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Old 06-03-2005, 05:39 AM   #46  
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Good morning girls just wanted to check in and let you know still no baby. She went to Dr. Wed. and she is dialated to a 4 and if she doesn't deliver by next Wed. the 8th. she is going to be induced. Our anniversary is the 7th. so wish she would have her then.

I have been really busy with the boys the last few days and by night fall I am pooped, so I just fall into bed.

Sunny I am worried about you?? I hope you aren't too sick.

Sheila send some of that cooler weather here, we are under severe weather today. Hubby is gone fishing until tomorrow so I do hope it doesn't get too bad, it scares me....

Hi Charlotte and Bonnie 2 how are you girls?

Any big plans for the weekend? None here just hope maybe a trip to the hospital to see my new baby.

I have done terrible on WW the last couple of days, have got to get back on track today. I don't know what comes over me sometime, just want to have something in my mouth constantly and most of the time not the right choices.

Hugs, Diane
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Old 06-03-2005, 02:39 PM   #47  
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Hello Everyone,

Pretty quite over here lately. I think I see some dustballs starting to form in the corners. I am the one that is most quilty for not posting, I know.

I did my usual thing over the Memorial Day weekend. All the outdoor work had to come or bust, I can never do things the easy way. Since our spring was so cold and rainy, there was very little time that I felt I wanted to be outside working in the perennial beds. So the three days off from work were unusually nice days and I wouldn't rest until I had things in order again. Guess I'll never learn. I am still not all done though, then again with yard work is one ever done?

Last week I had a flu thing that had all the same symptoms that Sunny described when she was coming down with something. Took about four or five days to feel better with that virus.

It is fiscal year end at work, so there's just so much more to do. Also insurance renewal time.

Sunny, I hope you are ok and improving everyday. Sheila, It is nice to be able to bundle up in a comforter and read, but when it is summer, I want the weather to be agreeable, our summers are so short . How's your Dad? Charlotte, how are you doing? Minding the store? Ae you going for your anniversay get away this weekend? Diane, hope the baby comes soon. About those grandson, we have 6, and they wear me out too. We all lose our patience at times. Bonnie2, how's your tooth. Did you get to finish your red bark? Is MIL with you yet.

Well gotta go guys.....Take care. All of you that are having June anniversaries, and I think that is just about everyone...HAPPY ANNIVERSAY!

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Old 06-03-2005, 04:22 PM   #48  
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Good Afternoon my friends,
Thank-you *ALL* so much for all the *well-wishes*! I am so much better today - just like new again! I cannot believe how ill I was... it's been a long time since I felt that ill. Yesterday about midday the headache that I had since Tuesday finally left me and now I feel just fine! I even went for a 1.5 mile walk w/ Joe this morning. So no more worries, okay. I am fine... BLESS YOUR HEARTS! I spoke to friends and they all said that this flu hits hard and last at least 3 - 4 days, so I was par for the coarse. Other then feeling chilly from this crazy weather - all is well... it wasn't my gut nor the food as I thought, although... I don't think it helped.

Yesterday we had a picture perfect day! 78* Sunny with a breeze... we are getting some "hit and miss" rains today and it's only in the 60's - chilly today compared to yesterday. I had all the windows open yesterday and not a thing playing - no TV - no Radio, nothing! All I heard were my kitties talking to the birds & the birds... nice!

Speaking of birds... Joe put up the 1950's Diner Bird Feeder yesterday, that my sister gave us for Christmas. I took some pictures! It is so neat to see it out my kitchen window and all lit up at night!! I will send pics as soon as I am able and show you - they are still on my camera right now. It is so DARN CUTE!!

Joe & I still don't have our annual plants bought nevermind planted... and may not at this rate! I was going to work on my potting this week - then I got the flu! Just can't win sometimes... Our Perennials are doing great! The pink *Peony's* will be opening soon and all my *Painted Daises* have opened... so have my *Lilies of the Valley* - what a heavenly scent!

