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Old 01-24-2002, 10:53 PM   #1  
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Default The Thin Group #73

Hello and welcome to the Thin Group! We are a great group of ladies (but men are welcome if there are any who care to join us) who have one thing in common. We are all working together toward our goal of being healthier in our daily lifestyles and to lose weight in 2000. There are all different ages and backgrounds here and we all have different ways of losing our weight. We all love to have fun and laugh, but we also give a lot of support, encouragement and motivation for one another.

Please feel free to post with us - just jump right in and believe me, you will be welcomed with open arms. The more the merrier! turn.
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Old 01-24-2002, 11:01 PM   #2  
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Peggy...........You BRAT,BRAT....BRAT!!!!! I just KNEW it would be CJ starting the new one!!!! LOL!!!! This was too funny!!!!

Sherry (Sher-Bear)
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Old 01-24-2002, 11:08 PM   #3  
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Had to start a new thread. I have this recipe for CJ that was sent to me by a friend this morning...

When I found this recipe I thought it was perfect for those people who just are not sure how to tell when poultry is cooked thoroughly but not dried out. Give this a try. This recipe may be modified for any type poultry.


6-7 lb. chicken
1 cup melted butter
1 cup stuffing
1 cup uncooked popcorn
salt/pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brush chicken well with melted butter, salt and pepper. Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn. Place in baking pan in the oven and listen for popping sounds.

When the chicken's *** blows out the oven door and flies across the room, the chicken is done.

And you thought I couldn't cook.

Last edited by sweet tooth; 01-26-2002 at 09:35 AM.
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Old 01-24-2002, 11:19 PM   #4  
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hahahahahahahahahahahahaha..... LMAO!!!!!

Peggy: Let me be the first to BRAT YOU! Both you and Sherry had evil thoughts of taking advantage of poor CJ who was soaking in her hot tubby bath ... and you won! Too funny!

Sherry: Sorry, Peggy beat you ... Next time you can be the BRAT! Too funny ... On the serious side, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow ... hope your news is good news! Let us know!

OK ... NOW, I am going to bed.

Love, CJ

PS: I think I may have to talk to hubby about hooking up a computer in the bathroom ........................................ LOL
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Old 01-25-2002, 12:17 AM   #5  
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Default Guess what?

The reason I've been putting on weight lately? I'm retaining fluid because

I'm pregnant!! ...(passing out from shock)...

Yes, we were using protection. Yes I am still breastfeeding. No, I haven't even had my monthlies yet. But I'm pregnant again!

So two kids about 17-18 months apart, oh joy!! And don't forget my job ends in four weeks, so no ideas about the $ situation.

CJ - can you please take me off the updates list? Thanks! I'm unhappy that I didn't make it to goal (about 10 pounds off), but what can I do.

This pregnancy however, I plan to stay here and I plan to stay fit and not gain 40 pounds! I'm only about 5.5-6 weeks in, so I'm only telling my online friends. 'Real life' friends can find out when we hit 13 weeks. Or, given that my post-baby belly isn't flat, I may show earlier, who knows...

I'll be back later when I've read everyone's posts.
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Old 01-25-2002, 10:09 AM   #6  
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Good Morning Everyone,
Well after a few days of worrying about why they called about my pap smear I found out that it just needs a retake..YUK!!! as there was blood in it and they coulodn't read it right. I have benn really good and have now dropped 3 of the 6 pounds I gained from the holidays. It just proves what will happenwhen you let yourself get back in control.

Peggy...Here you had me all set to make a new chicken recipe over the weekend. That was really funny. I sure hope you get to go on your trip when you reach your goal. How exciting that will be. Is your brother in Korea in the service? My hubys aunt spent time there working for her church some years ago. I am sure it is all different now.

Sherry....Prayers and hugs to you as you go to the Dr. today. Prayer is powerful so with all you are getting it should help.

C.J...Glad you are feeling somewhat better, That flu is going around here too. Just hope it passes me up. I will have to get to your recipe site to see all the new stuff.

