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Old 01-19-2006, 07:30 PM   #91  
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Default Well -

I have nto had the best day. I gave into thai food. No excuse besides really wnated it. I did break up the portion adn had the one resturant serving for lunch and dinner (I guess that is the improvement from when I use to eat the whole dish for lunch).

I also have some of the weight loss blahss since I feel like I am retaining water weight (the joy of being a woman). Anyway I am reminding myself not to weigh / check the scale through this week so I do not get depressed. I need to get back on track on counting calories. I feel like I am on track and the clothes are loose. I think I feel my wedding ring moving. I know it is not, but it is not stuck in the one spot it was indented in to so I guess that is positvie though the scale is not showing improvement.

So I guess my long thought is there are going to me a lot of little steps, but I will be patient !!!

JAMAMOM - awesome job on not giving into the sub or sandwich.

Serena - I know it is not easy finding time. I try to get some time inthe mornign before my little one gets up (I know it is easier when there are one instead of three). Also I told my husband this year I want to do some stuff for me so I ask him to give me 15 minutes a night to get my calorie down and pack my "good" lunch for the next day - this is typically after dinner. If I do not get time in the morning I spend sometime after my child goes to bed or while J is putting him to bed and try to squeeze in 20 minutes or so that way

Hope everyone else is doing well - take care - Erin
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Old 01-20-2006, 05:54 AM   #92  
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WOOHOO!!! 2 pounds more down this morning. This working out is really paying off! Everyone have a fabulous day!
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Old 01-20-2006, 01:12 PM   #93  
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Post Tgif !!!

Hi Ladies ~

TGIF !!! I am so sorry I wasn't around yesterday, but the circuit here at work was down so we didn't have a phone system, or net access. BUT on a positive it's back and running today YAY !!! Seems I have missed out on quite a bit !! But, today I will have ample time to catch up and check up on the wonderful Group of The Diet Journey of 2006 ~ 3FC Style !! I don't know about all of you, but I am DEFINATELY looking forward to the weekend !! Only a few more days til the weekly WEIGH IN - which I am dreading, but hey if I lose just 1 lb I will be happy.

P.S. THIS is going to be a REAL LONG post - Sorry in advance !!

Katrina, I recall you asking about Low Carb Snack Options - Here's a few:Celery with tuna salad
Hard boiled eggs
Deviled eggs
Dill pickles and cheddar cheese (no kidding, it’s a great combo)
¼ cup berries with 1/3 cup cottage cheese
Nuts (keep raw ones in the freezer if you think you’ll overeat them)
Jerky (try to find low sugar varieties)
Low carb shakes
Cheese sticks
Sugar free jello, alone or with cottage cheese and a sprinkling of nuts
Cheese with a few apple slices
Congrats on the 2 lb loss !!

InFrogWeTrust ~ Hello & to the group !! I hope you enjoy being a part of us - and we look forward to hearing more about you. From what I saw I hope you were able to get help in figuring out how to attach your Weight Tracker ? Remember day by day=s a brand new positive you

Stacye - I hope you have some time this weekend to post and update about how things are with you and what's going on !! I looked at your Before & During Pics and WOW you have changed a lot !! YAY !!

Katie ~ How goes the Taebo and dieting ? And did you throw out the bad stuff and get some healthy good things to eat ?! Hope to hear more from you !!

Erin~ First off I LOVE LOVE the dress you've purchased. It's so beautiful ! I know you're going to look SO fantastic in it !! Sounds like you've had a VERY busy week this week. I am also sorry about J not paying attention to your weightloss "All in DUE time" don't worry !! It's for YOU !!

Lori "Nighthawk" ~ Hope you're doing well !! Miss hearing from you !!

Sarah ~ Girl youve got so much energy and are always so encouraging !! I am curious about how your weeks been ? Always look forward to hearing from you !!

Eldubu ~ & Thanks for your inspiring post !! Sounds like you've got Everything going for YOU !!! I like your advice and your list you shared !! Congrats on 15 lbs lost !!

Serena ~ KEEP up the good work of exercise !! Get on that elliptical and burn some calories and feel the YOU CAN DO IT !!!

