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Old 08-25-2006, 08:15 AM   #961  
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Default Friday

Good morning ladies:

Nori: I can tell by your photo that you love parties, you're always glowing. The trip was pretty good. Most of it was boring for the kids (and me) because there's not much to do where DH is from (1 1/2 hours to closest movie theatre!) a couple of nice days we went to the shore and they swam one day and just played in the sand dunes the other with a bunch of their little cousins. We did travel four days and that was fun. We did a course in falconry at a Ashford Castle, drove to Northern Ireland to the Giant's Causeway and then we drove to Dublin and we loved it time we go back we'll stay there at least 2 or 3 nights.

I got TOM yesterday and I am SO achey. I just took a pain reliever but it hasn't kicked in yet. DH's nephew from England and four of his friends stopped at our house last night for showers, dinners and sleep. They're on a 12 month vacation! The 5 of them spent a week in a hostel in Harlem and then rented a van in NJ for 59 days. They stayed at us last night and then are going to Boston today. Their plans also include Buffalo (to see sororiety girls!), Niagara Falls, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Florida, Nashville, Texas and California. Then they fly to Fiji for 6 days. After that it's a month in New Zealand and then to Australia to find work for 6 months or so. Oh to be young again without a care in the world!! I don't know how they're going to afford any of it, they said they'd been saving for 2 years and their parents helped. They plan on sleeping in the van and/or renting motel rooms to shower. I made up beds/couches for them all last night and 3 of them said they were going out to the store and ended up sleeping in the van at a commuter lot...that was so stupid.

Anyway, nothing else new here. I did read my WW magazine yesterday, I love the inspirational stories. I hope they're sinking into my thick head.

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Old 08-27-2006, 02:14 PM   #962  
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Well, this week has gone much better for me. I counted everything and done what I was suppose to but today has been really tough. My mother went to visit her stepmother out of town but baked her famous pound cake before leaving and only took half of it. I actually was not going to eat any of it but my son wanted some and ended up not eating all of it so I finished it off for him. I'm actually feeling a little bloated right now but hopefully it will go away. This is just so hard but I keep telling myself "you gotta lose the weight so your sister will stop asking for your clothes" The story behind that (if you've got time)
I use to work in an upscale mens clothing store. I didn't make very much but the people who shopped there apparently did. We had a ladies department for a short time but when that part closed they had a huge sale. I bought about $2500.00 worth of clothes but I only paid about $400. for all of it. Everything fit great except the length because I'm so short so I needed to have everyting altered. Well I ended up pregnant before doing so and have never been small enough since. Ever so often my sister will ask "What did you do with all those clothes" and I'll tell her "They're stored away" and she'll say "well you ought to let me have them since you can't wear them" I keep telling my husband that I'm a good mind to tell her I gave them to his sister.
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Old 08-28-2006, 08:50 AM   #963  
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Default Monday

Hello ladies:

Serena, the clothes are a great incentive for you to lose weight! Don't worry about that pound cake, it sounds like you did great this week. Here's wishing you a great weigh in!

I think I am going to start my diet a week from today. I have a ton of leftovers in my house, plus candy from vacation and we're having a picnic/party on Sunday for my DH 40th birthday. I also have fattening ingredients I have to use up that I don't want to throw out. We're also celebrating my mom's 74th and Labor Day. I will try eat in moderation this week while using up the "bad" foods and I will try to start drinking more water and getting some walking in and jump in with both feet next week hopefully.

I hope everyone had a great weekend, I'll check in later during the afternoon.

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Old 08-28-2006, 08:58 AM   #964  
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Hi everyone - I'm back!!!! Now I'm going to read and catch up.
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Old 08-29-2006, 10:59 AM   #965  
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well I thought I had been doing really well this week but upon stepping on the scales this morning I'm not so sure but we'll know for sure tonight at weigh in.
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Old 08-29-2006, 11:21 AM   #966  
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Default Tuesday

Serena: hope you have a great weigh in tonight. My DD wasn't feeling good last night so I didn't walk....bad excuse I know. I did start to use up some leftovers and made a big batch of Shepherd's Pie for the kids to eat. I need someone to come and kick my fat butt so I start exercising and drinking my water.
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Old 08-29-2006, 01:48 PM   #967  
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Morning ladies!!

I had to adjust my ticker up this morning. The weight I thought I had retained during my last TOM has become true weight gain. Usually the 5 pounds I gain are water weight and go away after/during my cycle. Not this month. Oh well...I'm so stuck. But it's my fault because I'm not counting calories past lunchtime anymore. I've got to get my butt in gear. My exercising is fantastic. 5+ days a week. It's my eating that sucks.
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Old 08-30-2006, 12:48 PM   #968  
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Well, I lost 1.8 pounds. Anyway, Hopefully this week will be just as good if not better.

I can't seem to get in gear with the exercise and the food is still a problem with me but I'm getting better. My husband said he read that people who use sweeteners actually crave more sweets.
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Old 08-31-2006, 01:58 PM   #969  
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LOL-it's so great to be reading what everyone is up to again.

Here's the latest on me. I went to LA Weight Loss last Friday night. I've lost 4 pounds. I still have to adjust my ticker, though, because since I went offline I had gained 13. EEK!!!!!

I'll keep you guys posted on LAWL. I must say I'm a little shocked at the cost of it!!!!!!!
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Old 09-02-2006, 05:57 PM   #970  
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Post I have come out of hiding!!!!

Hello dear ladies, I have not forgotton all of you. It has been one **** of a summer! Plus my computer has been down. Did not have the money to fix it. Well things here have been good and bad, so I guess I will catch you up and then I will try to catch up with everyone.