Tomorrow we are meeting Peggy, Mike (our best buds) and the girls for breakfast and then Peggy, Sandy, Lisa & I are going to play *putt putt gulf* then going out to lunch together, (the guys are going their way for the day together) - both girls are leaving soon - one for college (Lisa) and the other for Ca (Sandy), so we all wanted to spend time together. I am just glad that I am all better now and can still go! We have had this day planned for over a month!! Then... we are meeting the guys for dinner out and a baseball game - Lisa bought Joe & I the tickets for the game - wasn't that nice!!! $20.00 each! The weather is suppose to be perfect! It will be a FUN FULL day!

Sunday will be a quiet day after we get home from church... yeah!

Forgive me not catching up w/ you all right now, just no time to.
But hopefully on Sunday I will catch a moment when I can stop in and catch up then
I am so far behind in my reading, I haven't been here in days!! I spent the whole morning on the
computer this morning writing to all my family whom had not heard from me since Tuesday morning!

Big *Hugs & Smiles*


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Old 06-07-2005, 04:47 AM   #49  
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Come out, come out where ever you are!!!

It has been way to quiet on here for several days, hope everyone is ok.

I really don't have alot to report still waiting on Emilee is about it. As it looks now tomorrow is the day!!

I will be off for six weeks and man do I have a ton of stuff I want to get done. OMG I just realized today is my anniversary, I honestly have been up for 45 min. and had forgot what today was. No plans for it our Lousianna trip is for our anniversary and that isnt until the end of June. It will be nice to get away and then in Oct. I have my trip with my friends to Maine for 10 days. I have always dreamed of going to Maine and the opportunity came up and I grabbed it. I am going with three of my friends, two of which have already been there so they plan the trip. We are spending several days in Camden. I went with them five yrs. ago to Yellowstone and the Tetons and we had a marvelous time. That was four months before Sister passed away and she went too, I am so grateful to have had that wonderful vacation with her.

Have a wonderful day and let me know how you are.
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Old 06-07-2005, 07:57 AM   #50  
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How long have you & DH been married? I hope you have a great day! Also hope everything goes well with your new arrival! Keep us informed.

Not much going on here, either. It's been really hot & humid. Didn't have the air conditioner in until Sunday. I nagged until DH got around to putting it in. Bless his heart....he works all the time, but I couldn't take it anymore.

Well........I got older last Friday (3rd)...
I really had a great day! I was showered with gifts (especially angels!) & flowers all day! When we did "Tennessee Valley Now" at 4 pm, everyone at the TV Station came out on camera with balloons & presents & song...then, afterwards...had a surprise party waiting! I'm spoiled rotten there. DH got me the juicer that I've been wanting! I've been juicing up a storm.

Well...I just heard DH get up, so I've got to cook his breakfast. Hope all have a good day. I've missed everyone.
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Old 06-07-2005, 10:57 AM   #51  
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Good Morning!!!!

Charlotte, HAPPY BIRTHDAY so glad to hear they spoil you at the station. I could kinda tell they really love you there as we all do. Great going on getting the air conditioning.

Diane, enjoy your day HAPPY ANNIVERSARY I always wanted to go to Maine too, it will be fun to hear about your trip when you come back. Enjoy your get-a-way to Louisiana.

Getting worried about Sheila and Sunny, hope you two are o.k.

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Old 06-07-2005, 02:58 PM   #52  
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short note
after I went to the oral surgeon he said get right over to the hosp. you can die from this cutting off your breathing. in hosp. thur- sun. WOW talk later taking mil to dr. Bonnie2
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Old 06-07-2005, 04:40 PM   #53  
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Hi, all!

Charlotte, a happy belated birthday!! I'm so glad that you got incredibly spoiled at the TV station--you deserve it. What fun to celebrate your birthday on air with good friends. I bet your viewers had a good time, too. So what have you been juicing? Glad you got your AC working. I know I would have begged, pleaded, coerced and even threatened to get the AC going, too, if I had those hot, humid temps.

Diane, is she going to be induced, or is she just dilated enough that you know it'll be tomorrow? I should go back and read the threads and find out, I guess, but I'm lazy. Happy anniversary! A Louisiana getaway sound like fun (although hot!). I love Maine, and if you're going in early October, the leaves should be pretty there, too. Once when we were in New Hampshire visiting my DH's relatives, I asked if we could go to Maine so we drove up over the border, I got out to touch the ground, then we drove back. A couple of years ago, we stayed on the coast for a few days. It had been 100 where we'd been near Boston for the week, and it was nice and cool in Maine. Had the most wonderful scallops, too--they got them fresh just down the road. Yum!