Catherine ~ YAY For staying on track and being motivated by your hubby too !! YOU CAN DO IT !!! Yes you can

Okay, well that covers everyone SO far !! Hope to hear from everyone !! Have a WONDERFUL day & Weekend !! Don't forget - Keep on Right & !!!
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Old 01-20-2006, 02:28 PM   #94  
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Exclamation Just Wondering. . .

Hi Ladies ~

I was just wondering what Everyone eats for breakfast, lunch & dinner ? Especially if you bring your lunch to work ?

Here's an example of my B-fast & Lunch :
1 packet of Quaker Low Sugar Maple & Brown Sugar Oatmeal - 120 cal.
1/2 banana or a fruit cup - 60 cal.
1 String Cheese - 75 calories
1 Multi-Vitamin - Centrum

Lean Cuisine Meal - Turkey w/ Whipped Sweet Potatoes - 280 calories
1 fruit cup - 60 calories
1 Diet Dr. Pepper

That's just examples, but I am bringing some type of frozen meal every day for lunch - LOVE Lean Cuisines a lot.

Anywhoo. . I was just curious. Hope to hear some of your meal plans !!
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Old 01-20-2006, 04:32 PM   #95  
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Hey everyone! I'm so glad it's Friday!

My diet has been pretty much right on track except for today. I avoid having cookies and other sweets around, but today at school there was a bake sale, and I gave in to temptation and ate 6 cookies I feel really bad about it.. Now I'm scared to weigh in tomorrow!

I have accumulated a lot of healthier food in the past week or so: ground turkey, Healthy Choice dinners, yogurt, low-cal soups, bags of salad, some white wheat bread (I'm taking baby steps to go to whole wheat).. The list goes on!

Sarah, I know what you mean about needing a refresher course! Last week I felt so uncoordinated because I hadn't been doing TaeBo. I wouldn't really consider Flex super-hard cardio. It's called Flex because at the end of some reps, Billy will yell "FLEX" and you're supposed to hold your position - like, if you are doing kicks, you will kick and hold it there for 8 counts. It's challenging to hold it (especially on kicks!), but it has improved my balance and strengthened my core! I sound like a commericial

Here's a sample meal plan:
Breakfast - a package of Quaker cinnamon oatmeal, and 12 oz. of a fruit juice (orange, etc.).

Lunch - A few slices of turkey on white wheat bread (some days I have soup), a tangerine, and some of those Quakers Quakes rice snack things

Dinner - Tonight I'm having an turkey burger with soy sauce grilled on my George Foreman grill, a salad with low cal Italian vinaigrette, and a serving of veggies. Yum!

Snacks - I usually have one after dinner because I usually stay up late and I get hungry before I go to bed. Some options: a piece of fruit (strawberries, bananas, apples, tangelos, or tangerines are my favorite), a Yoplait smoothie or cup of yogurt, a few pieces of beef jerky, and if I have a chocolate craving, a cup of low-cal hot chocolate.

Wow, I really wrote a book today!
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Old 01-20-2006, 05:10 PM   #96  
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Post 2 more pounds

Well, I have lost two more pounds My regular exercise routine starts tomorrow. I walked today. And did some weights. My 9 year daughter is going to workout with me. My father-in-law even said he would walk with me.
Speaking of Lean Cuisine. Have anybody else tried the Panini Sandwiches. They are absolutely awesome. They are a little high in fat for me . I am trying to stay at 5gms or under per meal, but they do fill any cravings I may have. I only eat them at dinner. My meals are going to vary from all of yours.
I go to work at 4 am so the easy way in the morning is to drink a Glucerna.

My lunch break which is your breakfast I have chicken or tuna with 4 whole wheat crackers. Sometimes I eat Dannon light & fit ,carb & sugar control yogurt, I will have that with a diet pudding. Sometimes I may have Quaker smart heart oatmeal or smart start cereal.

For snacks I eat snack bars. I love the South Beach Diet's Cranberry Almond the best.

For dinner I usually have a salad with chicken or a plate of vegetables. unless of course I eat a lean Cuisine or such.

And then there is all that WATER!

I eat very little fruit because of my diabetes. I am also trying to keep to under 30 carbs per each of the six small meals.