First off, I am still seeing my counseler. Unfortunately I have spent more time alone with her this summer then with my husband. She is starting a new job and I will have to find someone else. I am no longer purging , have not in about 2 1\2 months. Binging is still another story. She is recomending me to another counseler who works with eating disorders, too. My counseler helps me to deal with my FIL and issues with my Mom, too. More to come.

My children only spent 2 weeks home this summer. I did not have the money for day care and I thought they needed a break from my FIL. I am so happy that they are home. My son is doiing well in middle school so far. I did get to do one of those Bungee Swings at KIng's Dominion Amusement park with my children. 150 feet up in the air but I would do it again. I am so happy that I was able to do that with my children. My daughter was the one to pull the rip cord. I am very proud of her.

My parents moved back to VA in the spring and my children were able to spend 5 weeks with her this summer. I am glad! She has been told that she has been in the final stage of liver failure for awhile. THey were to run tests to see how long that she has. She has not told me yet. I do know she will not be here next year this time except by a miracle. I am not sure if she will be here in 6 months.

One piece of good news , I reached my biological father on the fourth of July, Do not think I let any of you know. We have kept in touch since then. I do have a younger sister and 2 nephews. I have let my mom know that I have reached him. She is not happy about it and will not talk to me about it. I have not told my daddy yet, call me chicken. It is one of those control issues my mother has over me that I am trying too deal with. I need to tell my children and have not yet. We, my husband and I, also need to tell them that they have an older brother. Another issue.

As I said my summer has been one big basket of I am not sure what. I am trying to hold it together. I have not forgotten any of you and I apologize that I have not been in touch. I will do much better. Whether, I will try to. I apologize for the long post.

Me and the hubby are together, even though he did kick me out of the house at one point this summer. Another long story. Comes back to us trying to deal with everything around us.

I am happy to see that all of you are doing well. Much love to all of you, Catherine
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Old 09-03-2006, 11:33 AM   #971  
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Wow, and I thought my life was stressful. Well, I hope things get better for you.

Speaking of older brothers. When I was 20, my sister was 22 and my brothers were 27 and 28 we found out we had a 29 year old brother through my dad. However, my dad didn't even know he existed cause the woman never told him. But now I'm almost 30 and we all have a big happy family including the oldest brother. Of course issues like that are probably a little more difficult for younger children.
Got to go, baby crying.
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Old 09-03-2006, 02:40 PM   #972  
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Hi everyone...
Catherine.. phew... you said it ! quite a summer... anytime you need to vent just come online... I had just found my bio dad about 8 yrsa ago... we keep in touch and he has three children that do not talk to him so we do not talk as of yet.. I have tried but mostly of no conscequence... time will tell.. all younger than me... i wish you the best there...

well my kids start back to school next week .. pretty much ready... plus we are having company friday to boot.. for the weekend,,, and my dh oldest daughter who we have not really been speaking wants to come over tomorrow with her 12..yes you heard me.. 12 kids... well i already have 6.. 2 are way older..22 and 20 the rest are 14 and under.. so it would be very crowded.. i don't know what dear hubby is gonna say.. but my face is stressed just at the thought of the whole situation.... long..long story..
well i have gained about 3 lbs.. need to get on not just a wagon.. a fast and strong locomotive!!! with lots of steam..... I sabotage myself at night..mostly casue i have not been journalling and therefore hjmm.. don't know the don't count.. sound familiar??
well another cross road.. I am wanting to have a decent earning job.. maybe not now but work towards one.. I would liek to work partime now and if need be go full time.. but would like the fututre possiblitly of pay at least 40-50K... i could go to college for office administration and I already possess alot of those skills but don't know if the field would warrant that kind of money or demand around here... I am so confused.. any ideas??? well i would love to hear any thoughts.. thanks all! have a great one!!!! kim
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Old 09-04-2006, 07:40 PM   #973  
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Well hello again everyone. I just enjoyed a wonderful dinner that my Dear Hubby made for me. Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese , broccoli and homeade rolls. YUM YUM!!!!! Ate a little too much. But I enjoy when he cooks for me! He even let me take a nap when I got home this afternoon. Labor day and of course I had to work. 4 AM no doubt.

My diet is all to ****! People around me are dropping weight like flies. Not me! Need to work on it a little harder. I need to get back in the gym. But I am always so tired.

I do believe that my children will be fine with all of the family news that I need to give them. I know my daughter will be just fine. My daughter will not be able to handle it when my mom dies though. My mom has not told me what time frame the doctor has given her. I do not plan on hiding it from the children. So many things were hid from me growing up. I know it was so that I would not be hurt. It just hurt me in a different way at a later time. My daughter is real close to my mom. She is even named for her.

Anyways, I need to go! Can't wait to hear from everyone. Kim is was nice to hear from you. I read a few of your first posts on this thread. I was just not posting at the time. everyone have a great week!

LOL, Catherine
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Old 09-05-2006, 02:36 PM   #974  
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Tonight is weight in. I did really well until saturday. I lost my WW journal and didn't know how many extra points I had so the last few days as been a free for all. Of course today I'm extremely bloated so there's not telling what the scales will say.
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Old 09-06-2006, 12:43 AM   #975  
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Hi there Sarah and Catherine! Welcome back after your busy summers.

I've been and will be MIA for anothr week or so. My sister gets married on Saturday and there is so much to do. I cannot wait to see how beautiful her wedding day is going to be! Her husband-to-be's family has all arrived from Norway and have visited. They are all so nice.
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