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Old 09-01-2004, 08:06 AM   #1  
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Default SAHM Really Wednesday #233

Welcome all to a thread full of wonderful women taking on the responsibilty of raising a family and trying to take care of themselves too. We look forward to a new day with members, new and old! Please feel free to jump right in and say hello Here is a little bit about who we are ...

MichelleRae: Michelle sahm to Taylor 8-25-01 & Teagan 10-13-03 Married 2 years to Zhaun. Plan I'm following is a combined WW and South Beach Diet

Spryng: 24 y.o. married 6 years. Kids- Ava 4, Bubba (aka Joseph) 3 & Tanner 1. Currently on ww, hit goal in April.

Mompen: Penny 23 y.o. Happily Married & SAHM Momma to three active boys, Hunter almost 5, Nicholas almost 4 & Andrew 13 mo. Weight Watchers is my way of life

Loveliam: Leigh SAHM to Liam 10.21.03 & happily married for 2 years. Doing the Weight Watchers thing

Sydsmom: Kristin SAHM to Sydney 09-27-01, married almost 2 years to wonderful dh Began Weight watchers mid-July

Cheri: married to Donald for 8.5 years, SAHM/homeschooling momma to Nathan, 5 (9-11-98), Daniel, 3 (8-29-00) & Elijah, 1 (10-16-02) & doing the low carb thing kinda, lol

Angel: SAHM of 4, Ages 8,8,7,&4.

Cindi: Mom to 6 boys & 1 mean girl. Plan.. No diet for me! Portion control, exercise & lots of water (most days)

Chubba: Geri..Mom to two boys, Will (3) & Tony (1)..married for 4 years to a great guy..following Dr Phil most days!

Crystal: 27 yo sahm of 3 almost 4. Alisa 5, Ally 3, & Andrew 20 months. Due Feb 1st. Married almost 9 years, live in Texas & homeschool. Avon & Watkins Sales Rep. My plan when on it counting calories & exercise

Ricci sahm to two boys 4 and 5, married 7 years, doing ww

Jaymi: 2 kids, 20 mo Girl & 6 yo boy. Been married to DH for 2 ½ years. I’m counting calories, eating lowfat foods & exercise. I have no idea what the name of that diet is!!!

Jill: SAHM of 1 daughter, Bayley, born 9/19/03. Currently trying to lose some of the baby weight I gained with her & need some extra support to help me do so.

Melissa: SAHM of 1 girl (4) and 1 boy (<2). Currently counting calories with Tops NutriBase Software.

I am Mindee, and I will be 22 on 8/17. I am married to Tommy, who is 27, and we have been married for 2 years. We have a little boy, Brandon, who is almost 4 months
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Old 09-01-2004, 08:23 AM   #2  
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Good morning Ladies!!!! How is everyone this morning? I am doing well. I'm catching up on some sleep. Bugga only woke at 5:30a.m. I bet he was thirsty though. I went to check on him b4 I went to bed and his bed was all wet. I realized he had gotten sick again. He has a sensitive stomach so many things do that to him. He was sleeping, and I just pulled his pants off and changed him, then moved him to the other toddler bed in his room. I had to remove all the bedding and his "blankie" and wipe down the mattress. Oh well, at least I wasn't asleep yet. Ha ha ...he was for once..
I am doing well OP this week. NO official exercise, but at least the weight is coming back down. I'm only 1 lb away from where I was instead of 3.5-4.

Anyway, have a good day ladies. Have a great day OP.
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Old 09-01-2004, 09:42 AM   #3  
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Good morning all!
Once again I'm sorry for being MIA last night. In-laws came over because their van was giving them problems and they stayed awhile... once they left it was time to watch Amazing race and then get the kids in bed and then I popped in that movie Twisted that I rented (it was pretty good) by the time it was over I couldn't keep my eyes open.
That challenge at 11 today sounds great! I'll be there!
Today I just have house cleaning planned. The in-laws will be back sometime this morning to get their van (they left it here overnight) and take it in to a mechanic shop, but I don't think they'll hang around here... at least I hope not, lol.
Not sure about dinner tonight yet... maybe oven fried chicken with tamboulie (sp?) on the side or something. I made out a menu for this week but everyday I seem to eat something different, lol. Oh and last night I had the best treat!!! I made one of my frozen banana smoothies and I put 3 T of chocolate syprup in it and it really tasted like a chocolate shake!!!! MMmmm... only 3 pts... I figured I had 17 pts left and they roll over on friday so I better start using them, lol. I may use the rest at mcD's or something today. We'll see. That may be dinner, lol.

