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Old 02-11-2006, 09:33 AM   #301  
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Default depressing

It is so depressing. My first week back on WW and I lost 7 pounds woo hoo and then I had the incident witht he brownies that my husband made and the next few days I couldn't stop eating so now I'm having to relose that weight. Stuff like that causes me to lose motivation. But so far I've done fine this week but I just started this day a few hours ago so we'll see how it goes. I have managed to eat more vegetables this week. Not that I enjoyed that at all. I've also recently realized people that I thought were friends are not friends at all. It's kind of depressing when your the last one to hear news about a friend and the only reason you were told was someone happened to think about it and decided to tell you. Oh well, with friends like mine, who needs enemies. I had been doing well on my eliptical. I had worked my way up to 15 minutes but this past week I've felt so exhaused I couldn't even last 5 minutes. I've even had trouble keeping my eyes open during the day. I just feel extremely drained. Anyway, I'll get better. My boys have been sick which couldn't have something to do with it but it seems as though they've been sleeping better lately so you would think I would be feeling better.

I hope everyone is doing well, I haven't really had a chance to read most of the posts but knowing the women in this thread your all doing great.
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Old 02-11-2006, 06:40 PM   #302  
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Serena - for right now we're in 29 Palms, CA, and our next station is Columbia, SC. We got to go there last summer and check things out. Right now we're house shopping, which is really hard from so far away! LOL
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Old 02-11-2006, 06:43 PM   #303  
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Serena - don't let your friends get you down. They probably thought they had told you, and didn't mean it as an intentional slight. And the best thing about friends? You can always make more. Plus, you can meet people with your same interests, which is always fun.

Keep up the great work on the vegetables!!!!!!!
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Old 02-11-2006, 09:08 PM   #304  
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Post snow, snow, snow!!!

Hello everyone! So how much snow has everyone got here on the east coast???We are about at 7-8 inches. We may get more I am not sure!

Well, I finally found the BL exercise video. I found it at the book store. Anyways I did it this afternoon. I really liked it! I had some problems with some of it but I know that I will work up to it! I spoke to my doctor last night about the personal trainer. He was fine with it! I knew he would be! He is very happy that I am finally after all these years with him, taking care of myself. He knows that I have always taken care of everyone else first. I was always last. I have asked my husband to go with me for the evaluation with the trainer! He said he would take the time off to go with me. He has been so supportive. I want him to know what I will be doing and to help me open up to the trainer some. The trainer I chose works with the special olympics. That shows me that he has the patience and the ability to see the true self in each person. I have also been told by a friend that they have seen him train and that he is good! I am signing up for twelve sessions to start with. I will go twice a week so that will give me six weeks. I am looking forward to this!

Well, things here at home are not so great with my FIL. I will not even post what is going on with him. Nighthawk probably has some ideas since this is what she does for a living! He is going down hill fast! We are afraid we are going to have to put him in a home sooner than we thought!

I got to go hang out with some friends last night! Which was really nice. I convinced them to play Scrabble! I just love the game! My competitiveness came out and I whipped their butts! HE-HE! I had fun either way. It was nice to get out! Well, I have posted for awhile. It is getting pretty long! Hope everyone is doing well! Will write more later! Everyone have a good weekend and for those on the east coast enjoy the snow!

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Old 02-11-2006, 11:46 PM   #305  
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Hey Chickies,
Good news today, at my weigh in I was down 2.6 pounds New BMI (33) and I get to add another little dancer to my signature I'm at 191.4 so next weeks goal to get the **** out of the 190's I had a fantastic day today got together with a friend and went for a long walk(2 hours) by the lake the weather was unbelivable not a cloud in the sky.

Nori: I am so with you on the negetive self talk I have the same problem which the more I become aware of it the easier it is to fight against it.

