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Old 06-23-2006, 11:51 AM   #856  
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oh well grand total ended up being 1540.. i am just not sure where I should be calorie wise.. the calculators all say i should be taking in more but i am just not wanting the food... i guess because i am eating mor ewhole foods it fills me up longer and fuller.. so i will just have to kinda play with it and see where it gets me.. as long as the "trend" each week/month is downward i am making progress, right??

I am really toning up so when fat comes off i will be trim underneath, not muscle is going to make weight go up a tad,

i have a great attitude and trying to keep it.. i am trying to tell myself now i am skinny and shedding off this illusion of weight..haha, and that i am a beautiful person inside and out and worth the effort i am putting into myself.. i have been having such a negative and down beat impression of myself and no one else is going to be my sunshine so i have to do it for me.. we beat ourselves up alot but do we build ourselves up?? i have to live me i might as well like me.. haha... i kind of meditated on it in the tub last night.. and it really helped with my positiveness today..

we live at the shore so we pulled in our crab pots today, and are having crabs for dinner..corn on the cob too.. probably make a couple chicken tenders for the kiddies too..

you all have a great day! Kim
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Old 06-23-2006, 11:55 AM   #857  
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cool! 8 below is out!! I gotta go rent that thanks Nori!! yes that is a low day for me.. but i did get up to 1500.. i was up aroundf 1900-2000 but onlyt losing .5 a week so i was thinking of dropping it back to 1700-1800 a day.. i just haven't been real hungry.. so i will probably have a real hungry day this week where i even go over and it will balance out more than likely... you know those days where u can't seem to ever get full?? well bye..Kim
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Old 06-23-2006, 06:49 PM   #858  
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If you feel satisfied and healthy eating where you are at, then that's probably good for you. Sometimes when someone isn't eating enough though their weight loss slows or even plateaus. So maybe you aren't eating enough for your metabolism either? I aim for a 1,000 calorie deficit 5 days out of the week (500 the other 2) and a typical day is between 1,500-1,800 calories a day. I eat 300 calorie "meals" about every 3 hours throughout the day. So, sometimes 5 and sometimes 6 meals. I burn on average 500-800 calories through exercise - with a day or two at 1,000.
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Old 06-23-2006, 06:49 PM   #859  
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kudos to you for embracing the skinny you!!!! she's in there!!
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Old 06-25-2006, 11:48 PM   #860  
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hey where is everybody?? busy weekend i guess.. well I was so not structured today.. went to a picnic.. and ate all this stuff i normally do not!! my calories were way over..but since i have been way under for many days i think i will be ok..hope hope.... will let you know how i do at weigh in.. ok my right hand itches that money coming in or going out???/ as my grammy would say.. lol...

hey exercise question... should i exercise 3-4 x a week or 5 x a week?? i am new to getting back in shape.. and i know the body needs tiem to repair.. so what are your thoughts???

ok well see you all tomorrow.. night! kim
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Old 06-26-2006, 12:29 PM   #861  
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Hi everyone! Hope you had a great weekend. My MIL is in town, and we went to San Diego to visit my husband. It was great. We went to the Gas Lamp District, Sea World, and Old Town San Diego. I love sightseeing!

Kim - since you are new to exercising, I would recommend 3x a week to start. Listen to your body. You'll know when you're ready to move up! Plus, it also depends on whether you are doing just cardio, or cardio and strength.

Nori - hello! What will you be doing for your part time job? I love the Black Honey gloss from Clinique, too!

Mo - hi!

Hope everyone had a great weekend,
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Old 06-26-2006, 03:43 PM   #862  
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Hello ladies:

DH said he weighed today and gained 5 lbs! He said he's going to start dieting again today. Hopefully I will join him. At least maybe he won't keep bringing home the bag of milkduds anymore! I'll try to weigh in tomorrow if I remember. I actually have TOM again I think! I'll have to break down and see the doctor eventually.

I'm making quesadillas for dinner, I'll just try to go easy on the cheese. It rained here the entire weekend and the fireworks were cancelled. My sister decided to bring the kids away Wed and Thur nights so I either need to do some serious cleaning or find a good book to read! Anyone have any reading suggestions? I'm trying (again) to read We Were the Mulvaney's but the writing seems so dragged out, I'm losing my interest.

