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Old 08-28-2008, 07:52 PM   #31  
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Unhappy no joy in this slog...

What I find hard to believe is looking at this tally, it has only been FIVE friggin' days since I was off sugar, yet it feels like months. Every day I resist sweets sitting in front of me and wonder just what for...ah well, I wish I knew really...I wish I knew.

Where I stand on Friday (not including Friday)


No sugar 5 days completed/undecided on pauses
Vegetable juice 5 days completed/3 pauses
Food and exercise journal 4 days complete/no pauses


No booze 9 days completed/no pauses allowed (started Aug. 20)
No smoking 9 days completed/no pauses allowed (started Aug. 20)

No alcohol current straight 10 days/longest straight thus far June 28-August 3 = 36 days
No sugar current straight 5 days/longest straight was 39 days (July 1-Aug. 9)
No cigs current straight 9 days/longest straight was 38 days straight July 1-Aug. 8
No processed foods current straight 5 days/longest straight 40 days (July 1-Aug.10)

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Old 08-28-2008, 10:08 PM   #32  
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Arabella, you're right. I think I may go that route. I don't feel comfortable asking strangers for money, and I hate for my friends and family to feel obligated.

Jolly, such wonderful news! I can only imagine how exciting it is to get down to the 100's again. Hopefully I'll be there with you in a couple of months. What are you going to school for?

Hi red, congrats on the no smoking! I so understand how hard it is. I'm basically having to come home every night and go to bed. I'm even kinda of avoiding a good friend at the moment cause she smokes. It's just too tempting! Sad, I know.

Today was tough. And It's only day 2!!! I have a pain in the ball of my foot when I'm on the treadmill. Most likely from shoes I wear at work. But I pushed through.

Hope all you girls are doing well!

Personal Challenges: Day 2 Complete
Stay within my daily WW Points - 1 Pause
Stop Smoking - 1 Pause
Gym 7 Days a week - 3 Pauses
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Old 08-29-2008, 09:51 PM   #33  
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Hi ladies!!!
Hope everyone one had a good day.
Tomorrow is going to be a tuffy. Football season is here which means lots of munchies and drinks. I figure if I can make it through this weekend, I can take over the world!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Personal Challenges: Day 3 Complete
Stay within my daily WW Points - 1 Pause
Stop Smoking - 1 Pause
Gym 7 Days a week - 3 Pauses
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Old 08-30-2008, 09:25 AM   #34  
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Cool flyby....

Where I stand on Saturday (not including Saturday)


No sugar 6 days completed/undecided on pauses
Vegetable juice 6 days completed/3 pauses
Food and exercise journal 5 days complete/no pauses


No booze 10 days completed/no pauses allowed (started Aug. 20)
No smoking 10 days completed/no pauses allowed (started Aug. 20)

No alcohol current straight 11 days/longest straight thus far June 28-August 3 = 36 days
No sugar current straight 6 days/longest straight was 39 days (July 1-Aug. 9)
No cigs current straight 10 days/longest straight was 38 days straight July 1-Aug. 8
No processed foods current straight 6 days/longest straight 40 days (July 1-Aug.10)

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Old 08-30-2008, 05:05 PM   #35  
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Thumbs up will write soon...

Where I stand on Sunday (not including Sunday)


No sugar 7 days completed/undecided on pauses
Vegetable juice 7 days completed/3 pauses
Food and exercise journal 6 days complete/no pauses


No booze 11 days completed/no pauses allowed (started Aug. 20)
No smoking 11 days completed/no pauses allowed (started Aug. 20)

No alcohol current straight 12 days/longest straight thus far June 28-August 3 = 36 days
No sugar current straight 7 days/longest straight was 39 days (July 1-Aug. 9)
No cigs current straight 11 days/longest straight was 38 days straight July 1-Aug. 8
No processed foods current straight 7 days/longest straight 40 days (July 1-Aug.10)

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Old 08-30-2008, 09:10 PM   #36  
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Hey all. Beachlover, I started law school last week. Need to get back in the study habit, as I got my undergrad 15 years ago.