SunnyD, glad you're feeling better. Sounds like Mother Nature gave you just a tiny taste of spring, and then took it away. I hope the rest of your weekend was better. Sounds like you had a lot of fun stuff plan. Looking forward to seeing the bird feeder photos.

Bluet, sounds like you had an all-or-nothing kind of weekend. I get like that about projects, too, and often can't start them just because I know I don't have time to finish them. It's kind of an obsessive thing.

Bonnie2, hope you're having a good time with your MIL.

We had a fabulous anniversary. We stayed at a hotel on the beach that we've wanted to stay at since it opened. It's called the Sylvia Beach Hotel and here's the URL:

It's a themed place and we stayed the first night in the Meridel Lasoeur room on the 2nd floor. I'd never heard of her so we had to read up on her. The second night we stayed in the Agatha Christie room, which had a fireplace and a private deck. It rained most of the day so we didn't use the deck, but the ocean view was wonderful, and my DH made two fires. It was a really special weekend--and I stayed on my eating program, too. How about that?

So while we were driving to the coast, we were listening to NPR, and heard this woman say she's trying to visit all 50 states by the time she's 40. I liked the idea so much that I decided that we need to visit all 50 states by the time I'm 60. So I've got 8 years to go to 17 different states. Most of them are in the south, and several are in the midwest. Also have Alaska and Arizona here in the west. We've already planned an Alaska trip in a couple of years so that one will be easy.

Today we get our new dining room table. I can finally have friends over for dinner. One friend has had us over twice, and we haven't reciprocated because all we had was a card table. I'm going to try to get a photo of the dining room once we get the table in it. Our family room furniture should come within the next couple of weeks, too. Yeah!

Hope everyone is having a good Monday! It's been cool (we turned the heat on!) and rainy here, but it should look better in a few days.
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Old 06-07-2005, 04:41 PM   #54  
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We must have posted around the same time, Bonnie2. WHAT HAPPENED??!!
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Old 06-08-2005, 04:29 AM   #55  
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Today is the day please keep us in your prayers. I will be back later with an update.

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Old 06-08-2005, 09:43 AM   #56  
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Talking Hi there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello my Dear friends...

I do hope this post finds you all doing well and enjoying the Summer!
I cannot believe how fast the time goes by these days!!!

It has been so crazy busy here w/ Joe & I. My mother is holding her own till she hears from the Dr's about her MRI next week. And my father is improving everyday

Our nephew is getting married this Saturday and tomorrow evening we have his rehearsal to attend (Joe is singing for the wedding) and then we are all going out to dinner together... it's a huge group of people (Italians - Huge!)! But it's gonna be FUN! I will not be back to the thread till next week so don't be worried about me - we are well, it's just such a busy, busy time of year! I think busier now then during the Christmas holiday This weekend is the Wedding and the family gatherings... next Sat. we have Grad. parties to go to and then it's Father's Day. Oh and then the 21st is our 30th Anniversary --- and Joe & I are going to a B & B for a couple days the weekend of his birthday (6-25). And then... there's July... phew! More family wedding's and showers to go to...

What a crazy day I had this past Monday... mostly on the phone with SBC phone company reps. I am going to go with high speed DSL to speed up my computer. I called just to pay a bill by phone and got a rep that talked me into it... I am nervous and excited at the same time, should have it by tomorrow... I just hope I won't have any problems. They really gave me the best deal I have seen in a long time - $26.95 for a year and then you call before the yr. is up and they will honor the quoted price (or better) for another year to keep you. I will have a change of e-mail address when I finally do switch over... so I will let you all know right away when I do, okay. I will be sending out a bulk notice... I also had 3 weeks of bill's to sort out and pay!! With the bank messing me up taking out the $600.00 - I had some making up to do after they put it back in. I didn't want to write any checks till I had it back, you know. I am still not quite finished - will do that today or tomorrow.

