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Old 03-01-2006, 08:28 PM   #466  
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Hi everyone. Quick post here. Good day here too. I've had a HUNGRY day though! OK, so far I've only eaten 1,000 calories, so a little more to go. Did a walk for almost 1 hour and the 45 minute I Want That Body dvd. IT IS SO GOOD. Yesterday I did the Winsor Pilates Thigh & Buns dvd and also the Abs dvd and WOW! I cannot decide which system I want to stick with so I think I'll just alternate between the 2. I feel these the most out of all the "toning" dvd's I've tried so far.

Sorry not more personal this post. I've gotta go make some dinner. Would you believe that my baby JUST went down for her first nap of the day???? She is something else. I'm only going to let her sleep until 6:30 or so though. I'd like her to sleep tonight also. Who am I kidding? She's an insomniac!
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Old 03-02-2006, 01:24 PM   #467  
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Default Snow Day

Hi girls:

Katie Bug: great goals, I need to set some exercise goals when I'm more organized. Glad you just had post nasal drip. Those pictures were great weren't they!

Serena: you're lucky you can walk outside, take advantage of that! I hope the stroller is working out well...that was you who just bought one right? I would think the veggie burgers would count as a veggie.

Nori: I sympathize with you on the sleep deprivation! I don't think I'd be able to cope. Way to go on the exercise and toning!

Danielle: good for you son taking honors classes! This year my son has several study halls and keeps saying his homework is already done. He got a pretty good report card last term but I'm curious if he's really putting 100% effort into his work. His teachers this year like that they do the work in school so that they know it's the child's own work and not that of the parents I guess we're all probably a little guilty of helping too much.

Well, I took a sick day because the kids have an early dismissal (snowing here). I'm cleaning down my kitchen cabinets. DH somehow managed to kick his foot through the corner baseboard and the cabinet maker is coming to repair it Monday. The cabinets and island are only about a year old and I don't want him to see his cabinets looking dirty...and they are! The pain is the cabinets are all the way to the ceiling, I'm having to use a step ladder.

If I don't run out of steam, I'm going to try to clean out the kids closets. I just went to Wal-mart and bought some rubbermaid totes. I also have a small mountain of clothes to fold and dinner (pork tenderloin) to make. It's nice having a day off to actually get some things accomplished

DD is so excited about her date tomorrow night. She got her haircut yesterday, has her outfit picked out and wants to know if she can wear makeup (she's 9)! She's guessing that they're going to the movies, she'll be so surprised!!

B: Cereal L: tuna sandwich D: 2 small slices of pizza ( was trying not to eat meat!) S: granola bar, grapes, 2 red. fat cookies...I hope that was it, can't really remember now. Exercise: 10 min. Water: ?? Pts: about 29?, 1st time I've dipped into my bonus point though in 6 weeks!

Have a great day, the kids will be home soon, hopefully they won't slow me down!
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Old 03-02-2006, 02:13 PM   #468  
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Hey Mo! How's that cabinet cleaning coming along? Isn't it funny how we always clean before the "cleaner" or "fixer" comes? I used to have a woman come to clean my house twice a week for heavy stuff, baseboards,walls,blinds,etc..and always the night before there'd I'd be cleaning everything. My husband could never figure out why I did that!
I hope you're enjoying your day off, altho it sounds like you've planned out a pretty busy day for yourself. I just cleaned out my closet, sheesh, the stuff I found in there. Having a walk-in closet is a good & bad thing, nice to have room for everything, but that's just it, the family thinks they can put "everything" in there! DD sounds so thrilled about her time out with daddy, so important for little girls to be close to their daddy's. I was a total daddy's girl and still am, even though I am old! Have a great day sweetie, and make sure you take some time for you today. Gotta get your day off's worth of time at least a little for you, right?

Ladies, I want to thank you for all your support yesterday while I was busy having a bad day. It really meant alot to know that I had a place to come where I knew people would lift me up when I needed it. I only hope that I can repay the favor to any of you when you need it most. I really needed you guys yesterday and you were there. Thank you!

Today's a better day. I dusted myself off, got a good nights rest and hit today running. I've gotten in an hour on my bike and a workout w/ stability ball. Feels great to be on top again, and I will try my best to hang on to this feeling before allowing myself to fall again.

I hope everyone is doing alright today, it's a little slow around here. Take care girls, you are truly the best group of women around!
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Old 03-02-2006, 02:28 PM   #469  
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I'm enjoying my day off...I have not done my workouts yet but I did cut the grass today and it was hot...I'm not ready for the heat yet...I hate yard work..I didn't eat breakfast to cause I wanted to get yard done first ..then I went with a friend to eat..I had a steak salad with a little bit of eanch and salsa for dressing..I was good...gone to the book store i a bit to find something new to read..

Danielle - Glad to hear your doing better today.

Maureen - your daughter sounds so'll have to tell us all about it...Also what is red. fat cookies?
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Old 03-02-2006, 02:45 PM   #470  
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Hi Donna! You go girl with that yard work! That's a workout in itself IMO. I am with you, no heat yet please! I have a feeling this summer will be hotter than usual too with such a mild winter and all. Your lunch sounded extra yummy, I'm glad you enjoyed your time out. The bookstore is one of my all time favorite places to be, I can spend hours in there and not get bored. What kind of books do you like to read? Have a wonderful day.

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Old 03-02-2006, 02:54 PM   #471  
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He-he Mo - I had to laugh about the cleaning marathon. I'm in one today too. Appraiser coming tomorrow! Would you believe that I found 2 Christmas decorations still up that I'd missed!