Erin: Congrats on losing that pound any scale movement down is a great thing but even better to feel it in you clothes and body I hope you have to take in your dress many many times I noticed today that I was sitting in a position that would have been difficult 20 pounds ago. Way togo turning down that sugered pop I work in a long term care facility and families are always bringing us chocolate. I found that since giving up sugar completely I am not even tempted thankfully

Serena: I was lauging when i read how you can get to so many states in just a couple of hours driving If I drive straight north for about 12 hours I can visit my sis and she lives in the same province If I drive west for 5 hours catch a ferry for 1 1/2 hours and drive for another hour I can visit my other sis yep same province if I drive to the east for 7 or so hours I can get to Alberta and if I drive south for 3 hours I can get to Washington State. There is plenty to do though, I live in a recreation mecca I want to lose weight so I can take better advantage of all there is to do here. Take care of yourself maybe you are so tired because your fighting off some nasty bug sometimes it is more important to sleep then to exercise bonus you can't eat if you're sleepoing

Catherine: Your hubby sounds like a gem good luck with the personal trainer I think it would be awesome to do that and 6 weeks is a length of time that will really get you into it. I feel for you in regards to you FIL it can be really difficult and heart breaking to watch someone you love fall victim to dementia, just don't ever feel guilty if it becomes more then you can handle. On the positive side maybe your FIL is effected by the full moon and will rally a bit in a few days. I have a few that get really challenging during the full moon. OH and I LOVE scrabble too.

I got so far behind in a couple of days I know I missed people but to you all. You are the rocks that I lean on and my inspiration.
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Old 02-12-2006, 07:43 AM   #306  
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Default snow and snow

Well it is still snowing here - so much snow we actually may use the snow blower (typically 3 inches and under it is just easier to shovel it then dealing with a 5 year+ snow blower - it was my grandfathers. I also got a little reward yesterday I am replacing a 20 year old sofa in our "rec room" - Pick out a new sofa and loveseat set and it gets delivered Thursday if it can still have it carried around to the back to the basement with the snow I am not sure if we get it on Thursday.

Anyway I got some exercise in yesterday while hubby and son were napping - anything I can get helps.

Lori - awesome job and the weight lost - I know you can meet next weeks glow no issue.

Catherine - it is great your dh is going with you to the trainers. I love my BL workout it really gets me going I alternate through all the workouts at this point depending on what my body is up for the day.

Serena - keep going on the elliptical remember 5 minutes is better than nothing. I am sorry about the friend to them and see if it can be worked out if you want the friendship sometimes it is not as it seems (been there sometimes myself). If not there is always a better person to be found and you always have us.

Nori - I really liked Winning by Losing (J MIchaels book) I actually am going back to some of the things I forgot, but used when I first started like varying my daily caloirie intake to help avoid stalls. I also have a new one from the library regarding body shapes I will let you know about it after I am done.

Well with the snow I hope to avaoid the comfort food binge that I have had in the past. We made brownies last night (I had one) and chili (made from very lean beef, ground turkey and chicken) which was very good and had the right amount of spice.

I think this morning with be omlets - mine egg white with olives and mushrooms and one piece of cheese - some pepper and hot sauce and it is yummy!!!!

have a good sunday girls and take care -

Last edited by ejb180; 02-12-2006 at 09:42 AM.
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Old 02-12-2006, 08:14 AM   #307  
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hey everyone..sorry I've been MIA..I've had a very bad week at work...Its just been very busy with having to run two stores but I think this is my last week...boy am I goal for Feb is to exercise 1000 minutes...I'm doing very good so far I'm at 432 so I'm on track to hit it...I've been doing great eating and haven't had any cheats days...I'm proud of myself...Can't wait till weigh-in on Mon..

everyone seems to be doing a great job...keep up the exercise and eating..we all can do this..just take it one day at a time
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Old 02-12-2006, 11:39 AM   #308  
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Default working out

Well, I had said before how exhausted I had been feeling lately so I haven't even felt like working out but I decided I'm not really gonna worry about it right now. I'll try to work out if I feel like it but hopefully once I've lost about 20 pounds my energy level will increase and then I can start working out on a regular basis. Well today has been actually really good. Usually by now I would have consumed atleast half of my daily points but I've only used about 1/5 of them and I'm not even hungry. My mom is making homemade soup. She makes great soup. That should be low points.