Joe & I had a day out with our friends and their kids this past Saturday. Girls & Guys went their separate ways and met for dinner at the local minor league baseball game... We had a great time! And the baseball game we went to that night was so good! What a beautiful night for a game weather-wise! It was nice that they won 6-2 just for us A perfect day! We (Peggy, Sandy, Lisa & myself) played 2/ 18 hole *putt putt golf* games and I won one game Lisa won the other... We went to *TGIF Friday's* for lunch and ate dinner at the baseball game meeting the guys there. The guys had a good day too hitting a bucket of balls each at the driving range & catching a kids BB game - it was so much fun! We were all so zapped on Sunday that when we got home from church we just collapsed (Mike & Peggy too - !). Although, Joe & I did rent a movie... *The Phantom of the Opera* --- have any of you seen it? Beautiful movie!!! Just Beautiful! You gals would LOVE the music, such beautiful voices!!

Now to catch up with you gals!
Be right back with another post


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Old 06-08-2005, 11:04 AM   #57  
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Hello again... toldya I'd be back and this time
I held to my word (unlike last time... )


TO YOUuuuuuuuu!

and many more...

I hope you had a *WONDERFUL DAY* on your birthday!
The will have the Bestest / Healthiest year ahead!

Birthday {{{Hugs}}}

Charlotte, I do hope that you had a Great Day!! I am so sorry I haven't been around lately... I am so glad you liked your Angel You are so very Welcome!

As for my health... I am all better now, like nothing was ever wrong and I am so careful about what I eat!! So far so good! When we go out tomorrow evening it will be social for me only - I am eating before I go

Hi Diane, Looks like I have missed out on allot!!!! From the looks of things that baby is being born as I write!!! I cannot wait to hear!!! I'll be sure to keep checking in right now

Belated wishes for you and hubby! How many years for the two of you??

Camden, Maine is BEAUTIFUL and full of Gift Shops!!! My folks live in Maine... near Augusta, Me. You will love it there... it's beautiful there in October!!!!

I am okay now... I was really sick there for a few days, but all better now - like nothing happened at all

Hi Sheila, you went to that endless garage sale!!!! I saw that on HGTV too and have always wanted to go --- I am so GREEN!!!! Did you find anything good there? I bet it was just fun going and talking to people! I wanna goooo...

The Sylvia Beach Hotel looks beautiful!!! I love it!!! I am going to keep the url in my favs for future ref.! Belated wishes for you and hubby ! When was your Anniversary?? How many years?? I loved reading all about your stay there --- makes me wanna be there NOW! I love the names of the rooms too How fun! Good for you sticking w/ your plan even though you are on vacation, that's hard to do!

Where's that picture of your NEW diningroom table????

As for *NCIS* I am so glad you liked it --- it is such a great show!!! I love all the characters and hated that they killed Kate off in the season finale --- I am so hoping it was a dream/nightmare of someone's and it didn't really happen it just won't be the same w/o her and Tony going at each other! Keep watching it... Joe & I like it so much we watch the reruns when we can. Nope not gruesome at all And I love *Ducky* David McCullum (sp? Man From Uncle). Me too!! I miss all my shows, but and kinda glad they aren't on right now with the craziness here I am anxious for it to slow up a bit. I even felt a bit sad yesterday, because I felt so overwhelmed with all that is happening, but feel much better today.

How is WW's going? How's your competition w/ DD going? You winning???

We are getting temps into the 90's now... are you still chilly? I'll be glad to send someheat your way We went from 60* one day and 90* the very next - I kid you not! We had to caved and put on the AC 2 days ago it was so hot and wet w/ humidity!! And still is!

Hi Bluet, Thank-you for the *well-wishes* --- al better now How have you been sweetzzzz? You feeling any better these days? That Flu is terrible! I wasn't sure if it was something I ate or the bug, but it looks like it was the bug! Although, I don't think that the food I ate helped any! My tummy really hurt!

You should see all my perennials... so many are ready to bloom right now I'll have to get pics to share... we never did get in that veggie garden and won't till next summer - just too much happening here this year. And all my pots are still empty I am hoping to get them filled real soon with some of the annual sales at the gardens ctrs.

Bonnie2, I am so very sorry to hear that you are so ill right now with your mouth... I sure do hope that you feel better real soon!!! *Prayers* for you my dear!!!

