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Old 06-05-2006, 03:14 PM   #796  
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Tan fat look so much better than white fat! Congrats on a 50/50 weekend. I didnt' do so hot myself yeaterday. Not out of control, but I ate too much ice cream. Hopefully none of you can get Tillamook brand ice cream . If so, stay far, far, far, far away from Tillamook Mudslide flavor. Down 1 pound this week. I think I'm going to start counting calories again. That worked for me real well.

Anyways, cojita is basically the mexican version of feta - it's a firm, salty cheese that you crumble up. You can use any cheese you like. Is it hard to find Mexican foods there? Maybe? It's all over here. So yummy!!!!
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Old 06-06-2006, 01:43 PM   #797  
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Default Tuesday

Hello ladies:

It looks like rain here most of the week. The boss will be away quite a lot so I'm trying to do some meal planning. I might make a big batch of sauce and meatballs so I have something the kids.

I'll check in later....boy it's quiet around here!

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Old 06-06-2006, 06:35 PM   #798  
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Nori - I love Superfoods Rx! Now I'm reading Dr. Pratt's second book. Do you want to know about other novels I'm reading, or just if I've read any other health-related books lately?

Thanks for the well wishes, my son's surgery went great!
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Old 06-06-2006, 06:39 PM   #799  
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Mo - thanks for the well wishes for Will!

He's doing so much better - his balance is even better! He's also trying out new words.
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Old 06-07-2006, 01:15 PM   #800  
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Happy Wednesday! Where is everyone?

Okay gals, are you visiting another site or message board? Is there somewhere else we should all meet?
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Old 06-07-2006, 03:55 PM   #801  
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I'm still here Sarah!! I think we've been jilted!
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Old 06-07-2006, 03:58 PM   #802  
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LOL-we have been jilted! If no one else shows up soon, you, me & Nori need to find a new way to talk! Maybe we can just do three-way emails to keep each other posted.

If anyone else is still visiting, SPEAK UP! LOL, or write up, as the case may be!!! LOL
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Old 06-07-2006, 10:53 PM   #803  
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evenin ladies! Well my scale moved down another pound... I can t wait for it to get to the teens again.. I am at 233 well I was here b4 ..hmmm.. I got down to 214 and then self sabbotage some how took over and I ballooned up here in a few short months.. I stopped exercising and journalling..2 no no's for me.. so back on track..slow but steady.. I am floating between 1800-2000 cal a day seeing what's the best for me ... how is everyone else doing?? My kids last day of school is tomorrow... I look forward to not having to get up at 6:30! they still wake me up early tho.. 7-730..grrr... but a filled day I guess starts that early.. alot to get done.. have a great day..Kim
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Old 06-08-2006, 12:35 PM   #804  
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I'm back. We went to Seattle on Tuesday morning just for a day trip and as soon as we pulled in, my car broke down. Alternator. We ended up having to stay the night and get the car fixed. My food plans went by the wayside. The first day was just OK, but by yesterday I went way off plan. I have eaten pizza, cake, candy, french fries. I still get stuck in that mindset that if I "mess" up, I throw in the towel. I'm back on plan today and doing well. So that's all that matters now.

Good job, Kim! It's nice to see the scale moving down. I'm hovering between 222 and 227 for a couple months now. I can bounce between those 2 numbers in one week even. Do you have summer plan with your kids?

Sarah - glad Will's surgery went well. I'm OK continuing to post here with you guys. Maybe we can just start a new thread. So there's not so many pages? We can leave this one alone, since we didnt' "start" it. Do you want a new name? If we put a link in this thread than way if anyone shows back up, they could find us.

Mo - How you doing girl? Are your kiddos out for the summer yet? Around here breaks start around the 22nd - not that it affects me yet.