OK, I have alot of catching up to do but first I since I emailed or PMed that "thought" to you about QOTD and everyone seems to like it I'm going to repost that letter here so everyone can re-read it and know which days are theirs, ok? If I missed someone and you are not on the list but want to be just let me know and I'll get you a day... ok, here it is...

OK, new idea about the QOTD--- seems like we all want to take part in this and now you can! How about a more organized version of this… it will bring variety and excitement to the thread. Each person will be assigned their DAY for the QOTD--- now since we have so many members some of us will share a day and there will be two QOTD for that day… is everyone ok with this?? I’m making a day for those who post daily and if others would like a day to post their QOTD then just let me know and I can add you to the list ok?

So an example week will look like this:
Mon- Michelle , Ricci

Tues-Spryng, Jaymi

Weds-Penny, Jill

Thurs-Kristin, Melissa

Fri-Leigh, Deana



If you don’t want to be on the list or prefer a diferent day just let me know. But I thought this could be fun for us all! Let me know what you think ok?

ok, since this is long I'm going to post this and then get personal, lol.
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Old 09-01-2004, 09:56 AM   #4  
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OK, so just take a look at when your day is and when that day comes we will look forward to your QOTD-- today is Penny and Jill!!

Mel, so sorry Bugga got sick! But sounds like he was sleeping good! That is great! And you are really doing great OP this week and your Wi will be great.

Jill, did you find that game?? What do you think? Did you end up making cornbread? I didn't... but maybe today or tomorrow.

Kristin, how late is your TOM so far? I know with Tanner I just didn't have any pregnancy symptoms and until about 8 weeks along I finally got morning sickness and I was so happy for that because it was a sign of a healthy pregnancy,lol. It only lasted 9 days thankfully but it was enough to ease my mind. You know us women, we worry when we get morning sickness, complain when we don't etc, because we worry about everything, lol.

Cindi, I would seek out a different doctor just for a second opinion since she isn't taking this seriously. I hope today is a good day for you! And I have a side by side but it has a small freezer side, so if we bought another one it would be a bigger side by side, but we also have a chest freezer so having a small freezer in the side by side isn't a big deal.

Michelle, cute puppy!!! How did you come up with the name? And I loved your pic and when you said that was you with no makeup!! AHH!! What pretty skin!! I'm jealous!

Penny, how are you today? What is on the agenda?

Well, I need to get off here and get moving. TTYL!
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Old 09-01-2004, 10:14 AM   #5  
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Good Morning Ladies!!

This is quick since I'm running my pup to the vet to look at his hurt paw

Spryng I picked yugi because hubby loves the cartoon yugioh and he is a asian dog and Yu-gi-oh is a (kind of) japanimation cartoon I think it fits him, the dog that is

I hope I'm back in time for the challenge that I set up LOL

Mel so sorry bugga got sick!! Poor little guy!! I hope he is feeling better today! hugs to you!! great job staying OP!!

Ok I need to run!!
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Old 09-01-2004, 10:36 AM   #6  
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Good morning! I had a very strange dream last night - I reached my goal weight! But, I also looked like I was 22 again That would be a great side effect of weight loss. ANyway, in the dream I was wearing this very funky, but cool outfit and giving myself looks of disbelief in the mirror.

Michelle- OMG! That dog is adorable and you look excellent too! I bet he will be fine today- Duncan had something similar happen and he was fine in the end- doggies tend to heal really quickly and I bet a puppy even more so.

Cindi- sorry you're week's been so stressful. I'm thinking of you with the tests- sounds like nothing too serious that they might remove. I've never had a side-by-side frig, so I can't help you there.

Penny- I'm thinking of you too and Andrew's appointment. Hope you got some good sleep in! I sure did- Liam and I slept until 9am!!!

Mel- on your weight moving in the right direction! When is your WI day? Mine is tomorrow. I'm glad Bugga's sleep was better last night, let's hope it's a turning point. Glad everyone likes the new bike.

Jill- don't worry- I know today will be a more OP day for you

Kristin- yes, I am your personal servant Hope you got some rest . . . hmm, don't pregnant women generally feel more tired?????

Spryng- hope the in-laws get the van problem fixed. I like the QOTD idea. Did you watch Big Brother? My WI is tomorrow, so it will be my flexlunch day at McDonalds LOL.