Dreamer.....Congratulations to you on your new little one you are expecting. It may seem like a long and hard road to travel right now, but it will all work out for you. Look at howyou seemed all worried when Charlotte was on her way. It all worked out. When exactly are you due?

Chrissy and Sharon...Hope things are improving with Papa. You are a very special gal Chrissy to be there for him when he needs you, as are your daughters Em and Ellie. Hope school is going good for you and you haven't droped the classes. You have to keep on trucking girl!!!LOL

Judy...How is the remodeling coming along? Bet it really is going to lok nice when all is done.

JO...And how is your kitchen redo coming along? You are lucky that Rich is so handy and can do most all of it himself. Saves lots of $ but does take time.

Off I go to that thng in the basement that is called a treadmill. I wanted to get up earlier and go withhubby to walk the dog as it is soooo nice outside here, but didn't make it in time. So I will turn the T.V. on and go walk downstairs. Take care. Love to all Sandi
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Old 01-25-2002, 10:13 AM   #7  
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Hi. Just checking in this morning after a very long day at work yesterday. Got to work about 7:30 am and left about 9:30 pm with about a half hour's break all day. The bad part about it is that I still have tons of work to catch up on. The good part is that hubby was schmoozing with a delegation from a Thai university, along with the president and executives from the college that we work for. Guess what, guess what? He has to go to Thailand to do some training and the president thinks that I should go along and we should take some holiday time afterward. ALL at the institutions expense. Yippee! Phukett, here I come... In that size 6 bikini, too!!!

When hubby was dining with the Thai people, one of them was asking him if he had been to Pat Pong. For those who don't know, that is the major street in Bangkok where the sex trades and brothels are located. However, they have a fabulous night market there, the McDonalds is across the street, Burger King on the corner and a really neat Iris Pub is about 1/2 a block away. Well, whenever we wanted to go to the pub (one of the only places to get potatoes), we would tell the cab driver to take us to Pat Pong street because they wouldn't understand any other landmarks. When the locals ask about Pat Pong, they automatically assume that you are going there for the sex trades, not for potatoes. LOL.

CJ - You shouldn't have had that bath last night. LOL. I was here lurking and waiting for an opportunity to be a GREAT, BIG BRAT.

Sam - Congrats (I think), on the new baby. You are certainly going to have your hands full with 2 little ones to chase. I can remember those days and fell like having a nap... You should stay on the weekly updates with CJ and just adjust your goal weight to reflect the top weight that you want to be when you deliver. Although you would gain, it would be a constant reminder for you.

Hope everyone is OP this week. I have to have some blood tests done tomorrow and must fast before, so that should help me a bit. Have a great weekend, everyone. Talk on Monday.
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Old 01-25-2002, 10:41 AM   #8  
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I'm back. Haven't been here in a little while but just caught up with all you guys.

Yesterday morning, drove 40 miles to the hospital in pea soup fog to get my mammogram. Ouch, must have been a man who invented that machine!!!! Technician said it all looked OK but doctor will check it and get back to me in a few days.

Then I drove home for a quick stop and then set out to the laser eye center for a post-op check up. They're still trying to get FDA funding for the procedure I had so they needed to check me again for the study. Anyway, by then it was pouring teeming rain and here's Jo travelling along the turnpike with all the truckers doing 80MPH spraying water everywhere. Actually had to pull into a rest area for about 10-15 minutes to wait out the rain. Lots of other cars there doing the same thing. The rain let up a little and we all pulled outta there at once. Mass exodus!!! Actually pretty funny.

Anyway, my eye doc. is right next to a huge shopping mall and I had some time to kill sooooo...... Well, you know me. Then I went to my appointment and he had to dilate my pupils so I ended up feeling my way home. Fortunately, the rain had pretty much let up by then. Just gray and drizzly.

