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Old 01-18-2006, 05:02 PM   #76  
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Does anyone have any ideas for some low carb snacks? I have been using the to track what I am eating and it's way too many carbs. Everything I eat seems to be carbs even though it's low fat or fat free. Hope everyone is having a great day.
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Old 01-18-2006, 05:24 PM   #77  
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Katie Bug - which Tae Bo are you using???? I just got the Boot Camp one, but haven't been able to use it yet.
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Old 01-18-2006, 05:38 PM   #78  
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Default I'm new and want to be improved

Hi there,

I am new here and I need some support for the last time I fail and my first time succeeding. I've always been a thick person, but very athletic. After I stopped playing soccer the weight started packing on. I lost 30 pounds when I was 20 on WW (I am now 26) but I was not ready to accept that this was a life long commitment and I was not losing weight fast enough. So, I gave up, gained the weight back, and here I am again. I started in November, gave up in December and I am now 7 pounds lighter than when I started. I want to lose at least 50 pounds, and that number is so scary. I am trying to take it day by day, and I keep telling myself "it's just food," but I know that it's not just's habitual, emotional, bordom, happiness and the way I grew up. I've been working out 5 times a week, but being that I am still pretty athletic already I find that my workouts need to be much harder to see te results that I had easily gotten in the past. It's a daily struggle to stay on track but I have been doing pretty good. My scale says I've gained two pounds, and it's really irritating me...trying to look at the big picture. I am looking forward to supporting and getting support for my L....O.......N.......G.. road ahead. Oh, and how the heck do I attach my weight tracker???
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Old 01-18-2006, 06:45 PM   #79  
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Ugh ... I'm so far behind! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days ... things have just been a tad busy ... I promise to be better with posting the rest of the week!

Well, I have some reading to do ... I'll be back in just a bit to do some personals ... before I go to any newbies I've missed - you're gonna love this group ... they're AWESOME!

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Old 01-18-2006, 06:48 PM   #80  
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Hi Infrogwetrust,
Try this for your ticker

If this doesn't work, go to the first page of the forum and look under "Announcements and Forum Help"

Hope this helps!
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Old 01-18-2006, 07:49 PM   #81  
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Infrogwetrust! I'm sure you'll find plenty of support here for your weight loss journey!

Sarah, I'm using TaeBo Flex (45 min) and Basic (30 min) right now, but I'm hoping to either get Cardio or Boot Camp soon!
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Old 01-18-2006, 07:58 PM   #82  
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I have been using the Crunch Fat Burning Dance Party DVD (from Target) and it is a pretty easy routine to start out with. It's not very good if you have bad knees though, lots of squating. It fun if you like to dance like I do.

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Old 01-18-2006, 08:31 PM   #83  
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Wow!!! I really have not been around too much the last two days and there are so many updates. I think I need to reread everything to get caught up. I had to drive to Ocean City yesterday (about 5 hours round trip). J, my husband also came home (he has been gone for about 6 days). He did not say anything about my weight loss so I was a little depressed, but have stayed somewhat on track, beside the desert I had a dinner tonight, but I was actually below on my calories so hopefully it will not cause too much damage. I am also starting the monthly bloating phase. I am trying to stay off the scale (I have been it almost every day to make sure I am still on track).

Inforgwetrust - Welcome. it seems a lot of have had the up and downs over the years,but we seem to be looking for moving forward on a new path.

kmccann - I have used veggies for most of my low carb snacks - mushrooms stuffed with articoke hearts, celery, also turkey breast slices wrapped with low cal/fat creamcheese

Elizabeth - thanks for checking in on me. I am still trying to stay on the right path. Even in the car yesterday I had a soft taco for lunch (one, instead of two or three in the past) and then grabbed a diet soda and a single fig newton serving pack on the way home for a snack. I got the Biggest loser DVD workout today via netflix so I am going to try that tomorrow morning.

Catherine - congrats on the weight loss - every little bit will add up

I know I missed some, but I have some catching up to do reading through the posts. - not sure if this would work - here is the dress I got. I got the one in pink with the matching shawl.

Take care all and keep going - E

Last edited by ejb180; 01-18-2006 at 08:46 PM.
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Old 01-18-2006, 10:36 PM   #84  
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Hi all,
Had a great day today went for a walk which was a nice change from the elliptical , I may do it anyway we'll see

Elizabeth: you are awesome the way you keep up with everyone...13 rocks

Catherine: I cannot resist the scales either they call to me I only count what they say on Sat but I keep tabs daily Congrats on the downward creep of numbers

Sarah: Sounds like you are having an awsome week keep up the good work. My tip is sugar free halls when in tempting situations they have a really strong flavour so you don't want to pop anything else in your mouth.

