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Old 01-27-2006, 06:50 PM   #106  
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Hello all, I'm waiting on my husband to bring home supper frm our favorite fish camp. I ordered the steak with grilled shrimp. Salad w/ranch and baked potato but I want eat that. I'll save it for tomorrow and one of my daughters will heat it up and eat for lunch. I'm glad it is fri. also, buttttttt, I've got to work tomorrow from 7:30 am until 12:00pm. Trying to get caught up on my reading. We have a business meeting at the Fire Dept last night and I'm the Secretary who gets to take the minutes YA!!!!! And we didn't get home until 11:00. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Try to stay legal. Catch yall hopefully tomorrow. Hope all is well.

I do have a quick question though. For the ones who buys luncheon meats, what brand do you by that don't have the additives like dexotrol, etc. ?????

And someone mentioned that people keep legal protein bars for snack. What kind are those????

Thanks hugcrystal
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Old 01-27-2006, 07:35 PM   #107  
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Default Ashley Pecanty


I have a new picture of my daughter Ashley on the Gallery Photo Album. If you don't see it, email me you email address and I will forward you a copy of the picture.
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Old 01-27-2006, 07:42 PM   #108  
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BOB--It took me the better part of the morning to do the two layers--4" tall each. That will be what the two top tiers will be. I didn't do the big 13" bottom layer. I sent a pix to Monet to post. It is decorated for the French Pot luck we are going to tomorrow night. I'll take pix of the "real" one in March.
Glad to hear that you are on the mend. I had the cold with the gunk for 5 weeks. But the "high'tech" cough syrup, refilled once, did the trick.

Replais--Welcome. Hope you find this board helpful.

I am beading a blouse I bought, so we definitely will be watching TV tonight. That's when I do the beading. Think I may finish it tonight as I just have the back to finish up.

So, at that, I will sign off for the night and go and finish my beading.

Last edited by GatorGal; 01-27-2006 at 07:48 PM. Reason: spelling fix
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Old 01-28-2006, 12:27 AM   #109  
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I'm headed off to recline and watch one of the movies. I'm starting with HALF LIGHT and so far, it's good..I'll let you know..

GATOR...I can't wait to see the cake...Hope MONET can get it on tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a peaceful sleep!


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Old 01-28-2006, 06:27 AM   #110  
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Already got the coffee brewed and sitting here watching the DOG SHOW...

TIPPY and KATE are still snoring, but i'm awake and why lay in the bed for my back to end up hurting????

OH...MY...GAWD!!! Y'all have GOT to see HALF was one of the most suspenseful movies that I've seen in a long time! EXCELLENT MOVIE!!

I'm off for now...gonna drink the GROG and read the paper...


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Old 01-28-2006, 09:08 AM   #111  
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Hey all! Rachel and her best friend are still konked out on the couches, and I have dressed and put Buddy out! The girls did about half the cooking last night for dinner, which was great. But not legal Rachel has some of the American Girls activity books and one of them is Kirsten's cookbook. She was from Sweden which is where my family is from and we fixed meatballs and swedish creamed potatoes. The meatballs were not bad, I used legal bread crumbs, and for the potatoes, I used red potatoes, but they were swimming in cream. I had to have a few, because Rachel pretty much made them by herself, and I want her to enjoy cooking, so I tried them and they were very good. Maybe too good! This is not a meal we will have again soon, maybe I can encourage her to try some new recipes from one of my other cookbooks!

Rachel's friend is being picked up around 11am then I think we are off to Harry's. Dh has only been maybe once and that was years ago. So we are going to go see what we can find!
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Old 01-28-2006, 12:16 PM   #112  
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Good Morning! Oh, wait...afternoon, I guess. I have been up a while, but with it being the weekend, Tom and I have our espresso together, eat breakfast, and then I have time to think about hopping on the computer. My computer was acting up, but James reset my router and it seems to be a bit better. It was horribly slow to load before...and very frustrating.

I am going to try and post Gator's pix...hopefully, they are small enough to get on with out too much tinkering, as I don't have much time right now. If they are not attached to this post, I will do it later this afternoon when I have more time!

I still need to get the invitation stuff settled, so Laura and I are heading over to the mall in a bit to check out another stationary store. I hope it is cheaper than Swoozies! sheesh...

