 01-21-2006, 02:19 PM   #107  
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Default Hiya!

Nighthawk: I'm up in Prince George. It's cool here right now, but I would much rather be in Osoyoos! We used to go to visit my ex's parents quite a bit. *Sigh*

It's so great to come in here and see how everone is doing. I am floored at some of the major weight losses I've seen! All you ladies are amazing! Keep up the good work everyone and the best of luck!


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Old 01-21-2006, 02:37 PM   #108  
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Post skating fever

Hello everyone! Welcome to all of the new ladies that we have! You will find that this will be great for you! It seems two pounds was a weight loss for quite a few people.

kmccann- Skating what a wonderful thing! My son's birthday is Monday. A no school day and we as a family are going to go skating! We love to do it. This will be the first time in awhile since we started taking care of my father-in-law that we will be able to do something together. The first time after the rink opened, I fell real hard, it had been twenty years! I bruised my tail bone real bad, you have to think of all that weight falling on it! I hurt for weeks, it messed my up on the insides. I still go back. It is fun and healthy. Do you do inline or quad skates? Everybody should try skating if you are able!

Well I got to go out with friends last night. The first in awhile. I laughed, we all laughed until I almost peed my pants. I really needed that time. everybody needs time like that.

Well, I am still sticking with the diet even when I made everyone waffles and bacon. I still had my bowl of cereal. My husband is making a pork roast on the grill tonight to make pulled Pork. I will eat soem of it with out sauce and then of course my salad. Yes, he cooks on the grill even on cold, windy nights!
Well, gotta go! LOL to everyone! Have a great weekend!
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Old 01-21-2006, 07:10 PM   #109  
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Default No change

My weigh showed no change, but I have to remember I have had great success the past couple weeks. I am hoping to lose at least 2 next week.

Hope everyone had a good day.
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Old 01-21-2006, 09:36 PM   #110  
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Hi everyone!
The skating didn't go so well. When we got to the rink, there were about six kids birthday parties going and over 100 kids so I chickened out! I inline skate when I am brave enough to get out there. I used to skate on the quads but it is much easier on the inlines, you don't feel like your falling forward! We are going back soon and not on a Saturday afternoon, maybe during the week.

Catherine-How old will your son be Monday? Tell him Happy Birthday! I hope you all have a great time.

Erin-It's okay to have a week when you don't loose. I always have a good week or two and then the next it will start again. I think it may be part of being a woman! Keep up the good work!

Lori-Congrats on the lose. You are right where I want to be by summer. I would love to see a "1" on the front instead of the "2". Your doing great.

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Old 01-22-2006, 10:03 AM   #111  
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Default Enjoy the weekend

Morning all - I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. I was up and going this morning. Getting time in the ellipitical, some running and some crucnhes and push ups.

Goals this week -

- more water
- exercise 6 days a week (30 mins) Mon - Sat
- weight loss - 2 pounds
- calories count - at 1600 - 1700 daily

On another note, I got frustrated with my scale not showing something the last week and actually showing an increase today. It had been floating around the same point through my period so I was ok with that, but today it showed a 5 pound increase and I do not feel bloated at all. I got on it again and it showed a 10 pound difference - hihger- within seconds. I bought this digital scale over a year ago so I think the battery is going, but I can not find where to put the replacement battery. Honestly it does not look like an easy replacement. I pull out the old basic scale we have and it says 278!!!!!!!!! I weighed myself 2 times and it was within a pound. I checked both with a five pound hand weight ... guess what old faithful non digital was right on the money while the digital said 7 & 9. I think I am going to buy a new one this week to be sure - any suggestions??

Good luck everyone - Erin

Last edited by ejb180; 01-22-2006 at 01:22 PM.
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Old 01-22-2006, 04:06 PM   #112  
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Default I'd love to join you all!!

I haven't posted here before, but just wanted to let you all know that I have been lurking and you have been such an inspiration to me!! Thanks! I'd love to join you as a daily poster - and couldn't find anywhere that this was a "closed" buddy group - so I'll start posting here if that's OK. I've run into Erin on another thread, but aside from that don't believe I've "met" any of you before.

