3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Neesy_20 01-15-2013 10:06 PM

Hey girls!!! I didn't realize the thread was still going! I will definitely be checking in. It's so nice to see how you are all doing and the daily hurdles that you all go through. helps that someone can relate!!

Update on me:
I had a trainer last year and got past a difficult plateau, but since June of last year, I completely fell off. I gained 10 lbs as of christmas. I'm down 7 since then though.. sure it's water weight because it's only been two weeks. I'm trying to plan ALL my meals and not sway from those. I'm still slacking on getting an exercise routine down. But, with my bday coming up in march. I want to see 150s for the first time in my life.. well since maybe 14yrs old?? Thats my short term goal at least.

Nessa- Never "met" you I don't believe, but Hello=) Trainers are definitely expensive, but I think very valuable in the long run. He or she can teach you a routine and different exercises that you can then do on your own. My big thing was doing the exercises correctly/correct form. Once you get that down, you're golden.

Nicki/Lindy- Hope you have an incredible trip! If you have another one, I will join you for sure. Sounds awesome. soooo jealous. let loose and live it up girly

Vicky/maddiesmom-I can't imagine how much you have to do on a daily basis. you are definitely an inspirational chick. your little girls are adorable. keep at it. they will learn your habits and you are a great role model for them. i heard breastfeeding helps you lose weight quicker also? is there any truth in that?

Rayne- hope you feel better!

Dance- you went to atlanta for work? I think its soooo hard to be good on business trips. everytime i have an out of state meeting.. its open bar and food food food. lol. hard to resist for sure.

Will check back soon=) Yay, feels good to be back.

Neesy_20 01-15-2013 10:28 PM

updated my profile pic for you girls haha. would never put on facebook. just for you guys LOL

dancerindenver 01-16-2013 06:22 AM

Neesy - wow! so fun to see you back in the thread. It's like having the gang back together!! I'm totally with you on 150s by March - not sure if I can do it but definitely want to try.

Lindy - hope you're feeling better and that you have a wonderful time on your cruise - can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!

This is just a quick drive by post from ATL before I go for a super early morning walk and then head into meetings. Sticking to plan with the exception of two bites of cheesy mashed potatoes at the steakhouse last night. Got in a walk yesterday too and am going to try to hit the fitness center this afternoon when our meetings wrap as I don't fly out until tomorrow am.

Hope you all are doing well!

dancerindenver 01-17-2013 12:24 PM

Hey girls! Back in Denver and pretty psyched about it... Planning on a run at mid-day and a walk with a friend tonight. What do you guys have planned for exercise?

Nessa131 01-17-2013 03:11 PM

Lindy......i hope your ok. The er is never fun!!!! Maybe u can find out what is going on tho!!!

Neesy- nice to meet you too!!! I have talked the hubby into letting me get a trainer for a month or two. But he flipped when he heard the price and was like no way can you keep that every month! So im going to work someovertime that way we dont take a huge hit on the bank acct! But i figure if the trainer can kick my butt into shape i can learn it and after he gets the last 32.4 pds off of me i can maintain! If iblose more than that i will be estatic!!!!

Dance- that os awesome that you can resist temptation atva steakhouse!!!! Anytime my job has conferences or anything that we have to attend......they never offer healthy options so its very hard to stay on plan!!!!

Well the scale said 182.4 this.morning!!!!!! I am so.close to kissing the 180's goodbye!!!!!! And i swear i could not have done all of this without yall!!!!!!!

Well i just got back to work from the gym so now to play catch up!!!!! Talk to yall soon!

dancerindenver 01-17-2013 11:58 PM

Nessa - nice job on the scale - the 180s will be gone for good in no time!

Great day here - warm weather and lots of exercise. So nice to be back home... Hoping the scale is kind in the morning...

Neesy_20 01-19-2013 10:49 AM

Nessa that's awesome ! You'll be there in no time !

Dance - good luck on the scale ! Sounds like you've been pretty on track

I've been good about my diet but not exercising like I should though I feel like I've been running around like crazy . So it's a month until valentines day and I'd be happy with 1lb a week . Going to dc with my boyfriend for a work function , but he's coming along . We made dinner reservations for the entire weekend and I already know what I'm going to order off the menus lol ... And it's not healthy . Hopefully I can keep it in moderation tho :)

Will check back !

burgundyrayne 01-19-2013 10:08 PM

Sorry I've been mia. My cough is finally gone except for when I first wake up. I've really been slacking but haven't gained any weight. I've really got to get back to working out. I got 2 tattoos yesterday. One on the thigh so I'm gonna wait til that one heals a little before I do anything too strenuous because it hurts even when I walk.

Nessa-what is your tattoo? I have 5. I think there are pics of all of them on fb. Congrats on the medium scrubs. Congrats on the scale too.

Dance-you always amaze me. I never eat good when I'm travelling. I'm gonna get back to walking, may have to go to the community center to do it.

Vicky-sou D's like you are doing good. Bummer that the medicine prevents weight loss. Happy(late) birthday.

Nessy-its great to have a lot of the old group back. You look amazing. I'm jealous, lol. Love the new profile pic. Did your thigh tattoo hurt a lot? Maybe I'm just being a baby about it.