Well, I skipped lunch to be able to leave early, I'll check in tomorrow.

Nori: that lipstick sounds nice. I hope you had a great first day of work!
Kim: I need to post my menus too to keep honest, I'll start posting once I get back on track completely.
Sarah: I'm glad you had a good time in San Diego, it's on my list of places to visit before I get too old!

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Old 06-26-2006, 05:14 PM   #863  
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Hi Mo! Wahoo on DH starting to diet! It always helps when your SO is also trying to be healthy. One warning for San Diego - there are so many, um, soliciters/homeless/bums there. This is really not an exaggeration - we went to Burger King. There were a couple of vagrants in the parking lot, and we were approached by two of them. Then, while we were eating, we were approached by two more in the restaurant. Then, as we were leaving, there were at least 6 in the parking lot. It's hard for me, because I want to hand everyone money. While were in Old Town, we were approached by a man who spun himself in circles while asking us for money so he could put a deposit on a gas can because he said he hit a car. It was strange.

As for recommending books, LOL, do you have a weakness for fast food? If so, read "Fast Food Nation." Yucky. LOL If you like FLUFF books, you know, like good reading while sitting at the pool, I recommend the author Marian Keyes. I read "Lucy Sullivan's Getting Married" first, and had to get more stuff by her it was so entertaining. Tell me more about what type of books you like, and I'll keep recommending.
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Old 06-26-2006, 08:51 PM   #864  
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hi everyone..

hey sarah,, i love to read too.. i like a good suspense with some adventure or figure it out book with a touch of romance .. i love them.... I have been reading mary higgins clark.. i liked one of nora roberts books..but most don't intrigue me.... as far as exercisr i do the watp video.. mostly cardio.. leg lifts, knee ups and side steps.. lifting 2-3 lb weights up above head 20x at different times... and some bicep curls.. so how does that count???

Hi mo.. are your TOM's getting irregular?? Mine have been coming every three weeks sometimes.. not normal... i am 43 so doc says early pre meno stuff.. my excuse to really rip into DH and torture him..LOL just funnin.. poor guy...

Nori... yes the skiiny me is hostage and I will free her.. this fat lady keeps trying to stuff brownies in her face to keep her quiet... LOL i am soooo determined with the help of my fellow buds to shake this fat away for good.. thanks for any help and posts!! see you all later..Kim
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Old 06-27-2006, 12:00 PM   #865  
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hey slimkim! it totally sounds like you've got the exercise under control!!! if you ever decide to add a little more weight training (because the 2-3 lb weights you're doing count - but you may not be working all your muscle groups) go check out the book "Body For Life" from your library. There are exercises for every muscle group outlined in the back, and ways to do it without fancy gym equipment.

however, since you like work out videos, i can also recommend the firm. they combine cardio with weight training. i noticed the most difference in myself when i was doing those videos. you can actually rent them from netflix, that way you can try before you buy!!! lol

free that skinny girl!!! and when you free her, help me free mine, too!!!!
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Old 06-27-2006, 03:32 PM   #866  
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thanks sarah! as far as the firm... what kind of weights should i have on hand.. ? do i need any other items.. ? hate to get into it and then find out i need stretchie bands and a ball and etc... i am new this time around.. and this weight is the most stubborn it has ever been.. i am at such a loss with how to gauge my food.. w/w or calories.. maybe my body is just sitting back saying..let's see if she is really committed this time.. if she is then we'll drop some more weight otherwise why bother she's just gonna gain it back.. do you think that is possible.. i mean yesterday i only took in 1400 calories.. and i weigh 232! I am kind of sedentary but move around alot to clean and cook... but i was 230.5 last wed!!! who knows.. ok catch ya later..Ki m
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Old 06-27-2006, 06:45 PM   #867  
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slimkim: I'm certainly no expert at this but one thing i learned in weight watchers is that you have to eat atleast a certain amount a day. With WW you have a point system with my weight range I have 24 points a day that I have to eat. I'm alloud extra points during the day but i'm not suppose to go under 24 because your metabolism slows down. Once you lose to a lower weight range then you decrease your minimum number of points. So maybe you aren't eating enough. That sounds funny but it could be true. I don't wish to sabitash you in anyway way so that is just a suggestion. I have also heard that increasing your intake of certain vegetables will help to speed up your metabolism I thinks it's mostly the leafy green vegetables but there are a few others too.