Katie: Congrats on making it through the entire tape I know how hard it is to keep going sometimes....actually most of the time

You all have a fantastic Thursday
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Old 01-18-2006, 11:13 PM   #85  
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Katie Bug - I was thinking of renting Tae Bo Flex from Netflix - is it super hard cardio, or is it stretching and stuff? I was just wondering why it's called "Flex." Ooohhh - good idea starting with the Basic. I watched the Boot Camp Tae Bo first tape, and whoa, do I need a refresher course! lol

Lori - omg what a great idea about the halls. LOL Every night after dinner, I've been brushing my teeth and that helps. But I need something I can do quick at work. And I don't like to brush my teeth at work because our bathrooms are GROSS, so the Halls should do the trick!

Welcome to the newbies! Glad you could join us!!!!!!!!!

Good night everyone.
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Old 01-19-2006, 01:14 AM   #86  
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Default It's time....darn it!!!

Welcome to 2006, and Happy New Year everyone!

I am trying to get a bit more "into" the journey I embarked on 3 months ago.
I have made efforts to:

1. Go to the gym at least 3 times per week.
2. Work on my cardio more while at the gym.
3. Cut out junk food (I haven't been too successful at this one, yet!)
4. Work on my self-esteem and realize that having a man in my life does not change who I really am, so I need to work on why I need validation from others.
5. Less salt
6. Less sugar
7. I am working to cut portion sizes in half, as I load my plate up FULL when I have a meal.
8. Have a healthy breakfast every morning.
9. Stop eating AT LEAST 2 hours before bed.
10. BE HAPPY!!!!!
11. Experience true JOY for the first time in my life!

Good luck to everyone with their goals. One thing I have learned, my little piece of advice to everyone...DO IT FOR YOU AND YOU ALONE!!!

One for every five pounds lost:
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Old 01-19-2006, 06:48 AM   #87  
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I jsut wanted to say good morning ot everyone and to have a great day before I would run off to work!!

Eldubu - You have awesome goals ... I know you can meet them all. Good luck
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Old 01-19-2006, 11:12 AM   #88  
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Default Inspirational Thought Of The Day!


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Old 01-19-2006, 01:52 PM   #89  
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Default already goofing

Hey to all.
I'm only 2 days into my diet and already goofing. I haven't gone over my points but I've eaten more points than I intended. I like to try to stay with my basic points during the week and save my extras for the weekend but so far that hasn't been the case. I did come across a low point sweet snack for those interested. For those of you on WW it's only about 1-2 points per snack.

Use low fat or fat free grahm crackers and low fat or fat free cool whip. Break the grahm cracker into 2 squares. Put a scoop of cool whip (about 2 tbsp) on one cracker and top with other and squish down. Place them in the freezer. When you need a sweet snack just pull one out. They taste almost as good as an Icecream sandwich.

I have an elliptical that my husband got me for my birthday. It seems like everytime I step on the thing one of my boys needs something. So I don't really get to use it that much. I would take them for walks but I have no way of carrying all 3. I have a double stroller but my older son just walks too slow. I do try to go when my mom can walk with me and can push my older son in the other stroller but It just gets frustrating feeling like I have absolutely no time for myself. My husband kayaks, and goes every chance he gets but I feel like I'm not allowed to have a life outside the house. That can be depressing and makes me feel like why should I bother to look better. Anyway, I know I'll get there it just takes time and patience.
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Old 01-19-2006, 02:35 PM   #90  
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Smile Almost, but I didn't!!!!!!

Hello everybody! Well, my day at work was not so great. Some peoples negative attitudes about everything bring me down. I left work and I wanted a Mushroom Swiss Burger or a hot Italian Sub. I really had to talk my self out of it. I had worked over, past the time that I eat lunch. I kept myself control and the control of my car and came home. Then I had my small can of chicken with some whole grain crackers, it wasn't what I wanted but I am not hungry anymore. I am looking forward to my chef salad( no cheese) for dinner. Today was my first day I really wanted something to eat like I used to. And of course it would have been a lot. I did it though and plan to keep strong. Because I know I can do it. My husband says I can too. I called him to tell him I was hungry.
Hope everyone else is doing well. I am going to go! Thanks for listening!

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