I'm Nori, 34yo, married to J since '99, 2 dd's ages 2y and 9m - 17 months apart. I've been fat for most of my adult life, and obese for at least 10. My high weight was 284 8 years ago and then I lost 115 pounds very quickly, on a VLCD, only to gain almost all of it back over the past 7 years. This past year has been real rough. Had dd#2 in April and she had Failure To Thrive and severe colic. Some how between the every-other-day visits from the home health nurse and the 14 hours of screaming every day I sunk into a depression - where I actually didn't care about my weight at all, or being healthy. I gained 30 pounds after her birth. Anyways, something clicked the beginning of this month - that and the fact that I was growing out of all my size 20's and starting to live in baggy yoga style clothing.

I joined 3FC's in November but didn't start being healthy until 1-5-06. My SW was 263 and now I'm 255. My longterm gw is 140-160 (we'll see when I get closer). My first mini goal is to be 238 - which was my weight before all this post-partum funk started. Next mini goal - really target this "muffin top" that rides over the top of my jeans!!! I'm just counting calories - eating foods I enjoy, just less of them and cutting out the high fat foods.

Elizabeth - I have to ask how you like that Denise Austin walk dvd? I have the WATP 3 mile and have enjoyed it this week. I'm house-bound since both of my girls are sick. I normally go to the gym everyday, but of course they cannot go into the day care there while sick. I want to get a few more dvd's for times like this, because after 6 days straight of doing this one, it is getting a little boring.

Erin - don't be down about not losing this week. You've done great and with that much weight loss in the first 2 weeks, you body is probably just adjusting. It'll even out and you'll lose this week. I think you do need a new scale though! Those #'s are too off. GREAT workout, btw!

And YES, Ms Right - you look amazing!!!!

Hi to everyone else - it'll take me awhile to learn everyone's names. Looking forward to the rest of 2006!
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Old 01-22-2006, 05:53 PM   #113  
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Default any good aerobic video?

I've just recently tried to start back on my diet and so far I've failed misserably but I was wondering if any one could suggest a good aerobics video. I don't have a very high energy level right now so I'm looking for something low impact. I know I would eventually like to try taebo and bootcamp but I think they might be a bit much for me right now.
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Old 01-22-2006, 06:06 PM   #114  
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Hi everyone and Welcome to the newcomers!

I was kind of wondering the same thing Serena is, I need a good workout video as well. I have the crunch dance but I don't really "feel the burn".

Erin-Is the biggest looser dvd a hard workout? I was wondering if there's a lot of working out on your back or mostly standing. I have very tender muscles in my lower back and gave away a "Pilata's for beginners" video because I couldn't do it.

I made a wonderful low fat banana pudding. If anyone is interested I can post the recipe. 161 calories and 3 grams of fat for a good size serving.

Have a good evening!
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Old 01-22-2006, 06:07 PM   #115  
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Talking Happy Sunday

Hi Everyone,
I am having a great day so far, which doesn't mean all that much since I work nights and just got up (it's 3 pm here) I was just thinking I have two little weight goals to try for this week if I lose one pound that puts me a nice round 15 pounds and I can add another little dancing man and if I can manage to lose 2 lbs then that puts me in a new BMI(35) so I will be extra faithful to my food plan and next Sat do a little happy dance (how many cal burned in a happy dance I wonder)

Lorretta: You are way up north I agree with you it is awesome here

Catherine: How nice to go out as a family that is always fun Hope you have a super time Monday. It's always great to have a bunch of laughs with friends. I work on locked dementia ward I know how difficult their behaviors can become, kudos to you for keeping you FIL at home.