Have to tell you guys this!!! Last time I saw this eye doctor was a good 4-5 months ago at least. He's really nice and friendly and likes to chat. Anyway, I was leaving and he said everything looks good and I told him it looked good from my side as well. Then I was walking away and he says "Hey!" so I turned and he shouts across the entire waiting room "You've lost weight!!!" I grinned and said "35 pounds!" and he told me how good I looked and I said "wait till you see me next appointment!". I walked out of there with a huge grin on my face and a spring in my step!!!

Peggy, sounds like a vacation to a foreign, exotic land is in the works! Sounds great! BTW, I was about to copy your recipe until I read the whole thing. You're too funny!

Sandi, congrats on doing so well to get back on track. Now send some of those vibes my way, would you? Don't worry about the pap test. It's annoying and inconvenient but I'm sure it'll be fine. The kitchen reno. is moving slowly but it'll get there eventually. Time is the big thing we're short of!

Sam, congratulations!!! I think it'll be good to have both kids so close to the same age. Now do you want Charlotte to have a little sister or little brother?

CJ, gee, I don't know. Using your computer while in the bubble bath could be a very "shocking" experience! Then again, what a great time saver. Sorry about not sending my stats but I did post them real quick on the updates thread as you've obviously seen. I'm not the most organized chick in the world. (Oh, Jo, there's news!)

Guess I'd better go. Boss is supposed to be back from his trip today but hasn't come in yet. Hope that doesn't mean he shows up at noon and expects me to stay here with him until 8PM or something. NOT!!!

Have a good one!
Much love, Jo.

P.S. Peggy ...... BRAT!!!!!!
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Old 01-25-2002, 11:23 AM   #9  
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Remember me? I used to be a regular member of this thread, but haven't posted since last September. Well, it's time for me to get back on track. I've gained back about 5 lbs., but I still weigh 20 lbs. less than a year ago. My goal is to lose at least a lb. a week for as long as I can stand it! I'd like to lose another 25 lbs. by July.

I have to take some time to read some threads and catch up on old friends and learn about some new ones. I spend most of my day at work on the computer, so I don't spend much time on it at home anymore. I'll try to post here at least twice a week.

Jo, congratulations on the 35 lbs. Doesn't it feel great when people notice!

Peggy, nice to meet you. A trip to Thailand sounds exotic! I loved your baked chicken recipe. Ha, Ha!

Sam, congratulations on being pregnant! My two children were born 15 months apart, so I can understand what you are and will be going through. My second one was also a surprise. The first few years were not easy, but after that, it was great. My son and daughter were best friends when they were growing up.

Sandi, nice job losing 3 lbs. You've already lost half of that holiday weight gain.

CJ, hope you are feeling better soon. I had a flu shot this year for the first time, so I'm hoping that I don't get it.

I know I've missed some people. Hello to Sharon, Chrissy, Judy, Carolyn, Sylvia, and Sherry.

I will be back to post again very soon. Take care.

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Old 01-27-2002, 01:18 PM   #10  
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Hi guys,
Got back from Michigan very late Wednesday night. Had a horrible trip back to Indiana. Most of it was driving in pea soup fog and when I got to Indiana I had pouring rain in addition to the fog. I had to keep on stopping every so often to uncross my eyes and get a cup of coffee or something with caffine in it to keep me alert.

I took my brother Jerry back with me here. He is mildly retarted an can't live alone. So for now he is with me and likes it so far. He had a choice to come to Indiana to live with me or in Boca Raton, Florida to live with my older brother, Skip. But he loves it at our house. I still have the boys home, Dan and Al and since my son Alan works at the show he has been taking Jer to the show-free, which he likes so much. He also likes taking care of my 3 cats and our cockatiel bird too. He is like a mother hen to them, letting them in and out and in and out. LOL He is such a sweetie and no trouble at all. He had a job at the Ram's Horn restaurant in Michigan where Dad and him lives as a dishwasher and the boss says they will try to hold his job open for a month or so and have him covered. But now I don't know if he will be able to go home, Chrissy says Dad is not doing well and the he can't live alone. The cancer he has is called Lymphomia and he will need maybe 6 months of chemo and we will have to come up with some arrangements to care for him somehow. My sister in law, Chrissy has been such a help, but she has her own life between school and work as my nieces Emily and Ellen do too. It is not fair to her to put that on her. Since my brother and her husband, Rick was killed she has been through so much, bless her heart. It is so hard for her I know somedays. But she is still an angel since I live in Indiana and my other brother in Florida, she has been there for us to help with Dad in Michigan.