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Old 01-28-2006, 12:31 PM   #113  
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Default Good Saturday Morning!

Morning all!

It's clear and a little chilly here this morning, but should warm up nicely. I'm headed out in a little while to find a birthday present for my oldest niece--she turns 18 next week!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Gator--Your cake looks beautiful! I'm sure the wedding cake will be lovely. You and Monet are in full MOB mode!

Monet--Printing is expensive--did you notice??? Especially wedding invitations. You can get invitation sets from Paper Direct--have you checked them out? I imagine you can have them printed anywhere. I don't know how their cost compares. Google paper direct and you will find the site. I think I have something in b-ham on the 4th, but I'll have to check.

Bob--Just finished my Satruday coffee--uuummm. Belle and I are trying to figure out what to send my dn for her birthday. Belle keeps voting for Fancy Feast, but I don't know. . .

I hope everyone has a great Saturday!

Tech--Still have you in my thoughts and prayers--it will work out!

Talitha--Sounds like you are doing great!


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Old 01-28-2006, 12:48 PM   #114  
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Default Hi All

How is everyone today. I'm doing great just hanging out at home with hubby and girls. Had a wonderful time at our ladies meeting last nite. Finally bought a set of scales today. Still I sure am enjoying now having a foggy mind...

Bob--Hubby posted Ashleys Picture on the member gallery. Its a little fuzzy but we are soon going to get a family photo done and when we do I will post it. Have a great weekend.

To everyone else have a wonderful weekend and keep on keepin on!!!!!

I think about a week ago when I got back on SB I weighed around 275 now I'm happy to say I'm down to 262.5 not a good weight but better that what I started out at. My first goal is to reach 200 and then the second goal will be 180. When I reach that one maybe 20lb more then I would be sssssssssooooooo happy!
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Old 01-28-2006, 08:46 PM   #115  
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I don't know what you mean by "MEMBER GALLERY???

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Old 01-28-2006, 08:53 PM   #116  
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Bob its right underneath Tell a Friend at the top of the page.
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Old 01-28-2006, 10:33 PM   #117  
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Hey Ya'll!

Sorry I haven't been able to get here lately. I've been really busy with allot going on. Then I thought my computer problems were taken care of but it looks like Norton really messed me up bad so I'm working on getting something new going here.

Good news is that I'm staying on track & scales going down. I'm excited. Went to a meeting this am & passed on the sweet treats that were offered. Then had a baby shower this afternoon & I thought ahead, brought a serving size of Triscuits with me. Had the salsa & triscuits but passed on the sandwiches, cake, & punch! Horrah for me!

Thunder!! Great to see you back on track too! Hey, I didn't know about the gallery either but I found the picture. Shaaa, she sure has grown!
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Old 01-29-2006, 08:09 AM   #118  
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Hi all . So sorry Ive been a little scarce. My only time to come on here normally is the evenings during the week and I start to get on for a bit and the puppy starts needing attention and I feel bad since Ive been at work all day and havnt been around him . Luckily dh gets home each day between 9-11 am so hes here some of the day ( though he has to hit the sack not long after 11 ) so the puppy doesnt spend the whole entire day alone. But I've been sitting out in the living room on the floor with him while he plays. I wont let him out there alone since he is chewing and not potty trained yet. But Ive used that time to start reading on quilting. I now need to look for the type of sewing machine that I want to get. I just sold an old 43 year old one that was my great aunts since it did not have any of the features I would like to use. I would like one that does do embrodiery but I know some of those are REALLY expensive. I am not wanting to spend any more than $400 .. thats my top limit but if anyone has a suggestion on a brand/type Im open for ideas.
Oh and guess what?? Next week starts "more" ot. I guess the extra money is needed but it just gets old. They are also forcing us to come in a half day one Saturday over the next three weeks , we can pick one of our choice. Puts a kink in the weekend ( since thats really the only time I get to see dh ) but on the other hand I am very gratefull and appreciative to have a good job so I cant complain too much.
Im doing ok on eating. My weekends are still not good. I just eat way too much. I guess its cause I eat such small portions during the week I feel like
I deserve to have extra on the weekend ( actually only on Saturdays).
Right now Im just going to take one day at a time and not worry so much about what to eat, when to eat how much to eat since sometimes I feel so consumed with it. Ive been getting a ton of compliments lately ( dont see why) but even though the scale is not doing what I like I must be either toning or losing inches. So I will stick to my plan and try not to stress so much about it all. Thats one reason I want to take up a hobby is to get my focus off somewhere else.

