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Old 02-27-2006, 06:26 PM   #451  
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So tired!! I think the cold is sneaking back against me.

Just wanted to check in - I am going to try to get up and move a bit - I will post more later - take care all,

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Old 02-27-2006, 09:02 PM   #452  
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Default Monday Night

Hi girls.

I tried to do The Firm's Ultimate Calorie Burner tonight and found it pretty difficult. At first the moves weren't that hard but they only do like 2 reps and go to another new move, I couldn't keep up with the changes I did almost half of it and then gave up a little discouraged. I couldn't believe the step is 14" tall!!! I ended up using just the 8" but still had trouble....oh well, I'll try it again another time. I did do an easier 20 min workout instead and drank more water than usual.

I have a couple of points left and am still hungry. I think I'll have a 2 pt snack and go to bed.

I hope everyone's colds go away. Talk to you all tomorrow.
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Old 02-27-2006, 10:33 PM   #453  
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Hello everyone...well my weigh-in today was not what I wanted...I only lost about .8lb...I think it has to do with working out with weights some and I think I'm retaining fluid....I still need to kick up the exercise some more...Work has been kicking my butt..I've had to work over every day this lst week and today...I'll be glad when it slows down.

Congrats to everyone on their loss this week.
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Old 02-28-2006, 10:16 AM   #454  
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Default Tuesday...

Boy today's not been good so far...

the dog woke me at 3:30 to go out but she had already peed on the rug
I used someone elses toothbrush by mistake
my earring almost got lost down the bathroom sink drain
my son forgot his lunch and I had to drive it to his school
I of course was late for work
DH just called to say he put a hole in the baseboard of our new, extremely expensive kitchen cabinets. He thought he'd use his foot and rag to clean the corner and must have kicked it hard???
a different tooth has been hurting for a week, now I have to call the dentist

On the bright side, my boss won't be in today I'm still a little discouraged about that workout last night. I wish I were a little more coordinated.

B: cereal, L: Lean Cuisine, S: goldfish D: hotdog, beans, salad, S: granola bar Pts= 26 Exercise= 30 min Water= 50+ oz.

Ok, I've vented enough I guess. I hope everyone has a great day. Hey, I just found a pair of sneakers under my desk, maybe I'll go for a walk at lunch to give me some motivation.

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Old 02-28-2006, 02:50 PM   #455  
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I'm back! Sorry I was gone for so long. My best friend's mom was killed by a drunk driver. Then, my husband had eye surgery (PRK) and I've been playing nurse to him. His eye surgery was at Camp Pendleton, so we were there for several days, and I don't have a laptop.

It's great to be back!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE ON THEIR LOSSES! Keep up the great work!

Nori - how's your baby doing today? Hope that cold is going away.

Mo - oh my goodness, isn't the 14" worth of step ridiculous? Like you, I do the leg presses and that on the 8". I haven't worked up to the 14" yet. But I love the Firm. Talk about seeing results when you stick with it. I have got to get back in that groove.

Serena - great to see you checking in!

As always I'm at work, so I can't keep up the personals right now. I was a bad bad bad bad bad loser this week - I ate out and made poor choices. Plus, I didn't exercise. So I have regained, but I'm going to give myself until Monday to re-do my ticker.

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Old 03-01-2006, 12:48 AM   #456  
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Hi Sarah - she's actually seemed to get worse last night and today. I cannot believe how many colds these girls have had in the past 8 weeks. Hopefully she'll get some good rest tonight. You've lost a few more pounds!! Congrats! How horrible about your best friends mom. Such a waste. A friend of my Mom's is/was planning on getting married on Saturday and last night her DF's 17 year old son was killed by a drunk driver. Do they have a furneral on Friday and a wedding on Saturday? I cannot imagine.

Well I gotta get to bed now that both girls are down. My computer was down for most of the day, but it was slow here too!
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Old 03-01-2006, 08:52 AM   #457  
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Nori/Sarah: So sad to hear of the drunk driving deaths. It is such a horrible thing to lose a life, especially because of someone's selfishness and carelessness.

