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Old 02-22-2006, 09:31 AM   #406  
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Default Wednesday

Hello ladies:

Soccergirl, Sarah, Nori congrats on the 2.2, 2 & 3 lb losses!!

Lisa: We all know how it feels when the scale doesn't cooperate. Your positive attitude will get you through till next weeks weigh in!

Donna: take it slow with the exercise, do you live where its warm? Maybe you could just walk a little until you're full strength again. Just do what will make you healthier fast

Danielle: we missed you! Good idea about the measuring. I actually have a tape measure at work, maybe I'll have to lock myself in the bathroom and take my measurements. Then I'll have to disguise it as a safe combination!

Catherine: I'm glad you're happy with the trainer. Did DH go with you to your consultation?

Serena: Congrats on making it back into the 180's!!! Hope you made out well being around your mom's homemade food.

We seem to be missing a lot of people here. Erin, Stacye, Katie, Elizabeth, Tina, Lori.....are you all out there somewhere?
Menu: B: cereal w/fruit, L: linguine w/ asparagus, S: dry cereal D: chicken, potato & green beans S: WW ice cream
Pts: 24 Exer: 15 min BATP Water: 24 oz. and several cups of tea

Thanks for the exercise inspiration, I almost didn't do it last night but didn't want to have nothing to report to you girls!
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Old 02-22-2006, 09:43 AM   #407  
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Default Thanks!!

Hi guys,

Thanks for all of the lovely words of encouragement. I'm thinking it's muscle. No, I haven't measured myself, but I have definitely been losing alot of inches on my waist, back and legs. I just like to see a loss on the scale as well. Hopefully it will go back down!!

Take care everyone!! I'm going to do spinning class today even though I'm a bit under the weather (I feel like I'm catching a cold!!).

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Old 02-22-2006, 01:06 PM   #408  
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Hi girls, how's it going? I'm hanging in there, keeping up w/ exercise and diet so hopefully I'll see something move on the scale this week!

Lisa, SO glad you realize it's muscle. I bet you look fabulous! Keep it up and spin your little heart out chicky, it's definitely paying off. I am in total agreement about the # on the scale, seeing it change is such a motivator. Really trying to keep my focus tho' on measurments and how my clothes feel since I tend to always let the scale dictate my moods. Keep yourself well!!

Maureen, yes woman, get in the bathroom and measure! You will be so surprised to see yourself shrinking. I'm so glad I did it, I think I'd have quit by now since the scale is refusing to give up much. I definitely hide my #'s from prying eyes!

Donna, I hope you're feeling better soon. Were you able to do your floor exercises like you wanted? You take care of yourself first, the exercise will be there when you're well.

Have a super day ladies!
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Old 02-22-2006, 01:20 PM   #409  
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OK, fly-by-post here! I got to take my baby to the peds in a bit. I don't think she has another ear infection, but she's sleeping sooooo horrible (like up at least every 2 hours all night for 2 nights now) and so cranky - don't want to miss something...

Lisa - we are all going to have weeks where the scale doesn't show a loss. That isn't a reflection on you that you didn't do a great job though - when you know you are!!! I know those weeks will come for me as well.

Catherine - so sorry about the ex drama. That's some heavy stuff. Hopefully this new trainer will be a great new things for you!!! WTG!

Get better soon, Donna! So sorry you're feeling bad.

Have a wonderful day everyone! I'll try to check back in later...
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Old 02-22-2006, 03:38 PM   #410  
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Default Me again!

Hi there,

Danielle - yep, it's muscle ( ). It just gets frustrating to not see a loss every week, I just have to get used to that fact. Then I'll be okay.

Nori - thanks. I'm not going to let it get me down. I was just in a groove with the weight loss. I'm looking forward to losing the first 10 pounds and I was so close I could feel it!!!!!

Hope you all are well!

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Old 02-22-2006, 05:24 PM   #411  
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hey chickies,
I feel so much better today..I"m off today and been just hanging around the house and relaxing but I did manage to ride my bike for 55 mins and felt good so now I can start exercising again...

Danielle-Glad to hear your doing good..No I never did anything yesterday..I was just to tired and went to bed early..Guess I needed the extra rest...

Lisa - Your doing long as your seeing results don't worry about that scale..Just keep it up..
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Old 02-23-2006, 10:19 AM   #412  
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Hi ladies:

Donna, I'm glad you're feeling better. Maybe tonight I'll do my bike to change it up a little. I took it from a neighbor who was throwing it away. It hurts my butt though! Then again, I could do it and watch the Olympics or Idol at the same time

Nori: I hope your DD is feeling better and that you both get some good sleep soon

B: cereal w/ blueberries L: Lean Cuisine S: handful of dry cereal D: Lean Cuisine & pcs of italian bread S: 2 WW mini cakes (1 pt each!) Pts: 25
Exercise: 15 min BATP. I also got my grocery shopping done on the way home while the kids were at mom's house. The Lean Cuisine panini sandwiches were on sale so I bought at least a dozen

I'm really struggling on my water intake, I'm lucky if I drink one bottle a day. I have four lined up on my desk but can't seem to get them down.
Well the tax man is coming tonight at dinner time but hopefully I'll get in a little workout when he's gone.