Kris- Im sorry to hear about the problems your having with the moving and all. That is a scary thing moving to a whole new state. I did it about 9 years ago but at least I moved to where my family is but it was still difficult. I wanted to add to that my sister lives in Colorado and until just recently lived in Littleton for years and years. It really is a wonderful city. Dont let the Columbine situation sway you. You know that could happen anywhere. I dont think any place is 100% safe. Also my sister is a teacher and has been teaching in Colorado for 30 years. If youd like any suggestions on schools Id be more than happy to ask her for you. My sister now lives in Highlands Ranch just because they had a larger home built. My folks used to live in Colorado Springs... thats a very beautiful place. I loved it there when we would go visit.

Thunderwomen- aww what a nice pic.

Gator- cake looks wonderful !

Thats all I have time for this morning. Hi to everyone I missed.
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Old 01-29-2006, 10:15 AM   #119  
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Good Morning! Can you believe I am actually posting before noon on a weekend? I have six quiches in the oven...made with whole grain spelt flour...and I have finished my first cup of espresso. I even unloaded the dishwasher and loaded it back up. I is almost ready to run again! This family really goes through the dishes!

A friend of Laura's is staying with us for a few days. She is driving from Seattle to Florida to live with her sister. On the way, she just stopped and visited with folks she knew. They all met online in a multi-player game they all play, called World of Warcraft. Tom and I call it World of Warcrack, because it is obviously addicting! They all love it...Laura and Justin play it, James plays it...

We went shopping last night and got the material for the wedding dress. Hancock's had bridal satin on sale, so we got it, the lining, and all the notions, PLUS another pattern, since she had bought the wrong size, for $101. Ruth and another friend of the kids who is great seamstress, will make the dress in the next two weeks, then do a fitting. They are so cute in how they are acting very professional about how they are doing it. Ruth's dress cost over $200 for the material, so I am pleased. I felt pretty good about what I got done yesterday. I ordered the invitation stock, and we got the dress stuff. Now I need to get the invitations printed and addressed, figure out the music, sit down with Erik and set the menu and give him the money to get stuff, and find someone to clean up the church for us afterwards. I have the photography set, and the place. I don't know if there will be a rehearsal dinner...I keep asking Laura to discuss that with Justin, but they have got to be the two biggest procrastinators I have ever met! They are going to have an interesting life if one of them doesn't get over that! LOL ("what do you mean you need to repossess my car? What? I forgot to PAY for it? Oh...")

I need to go check my quiches... talk to you all later!
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Old 01-29-2006, 10:32 AM   #120  
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Default Morning all

This makes 2 weeks now I believe that I've been behaving myself. Now allgether I have dropped 13 lbs and am going to keep dropping them no matter what. I'm so glad that turnips are legal, I am going to cook me up some today. My mom gave me about 8 beautiful big nice ones. I pealed her some yesterday and they were so tender. Some of them are the size of a rutabega. I put up 13 quart bags of mustard greens about 3 weeks ago and they are so nice. I picked 6 grocery sacks packed down full, am going back to get some more. I shared them with my mom and a friend.

Melf--Hi there lady. Its good to see you here to. Yes my baby is growing like a weed. She will start Pre-K this coming school year. Hard to believe its been that long allready. She will be 4 August 18.

Bob--How did you fix your turnips? Did you ever get to Ashleys pic?

Cindyicing--Thank you. I got pregnant when I hit the 52lb lose mark I lost up to 64lbs but gained it all back after I had Ashley. But I am going to do it again and then some. I was 39 when I got preg and 40 when I had her.

Fillise--Hi there!!

Monet--I fix them like this--peal and cut in to cube put them in a skillet almost cover with water and a dab of butter boil them with a chicken bouilion cube until tender and put a little pepper in them...yummy. I could eat the whole skillet.....

Gatorgal--Hi there nice to see all my SB buddies still hanging in.

To everyone else have a wonderful legal day!!!!!!
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