Keep up the good work everybody.
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Old 02-12-2006, 01:30 PM   #309  
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Default Snowy Sunday!! :snowglo:

Hello everyone, we've got a ton of snow here too, it is beautiful and the kids are outside now playing in it. I came to the family room to exercise while they're out and flipped when I saw the floor was covered with toys and junk (they had friends over Fri & Sat). Not wanting to have to call them back in after getting their snowsuits on I cleaned it up myself. They will hear about it when they get back, especially DS.

Serena: hope you get your energy back, and enjoy the soup

ejb180: that chili sounds great!! Send some my way!

nighthawk: 2.6 lbs!!! WOW! You rock!

Catherine: best of luck with the trainer, good idea bringing DH, you'll have reinforcement and support.

I think being home with DH today might be a challenge, I was in a real bad mood with the family room mess and took it out on him. He asked me to throw him down a pair of socks. I told him I wasn't his personal laundry maid! I think I may have set a bad tone for the day! Maybe TOM is coming? I dont get it often but when I diet it seems to come more regularly.

Saturday: cereal, 6" subway, chicken w/peppers, salad, angel food cake w/ strawberries and FF coolwhip. Woke at 2:30 a.m. and had granola bar
Points: 28 Water: 32 oz? Exer: none
I did bring DD and her friend to the museum and did a lot of walking.

My house is such a pig sty, I think that's why I'm in a bad mood. Well, I'm home all day, I'll try to get done what I can. I hear DH with the vacuum now.

I made the chicken and peppers (chicken scarpiello) and it was very good, I lightly floured chicken cutlets then fried them in a little canola oil and 1 tbs. butter for a few minutes on each side, then I added cherry pepper rings and a 1/2 can of FF chicken broth and simmered for 5 more minutes. The 20 oz. package made about 6 cutlets (I butterflied them) and it was 6 points per cutlet but they were worth the points. I made a nice salad to go with them. I can't wait to eat the leftovers tonight! I was glad to see that feta cheese isn't too bad in points. A little feta goes a long way, I love it on my salad.

Well tomorrow is weigh in day
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Old 02-12-2006, 04:45 PM   #310  
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Default recipe to share

I just made this and it's absolutely delicous.

8 oz. orzo pasta
1 cup chicken broth
about 3 cups of broccoli florets (cut kind of small)
1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper....or more
3 minced cloves of garlic
3 oz. feta cheese cubed or crumbled
1 or 2 chopped tomatoes
1 tbs. balsamic vinager
6 tbs. pine nuts (pignoli)
2 tbs. olive oil
1 tbs. butter
salt to taste

cook pasta for about 8 minutes and drain.
Heat olive oil and butter in big fry pan, add garlic and crushed pepper and pignoli nuts. Cook on medium heat for a couple of minutes till pine nuts are toasty brown. Then add all your broccoli and about a cup of FF chicken broth. Simmer on low till broccoli is cooked and almost all broth is dissolved. If you have to...add more broth till broccoli is cooked. Put orzos in a big pasta bowl, cover with the broccoli mix, stir. Then top with tomatoes and feta cheese, drizzle about 1 tbs. of balsamic vinegar and salt to taste and stir. The whole huge bowl is 44 points. I don't know how many servings, depends on if it's a meal of a side dish. I'd say you'd get at least 4 meals or 8 side dishes out of it at the very is so yummy. I just tried it warm but I'm sure it's just as good cold.

BTW, I did 2 miles on BATP today, I'm building up some stamina! I'll talk to you all tomorrow.
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Old 02-12-2006, 08:14 PM   #311  
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That recipe sounds great. WTG! on the exercise.

Take care all - good luck on Monday - here is to another week.

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Old 02-12-2006, 09:21 PM   #312  
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All you East Coasters be safe! We are done with snow here.

Mo - Had to laugh at your DH with Shakira! Both of your recipes sound delicious! I will be making the pasta one this week for sure. Love pine nuts, feta, balsamic vinegar... I love to cook with flavors! Tonight we are having simple BBQ chicken though. Homemade sauce. Congrats on the 2 mile workout!! I hate when I get in bad moods too. I always say things I don't mean and then feel like a total loser.

Erin - New furniture!! Now that's some serious reward for weight loss!! Hopeyou can get it on Thursday. YES, let me know how you like the book!