Well, I did my 1/2 marathon today. Tough. But I got 'r' done! I did not meet my goal of 192 by the race, but 198 is still pretty good. I need to set a new goal for myself. . .

Well, I need to get some sleep here. I will try to type more tomorrow. Good luck to all.
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Old 08-31-2008, 07:33 AM   #37  
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Red face hoping for a bit of hope here...

Hi all. Plugging along here.
Reading "Confessions of a Carb Queen" by Susan Blech and I'm finding it captivating.
It's dredging up a lot of bad memories though, things from my teen years, when eating got out of control big time. Sigh.
On the other hand, now that I'm on the part where she's losing weight, I'm finding it inspiring. So much so, that I actually did a bit of cleaning in my room, which to put it mildly. I've been soooo depressed, nothing gets done. I come home and sit there trying to forget my life. Not good. Got to make changes. Blech's book may help
By the way, for any of you others looking for a bit of inspiration. Here is a good interview with Blech. It's not about the book, but about her life now.

This site itself looks great, all sorts of inspiring people. Just click back to the main page.

Shy -- How are you doing? I hope your knee is better. Thanks for stopping in and saying heh.

jolly -- Congrats on the marathon!! But what is "r?" And, heh, major kudos for breaking into onederland!! 72 lbs! WOW!!

beach -- How's the football weekend turning out? Tell me when the Steelers are nearing the Super Bowl. You can stay away from the munchies! Remember, it's not you out there playing! Heh, and good going on your challenges. I didn't realize you were doing no smoking too. Keep it up!

Arabella -- Thanks for the support. How are you doing?That woosh fairy should be around any time now!
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Old 08-31-2008, 10:41 AM   #38  
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Half marathon, Red, half - but thanks! 'r', well Git 'r' done is cowboy speak out here. For get her done, or to steal from Nike, just do it. i am glad the book is helping. Sometimes it is all a matter of finding the right resources at the right time.

I overdid it this morning, and feel sick now. The whole idea of a "free" day has to go.
Have a good day all.
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Old 08-31-2008, 12:51 PM   #39  
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Hi everyone,

I've been totally, utterly, unforgivably off the wagon and I can't seem to get my sorry fat a$$ back on. I went totally sugar and garbage crazy while my husband and stepkids were away from STRESS STRESS STRESS and now they're back and it's more STRESS STRESS STRESS.. While they were away I spent 2 days with my sister's family and parents at my sister's house and I'm so proud of myself - I was supposed to be there for another day and I came down the night before and siad that I wanted to go home. <y kids were miserbale, I was miserable, and I wanted a good hour or 2 in my house before my husband came home. What a pathetic monologue here...

I woke up on tuesday (sister-going day) with a sore throat. Okay. Wedmesday - we went to anoutdoor airforce museum in over 100 degree weather and I came home with a migraine and a rash. thought it was heat rash. Well - heat rash didn't go awayually spread all over my body and sore throat got so bad I went to the doctor today - she told me i probably have mono (AGAIN...) and I had to do a billion blood tests. what worries me is not mono, but that she asked me who my primary doctor is for my diabetes. and I said - I don't have diabetes, and she said - yes you do.. So I went out of ther feeling sick and miserable and that's where I am right now. Sick and miserable.

But I didn't eat any junk today.

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Old 08-31-2008, 03:11 PM   #40  
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Jolly, congrats on the 1/2 marathon and going back to school!! I know how tuff it is. I've been in school for 20 years. I guess I'm making a career out of it.

red, i did really well Sat. Ate soo much veggies and good stuff that I wasn't hungry. Didn't smoke either! I've been chewing Nicorette for the last couple of days, but it's starting to make my stomach turn, so I guess I'm giving it all up completely. And the Dawgs won!! Congrats on your progress as well.

miriam, I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. I'll be praying for you.