But thanks each and everyone of you for all your prayers for Papa. I know this is rough, but the way I feel is that the lymphomia is better than if he had the gastric cancer where maybe he wouldn't have even had chemo cause it is really brutal on him for 85 yrs old. The other cancer he may live a year or two, but while this one isn't curable, but treatable. No cancer is really good but there is nothing we can do to change what he has and God willing he may live quite a few years longer. I feel like every single day or moment we have him in our life will be treasured. All we can do is be there for him.

Anyways I am trying to do my best for now. I am back to work at H & R Block and trying to focus on my family, work ect but it is hard somedays. I am sooooo stressed it is not funny. But things will all work out somehow. If we can just get through this, we can get through anything.

CJ-Great going on your one pound loss. As long as you keep on going down down down that is the important thing. You are doing so good. It was so great having lunch with you the other day. Sorry it was for such a short time. I really loving seeing you again. I always do, you are a wonderful special friend. Thanks for being there for me. Love you girlfriend!

Judy-Gosh so sorry about you Mother In Law, I know that you have fond memories and I know that you are glad you went to her funeral. Sounds like you living room is coming along nicely. Enjoy it!

Trish-Hi there girlfriend, glad to have you back here. Don't worry about those 5 lbs, I know it was the holidays and they can be hard with all those good things that go with it. It will come off in no time with our fellow Thinsters support. I am so glad you posted, missed you!

Mary Kay-Good hearing from you again. That is great that you are getting that mammogram. I don't like them either, but I guess it is something I must do and it could save my life. So just grin and bear it. LOL How is work coming along? Hope you take some time for yourself too.

Peggy-Wow you get to go to Thailand. You are one lucky dog arn't you? I would be so happy if I could travel like you do. You will have a great time and to think that it is a free trip is even better. Thanks for praying for Papa too. Wow 51 lbs gone forever. YOU GO GIRL!

Sherry-Hi Sher-Bear, hope that you test results come out the way you hope they will. I know it is rough not knowing. Just hang in there, I will pray for you that the results are favorable for you. I sent you an long email the other day and hope you got it. Thanks so much for adding Dad to your prayers. I really love you and all the other Thinsters for all your prayers for Papa. Miss you too. ((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))

Tricia/Motivated Kitten-What a wonderful job you are doing on your exercise program. Hopefully that shot won't hurt you I don't think if you just keep on exercising like you have been doing. I am on hormones myself and when I asked my doctor about gaining weight, she just said "If you sit on the couch and do nothing but eat than you will gain weight, but if you continue with your life style and keep on your WW program and exercise like you are doing, you will do fine" And you know what Tricia? I did just that, didn't change a thing and have still continued to lose weight, I just try harder that's all. Good luck to you.

Sylvia-Good for you on Weight Watchers now at work with some buddies. You will find that it will be easier with some buddy support. You can all help each other and even have a contest for whoever loses the most weight. Maybe you can each put in like a buck a week and winner takes all and that would pay for their lunch. I am excited for you, it is a great program, that I really like. I just know you will do great too. Thanks to you too for your prayers.

Jello-Glad the kitchen is coming along even if it is at a snails pace. LOL I know you are glad you have Rich around to help cause if you had to do everything if you are anything like me-WATCH OUT! LOL Good for you getting your mammogram too. Yes I agree with you that a man must have invented it. HA HA Doesn't that make you feel good when your eye doctor noticed that you had lost weight. It is all paying off isn't it? Thanks so much for your thoughts and concerns for our family. We appreciate it so much. Thanks for your kind thoughts Jo.