Hi all
Speaking of good books, I haven't had time to read in several years now but I use to work at a book store and read all the time and really enjoyed it and I was wondering if any one has read any of the christian romance novels. I read this one series (I can't remember the name at this moment) but it was actually really good. You'd be surprised at how good a romance novel can be without being "dirty". Don't get me wrong I enjoy the others too but I was just surprised at how good these could be. My favorit books are the mystery or even sci-fi. I wish I had more time to read. The most I get to read any more is blues clues, or nick jr books.

I think I'm gonna try something different. I'm the type of person that needs complete structure so my husband agreed to let me try nutrisystem. It's actually really expensive but I'm getting desperate. I saw an add for a thing called medifast which is similar to nutrisystem and it's actually a little cheaper but they don't have nearly as large a variety of foods. I looked into jenny craig but they don't tell you how much their foods cost so I looked no further. It's probably not the best thing to try mainly because with eating already prepared meals your not really learning how to cook for yourself but the way I see it, if I can lose the weight I'll worry about the cooking part later. Besides, I think my main problem is the sweets and the snacking in between. If I can teach myself to avoid those 2 things I would probably be OK. It's not like I don't really know how to cook. We stopped frying foods years ago. Every once in awhile we'll treat ourselves by frying french fries and chicken tenders but other than that everything is baked or broiled. We very seldom even have butter in the house. The last 2 times I made pancakes I mixed in a little peanut butter in the mix and didn't even use syrup. My oldest asks for pancakes every day but he doesn't like syrup so it's no big deal for him.

Last edited by serena37; 06-27-2006 at 06:58 PM.
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Old 06-28-2006, 01:15 AM   #868  
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This is my first time on 3FC. I noticed there were some references to medifast and nutrisystem. Please save your money! The food on nutrisystem tastes like an MRE. And for those of you not familar with military fare, MRE's taste like cardboard or worse!
AS for medifast, it is mainly a low calorie liquid diet (oprah went on it a long time ago), as soon as you go off the diet the weight comes back with friends! Also, there are some serious medical risks with the diet!

I wanted to try Jenny Craig, but, am worried about the cost.

I tend to get overwhelmed with all the choices out there for diets and don't know where to start! Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Thanks and have a great day!
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Old 06-28-2006, 01:44 PM   #869  
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Hi ladies:

Welcome Bren: stick around, we love new blood!

Serena: maybe you could do a structured plan using Lean Cuisine and WW frozen dinners. Find a sale and stock up on them. I'm sure most of those other plans have a lot of frozen food. Then you could just fill in with "real" food in between like fruits and veggies. Then again, I'm better at giving advice than taking it myself

Thanks for the book recommendations. I like all kinds of books...last year I listened to a lot of classical books on audio. Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Madame Bovary, The Jungle, Lady Chatterly's Lover, Great Expectations, etc. Now I'm listening to "We Were the Mulvaney's" (Oprah book). Last night I read a short book called "Night" by Elie Weisel...about a teen and his father and family being brought to Auschwitz. It was very good. I'm on the waiting list for Marley and Me (man and his dog) at the library. I love Wally Lamb, like John Irving and need some new stuff to read. I read fluff books now and then too. Any hot and steamy ones out there????!!!!

Yes, my TOM is VERY irregular, always has been. I either never get it or get it continuously which is what's been happening since April 1st. The doctor keeps saying to regulate it with the pill, but I don't want to if I can help it, plus I'm no good at remember to take the darned things.

Well the kids are away for two nights with my sister. Maybe I'll head to the library after work and browse.

Have a great day everyone.

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Old 06-29-2006, 12:26 PM   #870  
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mornin everyone.. well this weeks weigh in was showing promise.. still trying to figure what calorie range my body loses good at... i am faithfully keeping a journal.. drinking lots of water, veggies, fruits not much processed stuff.. scales read 230 and I guess since i was 231 last week it is a loss.. not really where i wanted to be.. but any loss is better than nothing.... i am thinking maybe a dietician would be able to help me... we'll see// anyways you all have a great weekend.. we've been busy with jr life guard training for the boys and the girls just got hermit crabs..a summer thing i think.. gonna do the beach later,.. and put the pots out for some crabs..yum! ok bye!! Kim..
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