So, I'm in a very serious mindset about my weight loss now. I feel like I've been spinning my wheels since April. I feel like I'm wasting time. I know at least I'm maintaining and that's more than I've done in the past. BUT, I need to be losing 1-2 pounds a week... I can be good and on plan for 4-5 days and then have 1-2 so-so to bad days and I cannot lose weight that way.
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Old 06-08-2006, 01:55 PM   #805  
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Nori: sorry about the car, hope it wasn't too expensive. You might have a good idea about a new thread and a new name, I know I wouldn't mind. Let's get a concensus....oh wait, we are the consensus! You've been more than maintaining, since I've been on this board you've lost a lot. I know...not as much as you wanted but I think you've lost the most of all of us, that's saying something! I think it's a small miracle that I haven't gained. I've been hovering at 197-199 but it hit 200 the other day and hopefully that will be my wake-up call. I did about 15 minutes of Pilates last night which is my first bit of formal exercise in months. I also went out today and bought a bike and will hopefully ride tonight or at least at the weekend, it's been raining so much here I feel like I'M in Seattle.

Kim: congrats on the loss! You're so right, I need to start journaling, it really helps me keep the food intake down, just another good habit I gave up for a bad one I guess. I used to post the previous days food intake here each day but I got out of the habit when my eating got worse

Sarah: what's new with you on the diet scene. Refresh my memory, are you on WW? Does anyone on this board actually go the meetings. I read on their site that people who actually go to the meetings lose 3X more than those that don't. Is that just a scare tactic????

Serena: What's new, how's your family and your mom? I worry about you when you don't post all the time missy! Stay in touch!!

Catherine: I hope you're doing well. We miss you here. I hope you post soon if you can. Let us know how you're doing physically and emotionally. Are the kids out of school soon?

My kids finish on 6/21. My son will go to 3 weeks of part time camp. It's sponsored by the state so it's free They even have a bus that picks him up and brings him into New Haven. The camp is at the Sound School which is on Long Island Sound and it's all on Aqua Culture: navigation, sailing, fishing, making lobster pots, etc. He went last year and liked it so he's doing it again this year. As for DD, I have no idea what she'll be doing. She went to camp for 1 week last year for fun but it's expensive so other than the 3 weeks we'll be away I just may have my nephew watching the kids. They'll be safely at home (although bored maybe) and he'll be earning some money for college savings.

Well, I've rambled on again as usual. I'm trying to make up for all the lost souls around here I guess! Talk to you all tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have sore legs Scarey, that smiley actually looks like my own shape!

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Old 06-08-2006, 03:37 PM   #806  
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Hi everyone. I'm feeling so drained these days that I don't even want to get up to walk across the room. Of course I have to in order to take care of the kids so I guess if it werent' for them I'd be in real bad shape. The youngest is walking now so I'm constantly after him. My middle son will be 3 next week so I've been planning him a Diego birthday party. I've been gathering rainforest animals and stuff and I'm gonna set up a rainforest for him and the other kids to explore through looking for animals. Of course my boys are usually the only kids at our birthday parties. My husbands family very seldom shows up to these things. Our supposed friends never show up either and I know it sounds spiteful but I stopped going to all their little parties too especially if the parties are in public places. I took the 2 older boys to a party at mcdonalds one time and my youngest who was only 1 at the time disappeared on me freaking me way out but I found him under a table. You can imagine what he had been eating. But the big difference is no one is allowed to smoke in our house but everyone else we know smokes and allows it in their houses and considering the fact that I have asthma and it looks as though all three of our boys may have asthma I'd rather not put them somewhere that will make them sick. Not to mention they all have cats and my middle son and I are allergic to cats. Anyway, enough wining. I'll check back in later. And yes I probably will have birthday cake. It's a major weakness of mine.
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Old 06-09-2006, 10:07 AM   #807  
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Good morning ladies:

Hi Serena! Glad to see you posted. Enjoy that birthday cake, I would too. I hope your kids have a great time at the birthday party. I remember when my kids were that small they loved to play on their Little Tykes toys and in the sandbox. They could spend hours in there!

