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Old 02-01-2004, 03:32 PM   #61  
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Hi Guys! Just wanted to say that I'm here, reading your posts but haven't been posting because I've been in a funk.

I am thinking about you all and wish you well!

Take care,
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Old 02-01-2004, 07:22 PM   #62  
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Well snap out of it! That's my favorite line from Moonstruck - where Nick tells Cher he's in love with her so she slaps him. Love that!

I've been sort of funkish myself but I've got to shake it off before I start gaining. So nothing like a new Plan or Project to get me focused. Hence the Dr. Philishness. I know I keep flitting from thing to thing but I really am picking up good habits from all of them!

Hope you feel better. We miss you!

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Old 02-02-2004, 10:41 AM   #63  
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Default Good Morning

It's Monday moring and I have packed healthy small portions of food for this bleek workday.... always starting out great, but at the end of the day I can clear the kitchen like one couldn't believe... give me strength to resist today! Maybe I should plan on staying in town to study for my exam rather than going home and making frequent trips to the cupboards for comfort.

**thinking happy thoughts** We Can Do This Ladies!!!

It's going to be a marvelous week - but only if we let it.

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Old 02-02-2004, 12:03 PM   #64  
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Volley, as I packed my husband's lunch (if I pack a lunch, he'll eat what I send - left to his own it's McDonalds) this morning I was looking at allllll the stuff he has to choose from. In one (or both, I can't remember) of the Dr. P books there's a sort of template for a typical day - concentrating on the things we SHOULD have, there's certainly not enough room to think about the things we shouldn't. Very clever. He never comes out and says to think of it that way so I don't even know if it's intended but I noticed yesterday when we were doing the shopping that we spent so much time making sure we had enough veg to have 3 - 5 a day, enough fruit for 2 - 3, enough protein, etc - we never even made it to the junk aisles.

Anyway, good luck. Good Monday vibes! And good luck on your exam!

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Old 02-02-2004, 01:00 PM   #65  
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Happy Monday, ladies!

I did a whole lotta nothing this weekend besides get my running in. I know that I shouldn't be complaining, because I'm not on the East Coast or anything, but it's coooollldddd over here! And it's POURING rain, so it's hard to drive and my pants are always soaked from the knee down. I know that cold to me is like, 30 degrees...but hey, I'm a California gal!

Raff and Brandy - I'm sorry about the funks....doesn't winter always make you feel like that??? I know I do...

Volley - Keep it up, girl! I'm like you, I've got my ziplocs and tupperware of small portions! In terms of juicer recipes, if you want sweet, I usually have 1 orange, 1 Fuji apple, about 6-10 strawberries and a handful of grapes.
If you want veggies, I had 2 largish tomatoes, about 4 stalks of celery, and 1 large was very very good!

All you other ladies, hang in there! I'm feeling the winter sludginess too but we have to push through it! Let's think about the summer months when we will want to feel good in shorts and bathing suits!

Good Monday vibes and hugs for all!
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Old 02-02-2004, 04:02 PM   #66  
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Hi girls just popping in to say hi and hope you're all doing good...ttfn!
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Old 02-02-2004, 08:03 PM   #67  
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Dot, you met your January goal! Go girl!
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Old 02-02-2004, 09:56 PM   #68  
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Congrats Dot! YAY! You met your GOAL!!!

And Happy Birthday!

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Old 02-03-2004, 01:36 AM   #69  
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOT!! Hope it's a good one!

Well, I'm very ashamed to say that I'm back up to 175!!!! Just couldn't keep control over the weekend ... we were out for hubby's secretary's leaving 'do' on Friday night (she's off to travel around Australia for 12 months), and at our friends for a BBQ on Saturday ... unfortunately, the willpower was non-existant!! I'm trying to pull myself back on track this week and I'm writing all my cals down again ... although I am finding it difficult. I was desperately trying to find something in my wardrobe to wear for both occasions ... something that I could actually fasten myself into!! But nothing in my wardrobe fits!! I'm even having problems finding clothes that fit to go to work in each day (seem to be rotating the same couple of pairs of trousers and sweaters ... wash 'n' wear, wash 'n' wear!!).

Looking back over the past 12months, I've probably gained around 10-14lbs!! ... No wonder nothing fits!! I was all set to go off to the Marks and Spencer sales to buy new clothes to fit me, then I thought ... What the **** am I doing?! ... if I do that, it's just another excuse for not bothering to lose weight!! I know it's possible ... I just don't know why I can't do it. I mean, it's not as though I'm not bothered about the way I look ... I HATE the way I look!! ... I could cry when I look at myself in the mirror ... How did this happen to me????? And it's not as though I haven't got any incentives ... Summer's just around the corner (believe it or not!!) and I so much DON'T want to spend another summer like the last X amount of years. I've got a skinny friend visiting in the summer hols and I will positively die of shame if she see's me this fat!! Nick is being supportive, he's also doing well at losing weight, so why can't I do the same?

It really struck home last night when my son, Tom, was talking to one of his friends on MSN ... they made some jokey comment about me being FAT!! ... Tom thought it was hilarious, but although I laughed about it at the time (and typed a sarcastic reply back to his friend!) it really got to me, as it's made me realize that's how others see me ... FAT! Sometimes, when I see a fat woman, I find myself thinking, "What a terrible state she looks!" or, "How could she let herself get like that!" It's so easy to kid yourself into thinking that you're not really as FAT as you are, but when you know how others see you it becomes reality. Perhaps Tom's friend has done me a favour ... I hope I can thank him in a few months time

Well girls, sorry about all the moaning ... but thanks for listening!


Last edited by Fat in Hong Kong; 02-03-2004 at 01:54 AM.
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Old 02-03-2004, 02:17 AM   #70  
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Congrats Dot on reaching your goal!!!!!!!!!

I went under the 18 stone barrier this weekend (I'm 251.5, if I've worked out the conversion right). I figure I've lost about 10lbs since I became ill, three weeks.

Awwww Nichola, I wish there was something I could say that would take you out of this self-destructive mode (I know how you feel I've been there plenty of times myself!). It really hurts when the kids refer to you as fat. I've been there so many times over the years, from my 6 year old niece, when I was in my early 20s commenting on how I had REALLY fat legs, to Dom the other week coming home upset because a kid in his class made up a song about me being fat.

I know it sounds silly but you need to stop looking back. Look forwards, and hopefully somewhere you'll find the strength to get where you want to be.

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Old 02-03-2004, 02:11 PM   #71  
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Yay Jo on losing, but what a tough way for it to go. Hope you're feeling better.

And comiseration to both of you about rude kids. I'd hate to smack a kid, but that would tempt me. If I could get through my childhood without making fat jokes (and God knows of the big mouths of the world, I must be in the top ten) then I know it's possible for all the rug rats.
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Old 02-04-2004, 02:17 PM   #72  
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Hi guys! Where is everyone? How's the week going for you so far?
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Old 02-04-2004, 04:00 PM   #73  
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I've had a busy week. My grandma died on Saturday (a blessing as she's no longer in pain), and the funeral is tomorrow. I'll post properly on Friday

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Old 02-04-2004, 04:22 PM   #74  
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Sorry for your loss, Jo. Sending good thoughts your way.

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Old 02-05-2004, 01:10 AM   #75  
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Jo, sorry to hear the sad news about your grandma, my thoughts are with you and your family.

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