Baby slept better last night. No awake stretches in the middle of the night at least. I "think" she's having problems teething. DD#1 never had a hard time teething. Actually I had no idea she was even teething and then I saw 2 teeth! It's so hard when you don't know what's wrong and cannot "fix" it.

Danielle - glad you feeling up today. That's what we are here for. To share the good the bad and the ugly! Feeling/emotions are so hard to handle sometimes. I'm "used" to coping with stress by shoving food in my face, and now that that's no longer an option, I am a touch more *****y sometimes.

Serena - I'm not sure about those veggi burgers counting as "veggies". Does it list the diabetic exchange points on the box. I go by that sometimes. You mentioned that your feet hurt after walking. What shoes do you walk in. The only reason I'm asking is that I bought some Brooks Synergy 2 walking shoes and I LOVE them. They aren't "cute" (and I used to only go for "cute" factor in shoes until I got pregnant!), but theya re so cushy and comfy. I use them for all my workouts. Walking, toning, cardio on the gym machines... They have made a huge difference in my comfort level while exercising.

Donna - Have a lovely day off!! I LOVE yardwork. Let me work outside instead of inside anytime and I'm a happy girl! Cannot wait to start a garden this year. Oh yeah, what book did you buy?

Katie - GREAT list of March goals. Thanks for sharing. You'll hit all of them!!

Hello everyone else! Can you believe that it's almost the weekend again? Where is the time going? But yeah for summertime coming!
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Old 03-02-2006, 02:56 PM   #472  
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Hey Danielle - I just noticed that we weigh the same.
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Old 03-02-2006, 03:12 PM   #473  
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Mo: afraid that wasn't me that just bought a stroller. However I am thinking about buying one of those backpack carriers so I can go for walks with all 3 of my boys this summer. I have a double stroller that my bigger boys can fit in.

MomTo2: Well, the shoes I was wearing yesterday really wasn't good for walking out on the road. The souls of the shoes are really thin. They work fine on my eliptical cause my feet never leave the platform but really for nothing else.
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Old 03-02-2006, 04:11 PM   #474  
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Default I'm back!

Hi all:

I hope everyone is well. I haven't had a chance to read everyone's posts yet.

I've been out sick with bronchitis for 2 days, finally back at work, but still feeling crappy. I'm not going to worry about working out for awhile until I feel better.

Needless to say, I don't think my weight loss was good the past two weeks.

Oh well. I'll get myself back on track soon.

Take care.

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Old 03-02-2006, 04:37 PM   #475  
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Default Just a quick check in

Got online to find a recipe and thought I'd check in again.

Reduced Fat cookies (just an abbreviation!) Thought I found something new didn't you! LOL

I got a book at the library yesterday called "A Year of Pleasures", pretty good so far. The woman in her 50's loses her husband and just leaves Boston and moves to the mid-west to start anew. 50 pages in and it's pretty good, nicely written.

Wow, it's snowing out and it just thundered like you wouldn't believe. Guess I better go get the kids in!

I lost my instruction manual for my ice cream maker. I just realized the container has to be frozen first

I think that noise might have been the plow! I'm such a ditz sometimes.
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Old 03-02-2006, 04:43 PM   #476  
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Default Book recommendations

Can you tell I'm tired of cleaning!

Currently two of my favorite authors:

David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs

They're both homosexual although Sedaris hardly mentions it in his books, Burroughs does mention it occasionally and in his first book Running with Scissors has a couple of explicit details. They are both VERY funny authors. The books are like biographical essays.
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Old 03-02-2006, 04:44 PM   #477  
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Oh and Wally Lamb's books

This Much I Know is True
She's Come Undone
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Old 03-02-2006, 05:50 PM   #478  
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I love paranormal romance the most...My favorite is Laurell K hamilton...She had a new book that come out in her sreies called Micah...I also bought one called A Quick Bite from Lynsay Sands.

My favorites author's are
Laurell K Hamilton
Nicholas Sparks
Jane Green
Maty Janice Davidson
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Old 03-02-2006, 07:11 PM   #479  
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Hi Danielle - we don't live on Camp Pendleton, but it's the nearest Naval Hospital that could do the eye surgery. My husband is stationed at 29 Palms, CA right now. Camp Pendleton is a beautiful area! Where did you grow up? The DASH diet is low sodium, lots of fruits and veggies, reduced meat, and complex carbs. The strange thing is, I'd say that's how I'm eating already. The water pill is going great so far - no side effects. My bp isn't down any yet, but the dr. said it would take a few weeks to see a difference. Which low carb did you do? Southbeach low, or Atkins low? And don't worry, keep your game going - don't let the scale get you down. There is a great article called "Why the scale lies" that describes all the fluctuations you'll see if you weigh yourself daily. Remember to check your measurements. They're usually more cheery!

Katie & Serena - great to see what you guys are doing! : )

Mo-Thanks for the link to Smoo's pics! Okay, did you check out her page about using the Transfirmer??? And what is the Omron HJ-112 you mentioned?

Be back later! Everyone have a great day!
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Old 03-02-2006, 07:16 PM   #480  
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Ooohhh, I love books you guys! I just finished reading "The Gathering of Elegant Snows" by Kris Radish, and "Wickett's Remedy" and I can't remember the author. Right now I'm reading "A Purpose Driven Life" because it's based on 40 days of reading, which correlates with the 40 days of Lent.
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