Sandi-Sorry about your mother in law and will pray for her too that she recovers. Thanks for being there for Chrissy and I as well. Sounds like you are doing really well getting half of your weigh off. Good for you! Oh yes congratulations to you, Spence, Carrie and her hubby on the soon to be new little one. I know you must be really excited about the prospect of a brand new life coming soon.

Chrissy-It is so nice that we have been in constant touch these last couple of weeks. I loved seeing you and the girls, even under these circumstances. You know how I feel about you for all you and Em and El have been doing for Papa. I know things have been rough on everyone, but just hang in there and I will too. I love you Chissy so much. You are the best sister in law in the world. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((CHRISSY))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))

On the weight front, while in Michigan I was stressed but we ate out a while lot, like about every meal. We just grabbed a bit to eat and didn't always make the best choices and sometimes didn't feel like salads, sometimes I did but sometimes I didn't. LOL So not sure what the scale will say when I go to my WW meeting tomorrow, it looks like it is really up so this past week I have been trying to get back to where I was program wise and exercise wise. I was happy I didn't gain any weight during the holidays at least but just hope it isn't up so much. But whatever it will be I will just own up to it and do my best to get what I gained off. I just can't beat myself up over things right now.

But anyways I missed you guys and don't know what I would ever do without you wonderful ladies.

I love you lots, Sharon

Last edited by Sassy; 01-27-2002 at 01:30 PM.
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Old 01-28-2002, 09:11 AM   #11  
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Default Go Patriots!!!!

And all that. Everyone kept saying it was going to be the Pittsburgh Steelers against either Philadelphia or St. Louis. Everyone kept assuming Pittsburgh was going to beat New England with no problem. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Sorry to be off-topic but I love it when the underdog wins. Too bad the Eagles couldn't do it but then I'd have a problem deciding who to cheer for. Now it's Patriots allll theeee waaaayyyyy.....!!!

The bad news is that I spent yesterday at the VFW, first for the breakfast which was so slow I had plenty of time to pick at the food instead of preparing and serving it, and then for the football (on the big screen) game festivities. Read that as: LOTS OF FOOD. Ooooh, I was baaaaad!

I weighed in Sat. AM with the exact same weight as last week and, considering the PMS and water retention, I guess that was pretty good. Did a little cleaning around the house Saturday afternoon and then went to dad's birthday dinner at a nice italian restaurant. Jo and her pasta!

Needless to say, I have to be VERY VERY GOOD this week. I've decided I'm going to be PERFECT, counting points, drinking water, exercising, no snacking. That's my challenge for the week.

Well, I've been interrupted a dozen times. Don't know what I'm saying anymore. Have to run.

Love you guys.
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Old 01-28-2002, 10:11 AM   #12  
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Hi everyone. Happy Monday morning. It is crisp and cool here...actually more like cold at -27 this morning. The one down side about losing weight is that I am really feeling the cold this year. I guess there is no insulation to keep me warm. LOL

Just back from WI this morning. Another 1.5 pounds this week. That makes 13.5 pounds left to lose until I reach goal. Yahoo. I'm expecting that about mid-March. Finally can see the end of the tunnel and there isn't a train coming towards me.

Sharon - Good to hear that you are back from Michigan safe and sound. It is so good to know that you are able to take care of your brother now that Papa is so sick. I'm sure that takes a big worry off his mind. You have such wonderful family suppoty you get you through this. Still praying for you and the family.

Chrissy - You take care also. Hope to hear more from you soon. You haven't been posting to the food journal and I miss you there. See you soon...

Trish - I must have just started posting to this thread when you left. I started posting about the beginning or middle of August. Hope to hear more from you.

Jo - Be good this week. You can do it. Don't worry about staying the same weight this week, you've heard this before - It's better than a gain. Just keep going from there. You can do it, girl.

Well, I better go. I have a dr. appointment this morning to find out the results of the cancer that I had removed before Christmas. Hoping that they turn out OK.