You asked about my health... I have several health issues with my intestines since the car accident I had years ago... basically I have Diverticulitus and Severe IBS. But have found the answers to keeping it calm with my diet and if I stay with it I feel great! But it's not always easy with all the parties we attend Like this Thursday... I have to eat dinner before I go to dinner with everyone else. Then I just have a salad, fruit or a bowl of soup... nothing big. Thinking of you!!! Let us know how you are doing...


Here's that pic of the bird feeder... that the chipmunk just loves!!



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Old 06-08-2005, 11:51 AM   #58  
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Smile Happy Birthday Cahrlotte!!!




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Old 06-08-2005, 05:53 PM   #59  
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My abcess went down into my neck & really enlarged it, in 1 day & was about to cut off my breathing, the oral surgeon took 1 look & said get to the hosp. Now & get on iv & antibiotics &after his work day he'd put me in for surgery. 2 hr. surgery, 3 drains in my neck, 1 less tooth & plenty of pain later I'll make it.I go back again tomorrow to see how swelling is going down,redness,& teeth trying to stretch apart more, Pain is trying to put thumb & forefinger on top & bottom teeth to try to get them back where they were before drilling in my jaw for part of surgery, OH THE PAIN, have to keep it going as he'll measure each time I go if I can open wider.SCARY TIME FOR ALL WHEN HE SAID YOU COULD DIE FROM THIS IF NOT DONE SOON ENOUGH!!!
Today nothing much going on, had to get back to work for most of the day to get work done at the office, dh & ds really missed me.
better close & see if mil wants to use the computer. I set her up with email as she wanted to , her husband used it all the time, hope she does now lost 5# through this, hard way to go. Bonnie2
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Old 06-09-2005, 06:43 PM   #60  
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Oh, Bonnie2, how scary and horrible for you! And drilling in your jaw for part of the surgery--oh, my. Hopefully they put you totally under. I hope the pain is much better today. I can't believe you were going into work so soon afterwards. That certainly wasn't the way to lose weight, but you should take it, right?!

Diane, I hope everything went well with your granddaughter's birth. Can't wait to hear how big she is, how long she is, if she has hair, etc. What fun!

SunnyD, glad you're feeling 100% now. My circuit training instruction, who also teaches nutrition, was talking today about a woman in her nutrition class who is being eating healthy for about 10 days now. At the urging of a friend, the woman had a small ice cream cone (and dairy is a no-no food for her) and had problems for two days afterwards. Glad your Dad is improving so much, and I hope your Mom gets some good news next week. Sounds like you are super busy with all your wedding and graduations. What a fun time you had with your friends! I haven't played miniature golf in ages. Love the bird feeder--how cool!

No, I haven't been to the endless garage sale. I just saw it on TV and wondered if anyone else had ever been to it. Since my new goal is to see all 50 states, maybe I should plan trips around going to the endless garage sale?!?

Had lunch with a couple of friends yesterday. One friend had to go after about 1.5 hours, but my other friend and I stayed for an additional hour. I could have talked for longer, but I really had to go to the bathroom! Got lots of water in yesterday. Oh, I weighed in on Tuesday night and had lost 11.6 pounds--do you believe it? I'm sure it's mostly water weight, but I'll take it. I bet I don't lose much, if any, next week. Didn't starve myself either because I had two glasses of wine and a few bites of my DH's creme brulee and bread pudding.

Had a cavity filled today. Yuck. I was supposed to have two filled, but I asked if we could hold off on the other one. They aren't very big, and my Seattle dentist was on a wait and see pattern, but this dentist likes to get 'em all over with, I guess. I take really good care of my teeth just to avoid cavities so I was bummed about having two, even though they're small. I think they were around previous fillings from when I was a kid. Fillings don't last forever, dang it! On another healthcare note, my neurologist dumped me. Do you believe it? She had the risk management person at the clinic call me and tell me. They're the only neurology group in town so now I have no neuros to go see locally. I don't quite know what is going on, but I believe it's because I chose to get my treatments in Portland because the docs there are more experienced at giving Botox injections.

Well, even though I'm a little woozy, and the double shot of novocaine hasn't worn off (I'm just like my mother--I require two shots to get numb), I think I should take advantage of this warm sunny day and do some yard work. It's supposed to start getting cold and cloudy again tomorrow.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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