As of Saturday:

Personal Challenges: Day 4Complete
Stay within my daily WW Points - 1 Pause
Stop Smoking - 1 Pause
Gym 7 Days a week - 3 Pauses
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Old 08-31-2008, 04:57 PM   #41  
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Not too much action around here these days, is there? Where is everyone? Well, I guess mod is in Vegas, but others? Anyhow, we have our ups and downs. I just hope we see a bit more action soon.
Well, I continue along, not feeling good at all. Just wanting to sleep, just wanting to have some good feelings in my life again and somehow even the thought of losing weight isn't giving me a lift. Twelve days off booze again may be the reason. I guess the high of being lit does have its moments. Still, it's high time I went out and tried to create those moments by working on a life that is more fulfilling. Isn't instant gratification nice those? I guess you could have instant gratification though by looking at something you've worked a long time time on and finally accomplished, like a body you're proud of, or a clean room, things I CAN do NOW. Sigh.
When I think of that, heck, losing weight and getting in shape IS something I can do right now, so there is no reason to get bummed. Hmmm.


beachluvr -- Good going on the veggies and no smoking. You're doing well!!

miriam -- Oh my gosh. That is awful news. Undiagnosed diabetes. Gets me thinking. But what a ridiculously crude way to break it to you. Who ARE these doctors? I certainly hope you can get things under control, go to some decent doctors and find out the specifics. Diabetes is easily controllable these days, so you needn't worry. Perhaps, if this is the case, you can get to the root of a lot of problems that you didn't realize were coming from this and be much better off overall. And miriam, you are hardly fat, you weigh less than I do! So, stop beating yourself up.

jolly -- Ok, clear on the "r." As for the marathon, it's kind of like saying a single scoop cone isn't ice cream. Single or double, half or full, it's still a marathon!!! Stop belittling the things you do! I understand the problem of free days. Maybe you need to change the name and your idea of what is allowable. As a rider...liken it to a relaxed walk on a long rein. Just because you're taking a break doesn't mean you have to take off the bridle and allow the horse to do what she wants with you still in the saddle.


Where I stand on Monday (not including Monday)


No sugar 8 days completed/undecided on pauses
Vegetable juice 8 days completed/3 pauses
Food and exercise journal 7 days complete/no pauses


No booze 12 days completed/no pauses allowed (started Aug. 20)
No smoking 12 days completed/no pauses allowed (started Aug. 20)

No alcohol current straight 13 days/longest straight thus far June 28-August 3 = 36 days
No sugar current straight 8 days/longest straight was 39 days (July 1-Aug. 9)
No cigs current straight 12 days/longest straight was 38 days straight July 1-Aug. 8
No processed foods current straight 8 days/longest straight 40 days (July 1-Aug.10)

Last edited by redballoon; 09-01-2008 at 09:24 AM.
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Old 08-31-2008, 09:58 PM   #42  
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Miriam, I am very sorry to hear about your troubles, and hope they get things diagnosed and under control soon.

Beachlvr, way to go on giving up cigarettes. That is a huge thing to do. Keep up the great work.

Red, first, I love the long rein analogy. That certainly puts it into perspective and you are very right. I need to keep that in mind, and get the bridle back on the horse. Also, you are right, you need to work on things now. With family ailing, and stories of friends of friends - life is too darn short to be miserable. What can you do today to change your situation, and be the heroine of your life story, instead of the victim???

I am trying to wrap up some things before getting to studying. I did power shopping today for the cruise, and spent an obscene amount of money. But it was SUCH a treat, not having to shop in the plus department. Woo hoo.

I was also motivated to come up with a new short term goal, to reach by my birthday. Hopefully I will get some new challenges going here soon.

Take care all
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Old 09-01-2008, 12:02 PM   #43  
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Cool Happy Labor Day!!

Well crap! I smoked last night. And I'm so dissapointed now and it wasn't worth it at all! But a new day. On a happier note, official weigh in today and I've lost 3.4 lbs. I worked out yesterday and really pushed myself. I even jogged a little. The treadmills at the gym are in the front, and I think everyone behind me can see my big butt jiggling. A man must have designed that layout.

red - Don't be bummed. Wish I had some words of wisdom for you. One thing I do know is happiness is where you find it. I'm sitting here drinking coffe and watching the hummingbirds come to the feeder. Couldn't be happier. Simple, I know, but I think finding joy in the little things is what life is all about. Course, I color when I'm really sad too, so I might just be a little bit crazy.

jolly - when/where is your cruise? A friend and I are going to be booking one very soon. I've never been on one before so I'm very excited!

