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Old 06-01-2005, 05:57 PM   #1  
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Cool Back to Basics - Everybody "June" in!

OK. so I do realize I am not as funny as I think I am. I shouldn't quit my day job for the comedy circuit. Or maybe . . . .

So. My goal for June is to lose an average of 2 pounds a week - or 8 pounds for the month. I want to exercise daily, and do weights 3 times a week. ( I also have a side goal of staying closer to my budget. I have not been doing so hot!)

So here's to all of us for June. Have a wonderful month!

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Old 06-02-2005, 09:54 AM   #2  
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Hey Jolly - Your goals are good ones. I can join you on both of them.

Not sure what's going on with me. Feeling very cagey today. I know I'm frustrated with the job/work thing. Frustrated with money. Want things on the business front to move faster than they're moving. It's the 'wanting to chew my arm off to get out of here' feeling. Weight is WAY up today, and I know it can't be calories, so it's probably sodium. Money has been extremely tight this week, so food has been cheap-cheap. Not cool. *sigh* Thank goodness payday is tomorrow.

*throws herself against the bars of her cage*

Last edited by RavenToy; 06-02-2005 at 12:04 PM.
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Old 06-02-2005, 10:09 AM   #3  
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I understand, Raven - the eternal struggle. The less money you have, the more you want to spend. At least I do. When money is tight, that is when I see that I am spending more on junk - just to prove I can, I guess.

I am also in a bit of a funk right now. Dealing with the whole low self esteem thing. If I do one thing wrong, it makes me a bad person. Yadda yadda yadda. I have to learn to learn from things, without taking it so darn personally. Or maybe skip the "learning" part, and just find good drugs. Skip the counseling. the weird dreams I have been having would send the shrink to the couch.

Well, I did my running this morning. Hurray for that. The first set is always slow and difficult, but then it eases up. I hope to do a 5k this year.

Have a good day!
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Old 06-02-2005, 10:56 AM   #4  
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Good Morning! I have been posting on the Back to Basics weekly posts and noticed this monthly one. Maybe this is where everyone went. Not many posting on the other one anymore. Hope it's ok to post here with you.
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Old 06-02-2005, 12:13 PM   #5  
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Welcome, Roxy! I'm not sure if we're the same bunch, but you are certainly more than welcome to join us!

Jolly - I've actually been doing better than usual with that kneejerk reaction to being broke. I've been really trying to focus on NOT spending money. It's just that the food I can buy with the little money I have is not the healthiest, you know? That depresses me. BUT like I said, payday is tomorrow, and though I'm certainly not rich, I'll be able to buy the right foods again. What I'm really agonizing about on the money front is that I desperately want to get more training on the hoof care, and I just can't afford it. The folks I trimmed for last weekend were all really happy with my work, and the gal in FL is having her other emergency trimmer come out and take a look at my work, to see what he thinks. A little nerve wracking, that. Sort of like you... if I'm not doing it perfectly.... you know? I just have to take a deep breath and remind myself I've only been doing it for about a year. I have a lot to learn, BUT I do know a lot. I just need more experience.

I did forget to mention my workout this morning. I did do that... such as it was. It was the Murphy's Law workout. Everything that could go wrong did, but .. I know I got at least a decent 20 minutes plus of either walking quickly or running in.

Water is good so far for the day. Food is .. calorie-wise, fine. *shrug* Tomorrow will be better. My fingers feel all poofy and so do my ankles.
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Old 06-02-2005, 01:09 PM   #6  
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Hi everyone! I am back from a week long vacation back east. We were in NJ mostly, and the Philadelphia area. We also went out to Gettysburg. It was nice to be east again. There are so many differences. Especially pizzerias and delis. Man, even bad pizza back east is better than the pizza here. There are exceptions of course, but you have to look hard and eat a lot of bad pizza along the way. And it's VERY hard to find a place that sells by the slice.
Believe it or not I did not gain any weight while I was gone. I was truly amazed when I got on the scale this morning.
My goal for the month is 5 pounds and I really need to pick up the exercise.
I might not be posting daily but I'll be around. Have a great day!
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Old 06-02-2005, 05:48 PM   #7  
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Hi all. Food did pretty well today. Also dealing with the work stress alright. No complaints. NO worries.

Welcome Roxy. Congrats on surviving vacation, Apple. Where are you from originally? Vacation sounds sooooo nice, but between time and money, it ain't gonna happen. Raven, glad you are doing better. Have you looked into whether there would be any grants, scholarships, student loans for trade school??? Then maybe you could afford to do the trainings faster. Just a thought.

Have a good one everyone.
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Old 06-03-2005, 09:44 AM   #8  
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Good Morning!

I went to the gym last night after work and did my normal routine. Thought I was going to die before I finished. Just wasn't into it. I made it through though. My goal for June is to loose 5 pounds. I still need to work on journaling. I do good at the beginning of the day and then just forget. Also need to drink more water.