Well that is me ! I am going to go! I get to go out with friends tonight. I have not done it in years. It is something for me! My husband said to have fun! TAlk to all of you this weekend!

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Old 01-20-2006, 05:31 PM   #97  
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Hi everyone!!

I would love to be part of your group! I just turned 18 on November 21 and I joined Weight Watchers the day after. So far, I have lost 10 pounds! This time it's a real weight loss, not like those other diets: aka: South Beach or Atkins. By next year, I want to look like a whole different person. I have had long blonde hair for my whole life, and once I get to my dream goal, I will be cutting it and dying it chocolate brown I am so excited, it's such a new start for me. So far, I have been drinking 6-8 cups of water daily, and doing some form of excersize every day for 45-60 minutes. I started lifting little 3 pound weights today. I am eating healthier foods and more fruit and vegetables. I go back to Weight Watchers on Wednesday, and I am really reaching to lose 2 pounds or more this week. But anyway, I would love to be a part of this group and I wish you all good luck!
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Old 01-20-2006, 07:19 PM   #98  
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Default 2006 challenge

I was so thrilled to find this website, am inspired to begin a weight loss and exercise program; had my children all home for xmas and realized how I want to be around for all of them as long as possible. I have been separated for 12 years and raised my four children, working two jobs, so how did I find so much time to eat? Currently weigh 272 pounds, would love to get down below 200 by June. After 12 years, I have finally rejoined the dating pool; scary, scary, scary. The gentlmen who ask me out all tend to be younger, fit, and , gorgeous, I am very flattered but petrified; as many of you may concur, I look much better with clothes on!! I would like to find a serious relationship but until I have more confidence in how I look i will always be pushing men away. Help! I want a full and happy future with a new man and beautiful grandchildren. I want to join your group and take up the challenge of weight loss for 2006. This is like a last ditch effort for me as I am 52 years old, with a little luck and adopting a healthier life style I may have 50 years to go. I am new to all this so if you have things you need me to do to join, please send me and email at [email protected]. Thanks.
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Old 01-20-2006, 07:45 PM   #99  
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Hi everybody! I'm restarting my weight loss journey this year after hitting a plateau about a year and a half ago. In that year and a half, I regained 40+ pounds!

While I want to lose weight for myself, and my health (I have PCOS which is a strong indicator of future development of type 2 diabetes) I am also hoping to lose weight towards another goal.

I am joining the Peace Corps, and I was shocked at my physical to see how much weight I had gained. I really want to lose at least 50 pounds before I leave to begin serving in the Peace Corps. This is very important to me, and I plan on working hard to reach this goal. I'd love to join this forum, good luck to everyone, looking forward to support and supporting!

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Old 01-20-2006, 08:33 PM   #100  
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Good Evening everyone. Good to have the newbies here!

Ms. Right-I just wanted to say good luck with the dating and I looked at your picture and was shocked, there's no way you are 52. From the picture you don't look a day over 40!

Catherine-Looks like we both had a good day with the 2 pounds.

I am just so glad it's Friday. My son, Montana's birthday is Monday and we are partying all weekend. He'll be 7! I have to stay away from the cake. He wants to go roller skating so I may attempt to get in my exercise by "trying" to skate. I used to be really good at it but that was my teenage years.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and keep up the good work!
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Old 01-20-2006, 11:38 PM   #101  
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Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all having a great week looks pretty good from what I've been reading. I think we have a fantastic little group happening

Sarah: Glad you like the halls idea it works great if you're a nibbler while you cook like I am.

Eldubu: Sounds like you have some great goals going on I have a few of the same I particularly like the find joy one good luck with it. I see you are from beautiful British Columbia where abouts are you I am formerly an island girl and now live in the land of sunshine and wine, the okanagan. OK it's winter and more like the land of snow and

Serena: I know how hard it is to carve out time for yourself (I have 2 jobs) maybe you could let DH know how important it is to you.