Personal Challenges: As of Sunday
5 Days Complete-Stay within my daily WW Points - 1 Pause
4 Days Complete-Stop Smoking - 0 Pauses
5 Days Complete-Gym 7 Days a week - 3 Pauses
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Old 09-01-2008, 04:33 PM   #44  
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All I can say is that things seem worse and worse and I am exhausted beyond measure. That is my mental outlook and a lot of it is physical as I push and push myself. The heat and humidity aggravate my skin something horrible and that doesn't help. Despite all I do, my skin is worse. The only solace is that with my new futon dryer I am sleeping a bit better at night. Unfortunately, there are simply not enough hours till I have to be up again. Seeing my skin so bad makes me feel worse too. It all seems hopeless and I think that my only resort is to go for the steroids, which I so don't want. Anyhow, I shall kick on. Maybe I will have a breakthrough if the weather would cool off.I sit here drenched in sweat all the time and that is the worst thing for my skin.

Let's hope the not drinking, not smoking and not eating sugar will eventually help me. In a way now, I feel it's the only thing I have, to keep holding on to this.

Hate sounding so down but that's the way things are. Your words of support do help.


jolly -- Glad you liked the long rein analogy. I do the same thing myself (or did) with my pauses. So, it spoke to me as well. Power shopping! Wow! Good to have such fun. You truly deserve it and what a present for getting under 200.

beach -- Oh, bummer on the smoking. As long as you can remember that feeling of it not being worth it then you're making progress. It's when you have enough of those feelings that the whole "NOT doing" something becomes second nature that you won't do the thing you don't really want to and then you're free of it. I was that way with drinking. I had to drink over and over and feel afterward that it wasn't worth it and only then was I able not to do it in the first place. Now, what I need, is to feel that it is WORTH it not to be doing these things and I will feel sooo much better.


Where I stand on Tuesday (not including Tuesday)


No sugar 9 days completed/undecided on pauses
Vegetable juice 9 days completed/3 pauses
Food and exercise journal 8 days complete/no pauses


No booze 13 days completed/no pauses allowed (started Aug. 20)
No smoking 13 days completed/no pauses allowed (started Aug. 20)

No alcohol current straight 14 days/longest straight thus far June 28-August 3 = 36 days
No sugar current straight 9 days/longest straight was 39 days (July 1-Aug. 9)
No cigs current straight 12 days/longest straight was 38 days straight July 1-Aug. 8
No processed foods current straight 9 days/longest straight 40 days (July 1-Aug.10)

Last edited by redballoon; 09-02-2008 at 02:06 AM.
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Old 09-01-2008, 07:14 PM   #45  
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I am doing better. The knee is still a pain and makes everything I do take forever but it is getting better. It is very important for me to come in here and read what is going on with everyone. I am doing well on the eating. It is the one thing I can control and I am being very careful what I put into my body. The meads are still packing on a few pounds so I sure don't want to add to it. I am so sorry you are having such a rough time. You have so much going on and I am sure there aren't enough hours in the day. All you can really do right now is make sure you are very organized. That is the only way you are going to have any time for yourself. Oh my gosh, I do understand about the skin thing. I have eczema and when it flairs up I feel so bad about how I look. Keep in mind, it might be the same for you as it is for me. It bothers me far more than anyone else even notices it. How we look really does effect all other aspects of how we feel about our selfs. You are working on some really hard goals and it might take time to meet each of those goals. Be proud of yourself each and every day you meet even one of them.

You are doing terrific. Nice going on that loss and getting into the 100's. Hope school is going well.

Stopping smoking can be very hard for some people. Each day you don't smoke is a huge accomplishment.

Oh my you have really had a lot going on haven't you. You get a good physical and all the blood work that goes with it. Better to know what is wrong with us so we can do something about it. Stress, no matter what we do there seems to be stress from something and getting off the wagon does happen. You sit and remember how proud you were of yourself each and everyday you did what you needed to do to make yourself a more healthy thinner person. Get all the crap out of the house no matter who wants it there. They should care more about you than about getting to eat things they don't need anyway and get back on that wagon. You will feel so good about yourself.
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