Have a good day and a great weekend!
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Old 06-03-2005, 12:33 PM   #9  
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Apple - Welcome back!! Sounds like you had a good trip! I should have had you freeze me some pizza and send it in the mail... Sounds delicious.

Jolly - Keep on truckin' chickie. I haven't got the time to look into grants and stuff. Need to find someone who knows all the ins and outs of that. I'm far too busy trying to make this happen to spend hours LOOKING for stuff. Sad but true.

Roxy - I know what you mean... some days I just don't 'got it' you know? Sounds like you're on the right track! Water, food, exercise!

Ok I finally blew up last night and ordered chinese food. I did pretty good, got mu shu chicken, but ... SODIUM CITY! I feel like the michellen man (sp).

Then I stayed up till 2 this morning trying to get more content onto my website. So .. needless to say this morning I did NOT get up in time to work out. Today was payday, so I went out at lunch and got healthy stuff for work again. I feel secure again. I HATE not having good food to eat while I'm here.

Ok, back to work. Happy FRIDAY people!!!!
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Old 06-03-2005, 07:01 PM   #10  
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Hi all.

Financial security??? I am about ready to have to turn in my change jar.

I did go work out this morning, and managed to do weights. One day down. woohoo.

Of course, I have a similar problem, Roxy. I eat well at the beginning of the day, but by the end of the day, it is all downhill. I ate well today, then came home and made a huge pot of chicken noodle casserole. I am so overstuffed right now. How stupid! I need to figure out how not to self medicate at night.

Have a great weekend all.

Last edited by jollygirl; 06-03-2005 at 09:52 PM.
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Old 06-04-2005, 08:10 PM   #11  
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jolly, can it be that you're not eating enough during the day? It sounds like you may be so hungry that you come home and overeat. I have found that if I don't eat good food and then have even a little bit of sugar or something, I fall off the deep end. If I instead force myself to have carrots or celery or an apple, I can hold until I get a filling meal, and that stays with me. The good meal feels like way too much but in the end I don't eat all the junk, so the end calorie count is much lower. Now....if I can just remember my own advice..........
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Old 06-05-2005, 07:22 AM   #12  
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Hard to post on a regular basis when I'm working a full time 'day job' AND trying to start a business on the side. I went down to Macon yesterday to trim a friend's horse. While I was there I picked up another trim which will now be on a 4 week schedule. Then the barn owner came out, asked how much I charge, and could I please come back and take care of 6 of her horses? I had to think about that for about oh .. a split second. She rehabs off the track thoroughbreds and wants to keep them barefoot! I told her it's time consuming, but it can certainly be done! She said ok, lets do it! I love that kind of attitude.

So, off today to go trim! I almost have two weeks up to the low '7 horses per week to pay board' mark. That was my first goal. Two more weeks and I'll have that. Next goal will be to get to between 20-30 horses a week so I can quit my job at the office.

I need to buy some sunblock. *blink*

I think my weight is going to start dropping a LOT if I do this for a living. Which, I have to admit, was one of the reasons it was attractive to me. A workout disguised as fun plus I get paid for doing it. D'uh!?
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Old 06-05-2005, 08:33 AM   #13  
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Congrats on the new business, Raven. I am so happy for you. Red, no, it is not that I am not eating enough during the day. I eat plenty. It is more a psychological thing at night. What better way to unwind after a long day then to eat, right?

Well, I woke up this morning sore from wrestling my air conditioners upstairs, and still a bit congested, so I didn't run. But (drumroll please) I did throw in my yoga tape and do that. I realized how unflexible I have become. I need to try to do that twice a week. But right now i am just glad I got a workout in. Of course, I also have a dog in a snit. I told them to go lay down and leave me alone while I did the tape, or I would have to lock them up. My girl was ok, though by the last prone pose, she had enough, and came and laid down right next to me. My boy was mad that I told him to go away. Still in a snit as I type. Funny.

OK. OH yeah, a NSV to report. I came home from work early yesterday due to being all stuffed up. I did not dig into the food. I finished cleaning, did my nails, and had 1 sugar free fudgsicle. Not bad, since before i left I was fantasizing about stopping for chips and dip, or throwing in a pizza.

Well, off to breakfast, church, and work. Have a great day all.
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Old 06-05-2005, 01:03 PM   #14  
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Jolly, my dogs do the same thing. As soon as I'm down on the floor to do some exercises they think it's play time or petting time and either I try to work around them or thow them out. I could not do yoga with a dog in my face...
I am originally from NY. I moved out to California in my late 20's. I miss the east alot, but I'm happy here too.
I haven't made any behavioral changes since my last post. 5 pounds might be an unreasonable goal. Actually, time based goals don't seem to work for me. I think I'll just stick to getting an exercise program going on a regular basis.
Hope everyone's having a great week-end!!!
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Old 06-05-2005, 10:17 PM   #15  
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It was pretty funny, Apple. They always think that floor time equals play time, and boy were Bubba's feelings hurt

So, another NSV to report. I came home from work and did not eat. It was a tough battle, but at least I did it.

Here's to a great week for all of us.
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