I'm gonna be around more often now. I have to get out of the 190s and would like to do it before february. Hope Lindy is enjoying her cruise.

Neesy_20 01-20-2013 08:28 PM

Rayne- Thanks=) Its great to be back! I've missed you guys for sure!
you have pics up of your new tats? The one on my thigh hurt a lot, though it was my first tattoo ever. My foot and shoulder was way worse. I wouldn't do much until it heals. Dont want to get it infected or rub too much. I want another one soooo bad, but I told myself that I wont allow myself until I get to my final goal. A little incentive to push me the rest of the way lol.

Well Im going to start back in some sort of exercise routine beginning tomorrow. Im doing well on my diet. Today, I made all of my breakfast and lunch for the rest of the week. It really makes it easier.. and cheaper! It also tastes better than lean cuisines. those get old quick. Im going to try and eat only once when I get home from work and maybe one snack... but we'll see how that goes. It wont matter too much once I actually start building muscle again. My metabolism actually then begins to work.

Hope all is well .

dancerindenver 01-22-2013 12:06 PM

Hey girls! Spent a lot of time with my ex this weekend - including going for a hike and going to a salsa class so lots of calorie burning. I'm down to 165 but my weight loss is definitely getting slower so no idea if I'll be able to lose these 5 pesky pounds before our trip on the 9th. I'm now down to the lowest weight I got to last time when I first met you guys and I'm within 10lbs of a normal BMI - can't wait to have one of those for a change ;)

burgundy - out of the 190s by Feb sounds like a great goal! What are you doing for food today?

nessa - you need to update your ticker, girl! you are much lighter than it says.

neesy - what kind of exercise routine are you thinking? I've been running lots and occasionally doing situps and pushups but need to get more into weights to build some muscle and get toned but I'm sooo lazy about it. Curious to hear what works for you.

Hope you are doing great!

luckylindy 01-22-2013 01:10 PM

Hey girls! I'm back!

Dance - congrats to getting to 165! Dont let the slowness frustrate you, its bound to happen to all of us.

Neesy - yay! I was super excited to see you in the forum. And I LOVE your pic, haha.

Nessa - we have several tattoo girls in here so welcome to the club. :-)

Burgundy - sounds like a good goal. My goal is 180 by March 1st....slow and steady wins the race and I am totally on board this time. I hated looking at some of my cruise pics and seeing the weight gain in my face. :-( But its motivation.

Ok, I have a TON of catching up to do with work and school so I will slowly be checking in and reading your posts. My new program is weight watchers again but trying to stay as healthy as possible. Wish me luck.

dancerindenver 01-22-2013 02:37 PM

woohoo - lindy's back!

Tell us more about the cruise when you come up for air...

luckylindy 01-22-2013 04:33 PM

Oh, it was a fun one minus the big boat, lol. We were going into a cold front and the water was extremely choppy. The end result was 90% of the ship being shut down (staff included) due to sea sickness. It was so rough that I was thrown into the wall on several occassions and sadly, did not make it back to the cabin before I "turned". Aside from that I was in great company and enjoyed every minute. The weather was cold and that was no bueno but we made the best of it and had fun with activities and drinking.....LOTS of drinking, lol. Fearful to get on the scale so I will wait till Saturday which has always been my regular weigh in day and see what my damage was. Although, I will have been on my new eating plan for 4 days so hopefully it wont be too bad. At that point I will update my ticker. :-) Glad to be back with you girls.

burgundyrayne 01-22-2013 05:55 PM

Neesy-theres pics of my tats on Facebook. I think the thigh was my worst but its my biggest too. Great incentive to lose the weight:)

Dance-salsa class sounds fun but my husband would never do that. I'm trying to get him eating healthier. We'll see how that goes. Congrats on 165, I bet your are looking amazing.

Lindy-glad you're back and had fun. Bummer on the water being so choppy though. I saw your cruise pics. I thought you look great but you are your own worst critic. You girls don't have the muffin top like I do:( good luck on the scale.

Dance asked about my food. I decided to do some cooking and prepping today because I see myself turning more and more to Chris's junk food now that its so cold. I'm sure I'm probably up a couple lbs from ticker and that really sucks. I made pizza soup and chicken and veggie Alfredo with Walden farms Alfredo sauce, its zero calorie, no pasta. I bought some strawberries and have some frozen mixed berries. Gonna snack on those. I bought some better'n than chocolate peanut butter, its 100 calories in 2 tbsp. Just need to find something to eat it with. Any suggestions?

Here's the pizza soup recipe if anyone wants it.

makes 4 servings(1 1/4 cups each)
1/2 lb lean ground turkey
2 cloves minced garlic
1 can condensed reduced fat tomato soup
1 1/2 cups water
1 cup pizza sauce
1/2 tsp sugar( I left this out, I think tomato soup is sweet enough)

Cook turkey and garlic until no longer pink. Stir in soup, water, pizza sauce and sugar. Heat to boiling, reduce heat and simmer uncovered 5 minutes. To with pizza flavored fish crackers(I hate pizza flavored crackers so I'm just eating it alone.)
1 serving is 200 calories, 8g fat, 19 carbs

dancerindenver 01-22-2013 06:55 PM

yum, burgundy - I want to come to dinner at your house!

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