P.S. We have light in 2 out of 3 bedrooms. One bedroom didn't work because the switch was faulty, the other didn't work because the ground wire had fallen off the light fixture. Those were simple fixes. I think the third bedroom needs a little more than that...
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Old 01-28-2002, 07:28 PM   #13  
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Thumbs down

I'm going to type fast because I keep getting bumped off!! Talk about making me mad. Well, I'm still plugging along here in KY. Haven't had good luck with my WW the last 3 weeks but hoping for better results tomorrow night.
I don't have a recipe that will top the one I just read earlier but the current WW magazine has a great one for Hearty Chili. It taste more like a vegetable chili. Took a crock pot full of it to school last week and we loved it. Even non-WW wanted to eat it but we wouldn't share. Page 20 if you have the magazine, if not I will post it.
I am so far behind reading the post, that I am spending the night reading them. I hope to be back soon. I won't promise because that doesn't seem to work for me. I miss everyone and am glad to hear about the success stories.
Everyone take care and stay OP.
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Old 01-29-2002, 08:52 AM   #14  
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Good morning. Don't want to be here at work. It's supposed to break records and go up to 64 degrees and sunny today. Have to keep reminding myself it's January. Of course, tomorrow and the rest of the week, the weather's supposed to go back to the usual - cold, snow, gray, etc. That makes it even worse that I'm stuck in here today.

In other news, Jo's having cramps, headache, nausea, basic aches and pains. I think I'm going to have to break down and talk to my gyn. about this monthly hassle. I remember my days on the Pill and how much easier it was. Now I go through a bottle of Midol once a month.

I'm going to stop whining now. The good news is now that I'm no longer PRE menstrual, my weight is dropping a little. I needed that good news on my scale this morning.

Carolyn, please post your chili recipe on the recipe thread! Sounds really good. I used to get the WW magazine but let my subscription lapse when they went from monthly to every other month. Do you think the recipe's on the WW website?

Trish, I forgot to say WELCOME BACK!!! I think of you every time I go up your way to visit mom and dad. I'm so glad to see you posting again. Also glad you're back on track with the weight loss. I like your attitude! 20 lbs. less than a year ago. And I love the "pound a week for as long as I can stand it"!

Sharon, I'm still thinking of you and your family. {{{SHARON}}} Your always in my thoughts and prayers.

I have to run now. I've decided to take up smoking..... OK, not really. But I've noticed some smokers go outside for a cigarette break practically every hour on the hour and it's so nice outside that I want to do that too. Once again, the little princess who mans the phones besides me has called in sick (it's pretty much a weekly event, especially on nice days, imagine that) but I'm tired of being taken for granted so I'm taking breaks and doing other amazing and fun stuff like .... oh, I don't know ... how about going to the darned bathroom every now and then!!!!

Sorry. I'm venting again. I'll shut up now. Thanks for listening/reading!!

Much love, Jo.
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Old 01-29-2002, 09:03 PM   #15  
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Hmmm, another person who doesn't want to be at work. It is supposed to warm up today...all the way to -17. I would like to be at home, with a cozy fire to curl up in front of.

Carolyn - Thanks for posting the chili recipe. It looks really good and that is one of my fav. foods. I must try.

Jo - You have been so quiet lately. Don't worry about feeling so rotten. I'm right on your heals and can relate to the experience. You'd think I would be old enough for menopause. LOL Started to crave chocolate today, a sure sign that pms is setting in. I also had a major run-in with the chocolate chip cookies today. I managed to stay within my allotted points, but don't like to do that, just the same. This is promising to be a bad week in the weight loss department for me. However, there will still be one week left to lose some pounds before I see the snooty sil at a family wedding.

Has anyone heard from Sherry this week? Hope everything is going well for her and that her tests have come back OK.

Sharon/Chrissy - Still thinking of you and your dad. Keeping you in my prayers.

Well, I guess I should go. I'm supposed to be doing a university assignment, but I'm using every excuse imaginable to prcrastinate. Take care. Talk to everyone later.

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