Erin: 10 lbs in seconds that is the stuff that nightmares are made off. You have great goals this week that should get you your 2 lbs no prob

Nori: Hi nice to meet you I'm your neighbour to the north I live in Kelowna BC. Hope smallest sweet pea is doing well now, what a tough go you've had, but welcome to the good life sounds like you're doing much better

Have a super Sunday

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Old 01-22-2006, 06:11 PM   #116  
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Hello everyone..I would like to join your group...I've been reading on here and this seems to be a very active and motivated group...I would love to be part of a active supportive group like this...
A little about me..I'm 36, single with a 18 yr old daughter...I've had a weight problem now for 18 years....I started my new way of eating healthy (diet just seems like a bad word) on 12-19-05..also joined this site on that same day...I stumbled across this web site and was so movitated that I had to start that day....I have lost some in the past but most of it has managed to come back over the last few years..

My start weight was 198, my goal is 140 and I'm now at 184..I've lost 14lbs since I've started....I am counting calories and trying to make good food choices....I bought a stationary bike and I ride for a min of 30 mins a day..I also started do the biggest loser dvd workout....I really like it..I bought the tabeo bootcamp but it just to tough right now...I need to get in better shape first...

Hope everyone has a great day and I will chat at you all later
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Old 01-22-2006, 06:41 PM   #117  
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Originally Posted by serena37
I've just recently tried to start back on my diet and so far I've failed misserably but I was wondering if any one could suggest a good aerobics video. I don't have a very high energy level right now so I'm looking for something low impact. I know I would eventually like to try taebo and bootcamp but I think they might be a bit much for me right now.
Well this week since I haven't been able to go to the gym, I've been doing the Walk Away The Pounds 3 Mile dvd. It's about 50 minutes long and includes walking, side steps, double side steps, knee lifts, double knee lifts, kicks and kick backs. It's not intense. But I do get my heart rate up and sweat. I like it and am thinking to get her WATP Walk&Jog next. And the Biggest Loser dvd. WATP get's lots of good reviews here on 3fc's.

Lori - I've got to go look at a map to figure out where Kelowna is. I've only been to Abbotsford, Chilliwack (sp?), and to Prince George (that was a LONG drive!).
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Old 01-22-2006, 06:42 PM   #118  
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PS. Serena - you haven't failed as you said - I say you haven't failed until you quit!! Andyou haven't quit!!
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Old 01-22-2006, 07:38 PM   #119  
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Default Workouts

I will have to say the Biggest Loser workout is a good one. Bob leads it with contestants from the shows. Everyone is "real" there are mess ups that were not corrected, people going at their own pace and alternatives. I have done the first levels and I will tell you I still feel it the day after.

I also like the dance works outs, but I have not found a really good one that I liked. I am trying different ones through Netflix to find options I really like.

On another note, I am going out tomorrow night to look for a new scale. I said something to my sister in law. She said it is a sign of needing a new battery, but I could not find the place to replace the battery. Honestly I think I spent $20 on it so I think I got my money's worth. I am also looking on amazon and some other websites to get the best I could. I am thinking my weight lost may not be as great as I though it was, but I want to be accurate. At least all my pants are getting loser. I also checked my inches and there are two less on my waist so at least I know there has been some type of progress.

Have a good night gang. I got to get somethings together for tomorrow's work day.

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Old 01-23-2006, 11:22 AM   #120  
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Default Monday Weigh In

A GREAT BIG WELCOME TO ALL OF OUR NEWBIES!!! This is a great group - have fun!

To the fabulous ladies asking about workout videos. I have videos from The Firm which combine strength training and cardio. They always have someone doing modifications, too, so it's easy to follow along. However, I've spent the last 6 months building up to The Firm sets by using Leslie Sansone's WATP (Walk & Kick is great, too), and Winsor Pilates.

Now, about my weight in. I lost ONE POUND! I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed, because I counted my points and I exercised 4 days last week, so I expected a little more. I think I need to focus back on the WW Guidelines. For instance, this weekend I didn't exercise AT ALL, and I didn't drink my water or eat enough fruits and veggies.

Elizabeth - how was your new Denise Austin video?

Ladies, keep up the great work. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!
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