Lori - congrats on your loss! (Where else do you actually "say" that to someone??)

Donna - sorry you had a busy, busy week last week. Here's to a calm, good one starting tomorrow! You'll meet you goals this month, no problem.

Serena - Hope your energy level picks up soon. Were you so tired before you started losing weight? Maybe you should get checked out, you know? Like simple tests for anemia? Sick kiddos do drain you though because it's usually 24/7 care. Are they any better now? I cannot freaking believe that my girls have colds all over again!! I haven't been to the gym since Tuesday. They just got over colds less than 2 weeks ago. Anyways, I need to get 8 hours or so of sleep a night. It's all broken up since Melina still eats at night.

Catherine - glad you liked BL workouts. They will kick your butt!! But that's what we all want! Don't feel bad if you need to get outside help to care for FIL. Is he in good health otherwise? It gets to a point where it's almost impossible to do it alone, they sadly don't know where they are to know a difference, and there are so many nice facilities that will offer comfort and security. BTW - I LOVE Scrabble!!! Haven't played it in awhile though. My Mom and Grandma and I can play for hours...

Well, got to go turn the chicken and steam some green beans. I had a good weekend. We each put the girls in carriers (backpacks) and went for long walks both yesterday and today.

Tomorrow is weigh in for me.
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Old 02-12-2006, 10:17 PM   #313  
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Hi Chickies,
I went for a lovely walk in the sunshine today then watched all the snow storms on the news holy smokes! Winters done here (except in the mountains)

Erin: Thank you for the encouraging words. I love chili I make up a pot and take it to work to eat at 3:30 in the morning. The last pot I made I bought chili powder at the bulk food dumped some into the pot and it wasn't chili powder at all it was cayenne....flame on I ate most of it but let me tell ya it was a lip burner

Donna: You will make your 1000 minutes no prob we're all rooting for you I hope this week goes better for you workwise. Sounds like you're doing awsome with your food plan.

Serena:Something I read and it works for me is to exercise for 10 minutes and after 10 I still don't feel like it I stop because I really am to tired and not just not feeling like it. But don't stess about it it'll come in it's own time.

Maureen: Walking's walking outside or in a museum You'll do fine on your weigh in The recipe sounds good but I think I'll skip the pine nuts

Nori: You are so right no where else do I want to be thought of as a real loser

Have a Wonderful Monday I am in for a rough few days workwise (I have 2 jobs) so I'm not sure when I will get back but I'll try for tomorrow.

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Old 02-13-2006, 07:36 AM   #314  
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Default Monday

Hi! Well, I weighed in this morning and it appears I lost 1.5 lbs. My ticker says a total of 8 because it rounds up/down. I came to work early today so I can get the kids off the bus so I left them all sleeping. I'll post DH loss when he gets up later this morning, I turned off the alarms because the kids have a 2 hour school delay.

Menu: cereal w/ blueberries, granola bar, 1/2 graham cracker and a few bites of angel food cake, chicken w/ peppers and orzo/broccoli salad.

Lori: I can't wait to be able to soak up some sun

I'm actually looking forward to doing my BATP tonight. I need to download some songs on my MP3 to listen to while doing it. I knew that Denise Austin could be annoying but the DVD said it had a option to have no voice, just music but I don't see it on the menu. I'll just listen to music while following her. Does anyone know of some good earplugs? The ones that came with my MP3 are too big for my ears....the one thing small on me has to be my ear canals!
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Old 02-13-2006, 08:06 AM   #315  
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I weighed in today and I'm dow 1.2lbs... I'm losing an average of 1lb per week but I think I'm gaining muscle right now...My legs seem to be stronger and I've been using hand weights to work out my arms...Also I have lost in inches cause my clothes are loose and I even bought a new pair of pants a size smaller...I'm also sooo excited I try on my favorite pair of shorts yesterday and they fit perfect...I have not been able to wear them for two years...

MoNewEngland - congrats on the loss...keep up the good work..

wishing everyone the best at weigh-in this week..

Last edited by dgpebbles; 02-13-2006 at 08:18 PM.
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