Catherine: I hate it when food call out my name good job on resisting

Erin: It sounds like you gave into a craving in a sensible controlled way not a bad day at all. Thai food is ssoooo good

Katrina::Cheer: 2 pounds woo hoo

Hi Elizabeth: still here I a couple of days of the week I work both of my jobs that gives me exactly 3 hours free time so one hour on the elliptical and get ready for the next shift and it doesn't leave me alot of computertime so I may dissappear for a day or to but I will return.... lol I love pickles and cheddar cheese I've been eating it since I was a kid yum
My typical breakfast
1/2 cup fiber one
1 cup blueberries
1 cup fatfree yogurt

Typical lunch
Homemade vegitarian Chili
brown rice

My fave lean cusine is cheese ricotta

Welcome to all the newcomers

Well I'm off to work Hope everyone has a great Saturday Weigh in day for me
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Old 01-21-2006, 03:31 AM   #102  
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Default Thanks for the welcome!

Thank you for welcoming me, and yes, I am 52, that pic was taken last July. God has been good that I don't look my age, but believe me I feel it! Am so excited about losing weight and exercising my way into the future, I appreciated the breakfast and lunch food postings, will look forward to them. I did do a great lunch for myself today: sauted crook necked squash, mushrooms, a little onion, and 3 ounces of lean pork, seasoned with lemon pepper, a little salt and pepper and just a dot of tabasco, in 1 tblsp of olive oil. It was great, and felt good eating healthy. Thanks for having this site, I am so encouraged that with all of you out there fighting the same battle i will be successful this time.
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Old 01-21-2006, 09:03 AM   #103  
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Default Happy Saturday -

Morning all & welcome to all the newbies!!!

I worked out this morning (did THe Biggest Loser workout) and I can feel it in the back of my legs as I sit. I am waiting for a work crew to do some repairs to our driveway and landscaping (our oil delivery guy dropped a couple gallons in our driveway) so I need the company and enviromental crew to come out and fix what happened.

Anyway it sounds like everyone had a good week.

Ms Right - congrats on making the decision ot move forward into the future with weightloss. It sounds like you made the decision for you and that is AWESOME! THnaks for the suggestion on lunch - love anything with a bit of hot/spicey so I will have to try it.

kmccann - good luck staking - last time I went I broke my wrist - now that was over 10 years ago so I am sure will have better luck - Happy Birthday to your son as well.

Kristen - WTG on joing the PC ... good for you and good luck on meeting your goal

Catherine - 2 pounds off - that is great - good luck on the exercise routines - once you get going I know you do great and can stay with it.

jen1121 - I hope the WW is going well and welome I am sure you will look
amazing in brown hair (I have to say brunettes are cool - I happen to be one)

Katie bug - your weigh in will be fine I am sure the rest of your good work will counteract the cookies

Elizabeth - good luck on your weigh in as well. I typically bring in pre pack things for lunch - lean cusine, starkist prepack tuna kits, and soups. On Fridays I have been getting sushi as a treat and I will try to avoid eating out the rest of the week for lunch (it is hard at my office a majority of everyone eats out so there are always more tempting lunch options).

Breakfast is granola bar (120 c) and some fruit or eggs.

I am aiming to do atleast 30 mins of exercise a day for 6 days during the week. Hope everyone has a great weekend -

Oh and my dress came in - it fits thanks to a bit strechy material. It is a little tight in the tummy so that will be my target area for the next 4 - 6 weeks. Any suggestions will be great.

Take care - sorry for the lengthy post.

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Old 01-21-2006, 09:52 AM   #104  
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Default 2 More Pounds

It's going to be another great day. I have a bad habit of getting on the scales every morning and I was down another 2 pounds. I have finally started up again. I wish you could do that every morning but I know it's only the first couple of weeks that I loose like that. Next weeks goal is 1 pound a week. I have to get down to 199 by July 6 which gives me 23 weeks. I will have to get in 2 pounds for a few of those weeks. Hope everyone has a wonderful day, got to go skating!
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Old 01-21-2006, 11:43 AM   #105  
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Hello everyone! and to the newbies!

Just stopped for a quick check - in.. I weighed in this morning at 173 - 2 pounds down! Woohoo! I'm very glad yesterday's cookie binge didn't seem to affect my weight much.

I'm off to my cousin's birthday party.. I'm going to try to not have a binge on sweets, so I'm going to limit myself to one serving of whatever looks the yummiest
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