Nori: I saw you over on Smoo's thread, aren't her pictures unbelievable!!!

Donna: Congrats on the .8 lbs loss!! Thank goodness for digital scales, at least you know you lost

I ordered a pedometer yesterday, does anyone here wear one?

B: cereal L: Lean Cuisine D: hotdog, roll, beans S: 2 red. fat cookies & a few cheez-its. Points= 26 Exercise: 15 min Water: 32 oz?

I really need to concentrate on my water intake. I never did walk at work yesterday because I didn't want to go by myself.

I bought DH and DD tickets to go see the play Annie at the local theatre for Friday night. She's excited she's having a date with Daddy but she doesn't know where they're going yet!

Happy hump day!
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Old 03-01-2006, 09:04 AM   #458  
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I tried using a pedometer a few times but at work i do alot of bending and moving around and it always keep resetting so I gave up....I'm right there with you on the water...I've been getting about 60 oz daily but I need more cause my sodium intake seems high and I think I'm retaining fluid.

Nori - Sarah --Sorry about your losses...Hope everyone in your family is doing good...
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:16 AM   #459  
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Nori, oh I'm so sorry for your mom's friend. That is just horrifying. I've read that to lose the child is the number one traumatic loss a person can suffer.

Mo & Nori - who is Smoo? Post a link! I love pictures of success stories. Gosh they are so motivating. I have an amazingly fat looking picture of me holding my baby right after he was born, and then you can tell such a difference with the pics we took at Christmas. If I can figure out how to post them, I will.

DG-I have got to get better about drinking the water, too.

I had my follow up doctor's appt. yesterday. I had lost weight, but it still hadn't made a significant impact on my blood pressure. Considering my family history, I may get stick skinny and still have hbp. So they put me on a "water pill" which is supposed to get the extra sodium and water out of my system. She also gave me a copy of the "DASH Diet" which is for hbp, but not weight loss. So I asked her what in the world am I really supposed to be eating? Because my dr. before her told me low carb is the only way to lose weight - and I didn't believe her and didn't go on low carb, I just gave up sugar and white rice and white bread. So she put in a referral for me to meet with the dietician at the base hospital. So I'll let you guys know what the dietician says!

Okay, back to the grind! Have a great day, everyone!!!!
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:44 AM   #460  
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Good Morning everyone. I'm not having a very good morning. I just feel blah. I'm getting really down on my lack of loss and right now the scale seems to be going back up. Not very motivating to see, to say the least. I really just wanna go and hide and pull the covers over my head and not come out til tomorrow. I hate that I feel this way, hate that I let that stupid # affect the way my days will turn out. What can I can, I'm a numbers addict! Can you say OCD? Seriously! I hate to be such a downer right now, everyone is so cheery and bright today, but I just needed to come somewhere and get this out. My dh, while he tries to be supportive really doesnt know what to say to me about any of this, and then when he can't it makes me madder. Does that make sense?

Nori and Sarah, I'm so sorry for the losses for both of you. My prayers are with those families.

Sarah, how's dh doing today? Chin up about those extra lbs., you'll lose 'em quick, I know it! Camp Pendleton, huh? Do you live on the base? I grew up about 30 min. or so from there, more inland though. Hope work is treating you right today and you get to come and play with us here! How's the water pill working out? I have never heard of the dash diet. Is this something that's very low carb? I did low carb last year and did extremely well, the weight flew off, but it's incredibly hard to live a lifestyle like that when the rest of the family is not. I really hope you will find success with getting your hbp down soon.

Nori, I hope your family is getting well. The colds that are going around now are just awful. My DS was home sick yesterday and insisted on going today. I think he was afraid of getting too far behind (he's in middle school) especially in some of the honors classes, they go so fast. I am waiting for a phone call from the nurse, I don't think he felt all that great.