Okay, gotta go- I've been writing this for 40 minutes!
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Old 09-01-2004, 10:54 AM   #7  
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Leigh, yes I saw Big Brother!! I was happy Marvin is HOH and that Adria will probably go this week! I think I am routing for Marvin to win. I really like him. Amazing race was really good too!! Your dream sounded great!! I have weird dreams like that, like being young again.. I even had one once where I was taking Ava to kindergarten and then I went to high school, lol.. I was 16 again but married to my dh with my 3 kids, lol.. go figure!

Michelle, where are you running off to??
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Old 09-01-2004, 10:59 AM   #8  
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Spryng- maybe our dreams are some side effect of Weight Watchers Yeah, I definitely soured on the twins and really don't like Adria. I like Marvin more each week. I may be rooting for him too!
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Old 09-01-2004, 11:03 AM   #9  
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Maybe it IS ww!! LOL.. lets sue for false realities or something... damaging to our emotional stability because we suddenly think we are young and thin again and then wake up! LOL...
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Old 09-01-2004, 11:11 AM   #10  
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Ok Bayley has been awake for the last hour and all I wanted to do was sleep till 8!! Anyway she is in her crib talking cause I know she is still tired but we'll see if she goes back to bed. Ok so it's my turn for QOTD hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let's see............

What are some of the names that you came up with for your kids that either you decided against or dh didn't like? I know this is weird but we had a few that I thought were great or dh thought were great but we did NOT agree on. Just thought it would be kind of fun!

When we got preg. with Bayley we both agreed right away we like Brody for a boy but for a girl I liked Raven (ya it's a little strange but I was preg. ok!) and Shelby and he like Veronica (blech) sorry I just know too many Veronicas that are not nice. Anyway those are mine so share share share!!

Mel YEA!!! Sleep and a pound down! It's a good day for you!!!

Spryng I have been switching my dinners around too! Tonight we are having curry chicken in the crockpot, we'll see how it turns out. I am making my menus today and will be making the chicken and sour cream thing next week so I am excited about that. I found that game and played it until 12 last night and as soon as I lay Bayley down I will be playing it again!! LOL It is addicting! No I didn't make cornbread yesterday cause I am going to make it on Friday and I was afraid all I would do is eat it all day long yesterday. I was sooooooooooooo snacky yesterday and I know it didn't do me any good. Oh well today is a new day and I'm hoping it will be better. I have a sore throat though and it seems to be getting worse.

Michelle good luck with your dog! I hope everything is ok!

Leigh 9!!! I wish, she used to do that a couple months ago but not lately! I wish she would, it's getting harder and harder for me to get up before her and have some me time! I really need it some days too!

Ok I'm going to give this little one a bottle and see if she will go back to bed. I'll TTYL!!
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Old 09-01-2004, 11:12 AM   #11  
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I like Marvin too!! Sorry just wanted to be included!! LOL
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Old 09-01-2004, 11:13 AM   #12  
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Hey guys just got back from the vet and my poor yugi has broken his leg!! I'm so sad!! So Yugi is still at the vets they are putting a cast on his little leg and i can pick him up later this afternoon!

Just wanted to update you!

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Old 09-01-2004, 11:14 AM   #13  
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Michelle oh no!!! I was afraid it would be something like that! How traumatic for him, poor thing! I hope he heals fast!!
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Old 09-01-2004, 11:27 AM   #14  
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Good morning ladies, sorry about Yugi. He's a cutie!!! Hope he heals fast.

Spryng...QOTD idea is OK, but I sometimes don't get down here until evening. I could try harder on my day to get here early . Someone else will have to take my days until we're back on the 13th. I probably won't get on here til Tues the 14th though.

QOTD... I don't even remember what girl name I had picked out if Will turned out to be a girl . Isn't that strange???? For boys names we used the great grandfather/grandfather's names from each side for first and middle names so we have William George from dh's side and Anthony Allen from my side. We knew Tony was a boy so I didn't even consider any girl's names.

Cindi..hope things get better there soon! I've always only had the freezer on top. My wedding present from dh was a large upright freezer...he got golf clubs from me. I'm one of those strange people that like to get household gifts live vacuum cleaners and such!

OK, my Mom just showed up so I must go. I'll talk to you all later!
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Old 09-01-2004, 11:28 AM   #15  
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They said he should heal in 2 weeks so they are sedating him to put the cast on and then he can come home.

I can't wait to start the challenge though!!
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