Check in later! Mo
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Old 02-23-2006, 10:26 AM   #413  
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hey gals.. would love ta join ya!
my name is lynn and i'm a married 42 year old, with two daughters. I need a kick in my pants right now. I recently gained alot weight and need to get it off for health issues. I'm on blood pressure medications, my knees creak and my back aches. I'm a nurse and I teach kids with diabetes food facts.. whatta joke!..
I'm calorie counting.. I'm eating 1400-1500 cal a day, walking, drinking lots of h2o and journaling... more to come...
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Old 02-23-2006, 12:15 PM   #414  
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Happy Thursday!

Donna, I hope you got lots of rest and are feeling better today.

Maureen, get that water in young lady! I know it's probably hard to get too terribly excited about water when it's cold outside and you've gotta take multiple potty runs. But you know how important water is, so I know you'll do it. My bike hurts my butt too, and I ride it for an hour. I've had to put some padding on it, attach it with safety pins because I couldn't stand it.
Hey, it may look funny on there, but whatever keeps me on the stupid thing, is how I think about it. You're having your tax man to dinner? Can you write that off?

Lynne, welcome! I'm fairly new here too but these ladies are awesome. You have come to the right place for support and motivation. It sounds like you've got an excellent plan in place, setting yourself up for nothing but success. Hope to get to know you better.

Have a stellar days ladies! The week's almost over, one more week closer to having to shed the winter clothing. This little detail is keeping me in check to keep going and staying on track. I'm determined to not hide in long pants or capris this summer, it's too dang hot out here. Besides, these legs could definitely use a tan finally!
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Old 02-23-2006, 03:14 PM   #415  
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Default Welcome Lynn!!!!!

Lynn, glad you joined. I'm fairly new here also. I look forward to getting to know you better!

Danielle: thanks for the push on the water. I decided to check in this afternoon and your post made me reach for my water...thanks The tax man isn't eating over, he just comes to our house to do our taxes and he's coming at 5:30! It might be a little awkward, the accountant is/was my sister's brother in law through marriage and since last year my sister filed for's final next month. Hopefully no one will mention the divorce....I'll have to warn my husband ahead of time because he tends to have big mouth!

I have 5 sisters and 2 brothers, (I'm the youngest ) do any of you come from a large family?

I'll check in tonight....2nd night without the kids and last night I read till 2 a.m. Boy was I late and tired for work today

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Old 02-23-2006, 03:26 PM   #416  
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Yay Mo, good girl getting in that water!!! You heard me sittin on your shoulder, huh? Yikes, ex-bil huh? That might be a tad awkward but might go ok if you can reign in hubby. Good thing he still wants to do your taxes, I hate doing them myself.

I am the oldest of 4 girls, we're 6 & 7 years apart. I'm 36 & my youngest sister is only 16!

Enjoy your kid-free time lady! Just remember to get your rest so you're not late for work tomorrow.
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Old 02-23-2006, 03:56 PM   #417  
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Hi everyone! Well, Melina doesn't have an ear infection this time. Just an icky cold. Dh slept in anothr room last night because she's been sleeping so horrible (in our bed) and wouldn't you know it, she only woke up 2 times!!

Yippee, Donna's up and running again!

Danielle - How often do you do your measurments? I guess I'm going to do them at the beginning of each month.

Hi Lynn! Welcome! Sounds like you have a good plan. Look forward to getting to know you.

Mo - I'm the oldest of 7 kids. 6 girls and finally my Mom got her boy. I'm 35 in July and he's 18 - so we're all about 2-4 years apart. It's so much fun being in a big family. Funny though that I'm not so sure about a #3 for us anymore. Re: water - I don't have any tips really. I love the stuff. Does that bike have one of those skinny butt seats? I cannot do those. Need a cushy seat for this butt!

Where is Erin and Beth and Catherine and Sarah and Lori? And Serena and SoccerGirl? And whoever else has been MIA for longer? Hope all is well!!
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Old 02-23-2006, 05:30 PM   #418  
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Hi Nori! I'm so glad that your dd doesnt have an ear infection. Poor baby! It's been brutal for colds & illness this year I can't believe it. I hope she gets to feeling better real soon. Well, regarding my measurements, , this is a funny thing....I had originally only planned to do them once a month but because I have had next to nothing in the scale dept. the last few weeks, I'd been measuring instead. I'm glad I did it because I can be so easily discouraged with the scale. I did it to really see my progress regardless of the # and it's helped my self-esteem tremendously, like I'm really doing something. KWIM? So yeah, once I get back to losing # wise I'll go back to just once a month with measuring. You definitely have to measure, it will make you feel so good to see yourself shrink! Have a great night, Nori.
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Old 02-23-2006, 07:01 PM   #419  
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Thanks, Danielle. I did measure about 2 weeks and -10 pounds into my new life. Then I measured 4 weeks later and was down 11 inches! But that was just 2 weeks ago. I think I'll go ahead and measure on the 1st, even though it will not be 4 weeks. And keep it a 1st of the month thing.
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Old 02-23-2006, 07:02 PM   #420  
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Wow that last post was my 300th post.
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