Mo, you go girl with workin that Firm! I had really been looking into this as it seems a great way to really get to those hard my back end!
But hey, if you're having a harder time with it then I don't know if I'd be able to handle it, I got about 40+ lbs on ya. Let us know if it gets easier for you and any results you see. It's flying off the shelves over here, alot of places are out of it. I want a new pedometer. The one I had was just a cheapy and it keeps resetting itself so I just gave up. What kind did you get? How incredibly sweet that dh and dd are going out for a night on the town. I saw Annie when I was around 9 with my mom and it's something I will never forget, it was amazing.

donna, how's the water today? I need to get some extra in today, my fingers look like little sausages. I usually get in around 120 oz a day with no problem, but last few days I've fallen way short of this and I know I'm retaining big time. If you set a goal and do it today, so will I, k?

Well girls, I'm gonna go take care of some chores keep my mind off my mood for a little bit. Thanks for listening to me whine today, promise I won't do it again.

Take care.
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Old 03-01-2006, 01:33 PM   #461  
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Danielle: we all have those days, it's good to hear from you You're right just having this place to get things off your chest can be a real help.

Sarah, they say it's important to drink a lot of water when you take water pills. I'll try to find the post from Smoo now.

I ordered the Omron HJ-112 that was recommended here on this site. It's $18.74 at I should have it in a few days I guess.

Be right back with the link if I can figure out how to do it.
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Old 03-01-2006, 01:34 PM   #462  
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I hope this works, her photos are amazing!!
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Old 03-01-2006, 04:40 PM   #463  
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Hello everyone! I went to the doctor today, and I only have post-nasal drip, so I can start working out again! I'm so glad I don't have strep or a virus. My apetite is still gone, though - but that's a good thing Makes it easier to resist snacks!

Mo- Wow!! Smoo's pics are great and so inspiring Thanks for sharing.

Danielle - I know where you're coming from. My BF tries to be supportive too, but he's never been overweight in his life (he's actually way underweight). Sometimes he says things without thinking and it makes me so mad (ex: "No, you don't need that cookie"). That just makes me want to eat it more! I know he has my best intentions at heart, though. I'm sure your DH does too
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Old 03-01-2006, 05:13 PM   #464  
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I know I just posted, but I came up with some March goals that I wanted to share..

1. I'm aiming to stay on plan with eating and exercising 80-90% of the time this month. That's about 25-27 days.
2. I want to get around 800 minutes of exercise in this month. I have no clue if this is realistic, but I do workout a lot, mainly for 45 minutes - 1 hour at a time.
3. I want to be more consistent in logging my food into Nutridiary. When I go out to eat or if I go to a party I don't log my food because I'm scared of what i'll see in the "calories consumed" box! I need to get out of that habit.
4. I'd like to lose 5 pounds below my actual weight. I'm very bloated right now so the scale isn't accurate.

I know I can do this!
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Old 03-01-2006, 07:13 PM   #465  
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Default doing well

HI everyone. I just wanted to post that today has been a good day. I did about 10 minutes on the eliptical this morning and then this afternoon I took my youngest for a walk around the neighborhood. My feet were hurting pretty bad when I got back but it was still nice. I did well with the food consumption today. I tried the morning star farms veggie chick pattie last night. It was surprisingly really good. I don't really care for the hamburger ones though but it's something to eat.

I just have a question though. If you eat one of these veggie burgers or chick patties or whatever else they sale, can you count it as a vegetable?

I can't really say I"ve lost anything though. I've been having a lot of trouble staying within my points but for some reason I keep at it cause I'm hoping that one day it'll just hit me and become second nature and I won't feel the need for the extra points. If I had something to do to keep my mind off of food I would be alright. Of course with 3 small boys under the age of 4 you would think it wouldn't be a problem but there are those few minutes of the day that I'm not being called upon that I for some reason feel the need to scarf down something I didn't really need.

Anyway, glad everyone is doing well. Talk to you all later.
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