Even though I didn't "diet" yet I'm starting to post my food again hoping it will help:

B: Bagel w/ cream cheese and jelly
L: Lean Cuisine Panini
D: (I just grazed while making meatballs and sauce...pretzels, meatball, crumb bun)

I rode my bike for about 15 minutes with the kids. I really want to get to the 15 mile bike trail to see how far I can make it this weekend. Maybe I'll throw the bikes in DH truck Saturday afternoon or Sunday afternoon. I wish the trail was closer, it's probably 25 minutes away. Volunteers have been trying to make a walking/biking trail near me for years it seems. It's part of the Greenway Trail I think that's supposed to go from Maine to Florida. The part near me would go from New Haven to Madison CT about 20 miles or so all along the shore, maybe I should volunteer instead of complaining!

Nori: Have you thought of any names for a new thread or should we just out here?
Sarah: Put on your thinking cap too!
Kim: I made the WW key lime pie and it's pretty good. You just add 1/4 cup boiling water to lime jello and stir, then add 3 lime yogurts stir again then fold in a container of lite or FF coolwhip, spoon into a reduced fat graham cracker shell and chill. I think it was 3 pts a piece. I'm sure I'll polish mine off this weekend. I'm sure you could do the same with any flavor, maybe I'll do strawberry next.

Oh boy, I just realized I forgot to bring my lunch to work....I smell trouble!

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Old 06-09-2006, 12:17 PM   #808  
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Hi Kim, Serena, Mo and Nori!!!!!!!!! It's so good to hear from everyone.

I love the idea of a new thread. I don't have any ideas for a new name....something upbeat and positive. LOL

Mo, I used to go to WW. When I went to meetings, it was very effective. I was better about staying on track because having to weigh in really makes me think twice about donuts. (My weakness.) However, I am going back on plan on Monday, and I'm going to ask my husband to help me monitor my progress. I've lost 34 pounds, but then I gained 4 of it back, so my total is 30 pounds lost. I want to get back on track before I slip more. I did the Leslie Sansone Walk & Kick video last night. Tuesday night I did both the 20 minute Turbo Jam and the Yoga Booty Balley Live Cabaret. That was a lot of fun.

Nori - glad you're back and the car is fixed. I hate car troubles!!! They're just so...unscheduled! LOL Which really throws off your schedule.

Mo - keep posting that journal. It'll help you avoid temptation. The trail from Maine to Florida sounds amazing!!!!!!!!!

Kim - stick with us!

Serena - don't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone have a great weekend!!!!
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Old 06-10-2006, 11:08 AM   #809  
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Take a look at this video of where I just found Melina!!

If you cannot see it, you get the idea! She's such a climber.
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Old 06-12-2006, 09:56 AM   #810  
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mornin everyone...

Nori.. love that pic.. that was adorable.. having 6 kids I see all kinds f mischievious things.. 2 are older now.. 20 and 22.. the others are 13, 12, 9 and 6.. the boys were the most into things.. being only 11 months apart.. you would think with all these kids I would be a toothpick but noooooo not me...LOL

Sarah.. congrats on the 34 loss and that is great if you see a gin ..just really dig in and get rid of it b4 it builds way up.. I am really diligent lately at counting calories.. journalling every bite... it is that TOM now so I am up this week and hoping by my weigh in day wed I will be down another pound if not I know next week i will be down 2 becasue of water weight and such... I also do leslie's videos... watp 2 mile.. as far as summer with kids.. one has golf camp andother has an academic camp including a trip to six flags,.. the other two do whatever we're doing.. we will do crab fest, a beach party picnic, a family reunion in maryland and a water park day.. we live at the beach so we are on a constant vacation.. i know feel bad for us..hehe.. the tourists make it really crowded during the summer so no shopping on the weekends..ever!!! hahaha... more outside playtime means more weightloss for me..yeah!!

Mo... yes journal journal journal... i also try and plan some days.. it hellps to make a pie and divide it out and know the ranges for each area of the day and plan meals accordingly... that's just me tho... keep up the great job.. we're your cheerleader section!!

to all i may have missed catch you next time around.. bye..Kim
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